Related Links
Below are some related links and sites that you might find interesting. If you would like to add a site to our list, please e-mail the webmaster at
The Small Business Advancement National Center is a multi-faceted small business counseling and electronic resource information center. |
The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) is the UK's largest and most well established network for individuals and organisations involved in: Small business and entrepreneurship research, Enterprise support and advice, Entrepreneurship education, Formulation, delivery and evaluation of policy in this area. With over 500 members, a network of close to 4,000 and a strong and relevant board, ISBE is at the forefront of developments in this sector. |
Sam Houston State University and the Department of General Business and Finance is organizing their first General Business conference (GBA2009). Huntsville is located just north of Houston, Texas. This two day conference is aimed at establishing a platform to share research findings and initiatives to enhance research, and teaching in the area of general business. Topics in the areas of finance, law, entrepreneurship and business communications are welcomed. |
Academic Journal Catalogue (AJC) portal is intended for people who give many years to scientific activity, as well as for all who makes the first steps in the development of various sciences. AJC is a rapidly growing scientific catalogue of scholar journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. Many journals of AJC are included in the leading abstracting and indexing databases. | |
- It is your most comprehensive, efficient guide to the most relevant, recent global events.
- It tells you what to expect from an event.
- It links you to the event's website, thus letting you know how you may participate in it (e.g. speaker, presentor, exhibitor).
- It features who are going to the same event that you're interested in, and who are speaking in that event. This gives you the opportunity to establish a network with people in the same profession and business.
- It allows you to express how you want the next event to be, or how you can learn more from it.
- It invites you to share an event you know or an event you're organizing and helps you promote it.
Bioedit Ltd offers high-quality language editing of papers in bioscience research, including health care. The service is particularly adapted to authors who experience rejection of their work because of poor English. Texts edited by Bioedit are readily understandable to journal referees and editors and are free from grammar and typographical errors. The editors at Bioedit are native-English speakers with PhD and MD degrees and successful careers in scientific publishing as editors, reviewers, and/or researchers in biology and medicine.
*Texts are edited by up to three independent editors, including a subject-specific editor and a grammar expert.
*Clear pricing starting from 40€/50US$/350CNY per 1000 words. Authors who mention Allied Business Academies benefit from a -10% discount.
*Free editing of revised manuscripts.
*Express editing in less than 48 hours.
*Secure and confidential. |
Professional editing and proofreading by native English speakers and subject experts. Our English editing and proofreading team comprises individuals with subject-specialized backgrounds and work experience. Our editors can therefore efficiently handle manuscripts from diverse subject areas. Among our editors are master's degree holders, PhDs, and even licensed doctors who are not only native English speakers but also experts in their respective academic domains. | |
Conference Alerts Worldwide is the leading website to promote and find conferences. Comprehensive conference database which is fully searchable and can be browsed by several categories. Enhance personal development, research and networking for yourself and members of your organisation. Significantly increase exposure, promote your conference online. |