Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Editorial Statement of Intent for the 20th Anniversary of the Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences



Chia-Lin Chang

Department of Applied Economics

Department of Finance
National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan


Chair, Editorial Board

Michael McAleer

Department of Quantitative Finance
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


Discipline of Business Analytics

University of Sydney Business School, Australia


Econometric Institute, Erasmus School of Economics

Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Department of Quantitative Economics

Complutense University of Madrid, Spain


Institute of Advanced Sciences

Yokohama National University, Japan  


Wing Keung Wong

Department of Finance and Big Data Research Center
Asia University, Taiwan


Department of Economics and Finance

Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong, China


Department of Economics

Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China  


October 2017


Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (JMIDS) is a highly reputable open access journal that is affiliated with the Allied Business Academies.

The journal focuses on disseminating the latest innovative research in the fields of management information system and its role in decision making, as well as their relationships to cognate disciplines, including Economics, Finance, Management, Management Science, Marketing, Statistics, Operations Research, and Engineering.

The intention of JMIDS is to publish innovative and high quality theoretical and applied papers, including case studies, on a wide range of topics in management information and decision sciences that are directly relevant for academics, researchers and practitioners alike.

JMIDS seeks academically rigorous papers that will appeal to theoreticians and will also have direct relevance to practitioners in management information and decision sciences.

Papers that use rigorous mathematical and statistical methods in the empirical testing of theory and models in health and medical economics are strongly encouraged.

Case studies that will enable portability of the findings in management information and decision sciences to other studies and disciplines are also welcome.

JMIDS caters to the needs of leading business executives and managerial force that is actively involved in management and decision making.

The journal also publishes extensively for managerial IT professionals, and industry practitioners in the fields of business management, information systems, and decision analysis.

Sponsored by the Academy of Management Information and Decision Sciences, JMIDS encourages theoretical and empirical research in the fields of Management Information and Decision Sciences, and their relationships to cognate disciplines.

JMIDS encompasses a wide spectrum of innovative topics in the field of management information and decision sciences, and cognate disciplines that include, but are not limited to: 

             (i)    Economics
(ii)   Finance
(iii)  Management
(iv)  Management Science
(v)   Marketing
(vi)   Accounting Research
(vii)  Quantitative Methods  
(viii)  Time Series Analysis
(ix)   Cross Section Data Analysis
(x)    Dynamic Panel Data Models
(xi)   Statistics
(xii)  Mathematics
(xiii)  Operations Research
(xiv)  Engineering 

Published articles have been connected to, but are not limited by, the following:

(1)   Sustainable Supply Chain Management

(2)   Collective Decision Making

(3)   Multi-Attribute Utility Theory

(4)   Information System and Decision Making

(5)   Fuzzy Models of Decision Making

(6)   Integer and Binary Programming

(7)   Linear Programming,

(8)   Quadratic Programming

(9)   Markov Processes

(10)  Mathematical Programming

(11)   Multi-Tier Supply Chain Management

(12)   Dynamic and Naturalistic Decision Making

(13)   General Decision Making

(14)    Applications of Decision Aids

(15)    Behavioural Aspects of Decision Making

(16)    International Decision Making

(17)    North American Decision Making Framework

(18)    Resource Dependence Theory

(19)    Environmental Management Systems

(20)    Marketing Information Systems 

(21)    Financial Decision Making

(22)    Financial Risk Analysis

(23)    Financial Risk Management

(24)    Economic Decision Making

(25)    Financial Econometrics

(26)    Energy Economics

(27)    Energy Finance

(28)    Renewable and Sustainable Energy

(29)    Carbon Emissions

(30)    Operations Research

(31)    Engineering

(32)    Financial Engineering


20th Anniversary Special Issue, Volume 20(A), 2017


 JMIDS was inaugurated in 1998, and 2017 marks the 20th Anniversary of the journal.

 In 2017, JMIDS will publish a 20th Anniversary special issue, indicated as 20(A), as a single volume.

 Papers are invited for publication in Volume 20(A) for accelerated review.

 JMIDS invites authors to submit manuscripts to be considered for inclusion in Volume 20(A), as well as in future volumes and issues.

The journal welcomes participants in its associated conferences to submit their manuscripts for accelerated review.  

The journal adheres to a stringent double blind review policy to maintain publication quality.

With an acceptance of rate of 25% manuscripts, the journal encourages recent discoveries and innovations comprising theoretical, conceptual and empirical research in Information Systems, Decision Sciences, and cognate disciplines. 

Further details on the types of manuscripts published and the categories of accepted research are displayed in the Journal Matrix section of the website. 

For further information about submitting a manuscript for possible publication, please visit our ‘ submit manuscript page’ in the website. 

There are no submission fees or page charges.

International Advisory Board and Editorial Board

JMIDS has a distinguished International Advisory Board, comprising leading academics from leading international institutions.

The Editorial Board of JMIDS exercises complete control over the editorial content of the journal, which is currently published twice each year.

JMIDS is always seeking to expand membership of the International Advisory Board, and welcomes a wide range of members of the Editorial Board and editorial reviewing panels,

The journal’s mission is to expand the horizon of the academic disciplines of Management Information and Decision Sciences through a broad dissemination of innovations and knowledge sharing to expand understanding of the management information and decision making sciences, and cognate disciplines.

 Research Areas of Interest to JMIDS 

Some research areas of significant academic, theoretical, practical and public policy interest that are of substantial interest to JMIDS include, but are to restricted to, the following:

(1)   Information must be collected before it can be used to make sensible and optimal managerial and scientific decisions. Information in the sense of data can be collected in many different ways, including panel cross section, time series, numerical, and from case studies. This naturally leads to considerations of Big Data, which is a growing phenomenon, and needs to be understood clearly and carefully before achieving optimal development strategies based on managerial and decision science theory.

(2)    Big Data can be defined as involving two components, the first of which is Computer Software. Data sets can be so complex that standard computer software for dealing with them are inadequate. Consequently, new computer software and hardware facilities, such as increasing the size of memory on computer software, faster computers, expanding the capacity of standard commercial software, bootstrap methods, numerical calculation, and optimal subsampling algorithms, need to be developed.

 (3)   The second component in the analysis of Big Data is the use of Data Analytics that require novel and advanced techniques
for purposes of processing, locating, searching, discovering, capturing, checking, storing, updating, protecting, retrieving, sending, sharing, transferring, receiving, extracting, estimating, modelling, evaluating, and predicting Big Data.

The application of innovative developments in computer software and data analytics are especially important for analysing and testing theoretical models and approaches in management information and decisions sciences. Data can arise from panels, cross sections, time series, numerical analysis, and case studies need to be understood. Big data issues arising from such data sources, especially countably finite but exhaustive data sets that can be downloaded from the internet, need to be understood and managed sensibly and carefully. The interactions between the availability of information for managerial and scientific decisions are reached have never been more daunting or challenging.

 Summary and Invitation

As can be seen from the above suggestions, there are numerous possible research topics that arise from the disciplines of managerial information and decision sciences, and numerous cognate disciplines, that can be applied to analyse important and critical issues related to the topical issues published in JMIDS.  

The journal is confident that academics, researchers, advanced graduate students, practitioners and policy makers can create, develop, establish and use many more exciting research topics that use a wide range of possible data options to estimate and test academic and intellectual theories, and evaluate empirical regularities and practical case studies in management information and decision sciences. 

The editorial staff at JMIDS hopes that these and other important areas of research in management information and decision sciences, and cognate disciplines, will attract interesting, high quality, innovative and challenging submissions.


It is a genuine challenge, and an honour and pleasure for the four co-editorialists to have been appointed the Co-Editor-in-Chief, Chair of the Editorial Board, Co-Editor-in-Chief, and Editor-in-Chief, respectively, of the Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (JMIDS).

We look forward to working with the active and vibrant members of the International Advisory Board, Editorial Board, extensive reviewing panels, and contributors to make JMIDS an accessible and leading outlet for high quality academic, theoretical, and practical research in all areas of management information and decision sciences, and their relationships to cognate disciplines.

For financial support, the authors wish to thank the National Science Council, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, and the Australian Research Council.


The Editors


Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (JMIDS)

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