Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 24 Issue: 6S

Types of Conflict Influence on Management Behavior

Indra Prasetyo, Universitas Wijaya Putra

Esa Wahyu Endarti, Universitas Wijaya Putra

Budi Endarto, Universitas Wijaya Putra

Nabilah Aliyyah, Universitas Wijaya Putra

Rita Helmi, Universitas Wijaya Putra and PT Pegadaian Persero

Rusdiyanto, Universitas Airlangga and Universitas Gresik

Nawang Kalbuana, Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug


 The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of corporate culture on the performance of employees through employee satisfaction and employee leadership. The sample of research employed by Company employees was 99. The analysis approach involves route analysis utilizing the PLS-SEM program. Results of research show that the effect of conflict management on conflict management behavior by conflict types as a mediating variable must eliminate indicators of solutions to variable conflict management, whereas the effect of job satisfaction on conflict management behavior, by conflict type only, is insignificant.


Conflict Handing, Job Satisfaction, Types of Conflict, Conflict Management Behavior


Some previous studies have rarely discussed how the style of handling conflicts by involving some considerations in terms of employee satisfaction, the type of conflict in the company culture, and the form that can be felt from all these considerations in conflict management behavior. In particular, we try to test the effect of conflict management and job satisfaction on conflict management behavior under current conditions; existing conflict management tends to integrate, accommodate and compromise on trust and commitment, whereas job satisfaction cannot be separated from the company culture with pre-existing conflicts. After the results of a short test, the resolution of certain conflicts after we have collected has a different pattern to achieve a certain restriction by testing the type of conflict that happens, taking into account problems that always tend to cause turbulence inside an organization. Conflict management strategies for conflict management are highly effective (An, 2020; Mujiburrahman, 2016; Wilson, 2017).

The role of conflict is one of the most common characteristics of the organizational environment that affect job satisfaction (Boon-Leong & Swee-Sim, 2020; Bozo?lu Bat? & Armutlulu, 2020; Niu, 2020; Tateishi, 2020; Wu & Sekiguchi, 2020; Hastomo et al., 2021; Wahyudin, 2021). Relevant research has shown the role of conflict has a negative relationship with job satisfaction (Bens, 2020; Cheng, 2020; Dosi, 2020; Kim, 2020; Selmi et al., 2020). Another feature of the workplace that affects job satisfaction is the autonomy of conflict. Of course, job satisfaction has a negative relationship because the conflict has a tendency or tendency to attach importance to personal interests that cannot be ascertained that interests are beneficial or not for others involved in an organizational environment (Csar, 2020; Doo & Yoon, 2020; Routledge, 2020; Yip, 2020; Zouaghi, 2020).Individuals who use conflict management pleasantly are more likely to combine ideas with each other through teamwork and try to meet everyone's expectations.

This type of conflict management takes less time, a incontrovertible conflict management style that prevents conflict or concentrates on meeting individual needs and ideas, conflict management results and workplace stress (Al-Saidi, 2020; Bakarich, 2020; Comeau-Vallée & Langley, 2020; Drummer & Neumann, 2020; Pachali et al., 2020). The more diverse styles of conflict management that exist cause the emergence of conflict management behavior that materializes. Some researchers have stressed the importance of distinguishing with task conflicts due to the different consequences on group outcomes (Gan, 2020; Giacomelli, 2020; Liu, 2020; Skrinou & Gkorezis, 2020; Zhao, 2020). De Dreu & Weingart (2003) doubting the functional aspects of conflict tasks in terms of group performance does not completely deter people from accepting the effects of task conflicts but rather suggests that those effects may be limited by certain conditions and situations.

Literature Review

Conflict Handling

Conflict handling can lead to destructive or constructive results (Rababa’h, 2020; Sattar, 2020; Yang et al., 2020). Both destructive and constructive conflict management images from the perspective of proper conflict management contingency are best determined, taking into account situational reality. In a constructive realm, conflict management strategies are aimed at minimizing negative effects and maximizing positive results. Suppliers' potential to minimize the effects of events and potential conflicts is defined as conflict handling (Lu, 2020; Salbiah, 2020; Zhao, 2020). How organizations deal with conflict can determine their level of confidence and commitment.

The effectiveness of this conflict handling mode according to supporters depends on the needs of certain conflict situations and the skills they use (Jones & White, 1985). Contingency view (Rahim, 2000) it suggested that a conflict management strategy may be more effective than others, according to the conflict situation, in managing conflicts effectively.

Satisfaction is one of the organization's most studied cultural issues and is considered very important both from an economic and humanitarian, and ethical point of view (Alonderiene & Majauskaite, 2016; Chinomona 2017; Lot 2018; Rigby & Ryan, 2018; Surbakti, 2019). The dimension of job satisfaction has been a problem in more than 5000 published articles and dissertations. Job satisfaction is considered the most important and often researched aspect of organizational behavior (Appelbaum & Benyo, 2012; Appelbaum & Gunkel, 2012; Halbesleben, 2013; Nixon & Helms, 2010; “Training Unlocks Management Potential at Paddock. And Opens the Door to an Organizational Culture of Learning,” 2011),

 So that satisfaction becomes a sensitive parameter when it comes to problems in the organizational environment.

Conflict is a behavior or feeling which is interdependent from the other party as a response to possible or actual barriers which prevent one or several parties from achieving their objectives (Daniel & Ahmed, 2014; Epstein & Kalleberg, 2006; Harris, 2009; Mitrofan, 2013; Pappas, 2004; Shangraw & Crow, 1998; Strøm, 2015). A conflict management strategy is a method of behavior used to solve it. This behavior is a consequence, depending on the relative importance of the person's own attention versus the concern for others, of two external circumstances and individual methods, interaction with people and problems. For an organization to function effectively and for the personal, cultural and social development of man, conflict management is essential (Chaker, 2020; Cheng, 2020; Chou, 2020; Wei & Clegg, 2020; Zhu, 2020). The way of managing conflicts sometimes leads to more tensions than the conflict itself. Any professionals concerned with helping others and organizations, in changing adverse disputes, must have inventive objectives and manage conflicts productively (Decker, 2020; Dineva, 2020; Eiselein & Dentchev, 2020; Ogra, 2020; Wei, 2020).

Goals and Abilities, Remuneration, Justice, Role Models

Figure 1: Framework Conceptual


The following hypothesis is based on the problem statement, the study objectives, and the conceptual framework described in the following hypothesis:

H1: Conflict handling has a positive impact on the Conflict management behavior at company

H2: Conflict handling has a positive impact on types of conflict at company

H3: Job satisfaction has a positive impact on types of conflict at company

H4: Job satisfaction has a positive impact on Conflict management behavior at company

H5: Types of conflict have a positive impact on Conflict management behavior at company Research Methods

Research Methods

The Research Method, the Population, Sample and the Technique Sampling

The sort of research employed is causal research, which use a quantitative method and statistical analysis to address issues, research hypotheses that are unique in character in order to make predictions about how one variable impacts other variables (Abadi, 2021; Aliyyah, 2021; Endarto, Taufiqurrahman & Kurniawan, 2021; Endarto, Taufiqurrahman & Suhartono, 2021; Juanamasta, 2019; Kalbuana & Prasetyo, 2021; Kalbuana & Suryati, 2021; Luwihono, 2021; Prabowo, 2020; Prasetyo, 2021; Prasetyo, Aliyyah, Rusdiyanto & Chamariah, 2021; Prasetyo, Aliyyah, Rusdiyanto & Nartasari, 2021b, 2021a; Prasetyo, 2021; Rusdiyanto & Agustia, 2020; Rusdiyanto & Hidayat, 2020; Rusdiyanto, 2021; Rusdiyanto & Karman, 2020; Shabbir, 2021; Susanto, 2021; Utari, 2021; Nabilah & Aliyyah, 2021; Indrawati, 2021; Bahtiar Prabowo, 2021; Prasetio, 2021; Prasetyo & Endarti, 2021). Researchers included all business employees on the one hand, while 99 male and female employees sampled on the other. This research uses a strategy for non-probabilistic sampling. Purposive sampling was utilized, with the researcher defining the sampling parameters for the sample (Tutar, 2020; Endiana, 2020; Koul Ahmad & Chowdhury, 2020; Narayanasamy, 2020).

Operational Variables

In this research, the operational variables definition comprises of three working discipline factors, compensation and performance variables.

Conflict Handling (X1) (Ndubisi, 2007)

• 1: avoid potential conflicts

• 2: address real conflicts

• 3: find a solution

Job Satisfaction (X2) ( Zhu et al., 2016)

• 1: mental challenging work

• 2: favorable working conditions

• 3: fair salary or wages

• 4: the suitability of personality with work

• 5: supportive co-works

Types of Conflict (M1) (Boga & Ensari, 2009)

• 1: Personality Conflict

• 2: Value Conflict

• 3: Intergroup Conflict

• 4: Cross- Cultural Conflict

Conflict Management Behavior (Y) (Murry et al., 2004)

• 1: Collaboration

• 2: Confrontation

• 3: Accommodation

Techniques Data Analysis

The PLS-SEM analysis consisted of the following phases:

1. The reliability assessment session consisted of an assessment of reliability markers and an internal consistency assessment, which was separated into two sessions.

2. The information's convergent and discriminatory validity is assessed.

3. Performs a statistical value and P-value bootstrapping test.

4. Testing indirect impact mediation.

Results and Discussions

Figure 2: Outer Initial Model

Table 1
Convergent Test
Variables AVE Reliability Information
Conflict Handling 0.518 0.710 Valid
Job Satisfaction 0.509 0.838 Valid
Types of conflict 0.450 0.753 Not Valid
Conflict management behavior 0.393 0.543 Not Valid

In accordance with the information in the preceding table, the value is less than the threshold for testing a fitted model, which must be more than 0.5, and the outer AVA conflict type value of 0.450 below 0.5 during the initial examination's first stage and conflict management behavior of 0.393 below 0.5, and the composite reliability value of CR should be above 0.7 for CR. Therefore, indications that are not valid versus the variables must be removed till Goodness of Fit (The model is fit).

Fit to the Obtained Model

Figure 3: Model Fit

Table 2
Second Validity Convergence Test
Variables AVE Information
Conflict Handling 0.784 Valid
Job Satisfaction 0.518 Valid
Types of conflict 1.000 Valid
Conflict management behavior 1.000 Valid

The AVE value of each variable meets the 0.5 requirement in the second convergent validity test, however the figure above shows, there is 1 indicator x1.3 that is a find solution that is not valid against its variable conflict handling; after seeking information with interviews contact leaders in the company, to find solutions on conflict management is less desirable because some of the solutions offered are considered lacking in a clear direction this is due to the rub of the existing corporate culture. In variable type conflicts based on data processing results and confirmation with leaders in the company, the conflict type indicator, i.e., value conflict, is the most describing with the situation and conditions of the comsell (Ackoff, 1981). The structure and parameters in problematic situations are constantly changing, especially in turbulent or turbulent environments because optimal solutions are rarely conditioned adaptively, therefore changes, optimal bags are generally short-lived so it often becomes less effective to get the best solutions. Value conflict is considered to have a very high consideration, (Chen et al., 2010) argues that members of organizations, with more similar or homogeneous values, have a diverse range of interpretations with organizational values that are most susceptible to conflict than organizations.

This shows that conflicts in innovative organizations are more likely that they will develop than in other types of organizations because innovative organizational characteristics, Individual achievement and business drive, such as the development of conflict environments suggest different values and personal goals. In variable conflict management indicators that have the most valid value to the variable namely confrontation, in line with the results of the study (Desivilya & Yagil, 2005). Results of their research have shown that the choice for a confrontational approach to conflict resolution is based on different factors compared with non-confrontational orientations, on the contrary, dominating patterns as well as avoiding being directly related to emotions and types of conflict

Table 3
Internal Consistency Test For Reliability
Variable Composite Reliability Information
Conflict Handling 0.878 Reliable
Job Satisfaction 0.843 Reliable
Types of conflict 1.000 Reliable
Conflict management behavior 1.000 Reliable

The table above shows that in the study, the composite reliability value was more than 0.7, as a result, all variables have been determined to have a high dependability level. When the model is fit, the following model is next tested via bootstrapping:

Figure 4: Bootstrapping Model

The bootstrapping model's statistical values T and Hypothesis Test are used to arrive at a conclusion. For 99 respondents, the T-table value with an important 5% level implies that the internal model is relevant if the T-Statistics value above 1666 T-table.

Table 4
Path Coefficient T-Statistics
  Original Sample Sample Mean Standard Error T-Statistic P Value
Conflict handling -> Conflict management behaviour 0.302 0.296 0.067 4.518 0.000**
Conflict handling ->Types of conflict 0.058 0.035 0.127 0.459 0.646
Job Satisfaction -> Types of conflict -0.084 -0.072 0.179 0.468 0.640
Job Satisfaction ->Conflict management behavior 0.157 0.158 0.094 1.662 0.097
Types of conflict -> Conflict management behavior 0.593 0.569 0.095 6.230 0.000**

In the table above, the original sample value may be considered a coefficient value which shows the effect strength of the latent variable in another latent variable, whereas the median value of the path coefficient in a sample column is indicated in mean (m), otherwise the standard deviation and standard error is displayed.

T- Conflict handling impact statistics on conflict management behaviours, with 0,000 below 5 percent likelihood value, show numbers 4,518 higher than T- Table 1,666, which means that conflict handlings have a significant positive impact on conflict management behaviours. T- Conflict-management statistics for conflict types reveal 0.459 below T-Table 1.666, with an odds of 0.646 above 5%, which means conflict-management has no significant impact on conflict types. T- The data shows that the number 0,468 is less than the figure for T-Table 1,666, which is more than five percent with a probability value of 0,640 thus having a significant effect on conflict types.

T- Statistics for conflict management show a 1662 number below the T-table 1,666 with 0.097 probabilities of more than 5%, meaning that employment content does not have a significant impact on conflict management behaviour. T- statistics reveal, however, that 6,230 is higher than T-table 1,666 and that the probability value of 0,000 is lower than 5%, so that the types of conflict have a significantly positive effect on conflict management behavior, types of conflict have the greatest significance to conflict management behavior in line with research (Abubakar &Tabitha, 2019). Managers/leaders are not only concerned with conflict management to limit the negative impact of existing conflicts while still trying to increase the positive effects of conflict but also involved in the resolution of such conflicts to reduce, eliminate or stop all forms and types of conflicts.

Evaluation of Indirect Effects

Smart PLS incorporates the findings of the calculation of indirect effects beneficial in the examination of the power of interaction with other variables between the variable mediator. A mediator is a variable that influences the relationship between two variables. Changes in the baseline variables result in changes inside the mediating variables and the discovery of a change in the dependent variable. Because a variable mediators is not accessible in this study, the authors employ a basic mediation model. The author uses the flow supplied by the Simple Model Analysis (Krzywicka & Byrka, 2020; Leone, 2020; Ma, 2020; Moslehi, 2020; Yin 2020).

Figure 5: Simple Mediation Model

The illustration to the right illustrates a straightforward mediator model. The following values are used to calculate the mediation effect: The direct effect is denoted by c, the indirect effect is denoted by axb, and the cumulative effect is denoted by c + (axb). As previously said, mediation's impact is classified into five categories, namely: 1) When axb is considerable, c is important, axbxc is substantial, 2) Competitive mediation where both axb and c are essential, but not axbxc. 3) Indirect mediation is employed when axb is relevant but c is not 4) Value axb is insignificant, but c is, and only if axb is important (mediation number), 5) If axb and c are not significant, the number of impact (mediation) is zero (Obedgiu, 2020; Chukwuedo & Ogbuanya, 2020; Ali 2020).

Table 5
Indirect Effects Evaluation
Axb notation Effect Indirect (Tstatistic axb) Effect Direct(value c) Status of mediation effect
(X1 -> M1)(M1 -> Y) (0,459)(6,230) 2,859(Significant) (X 1-> Y 4,518(Significant) Complementary (Partial Mediation)
(X2 -> M1)(M1 -> Y) (0,468)(6,230) 2,915(Significant) (X2 -> Y) 1,662 (Not Significant) Indirect Only (Full Mediation)

According to the indirect impact evaluation table, the indirect effect of conflict resolution on the types of conflict mediation variable is larger than 2,859 than the direct effect of conflict resolution on conflict management behavior, which is 4,518. This demonstrates that different types of conflict can have a little effect on conflict management behavior while still having a big effect on it.

In the indirect effect of job satisfaction on conflict management behavior variable, the T-statistic value is larger than 2,915 compared to the direct effect's value of work satisfaction on conflict management behavior variable, which is 1,662. (Not significant). This is convincing that types of conflict can increase significant on conflict management behavior. As a result, has a greater.


Based on the analysis results, it indicates that handling conflict influence on behaviour, as variable mediation should eliminate the variable conflict management solution search indication; conflict management behavior is significant through conflict management kinds, by measuring conflict management behavior using only indicator value conflict and indicator confrontation the impact of job satisfaction on CMB becomes more substantial than when measuring it using all types.


The authors say many thanks to the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Wijaya Putra, for all the facilities provided during the research process.

Data Availability Statement

This published article includes all data analyzed or generated during the study.

Funding Information

This research was funded by Universitas Wijaya Putra.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Informed Consent

All the authors in the study stated that the manuscript had not been published before and was not reviewed simultaneously elsewhere.


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