Articles published in Journal of Entrepreneurship Education have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education has got h-index 58, which means every article in Journal of Entrepreneurship Education has got 58 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Entrepreneurship Education.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | |
Total published articles |
61 | 60 | 59 | 63 | 99 | 166 | 115 | 35 | 2 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
1563 | 2210 | 2074 | 2284 | 2053 | 1649 | 1026 | 520 | 448 |
Journal total citations count | 15276 |
Journal impact factor | 35.70 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 22.87 |
Journal cite score | 30.57 |
Journal h-index | 58 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 50 |
Semaan, M. (2020). Effectuation et innovation dans des contextes contraints en ressources: une revue de litterature.Innovations, (3), 153-178. |
Luzina, T. V., Dudareva, E. A., Akhmetshin, E. M., Yankovskaya, V. V., Berdova, Y. S., & Emaletdinova, G. E. (2018). The international and legal framework for transregionalization of trade and economic cooperation of the BRICS countries. |
Mutalimov, V., Volkovitckaia, G., Buymov, A., Syzdykov, S., & Stepanova, D. (2020). Entrepreneurship education: Start-up as a tool for actualizing student's professional competencies.Journal of Entrepreneurship Education,23(1), 1-13. |
Carpenter, A., & Wilson, R. (2021). A systematic review of experimental design studies looking at the effect of entrepreneurship education on higher education students?. The International Journal of Management Education, 100541. |
Roopchund, R. (2020). Analysing the different Entrepreneurship Education initiatives for the development of a conducive and motivating entrepreneurial ecosystem in Mauritius.Management and Entrepreneurship: Trends of Development,3(13), 97-113. |
Gule, Z. M., & Mndebele, C. B. (2019). Agriculture teacher′s importance and competency levels in developing student′s entrepreneurial competencies in Eswatini. Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, 7(1), 10-20. |
Horng, J. S., Hsiao, H. L., Liu, C. H., Chou, S. F., & Chung, Y. C. (2021). Learning innovative entrepreneurship: Developing an influential curriculum for undergraduate hospitality students.Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education,29, 100289. |
Minai, M. S., Raza, S., bin Hashim, N. A., Zain, A. Y. M., & Tariq, T. A. (2018). Linking entrepreneurial education with firm performance through entrepreneurial competencies: A Proposed Conceptual framework. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 21(4), 1-9. |
Arminiyetti, A. (2020). Hasil Belajar Akuntansi Bank Melalui Model Cooperative Learning Siswa Kelas Xii Akuntansi 2 Smk Negeri 1 Rengat. Journal of Education Informatic Technology and Science, 2(1), 24-34. |
Cerev, G., & Benli, A. (2018). The Impact of Entrepreneurship Training on the Entrepreneurial Tendency of University Students: A Research on F?rat University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Students. |
Holt, C. (2020).Exploring the Construction of Entrepreneurial Identity Among University Students(Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)). |
BENL?, A., & CEREV, G. (2018). The impact of entrepreneurship training on the entrepreneurial tendency of university students: A research on F?rat university faculty of economics and administrative sciences students.Giri?imcilik ve Kalk?nma Dergisi,13(1), 13-23. |
Mentz, E., de Beer, J., & Bailey, R. Century. |
Griffin, D. J., & Heinrich*, W. F. (2021). Supporting a Merger of Entrepreneurship Curricula: Combining Organizational Frames and Theory of Change.Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 25151274211017549. |
Roopchund, R. (2020). Analysing the different Entrepreneurship Education initiatives for the development of a conducive and motivating entrepreneurial ecosystem in Mauritius.Management and Entrepreneurship: Trends of Development,3(13), 97-113. |
Prasastyoga, B., Harinck, F., & van Leeuwen, E. (2021). The role of perceived value of entrepreneurial identity in growth motivation.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. |
Fentens, U. A. M. (2021).Exploring the concept of creativity and entrepreneurial intentions to internationalise: A digital-born service firm perspective(Doctoral dissertation, Queensland University of Technology). |
Elliott, C., Mantler, J., & Huggins, J. (2021). Exploring the gendered entrepreneurial identity gap: implications for entrepreneurship education.International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. |
Prasastyoga, B. (2021).Consequences of reward-oriented motivation and security-oriented motivation for business growth motivation among small business owners(Doctoral dissertation, Leiden University). |
Utari, P., & Hermawati, T. (2020, December). Not Easy and Challenging: How Students Maintain a Relational and Communal Communication Identity in Doing Business Online. In 6th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (ICOSAPS 2020) (pp. 169-175). Atlantis Press. |