Research Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 6
Edet E Okon, University of Calabar
Citation Information: Okon, E.E. (2022). Training Needs and Competencies In Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage Among Undergraduates. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 25(6),1-12.
Despite the growing importance of ICT in the society, low ICT usage is being reported in some parts of the world. This may not be unconnected with the poor development of ICT skills among the members of such society (ties), including of course, business education graduates. This study determined the training needs of business education undergraduates with three specific objectives; three research questions and three null hypotheses. The study, conducted in University of Calabar adopted the case study and descriptive research designs. The study made use of a population of 87 final year business education students, where 70 respondents was sampled using Krejcie and Morgan’s (1970) Table of Sampling Determination. Researchermade questionnaire duly validated, tagged, “training needs of business education undergraduates and competences in ICT questionnaire (TNBEUCICTQ)” generated data for the study. The dependent t-test statistical analysis was used to test the three null hypotheses. Findings based on answers to the three research questions are that: Microsoft Word; Simple statistical package; andMicrosoft Power point training is highly needed for competence in ICT usage among business education undergraduates. Findings based on test of the three null hypotheses are that: There is no significant relationship between Microsoft Word Basics, simple statistical package; there is significant relationship between Power point training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates. It is concluded that training of business education undergraduates on Microsoft Word Basic; Simple Statistical Packages and Microsoft Power Point enhances their competence in ICT usage. It is therefore recommended among others that:Lecturers should provide adequate training on Microsoft Word, simple Statistical Package and Microsoft Power Point for business education undergraduates for competences in ICT usage.
Training Needs, Competences, Microsoft Word, Simple Statistical Package, Microsoft Power Point, Business Education, ICT usage.
The infusion of ICT in education, especially its usage in the teaching and learning process continues to place the demand to get the workforce equipped with ICT skills. It is even more demanding on teachers considering the fact that technology, ICT plays an important role in pedagogy. When teachers use it in their classrooms, in fact, they want to attract the students' attention and enhance effective ways of learning. Among business education lecturers and other professionals positioned to participate in course of action for the moulding business experts, business instructors and graduates who could handle their personal affairs in the society, a sound business education programme promises to be very helpful in providing competencies in ICT skills. Business education has emerged as an academic programme that is fast drawing the attention of the public in recent times. Since its emergence in the National Policy on Education, business education has assumed an integral position in the Nigerian educational system. Business education is a major component of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as reflected in the definition and goals of TVET. Hence, Federal Republic of Nigeria (2010) puts succinctly thus:
Technical and Vocational Education and Training is used as a comprehensive term referring to those aspects of the educational process involving, in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences and the acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life. TVET is further understood to be: an integral part of general education; a means of preparing for occupational fields and for effective participation in the world of work; an aspect of lifelong learning and a preparation for responsible citizenship; an instrument for promoting environmentally sound sustainable development; and a method of alleviating poverty.
It is therefore clear that business education undergraduates are expected to acquire skills through training needed for competencies in managing business and occupational lives of individuals on graduation. The training needs of business education undergraduates are captured in the skill components of business education as objectives as posited by Association of business educators of Nigeria (2017) as follows: Vocational objective; exploratory objective; economic understanding objective; consumer education objective; personal use objective; semi-vocational objective; and the college preparation objective. Training aims to provide skill, which Usoro (2016) describes as abilities for adaptive and positive behaviours that enable one to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Among the vocational skills needed by business education undergraduates, ICT skill is increasingly in a very high demand. “The world has moved into the 21st century with a technological boom”. It is therefore important to note that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) if fully integrated in Nigeria and students trained to acquire its skills can modernize the economy, expands and deepens the possibilities in business education and education generally, accelerate growth, creates large-scale direct and indirect employment to the educated youths, boost trade expansion and empowers citizens with better understanding of the global trend, among others.
Therefore, business education in providing training to undergraduates requires the following modules in her quest to empower students with ICT skills: Network with broadband connectivity providing access to anyone, anywhere, anytime; software tools and techniques for creation of databases and information flow to managers, teachers and learners; content in digital formats based on curriculum of high quality, relevance and utility for personalized education to the stakeholders; quality accreditation mechanisms to maintain competitively high and acceptable standards at national and international levels. Students need ICT skills, especially to utilize e-learning opportunities it offers considering the advantages of e-learning on the Internet, which include the following: time and place flexibility; potential to reach a global audience; quick development time; easy updating of content; lower development and operating costs, among others. Other opportunities open to students in e-learning, especially with Internet include: mix modes (can combine e-mail discussion with audio/video methods to enhance the social aspect; structure learner-centred activities for both independent and group work that encourages interaction; promote learning-to-learn, self-directed learning, and critical reflection skills; develop information management skills to assist learners in selection and critical assessment.
It is important therefore, to probe the ability of business education programme in providing students with the learning atmosphere where the opportunities highlighted above manifest and competence of business education students in the skills needed. The training needs are grouped into three main areas that become the focus of this investigation. These are: Microsoft Word Basics; Simple statistical package; and power point.
Business education undergraduates need understanding in the use of Microsoft word basics. Training in this area exposes students to learn how to create a new document, format text using point size, styles, colour, bold, italics and underline commands, insert clip art, use different shape tools, apply different shape formats, change line and paragraph spacing. According to Federal Republic of Nigeria (2010), in addition to working with existing documents, one may want to create new documents. Therefore, each time the user opens a word, a new blank document appearsBusiness education students need ICT statistical package for the preparation of quantities which appear to form a greater part of the business education curriculum. Students should therefore be able to use simple statistical package. This can be achieved using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Micro-soft Excel. Also, PowerPoint is an important skill for business education students. Training programme for business education students cannot be completed without understanding and proficiency in knowledge and skills in the use of power point.
For instance, Azuka (2018) reported that several factors have been blamed for the prevalence of youths’ unemployment in Nigeria, a major factor, according to Azuka is the observed decay and deficiency in school curricula which has resulted to the failure of educational institutions to provide students with appropriate skills to make them employable. It is more worrisome when these students graduate and face changing work demand of the globalised labour market. No wonder Okute (2018) observed that the Nigerian worker is consistently in need of training and retraining to meet the demands of a dynamic labour market occasioned by globalization and technological advancement. However, despite the importance of ICT in virtually all aspect of educational engagements and the prospects it holds for undergraduates’ academic, occupational and business lives, these undergraduates seem to be deficient in ICTs skills. Again, a good number of undergraduates, despite the opportunity of possessing mobile technologies lack the skills to effectively operate these technologies to the extent of utilizing and accessing the applications and gaining mastery in their usage.
Virtually every facet of business requires word processing. Federal Republic of Nigeria (2010) viewed word processing as the ability to manipulate alphabets and numbers to form words, sentences and documents using computer as a device. Also, Andong (2002) noted that Microsoft Disk Operating System Ms Dos was the most widely used operating system for PCs before the advent of the Windows. Microsoft Excel is an application used mostly in accounting, statistics, financial and inventory control. The most popular spreadsheet packages available in the market are Microsoft Excel and Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). Microsoft Excel can be used to create expense report, track and analyse sales, organizes finances and manage different kinds of data quickly and easily. However, it is not limited to working with numbers. According to National Teachers’ Institute (NTI, 2000), Microsoft Excel 2000 is a spreadsheet programme, which enables one to record, format and analyse numerical information. It is further described by NTI as a matrix of data and formula originally devised to facilitate financial and business modelling, primarily on microcomputers and was first constructed in 1979. The Association of Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) requires that undergraduate and graduate students exhibit proficiency in “statistical data analysis and management science as they support decision-making processes throughout an organization” (AACSB, 2008).
Microsoft Power Point is a presentation-based application developed to aid a user creates a well-structured presentation. A presentation is a well-structured document aimed at facilitating exchange of ideas between two parties. It makes it easy for one to outline his/her thoughts and organize presentation clearly and quickly. It makes it easier for one to design an electronic presentation, dazzling slide presentation that can be displayed in a variety of ways. Lari (2014) in a study onthe impact of using power point presentations on students’ learning show that the use of technology in schools (as the most important part of education system) has developed new ways of teaching and learning. It enhances learning by providing a better understanding of the topic as well as motivating students.
Analyses showed that the experimental group learners performed better than the control group. Thus, learners should always be made to learn something new, including the language selected for communication. One of the most important factors for learners is the method that teachers use in their teaching process to facilitate learning. Positive aspects of using technology on both students and teachers and pointed out that students are active in learning environment when their interest increases. Technologies make learning more fun by placing control over learning in the hands of students. So, this study tries to show the impact of using Power Point software, as an example of technology tool, on students' learning and motivation in classes.
Power Point is a presentation programme developed by Microsoft. It is a part of the Microsoft Office system which is widely used by business people, educators, students, and trainers. As a part of the Microsoft Office suite, Power-Point has become the world's most widely used presentation program. It is a complete presentation programme that allows teachers to produce professional-looking presentations in EFL classroom. Students learned better if the course material was presented through some visual tools. They, also, reported that teachers believed that Power Point presentations made the content more appealing; therefore, they helped them to take students' attention. The results of Corbeil &Valdes-Corbeil (2007) showed that students exposed to power-point presentations preferred them over the textbook presentations; she believed that the students were learning better when their attention was captured via highlighting, colour, different fonts, and visual effects. Power-point presentations could be used for presenting new structures to students, practicing and drilling, or for reviewing language structures which have already been taught. Several benefits for students related to the general use of technology in classrooms including increased motivation, improvement in self-concept and mastery of basic skills, more student-cantered learning and engagement in the learning process. Qualitative research to investigate the perspectives and experiences of 17 social studies teachers following technology integration training. The research showed that teachers held a variety of views towards technology integration. These views influenced their use of technology in the classroom. Most teachers were willing to use technology, expressed positive experiences with technology integration training, increased their use of technology in the classroom, and used technology more creativity.
In another study conducted by Shahid (2012), it is reported that in recent years, the uses of PowerPoint (a form of multimedia) presentations in classroom instruction have significantly increased globally without examination of their effects on student learning and attitudes. Singal (2008) Research on the effectiveness of PowerPoint presentations in lectures and found that PowerPoint could be beneficial. These studies found that most respondents prefer their instructors to use PowerPoint since this teaching tool often incorporates graphics, animation and/or colour that lead to improving students' short term and long-term Memory of consequence, PowerPoint could lead to better improvement in students' short term and long-term memory. The number of these studies however is limited. These studies in general examined the link between teaching tool and students' preference and performance. The findings are mixed with few studies found teaching tool influences performance.
This study presents the findings of a computer-assisted technology teaching tool beyond the generally used teaching tool of PowerPoint to a more effective computer-assisted technology teaching tool known as free mind. The findings of this paper show consistent results with the studies in the educational literature that have shown teaching tool provides different impact on students' performance.
Although recent studies have suggested that the use of Power Point presentations in the classroom may not lead to enhanced learning, they would also suggest that this depends on the level of quality teaching and not on the technology itself. The medium alone does not influence learning. When the use of technology is appropriate and aligned with the learning objectives, the result is higher degree of effective teaching and student learning. The research evidence about their use is controversial with contradictory evidence about their effect on learning.
In another study by Fedisson & Braidic (2009) conducted over a two-year time frame. During instruction for two units, classes were taught with the following approaches: Using traditional methods of book work and handouts for one unit; technological aids such as Microsoft PowerPoint for a second unit. Technology is available in our classrooms, and it is changing the way educators think about teaching and the way students think about learning. Furthermore, 45 to 90 minutes a week in the computer lab does not foster the type of learning that will improve student achievement. Technology generally improves performance when the application directly supports the curriculum standards being assessed. A review of studies conducted by the CEO Forum (2001) emphasizes that “technology can have the greatest impact when integrated into the curriculum to achieve clear, measurable educational objectives.”
The researcher observes that so much emphasis is laid in providing knowledge and understanding about ICT with very little emphasis in training for skills acquisition. Consequently, business education students hardly apply skills acquired in carrying out academic activities. Ironically, most academic work in Microsoft Word Basics, Microsoft Word Excel and Power point are given out to computer operators at business centres, despite having a wellequipped business education computer laboratory that is open for both lecturers and students on daily basis. The lack of ICT skills among business education students; which manifests in their almost 100 per cent patronage of computer centres rather than personally carrying out these tasks using the available computer laboratory constitute a problem for this study.
Objective of the Study
To determine the level of:
1. Microsoft Word Basics training needs of business education undergraduates and competencies in ICT usage.
2. Simple statistical package training needs of business education undergraduates and competencies in ICT usage.
3. Power point training needs of business education undergraduates and competencies in ICT usage.
Research Questions
This study sought answers to the three research questions. These are:
1. What is the level of Microsoft Word Basics training needs of business education undergraduates for competencies in ICT usage?
2. What is the level of simple statistical package training needs of business education undergraduates for competencies in ICT usage?
3. What is the level of Power point training needs of business education undergraduates and competencies in ICT usage?
Statement of hypotheses
This study tested three null hypotheses. These are:
H1: Microsoft Word Basics training needs does not significantly relate with competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates in University of Calabar.
H2: Simple statistical package training needs does not significantly relate with competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates in University of Calabar.
H3: Power point training needs does not significantly relate with competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates in University of Calabar.
The case study and descriptive research designs were adopted for this study. The case study research according to Ndiyo (2010) must involve in the collection of very extensive data to produce understanding of the entity being studied. The entity being studied here is the University of Calabar. The descriptive research aims to verify formulated hypotheses that refer to the present situation to elucidate it. It is a type of research that is primarily concerned with describing the nature or conditions and degree in detail of the present situation (Azuka & Agomuo, 2006). This study was conducted in Calabar, using the University of Calabar. The city of Calabar is the capital city of Cross River State and has assumed this status in the early days of Europeans as the seat of the Protectorate of Southern Nigeria. Thus, the City of Calabar has been the focus of educational development and played host to a second-generation university, the University of Calabar in 1975, having assumed the status of a full fledge university from being a campus of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, established in 1973. The researchers’ choice of this area is to utilize the opportunity and find out if business education undergraduates acquire ICT skills considering the ample opportunities opened to these students as students of University of Calabar that is perceived to be an old standing institution.
The population of this study consisted of 87 final year students of business education. The researcher’s decision to use final year students is because they have offered over 95 per cent of the course requirements for graduation, therefore would have been proficient with ICT skills. The Table of Sample Determination was used to get a sample size of 70 respondents for the study. A researcher-made questionnaire made up of 20 items designed to reflect the skills required by business education undergraduates. The questionnaire is tagged, “training needs of business education undergraduates and competences in ICT questionnaire (TNBEUCICTQ)”. The instrument was duly validated and reliability-tested, with a coefficient of 0.77. The dependent t-test statistical analysis was used to test all the null hypotheses. The dependent or related t-test statistical technique is applied when a researcher wishes to compare the relationship between two set of responses coming from a people. In this research two instruments were used to generate data from final year students.
Research Question One
What is the level of Microsoft Word Basics training needs of business education undergraduates for competencies in ICT usage?
This research question was answered using descriptive statistics (weighted mean). Items 1 – 5 in the TNBEUCICTQ generated data for answering this research question. Summary of the result is presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Descriptive Statistics of the Level of Microsoft Word Basics Training Needs of Business Education Undergraduates for Competences in ICT Usage | ||||
S/N | Item | Total score | Mean | Remark |
1 | Alignment to dictate whether the left and the right edge of the text in a document adhere to the right side, left, centre of justified | 241 | 2.41 | Needed |
2 | Numbering when creating a list of text items | 217 | 2.17 | Needed |
3 | Cutting text to remove it from viewable document | 235 | 2.35 | Needed |
4 | Selection of specified font type/size | 142 | 1.42 | Not Needed |
5 | Printing of documents | 285 | 2.85 | Highly Needed |
6 | Total | 1, 120 | 11.2 | |
7 | Grand Mean | 224 | 2.24 | Needed |
The result presented in Table 1 shows the Microsoft Word training needs of business education undergraduates for competence in the use of ICT. The grand mean of 2.24 in a threepoint rating scale indicates that Microsoft Word training is needed. Again, five of the five subitems, one indicates ‘highly needed’, one ‘not needed’ and others needed.
Research Question Two
What is the level of simple statistical package training needs of business education undergraduates for competencies in ICT usage?
This research question was answered using descriptive statistics (weighted mean). Items 6-10 in the TNBEUCICTQ generated data for answering this research question. Summary of the result is presented in Table 2.
Table 2 Descriptive Statistics of the Level of Simple Statistical Package Training Needs of Business Education Undergraduates for Competencies in ICT Usage | ||||
S/N | Item | Total score | Mean | Remark |
1 | Starting Microsoft Excel | 134 | 1.34 | Not Needed |
2 | Tab Scrolling along the Microsoft Excel Window |
259 | 2.59 | Highly Needed |
3 | Entering data into a cell | 274 | 2.74 | Highly Needed |
4 | Entering formula | 283 | 2.83 | Highly Needed |
5 | Adding up figures and giving totals | 287 | 2.87 | Highly Needed |
6 | Total | 1, 237 | 12.37 | Highly Needed |
7 | Grand Mean | 247.4 | 2.47 | Needed |
The result presented in Table 2 shows that simple statistical package training is needed by business education undergraduates for competence in ICT usage. However individual items indicate that training in: starting Microsoft Excel is not needed; tab scrolling along the Microsoft Excel Window; entering data into a cell; entering formula; and adding up figures and giving totals are highly needed.
Research Question Three
What is the level of Power point training needs of business education undergraduates and competencies in ICT usage?
This research question was answered using descriptive statistics (weighted mean). Items 11 – 15 in the TNBEUCICTQ generated data for answering this research question. Summary of the result is presented in Table 3.
Table 3 Descriptive Statistics of the Level of Level of Power Point Training Needs of Business Education Undergraduates and Competencies in ICT Usage | ||||
S/N | Item | Total score | Mean | Remark |
1 | Creating a simple slide | 231 | 2.31 | Needed |
2 | Adding titles and sub-titles | 257 | 2.57 | Highly Needed |
3 | Demonstration of the use of | 276 | 2.76 | Highly Needed |
4 | slides to present lectures | 254 | 2.54 | Highly Needed |
5 | Transferring pages of typewritten | 288 | 2.88 | Highly Needed |
6 | Total | 1, 306 | 13.06 | |
7 | Grand Mean | 261.2 | 2.61 | Highly Needed |
The result presented in Table 3 shows the Power point training needs of business education undergraduates for competence in the use of ICT. The grand mean of 2.61 in a threepoint rating scale indicates that Microsoft Power point training is highly needed. Again, out of the five sub-items, one indicates ‘needed’, and others highly needed.
Hypothesis One
H1: Microsoft Word Basics training needs does not significantly relate with competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates in University of Calabar. Data for testing this hypothesis was generated from items 1 – 5 for the independent variable anditems 16-20 for dependent variable. The related t-test statistical technique was used to analyse data. Summary of the result is presented in Table 4.
Table 4 Related T-Test of no Significant Relationship between Microsoft Word Basics Training Needs and Competencies in ICT Usage Among Business Education Undergraduates | ||
Variable | ![]() |
t-cal |
Microsoft Word Basic Training Needs | 375 | *1.83 |
Competences in ICT usage | 43619 | |
N = 70; df = 68; Significant Level = 0.05; Critical t = 2.00 |
The result presented in Table 4 shows that the calculated t-value of 1.83 is less than the critical t-value of 2.00, degree of freedom being 68 and 0.05 significant level. Based on this finding, the null hypothesis, “Microsoft Word Basics training needs does not significantly relate with competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates” is sustained. This means that there is no significant relationship between Microsoft Word Basics training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates.
Hypothesis two
H2: Simple statistical package training needs does not significantly relate with competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates in University of Calabar.
Data for testing this hypothesis was generated from items 6-10 for the independent variable and items 16-20 for dependent variable. The related t-test statistical technique was used to analyse data. Summary of the result is presented in Table 5.
Table 5 Related T-Test of no Significant Relationship between Simple Statistical Package Training Needs and Competencies in ICT Usage Among Business Education Undergraduates | ||
Variable | ![]() |
t-cal |
Simple statistical package training needs | 492 | *1.79 |
Competences in ICT usage | 77816 | |
N = 70; df = 68; Significant Level =0.05; Critical t=2.00 |
The result presented in Table 5 shows that the calculated t-value of 1.79 is less than the critical t-value of 2.00, degree of freedom being 68 and 0.05 significant level. Based on this finding, the null hypothesis, “Simple statistical package training needs does not significantly relate with competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates” is sustained. This means that there is no significant relationship between Simple statistical package training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates.
Hypothesis Three
H3: Power point training needs does not significantly relate with competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates in University of Calabar.
Data for testing this hypothesis was generated from items 11-15 for the independent variable and items 16-20 for dependent variable. The related t-test statistical technique was used to analyse data. Summary of the result is presented in Table 6.
Table 6 Related T-Test of no Significant Relationship between Power Point Training Needs and Competencies in ICT Usage Among Business Education Undergraduates | ||
Variable | ![]() |
t-cal |
Microsoft Word Basic Training Needs | 561 | *2.24 |
Competences in ICT usage | 70741 | |
N = 70; df = 68; Significant Level =0.05; Critical t=2.00 |
The result presented in Table 6 shows that the calculated t-value of 2.24 is greater than the critical t-value of 2.00, degree of freedom being 68 and 0.05 significant level. Based on this finding, the null hypothesis, “Power point training needs does not significantly relate with competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates” is rejected. This means that there is significant relationship between Power point training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates.
Microsoft Word Basics training needs of business education undergraduates and competencies in ICT usage.
Answer to research question one indicates that Microsoft Word training is needed by undergraduates for competences in ICT usage among business education undergraduates. Findings from hypothesis one reveals that there is no significant relationship between Microsoft Word Basics training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates. The finding from hypothesis one in this study is surprising because understanding of Microsoft Word Basic should promote competences in ICT usage, hence related. This finding in the current study differs from the view point of other researchers earlier reported in the literature. For instance, FRN (2010) noted that Microsoft Word Basic is often taught to students in schools and requires as part of the basic computer requirements for many office jobs and that as word processing, the ability to manipulate alphabets and numbers to form words, sentences and documents using computer as a device is required. It is very important that anybody operating a computer system learn to use one of the word processing software to be able to write letters, memos, reports and other documents.
Simple statistical package training needs of business education undergraduates and competencies in ICT usage.
The finding from answer to research question is shows that simple statistical package training is needed by business education undergraduates for competence in ICT usage. On the other hand, the finding from hypothesis two is that there is no significant relationship between Simple statistical package training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates. This finding, like hypothesis one was surprising because understanding of simple statistical is supposed to relate with competence in ICT usage. However, this finding has implication for business educators and the undergraduates as the researcher sees the finding as the manifestation of the need gap resulting from incompetence in ICT usage among undergraduates.
Power point training needs of business education undergraduates and competencies in ICT usage. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) requires that undergraduate and graduate students exhibit proficiency in “statistical data analysis and management science as they support decision-making processes throughout an organization” (AACSB 2008). A less explicitly stated, though no less important, goal is for students to have an emotionally pleasant experience during the learning process. However, motivating students to enjoy learning statistics has been a major challenge for decades in many colleges of business.
Power point training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates.
Finding from research question three indicates that Microsoft Power point training is highly needed for competence in ICT usage among business education undergraduates. On the other hand, finding from test of null hypothesis three reveals that there is significant relationship between Power point training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates. This finding further strengthens the views of other researchers. Lari (2014) in a study onthe impact of using power point presentations on students’ learning and motivation in secondary schoolsreported thatdifferent studies show that the use of technology in schools (as the most important part of education system) has developed new ways of teaching and learning. The finding shows that teaching based on the use of technology had a significant positive effect on learners’ scores. Again, mental group learners performed better than the control group.
Also students learned better if the course material was presented through some visual tools. They, also, reported that teachers believed that Power Point presentations made the content more appealing; therefore, they helped them to take students' attention. The results of Corbeil & Valdes-Corbeil (2007) showed that students exposed to power-point presentations preferred them over the textbook presentations;
In another study conducted by Shahid (2012), it is reported that in recent years, the uses of PowerPoint (a form of multimedia) presentations in classroom instruction have significantly increased globally without examination of their effects on student learning and attitudes. The results show that PowerPoint presentation may improve student attitudes toward the instructor and class presentation. The results do not provide conclusive evidence that PowerPoint presentations improve short-term or long-term memory. The latter results are consistent with other media comparison studies that show the medium alone does not influence learning.
1. Microsoft Word training is needed by undergraduates for competences in ICT usage among business education undergraduates.
2. Simple statistical package training is needed by business education undergraduates for competence in ICT usage
3. Microsoft Power point training is highly needed for competence in ICT usage among business education undergraduates
4. There is no significant relationship between Microsoft Word Basics training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates.
5. There is no significant relationship between Simple statistical package training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates.
6. There is significant relationship between Power point training needs and competencies in ICT usage among business education undergraduates.
Based on the findings of this study, training of business education undergraduates on Microsoft Word Basic; Simple Statistical Packages and Microsoft Power Point enhances their competence in ICT usage.
Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are made:
1. Lecturers should provide adequate training on Microsoft Word for business education undergraduates for competences in ICT usage.
2. Lecturers should provide adequate training on Simple Statistical Package for business education undergraduates for competences in ICT usage.
3. Lecturers should provide adequate training on Microsoft Power Point for business education undergraduates for competences in ICT usage.
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Received: 25-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. AJEE-22-12489; Editor assigned: 29-Aug -2022, Pre QC No. AJEE-22-12489(PQ); Reviewed: 12- Sep-2022, QC No. AJEE-22-12489; Revised: 19-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. AJEE-22-12489(R); Published: 26-Sep-2022