Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict (Print ISSN: 1544-0508; Online ISSN: 1939-4691 )

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Peer Review Process

The journal submissions are subjected to single blind peer process by members of the Editorial Review Board. First, the Journal Editor reviews manuscripts for publication appropriateness, and uses a plagiarism verification tool to ensure the work is authentic. Then the Editor sends out the manuscript to few reviewers, without disclosing the identities of the reviewer. The review results are confidentially delivered to the Editor, who then reviews the comments, suggestions and feedback to ensure the comments are relevant and non-discriminatory before sending the recommendations back to the authors. Authors are given a chance to make revisions to their manuscripts based on the feedback they receive. Revised papers are sent back to the Editors who send the revised paper back to the original reviewers. In rare cases, authors are given a second chance to revise their papers should they not be found satisfactory after the first revision. A minimum of three-four positive evaluations are necessary for the manuscript to be forwarded to production team.

Plagiarism screening

All submitted manuscripts are subjected to plagiarism scanning software to analyze the extent and source of content duplication. Further processing of the manuscript is based on COPE guidelines.


Copyright and licensing terms

Articles are published under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY-NC [4.0] with non-commercial terms. Author retains the copyright of the published content. The publisher holds the license for publication and distribution.

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