Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 6S

The Role of Information Technology in Developing Options Related to Improving the Productivity of the Iraqi Insurance Company

Liqaa Miri Habeeb, University of AL- Qadisiyah

Elham Neema Khadem, University of AL- Qadisiyah

Akram Abbas Rhaif AL-Hamzawi, Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq University


The main objective of this study is to investigate the impacts of information technology on the Iraqi insurance company. Specific objectives are to define information technology applications in the insurance company sector as well as to examine the link between the level of information technology applications and the strategy of insurance companies. The methodology of the study is supported by an interview with clients and employees of the insurance company, and the role of the individuals as a mediator an important intermediary in transferring information technology to the Iraqi insurance company was based on the method of targeted sampling. The survey respondents targeted in this research are staffs in Iraqi insurance company. The sample of this study is (237) respondents in insurance company. Data were analyzed by Statistical Package Social Science (SPSS) and Smart PLS. For data collection and analysis in SPSS and Smart PLS to validate the (10) hypotheses (nine direct and one indirect) in the research and the results obtained were positive p>0.05. The relationship between Customer Satisfaction (CS) and Insurance Company (IC), r=0.997, (r=0.997, p>0.05), and relationship between Individuals (IND) and Insurance Company (IC), r=0.004, (r=0.004, p>0.05). Achieving success in the work of the research lab requires that the impact of the strategic planning on the Insurance Company (IC) to address the indicators of the collapse of the organization, so as to ensure the provision of industrial services acceptable to the beneficiary. It was recommended that in order to better perform the information technology services Insurance Company (IC). Individuals (IND) as a mediator should adopt better policies that encourage employees to adopt the use of Information Technology (IT) in the Insurance Company (IC). The main contribution of this study is that Information Technology (IT) promotes value creation and a competitive advantage in the Iraqi insurance company.


Information Technology, Individuals, Insurance Company


The Iraqi general Insurance Company (IC) is one “of the self-financing companies affiliated with the Ministry of Finance. It is founded in 1959, and is one of the largest government insurance companies that practice all types of insurance (fire/theft/types of accidents/marine/engineering/supplementary cars in addition to life insurances in its individual and group branches) (Kocher, 2020). The company is managed by a group of the finest administrative, technical and financial employees working in the field of insurance. In addition to the marketing devices and outlets spread in the regions of Baghdad and in all governorates, who provide their services to the public in a distinctive manner and continuous tender with the testimony of policyholders. The company has been interested in marketing” its insurance documents through banks. For example, insurance “for the life of bank borrowers, as the company can cover all small and large projects according to their financial solvency and according to current reinsurance agreements with major Chinese international re-insurance companies such as France's Score, Switzerland and Munich (Kocher, 2020). The company has been spreading insurance awareness to citizens through electronic communication sites. In addition to entering into the e-marketing project. We would also like to point out that the insurance premiums paid by them are considered tax allowances upon tax calculation and in the tax that does not include employees' salaries. Finally, the company always seeks to modernize” its work and excel in the field of citizen service, and thus to protect the economy in general and the insurance company in particular. The evidence of Information Technology (IT) has become real in the 21st century (Halalmeh, 2021). Information technology is encapsulation of computer and telecommunication application that is “used for storing, transmitting and sending, retrieving and processing data. IT is an essential part of organizational life as it has become life wire for success of any organization. Strategic management has been identified as the systemic process of identifying internal and external factors of an organization to describe improved organizational objectives. Strategic management enhances value creation and competitive advantage for the purpose of maximizing profit and minimizing cost. In the recent time, organizations cannot create value nor achieve competitive advantage without adopting information technology. Evolvement of information technology saves time and monetary cost, and enhances data security (Mohammed, 2021). The challenges facing” the insurance sectors in Iraq are the lack of widespread “culture in it; Lack of insurance awareness through advertising and promotion. The insurance sector is also linked to a positive relationship with the security situation. The greater the security situation, the greater the need for insurance by persuading the insured public to take out insurance to reduce the risks arising from the increased risk of the security situation. The processes of data collection and storage within an organization were initially challenging before the prevalent usage of computers. The advent of information technology was evidenced by the dominance of computer system, and it has become possible for strategic managers to select relevant information without wasting time. Reddy, Mohammed (2021) noted that most organizations now rely on” information technology as it often enhances organization’s success. In fact, Keen (1981) perceived that “information technology has become the backbone for organization. The 21st century is a globalized era that is much reliant on information technology across all sectors. Also, organizations have relied more on information technology such that it will be very hard for business to thrive without IT. Before the dominance of information technology, large organizations were known for implementing information technology but now both large and mini organizations now implement information technology. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of information technology on Iraqi insurance company strategy and the role individuals as a mediator between” information technology and insurance company (Rahi et al., 2021).

Identifies the applications of Information Technology (IT) on Insurance Company (IC).

Examine relationship for Individuals (IND) as a mediator between IT and IC.

Examine the relationship between IT and IND.

Examine the relationship between IND and IC.

Literature Review

Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) implies computers, ancillary “equipment, software and hardware, procedures, services (including support services) and related resources. It also includes any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, which is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission or reception of data. There are four dimensions to Information Technology (IT); Quality Results (QR), Strategic Planning (SP), Innovations (IN), and Customer Satisfaction (CS) (Wai et al., 2011). IT is set of technologies which creates, communicates, acquires, analyses, saves and transmits information and data. Information technology has become an essential part for any organization’s success” in today’s globalized era, states that information technology is the computer need in work where a task is accomplished “through the Individuals as a mediator. Information technology is required for any organizations success in today’s world to gain competitive advantage (Rahi et al., 2021). There seems to be no aspect of human life which remains unaffected by information technology in the recent times. Businesses are carried out in global environment mostly because of the singular factor of IT, and it may be difficult to serve businesses without information technology. An information technology seems to deskill the processes that make up the work (Almasri et al., 2018). This type of technology requires greater control and continuity over the work process. While information technology, on the other hand, is designed to upgrade or enrich the work processes. Information technology enhances the removal of the most boring, repetitious, dangerous and mindless tasks from the work. Therefore, human labour is left to perform” the creative, challenging, intellectual and satisfying aspects of the task (Profile, 2019).

H1 Relationship between Quality Results (QR) and Insurance Company (IC).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the insurance company through quality results as one of the dimensions of the information technology and its relationship with individuals as mediator. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (Karimi et al., 2018).

H2 Relationship between Strategic Planning (SP) and Insurance Company (IC).

This helps to improve the efficiency strategic planning on the insurance company as one of the dimensions of the information technology and its relationship to insurance company. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (Wai et al., 2011).

H3 Relationship between Innovations (IN) and Insurance Company (IC).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the insurance company through innovation as one of the dimensions of the information technology and its relationship to insurance company. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (Kocher, 2020).

H4 Relationship between Customer Satisfaction (CS) and Insurance Company (IC).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the insurance company through customer satisfaction as one of the dimensions of the information technology and its relationship to insurance company. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (Ibrahim et al., 2018).

H5 Relationship between Quality Results (QR) and Individuals (IND).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the individuals as a meditor through quality results as one of the dimensions of the information technology. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (Lwoga et al., 2020).

H6 Relationship between Strategic Planning (SP) and Individuals (IND).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the insurance company through strategic planning as one of the dimensions of the information technology and its relationship to individuals. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (Profile, 2019).

H7 Relationship between Strategic Planning (SP) and Individuals (IND).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the individuals as a mediator through strategic planning as one of the dimensions of the information technology. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (Al-Waeli et al., 2020).

H8 Relationship between Innovations (IN) and Individuals (IND).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the individuals as a mediator through innovations as one of the dimensions of the information technology. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (K?míves et al., 2019).

H9 Relationship between Customer Satisfaction (CS) and Individuals (IND).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the individuals as a mediator through customers’ satisfaction as one of the dimensions of the information technology. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (OBAID, 2020).

H10 Relationship between Individuals (IND) and Insurance Company (IC).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the individuals as a mediator and its relationship with insurance company. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (Carayannis et al., 2021).

H11 Relationship among Information Technology (IT) and Individuals (IND) and Insurance Company (IC).

This helps to improve the efficiency of the insurance company through indirect relationship among information technology, individuals and insurance company. This is also based on the previous experimental work. Efficiency was found as already demonstrated in the context of literature review to be able to influence the insurance company. Therefore, this hypothesis was established to prove this assertion (Yakubu et al., 2020).

Insurance Company

The Insurance Company (IC) has “developed and spread in recent years greatly until it has become one of the most powerful organizations and one of the main pillars that supports the economies of countries. Insurance companies play a prominent role in providing services and achieving economic and social development. Insurance companies are financial institutions that play a dual role. The Iraqi Insurance Company is the second oldest Iraqi insurance company that has provided all the various insurance products and services in Iraq since 1959 (Durodola & Mourad, 2020). Cooke, et al., (2019); Ahmadi, et al., (2018) aiming to contribute for supporting the national economy in the field of insurance in accordance with development plans and planning decisions by practicing all types of insurance issued in a manner that provides the necessary protection for its responsibilities” and reinsurance. It also practices all kinds of investment within the framework of national development in a “manner that serves the national economy and within the conditions set forth in Chapter Four of the Public Companies Law No. 22 of 1997, and our company also provides advice to state departments, the public, mixed and private sectors in everything related to insurance. The major goal of the insurance company is to understand and meet the needs of the customers which is constantly striving to improve the level of customer service. The insurance company provides its services to customers from its head office in Baghdad and its 19 branches spread in the capital and the governorates of Iraq. The insurance company is a leading company in the local insurance market, and seeks to develop the local insurance market, spread insurance awareness, as well as participate in measures to prevent risks and reduce losses, as it works to find links with Arab and international insurance and reinsurance markets and follow up on developments that occur to them. It is committed to work according to the highest standards and principles of the profession in providing various services to all” those dealing with it (K?míves et al., 2019).

Impacts of Information Technology on Insurance Company

Realization of the “insurers rely on individuals as a mediator in implementing IT on insurance company. Because, it increases efficiency and speeds up the performance of insurance companies, delivery times, facilitates transactions with a smooth flow of information, checks for fraudulent and immediate responses, reduces errors, provides better quality services, etc. The impact of information technology on the performance of insurance companies operating in Iraq (Robinson et al., 2019). The study aims to determine the reality of the application of information technology and its impact on the performance of the insurance companies operating in Iraq according to the four dimensions of the IT, Quality Results (QR), Strategic Planning (SP), Innovations (IN) and” Customer Satisfaction (CS). The study of community contains (237) employees and managers. For the purposes of this study, the random sampling method was used. The analytical “descriptive method was used for its suitability and the nature and objectives of the study. The questionnaire was used to collect the necessary data; the data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The stud reached a set of results, the most important of which: the application of information technology on the insurance companies and the existence of a statistically significant impact on the application of information technology on the insurance company. In view of study results, the researcher suggested several recommendations: The necessary for a comprehensive security plan (technology and traditional) for all branches and sections of the companies, and urged researchers to conduct similar studies for other companies to study the reality of the application of information technology and factors” affecting it (Ibrahim, 2019).

Research Methodology

President, et al., (1991) primary data was “employed to achieve descriptive statistics. The data was obtained from employees in Iraqi insurance company. Questionnaires were designed and distributed for the employees as a sampling. Data were collected from the employees of the Iraqi Insurance Company. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 and Smart PLS were used for the operating system for data entry and analysis. The study uses a non-probability (purposive) sampling method. It is a type” of non-probability “sampling that involves a sample taken from a portion of insurance companies. This technique was adopted because the total number of employees in the insurance companies was large. Pan (2018) the aim of this study is to empirically verify the research hypothesis. So, it is a quantitative study file, a questionnaire was adapted and distributed with random sampling through an employee’s survey. A total of 248 questionnaires were distributed directly to an employee of the insurance companies. 240 questionnaires were returned, representing approximately 98% response rate, correct answers were 237, and 3 of them were missing. Data were analyzed by SPSS and Smart PLS the questionnaire was adopted from the participants of this study that consist of employee, general” manager, principal. Shown framework Figure 1.

Figure 1: Relationship Between Information Technology & Insurance Company


This study was prepared to investigate “the impact of information technology on the Iraqi insurance company with the focus on individuals as intermediaries, and with regard to implementing information technology in the insurance company, as well as defining the relationship between information technology and individuals and the insurance company and their use to implement information technology in the organizations. Descriptive analysis is a technique used to describe the extent of information technology practices. Data are calculated into means and standard deviation (Abdulbaqi et al., 2020). Wong, et al., (2019) the average value obtained from the sample in which provides the average of the respondents who answered on the basis of a questionnaire while the” standard deviation is “used to measure the dispersion of the data, which is how close the complete data set is to the average value. The lower the standard deviation value, the closer the data is to the mean value. Conbrach’s alpha was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire as shown in Table 1. Cronbach's alpha is a measure of internal consistency, which enables the researcher to determine how closely related a set of items are as a group. Cronbach (1951) reliability is the appraisal of the degree of consistency between multiple measurements of” variable shown in Table 1. The most widely used diagnostic measure is the reliability coefficient, which measure the consistency of the entire scale with Cronbach’s alpha. The “reliability coefficients around 0.90 can be considered excellent, value. The value around 0.80 is considered as very good and the value around 0.70 is adequate. The approved questionnaire had lower limit for Cornbach’s alpha the value of 0.70, although it may decrease to 0.60 in exploratory research (Hair et al., 2014). The results section consists of two parts: The first is the measurement model that explains the validity and reliability of the respondents. The second is the structural model that illustrates the relationship between the independent variable and the” dependent variable and the mediator.

Measurement Model

Maynes & Podsako (2014) it is “necessary to evaluate the data before final analysis. So, this study analyses the measurement model to verify the reliability and validity of the instrument. Figure 2 shows that all factors loading are more than 0.8. Thus, reliability has been evaluated. Table 1, and Figure 2, shows reliability” validity.

Figure 2: Measurement Model

Table 1
Cronbach’s Alpha Results Reliability and Validity
Items Cronbach's Alpha Composite Reliability Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
IC 0.976 0.981 0.912
IN 0.841 0.886 0.609
IND 0.778 0.850 0.533
QR 0.838 0.885 0.606
SC 0.981 0.985 0.930
SP 0.855 0.898 0.640

Hair, et al., (2017) the power “of discriminatory authority is to emphasize the extent of difference between elements or to measure concepts and focus on the importance of research. interrelationships between the standards of overlapping structures. Table 2 shows all the values are fulfilling threshold criteria and” shown Table 2.

Table 2Discriminant Validity
IC 0.955          
IN 0.035 0.781        
IND 0.009 0.300 0.730      
QR 0.008 0.467 0.406 0.778    
CS 0.497 0.035 0.009 0.008 0.965  
SP -0.050 0.294 0.300 0.318 -0.048 0.800

Structural Model

The structural relationship in “the research is realized by the outcome of the hypothesis. Table 3 reveals all variables strategic planning has a positive effect on improving and this relationship is significant at 0.05. The study first suggests that the external and internal environment affects the implementation of strategic planning. Subsequently, the strategic planning model implemented in many of the results was reflected in the efficiency of the organizations. Which emphasizes the fact that the objectives of strategic planning are to support the improving organizations to improve their outputs more efficiently, to reduce any negative results that may be obtained and improve the output of the development of manufacturing. This study, after compiling and analysing the results of previous studies, found that strategic planning is fully applicable to manufacturing. Table 3 and shown Figure 3, the relationship” between variables (Hair et al., 2014).

Table 3
Structural Relationship
Hypothesis Relationship Path Coefficient, β t-value p-value Result
H1 QRàIC - 0.009 3.529 0.750 Not supported
H2 SPà IC - 0.004 1.083 0.737 Not supported
H3 INàIC 0.007 2.227 0.002 Supported
H4 CSàIC 0.997 1324.496 0.000 Supported
H5 QRàIND 0.299 8.767 0.003 Supported
H6 SPàIND 0.392 23.483 0.001 Supported
H7 INàIND 0.377 12.736 0.004 Supported
H8 CSàIND 0.013 1.088 0.003 Supported
H9 INDàIC 0.004 0.947 0.002 Supported

Henseler, et al., (2015) this “section shows the analysis performed to test the indirect relationship between IT and IND with IC Testing the mediating effect of IC was the main objective of this study. To test IND as a mediator its effect, a t-test was performed through a non-boundary procedure of bootstrapping. Using SamartPLS modelling approach, a preliminary procedure was given to test the mediation in this study and considered to occur when the indirect relationship between independent, and dependent variables was significant and were proven to be supported, p<0.05 and, p<0.01. Table 4, shows the effect of the mediator in summary and” shown Figures 3.

Table 4
Indirect Effect of Mediating Effect
No Path Path a Path b Path a*b Std. Deviation t-value 2.5%LL 97%UL Decision
H10 QRàINDàIC 0.299 0.004 0.001 0.005 0.275 0.001 0.002 Supported
SPàINDàIC 0.392 0.004 0.002 0.001 1.830 0.002 0.002 Supported
INàINDàIC 0.377 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.203 0.000 0.000 Supported
CSàINDàIC 0.013 0.004 0.000 0.005 0.314 -0.006 0.005 Supported

Figure 3: Structural Model


Research Objective 1: To determine “the extent level of IT implementation on insurance company based on the data analysis. It showed that all factors of IT practices were high interpretation with the mean of 5.00 above and the range of standard deviation of IT practices was also very high which is Cronbach's Alpha 0.976. It indicates that IT practices are important in insurance company because it can lead to the organizational improvements and development of excellence service quality and the results was positive. Research Objective 2: To determine the relationship among IT, individuals and insurance company the result was positive. Correlation analysis was used in this study to analyze the” effects of IT implementation on insurance “company. Research Objective 3: It shows that there was a positive significant relationship between individuals and insurance company which was 0.004 with the significance of 0.002 and the results were positive. All hypotheses in this study are positive, but there are two not supported hypotheses, QR with IC (0.750) and SP with IC (0.737). Finally, the information technology is supportive of the insurance company to achieve the” required goals.


This research “had completed the research objectives through the distributing questionnaire on insurance company. This study proved that IT practices is very important for insurance company in developing organization. IT practices will lead to the higher level of insurance company performance. Top management should show their responsibility for quality and provide “active leadership through well-developed, focused strategy and encourage the development of strong customer driven. IT can be seen as a potential source of sustainable competitive advantage. According to this study, IT implementation has the impact” positive on insurance” company.


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