Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 27 Issue: 5S

The Role of Using Computer Data to Diagnose Compliance on Staff at Al-Dur Hospital, an Analytical and Statistical Study

Layth Abdulrazzaq Kamil, Northern Technical University, Al-Dour Technical Institute


Organizational Commitment, Emotional Commitment, Normative Commitment, Continuity Commitment


 The paper aimed to diagnose the reality of organizational commitment in light of the Corona pandemic among the staff of Al-Dur Surgical Hospital in Iraq as a field for conducting the field side, as the research sample included (103) hospital employees. The research relied on a questionnaire form as the main tool for collecting field-side data. These data were analysed using statistical programming (SPSS). A number of statistical methods were used to test the hypotheses such as the frequency distribution, the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation. The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that there is a good organizational commitment at the level of emotional commitment, normative commitment and continued commitment of the individuals researched because they have a sense of responsibility and desire to work, and a number of recommendations were the most important of which it is necessary to establish the reality of organizational commitment in the hospital and to have a working approach It is emulated in all functional activities in order.


Organizational commitment is considered one of the important topics in our world today because of its great relationship in the completion of work within institutions, as organizational commitment expresses the individual's desire to work within the institution and stay in it, belief in its values and the drive towards achieving its goals, as this is a source of strength for the institution. Organizational commitment is one of the important and main elements to know the compatibility between individuals and institutions in order to achieve their goals and ensure that they remain in work continuously. Therefore, the research came to diagnose the reality of organizational commitment in light of the Corona pandemic and to define the concepts, dimensions and tools used to test his hypotheses that he relied on for the purpose of coming up with a set of data and results. This research was divided into four main axes: The first axis included the methodological framework for the research, the second axis included the theoretical framework for organizational commitment, and the third axis included the field framework for the research, and the research was concluded with the fourth axis to include a set of conclusions on the basis of which recommendations were made.

The Methodological Framework for Research

Research Problem

In view of the changing and complex conditions, challenges and crises in countries in general and Iraq in particular, represented by the Corona epidemic, it is therefore imperative that institutions, especially health ones, face such challenges and crises and search for tools and means that enable them to confront this epidemic, and perhaps organizational commitment is one of the important tools and means in order to address For this epidemic through the commitment of individuals to fulfill their duties. Therefore, in this research, we seek to diagnose the reality of the organizational commitment of the surgical floor hospital staff, the study sample.

In light of the foregoing, the study problem can be identified with the following questions:

1- Are the dimensions of organizational commitment available for individuals in the researched institution? What is their level of availability?

2- What does organizational commitment mean for individuals in the researched institution?

3- What is the level of importance of the organizational commitment dimensions in the researched institution?

Research Objectives

This study seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1- Diagnosis of the reality of organizational commitment of individuals in the research institution in light of the Corona pandemic.

2- Clarify the importance of organizational commitment among individuals in the researched institution in light of the Corona pandemic.

3- Identify the dimensions of organizational commitment through the researched institution.

4- Presenting a set of proposals that work to enhance the organizational commitment of individuals within the researched institution.

The Importance of Research

The study highlights its importance by studying organizational commitment and getting acquainted with the theoretical background that the study illustrates about its concept, importance, dimensions, and the vital role it plays in hospitals at the present time in light of the Corona pandemic, and emphasizing the need to adopt organizational commitment by individuals working in order to confront the Corona pandemic.

Research Hypothesis

The first main hypothesis: The dimensions of the organizational commitment of individuals in the researched institution do not exist.

The second main hypothesis: The ordinal importance of the organizational commitment dimensions does not differ according to the nature of the response to it by the respondents.

The Limits of the Study

1- Spatial boundaries: The study was applied in Al-Dur Surgical Hospital.

2- Temporal limits: The researcher began preparing the research for the period from 4/20/2020 until 8/25/2020.

3- Scientific boundaries: the study was scientifically determined through the three variables of organizational commitment, namely (emotional commitment, normative commitment, and continuity commitment).

4- Human borders: selecting a sample of (103) employees working in the searched hospital.

The Statistical Methods of Research

The statistical packages program (SPSS) was used and the results of the questionnaire were extracted, and statistical methods that are consistent with the research hypotheses were used, including the following:

1- Frequency distribution.

2- The arithmetic mean.

The Theoretical Framework for Research

The Concept of Organizational Commitment

Books and administrative terms indicate that organizational commitment has become one of the most important issues that concern the management of institutions, especially since its scientific concept did not receive the required attention by specialists until the end of the sixties and early seventies of the twentieth century. As a result, the need for and the emergence of many studies and theories to study organizational commitment (8).

The definitions of organizational commitment have varied (Mohanty, 2019). However, it is a feeling of loyalty to the institution, the work, and the group to which the individual belongs. Whereas he knew (Thivagar, 2020) that organizational commitment is the employee's attachment to the organization and the congruence of his goals with its goals, increasing with time. And between (Ramayah, 2009) that the individual’s commitment to the institution is not limited to one of its components or elements, as institutions seek to obtain a comprehensive commitment of the individual towards the institution (goals, values, activities and members), but it is difficult to obtain such commitment Permanently for all individuals, so it does not reject the commitment of the individual at a certain level and therefore the institution should encourage him to reach a broader commitment. Al-Tai (2007,) believes that the organizational commitment is the strong belief of the individual to accept the goals and values of the institution with the desire to double his efforts for its benefit and the strong desire to maintain its membership. Whereas (12) defined it as the feeling associated with the strong and emotional belief in the goals and value of the institution, the strong desire to maintain membership in it, and the great effort to achieve goals. Al-Lawzi, (2003) defined it as the organizational commitment related to the direction of the individual towards the institution, meaning that it expresses a state of harmony and integration with the institution and its objectives, so the individual who has a high level of commitment sees himself as a true member of the organization, he refers to the institution In personal terms such as (we made new products, we provided new services). Wiegand, (2005) Pointed out that organizational commitment is a psychological state represented in the individual's adherence to the institution and his conviction of its objectives, which is reflected in his behavior, as he seeks to achieve success for this institution and exert his utmost effort and commitment to achieve this. He was also known as a strong belief and acceptance by individuals of the goals and values of the institution in which they work and their desire to make the largest possible bid for its benefit in addition to a strong desire to continue its membership, defend it and improve its reputation (Winter, 2012). Organizational commitment is the result of the individual's attitudes towards the organization in which he works, and it is related to the degree of individual integration with the institution and his interest in continuing with it (Panda, 2017).

The researcher believes that organizational commitment is the individual's willingness to exert maximum effort for the benefit of the institution and belief in its values with a strong desire to continue them and not to leave them.

The Importance of Organizational Commitment

Organizational commitment may not guarantee success at work, but its absence guarantees failure. Sometimes there are managers or workers who lack sincerity of determination, while they are experts in identifying problems, but they are not committed to finding solutions to these problems, commitment requires courage and risk, as the institution usually does not impose commitment Rather, it stems from the self-convinced of it internally (Thivagar, 2020, Heymach, 2019). Believe that it is important as follows:

1- Organizational commitment is affected by a set of personal characteristics and external circumstances surrounding the work.

2- The outputs of organizational commitment are represented in staying within the organization and not leaving it, the degree of employee commitment, job performance and loyalty to the organization.

3- It takes many forms and forms, the most important of which is commitment as a means to achieve a specific goal, commitment as a value in itself.

4- It expresses the process of believing in the goals and values of the institution and working as hard as possible to achieve these goals and embody those values.

Whereas, the interest in organizational commitment among individuals is represented by the following results (Thivagar, 2019):

1- Increasing the sense of stability and employment, which helps to raise the spirits of individuals?

2- Increasing performance rates.

3- Decreased job turnover.

4- Decline in absenteeism with an increase in attendance.

The importance of organizational commitment is through the strong commitment of individuals from others within the organization, and this is evident through the following:

1- The probability of a committed employee leaving the job is low

Individuals with strong organizational commitment are less likely to leave and be absent. In other words, they are more stable at work.

2- A committed employee is more willing to sacrifice for the organization

Individuals with strong organizational commitment become more willing to sacrifice for the survival and stability of the organization.

Dimensions Of Organizational Commitment

Organizational commitment focuses on several dimensions, foremost among which are Emotional (emotional) commitment, normative commitment (ethical) and continuity commitment, which are as follows:

1- Emotional commitment: It is the emotional attachment of individuals towards the institution, its goals and belonging to it, and this results in harmony between the individual’s values and the values of the institution so that it is emotionally linked with it (Panda, 2017) and thus expresses the emotional connection with the institution and is affected by the extent of awareness The individual has the distinctive characteristics of his work in the independence and diversity of skills and is affected by the employee's sense of that The organizational environment in which he works allows him to participate effectively in the decision-making process, whether with regard to work or working individuals, and this determines the degree of individual integration with the institution and its connection with social relations that reflect social solidarity (Mohanty, 2019). It is affected by the degree of individual perception of the distinctive characteristics of the work in terms of the degree of independence, importance and diversity of the required skills and the proximity and direction of supervisors, as well as the degree of the individual’s sense of being allowed to actively participate in decision-making by the organizational environment in which he works (Wiegand, 2005). This concept indicates the strength of the individual to continue working for the organization because he agrees with its goals and values and desires to participate in achieving these goals and values. Sometimes institutions resort to making a change in their goals and values, and here the individual asks himself if he can adapt to these new goals and values or not, and if the answer is yes, he will continue in the organization, but if he finds himself difficult to adapt, he will leave work in the organization (Ahmed & Ramesh, 2020).

2- Normative commitment (ethical): It is the sense that the individual feels to be committed and to stay in the organization and this aspect is reinforced by the good support by the institution for its employees and allowing them to actively participate not only in the manner of procedures and implementation of the work, but with their contribution to setting goals, planning and drawing the general policies of the institution (Thivagar, 2020). This concept indicates that the individual feels committed to remaining in the institution due to the pressures of others. Individuals with strong normative commitment take it to a large extent. What would others say if they left the organization? So these people do not want to leave a bad impression on their colleagues because they left work, and therefore this has a moral obligation even if it is at the expense of themselves.

3- Continuity commitment: It is the continuous stay of the individual in the institution, and it is a reflection of the lack of options that the individual may face due to some circumstances. Vos (2015) It means what the individual achieves in terms of investment value if he continues in the institution in exchange for what he will lose when joining other institutions. It is he who indicates the strength of the individual's desire to work in a particular institution, because he believes that leaving work costs him a lot. This concept expresses the strength of the individual's desire in order to remain working in the institution because he believes that leaving work in it will cost him a lot. As the longer the period of his service in the institution, the longer he leaves it, he will lose much of what he invested in it over time.

The Field Framework for Research

Description of the Study Variables and Their Diagnosis

The treatment of the scientific research methodology is recognized by identifying the opinions of the respondents towards the paragraphs of the questionnaire expressing the research variables, according to the following:
1- Description of the emotional commitment dimension: This dimension achieved an arithmetic mean of (3.52) with a standard deviation (1.287). This indicates that the individuals surveyed have a desire to spend the remainder of their lives working and seriously feel that the institution’s problems are part of their personal problems and that they are part of the family in the organization and feel an emotional attachment in this organization, and this indicates that the organization is characterized by emotional commitment.

2- Description of the standard commitment dimension: This dimension showed a good level in the answers of the individuals surveyed, as the arithmetic mean reached (3.57) with a standard deviation (1.283). This indicates the commitment of the individuals researched at work and their feeling of error and guilt if he left the current work, as the institution deserves loyalty and loyalty, and this means the institution adopts normative commitment.

3- Description of the continuity commitment dimension: This dimension showed a good level in the answers of the individuals surveyed, as the arithmetic mean reached (3.53) with a standard deviation (1.308). This indicates the influence of the individuals researched in their lives if they leave work in the institution, so their stay there is a very necessary issue and this stems from their need to work, because the options and opportunities are limited, and this shows that the organization adopts the commitment to continuity.

Through the foregoing, the above statistical indicators show that all the values of the arithmetic mean for the organizational commitment dimensions ranged between (3.52 - 3.57), as it was higher than the hypothetical mean value of (3), which explains for us the availability of the organizational commitment dimensions of individuals in the researched institution. This invites us to Rejecting the first hypothesis of the research (the dimensions of organizational commitment are not available for individuals in the researched institution).

Ranking the Importance of the Organizational Commitment Dimensions

The statistical data in Table (1) show that the responses of the research sample towards the dimensions of organizational commitment differ according to their views, which leads us to reject the second hypothesis according to which (the ordinal importance of the organizational commitment dimensions does not differ according to the nature of the response to it by the respondents).

Table 1
The Responses of the Research Sample Towards the Dimensions of Organizational Commitment Differ According to Their Views
The dimension Arithmetic mean Ordinal significance
Emotional commitment 3.52 3
Standard commitment 3.57 1
Continuing commitment 3.53 2
General Average 3.54


1- The issue of organizational commitment has a great impact on the success of the institutions and their continuation of work in order to achieve the goals for which the institution was established.

2- There is agreement in the views of the individuals surveyed about the organizational commitment towards their institution, and that is supported by the general average of the arithmetic mean of (3.54).

3- It is inferred from the previous results that the organizational commitment and its dimensions possess the ability to achieve success in accomplishing the work of the institution.

4- The researcher believes that there is an organizational commitment on the part of the individuals surveyed within their organization, as evidenced by the diagnosis of the reality of the availability of the dimensions of organizational commitment through emotional commitment, normative commitment and continuity commitment.

5- The importance of the organizational commitment dimensions of the individuals surveyed varies as the standard commitment was more available in the research sample, followed by the continuity commitment and then the emotional commitment.

6- The results showed that there is a good organizational commitment at the level of emotional commitment, normative commitment and continuity commitment among the subjects, and the reason is due to the fact that they have a sense of responsibility and the desire to work.


1- On the management the hospital shall work to achieve organizational commitment among the individuals surveyed and raise it through high performance and commitment to the duties assigned to them.

2- The hospital should emphasize the approval of all employees with emotional commitment, normative commitment and continuous commitment because of its great role in the hospital’s success and the achievement of its goals before society.

3- Enhancing the state of emotional commitment inside the hospital and emphasizing the normative commitment and the continuity commitment.

4- Clarify the importance of organizational commitment within the hospital for working individuals by understanding the dimensions of organizational commitment at work.

5- It is necessary to establish the reality of organizational commitment in the hospital and to have a method of work that is emulated in all functional activities in order to provide public services to the community.


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