Research Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 2S
Pacharawit Chansirisira, Mahasarakham University
Citation Information: Chansirisira, P. (2022). The innovation leadership model for school principal under the provincial administrative organizations in province zone Roi - Kaen - Sara - Sin, Northeastern Thailand. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 25(S2), 1-12.
Innovation Leadership, School Administrators, Provincial Administrative Organization, Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province Group
This research was aimed to study the necessities of enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators and to develop a model for enhancing the innovative leadership of school administrators. This research was held in the area of provincial administrative organization in Roi Kaen Sara Sin Province group. The first phase: to study the necessities of enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators as 3 steps. The second phase, 2 steps to develop a model for enhancing the innovative leadership for the school administrators. The sample consisting of 317 administrators and teachers was obtained by stratified random sampling. The tools used were questionnaires and assessment forms. The statistics used were percentage, average, standard deviation. And analyzed to find the value of the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNImodified). The research results found that (1) the necessities of the innovative leadership of school administrators found that as follows: The first is the creation of an innovative organizational atmosphere, followed by It is the aspect of creativity and the aspect of having a vision in the same order. The results of the study of the current status of the innovative leadership of the school administrators were at a moderate level, while the overall desirable condition was at a high level. (2) The model for enhancing the innovative leadership of the administrators consists of 3 modules: Module:1 Vision, Module:2 Creativity, and Module:3 Creating an Innovative Organizational Atmosphere. The suitability assessment found the model feasibility was appropriate and feasible at the highest level.
The advancement of technology over the past decade in the digital era has continued to increase and it is undeniable that the advancement of this technology has been a catalyst for changes in every aspect of life human. The government has set a policy vision for Thailand's economic development, Thailand 4.0 or Thailand 4.0, which refers to the development of the country through innovation-driven economic policies. Therefore, it is necessary to have access to understanding and to develop using human potential as a guide driven by human intelligence, which must invest in human beings for good productivity, equal opportunity, and sustainability (Maesincee, 2017). Education is a mechanism for developing people to have good qualities and is an important foundation for further progress in the development of the country. Nowadays, Thailand has become more aware of the values of children and youth, especially the education of the nation's youth to prepare them to grow up to be adults with quality, self-sufficiency, living in a society with morality, being able to adapt. Appropriately with the changes for peaceful coexistence in Thai society and the world society (Chansirisira, 2017). Educational management is a practice that deals with the productivity and methods of educational organizations, with the main aim of educational management being to achieve the school's stated objectives with clear goals and guidelines. Take action to achieve that goal (Somprach, 2015). Educational institutions are therefore considered to be a source of youth production as human resources that will be the driving force of Thailand to progress to Thailand 4.0 and to raise the quality of human resources to be Thai people 4.0. As the 12th National, Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021) stipulates strategies related to education management to provide Thai people with the skills, knowledge, and abilities to receive the highest quality education according to standards. universal and able to continuously learn on its own. Possess critical thinking skills, systematic creativity, skills that are ready to enter the labor market, and continually expand access to quality education for underprivileged children and youth. Therefore, when the world changes, people must change, the education of Thailand must also change. Education that can drive Thailand to become Thailand 4.0 should be education 4.0. As Sinlarat (2008) defines education 4.0, Thai education is an education that transcends education that merely allows learners to study, research, think, write, and analyze. But education must reach a level where learners must be developed to be able to produce work that is a product (Product) to come out and produce good quality products at the same time. This is a Creative and Production Education, which is consistent with Chaemchoy (2017), which defines education 4.0 as education that aims to foster learning to create innovation. Both innovations arising from the learning of learners, innovations for learning management of teachers, and innovations in the management of school administrators.
The provinces in the Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province group, comprising Roi Et, Khon Kaen, Maha Sarakham, and Kalasin, are provinces that are in the educational innovation area, which have driven the policy of establishing an educational innovation area by making an action plan and Selected schools that would like to join as pilot schools in educational innovation areas of more than 50 schools. Therefore, the key roles that will lead to innovation change in educational institutions and drive the policy of establishment of educational innovation areas towards the goal are the school administrators. School administrators in the Thailand 4.0 era will have characteristics and skills that are distinctive and different from that of the previous school administrators. It is therefore imperative for school administrators to develop characteristics and skills appropriate to the Thailand 4.0 era to handle and design learning management and school management that is appropriate, challenging, and inspiring for teachers and students. Learn to create cooperation in learning. Invent, create, and develop the body of knowledge until able to create new knowledge or innovation, to become an innovative organization or an innovative school (Innovative School). Yosyingyong (2009) has defined the organization of innovation as the adoption of innovative ideas for organizational management to change organizational characteristics or change organizational behavior, which is something that has never been changed. before. To respond to the stimulus of the globalization context where knowledge and innovation are the main factors in adding value, developing good quality products and services to meet customer needs and satisfaction, survival, and capability. Competitiveness of the organization. This is in line with Chaiprasit (2009), who defines the organization of innovation as the process of combining knowledge, skills, and creativity with the managerial ability of organization leaders to create competitive advantages by focusing on creating benefits and satisfying consumers.
Therefore, the skill that will encourage administrators to manage schools in the Thailand 4.0 era to achieve the goal of becoming an innovative organization is the Innovative Thinking Skill. Weiss & Legrand (2011) states that innovation occurs when individuals use innovative thinking, the process of finding problem-solving. Mixing and arranging from within to come up with new ideas or approaches. Innovative Thinking Skill, therefore, is something that school administrators must practice until they become proficient and become a fundamental skill in the development of educational innovations in schools and should be managed to instill learning. These skills are available to teachers and learners in Thailand's 4.0 era. This innovative thinking process will be a mechanism to drive the characteristics of innovative leaders of school administrators, which The innovative leadership is important for leaders or school administrators to influence teachers and educational personnel to Let the implementation of technology be used in the production, development of media and innovations to support learning and work in educational institutions, as well as to apply those innovations to the maximum benefit of educational institutions. Rojwattanabul (2010) defines innovative leadership as an innovative leader who uses the power of his or her attributes in the competence, personality, role, and social characteristics to drive people to innovate to create value. Add to the organization and help create more innovation in the organization as well. Innovative leadership is therefore very important to school administrators in the Thailand 4.0 era, which will result in being able to work for innovation or something beneficial to educational institutions, able to develop quality education based on the world is changing all the time. The leaders who are directly involved in creating, developing, and being a major driving force for change in educational institutions are the school administrators. Innovation will make it more difficult to drive policy towards the goal of Thailand 4.0 or Education 4.0 (Chaemchoy, 2017).
From the above importance, the researcher would like to develop a model for enhancing innovative leadership of school administrators by defining a research study of school administrators under the Provincial Administrative Organization of Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province group to obtain information that is important to be used in the development of the school administrators to be the school administrators with the innovation leadership. In which the school administrators will be able to apply their knowledge of innovation to effectively drive the innovation area policy towards the goal as well as affecting the achievement of the goals of educational development according to the Strategic Framework for Educational Development 4.0 and Thailand 4.0.
The objectives of the study were the following (1) to study the necessities of enhancing the innovative leadership of school administrators, and (2) to develop a model for enhancing the innovative leadership of school administrators under the Provincial Administrative Organization, Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province Group.
Elements of innovative leadership
The researcher has studied the documents and research related to the components of innovative leadership to synthesize the research conceptual framework as follows:
George (2012) It has been concluded that innovative leadership characteristics that bring sustainability to an organization must have the following five characteristics; (1) commitment to innovation. (2) Having a long-term vision in work planning. (3) Courage not to fear failure. (4) Intensive participation in innovation. (5) Tolerance towards those who have different opinions from the management.
Horth (2014) concluded that Innovative leadership consists of two components: (1) Innovative Approach to Leadership, and (2) Leadership for Innovation:
Bagley (2014) It was concluded that the characteristics of an innovative leader should consist of the following: (1) Do something different or something that has never been done before. (2) Committed to creating dynamics. (3) understand diversity. (4) empowering personnel to have creativity and skills. (5) Not afraid of problems and not taking shortcuts. (6) Not afraid to practice outside the old norms. (7) Be attentive, and (8) participate in the creation of new ideas.
Spahr (2015) concluded that Innovation leadership traits include: (1) A clear strategic vision. (2) Focus on the end-user. (3) Build trust. (4) Do what is appropriate for organizations and individuals. (5) the ability to communicate in the organization. (6) Build capacity for others. (7) Believe in speed, and (8) to communicate directly.
Perera (2016) It was concluded that there is 10 characteristics of innovative leadership: (1) Excellent strategic vision. (2) focus on customers. (3) Create an atmosphere of mutual trust. (4) Show courage and loyalty. (5) Build faith in an innovative culture. (6) Persuasion. (7) Good at setting goals. (8) Emphasize speed. (9) Communicate honestly, and (10) Inspire and motivate through action.
Rojwattanabul, O. (2010) concluded that Innovative Leadership Characteristics consist of four important elements as follows: (1) Personality, (2) Skill, (3) Roles and duties, and (4) Social Characteristics.
Tonak, et al., (2014) In summary, there are four components of innovation leadership: (1) Internal Personality, (2) External Personality, (3) Operation, and (4) Relationship.
Kao-ian (2013) The study of innovative leadership characteristics of educational institution administrators found that the components were (1) personality, (2) social characteristics, and (3) roles and responsibilities.
Tumtool & Ariratana (2014) It has summarized the components of innovative leadership as comprised of six components: (1) having a vision for change. (2) Creativity. (3) Teamwork and participation. (4) Being ethical and verifiable. (5) Risk management, and (6) Atmosphere of cultural organization.
Table 1 Synthesis of Innovative Leadership Components |
Synthetic elements | Elements that have a similar or approximate meaning |
1. Having a vision | 1. have a determination 2. have the ability to communicate |
2. Being creative | 1. Networking 2. Teamwork 3. Risk Management |
3. Creating an atmosphere of an innovative organization | 1. Trust is built 2. Persuasion 3. Creating Challenges 4. Tolerance of Dissenters 5. Ethical and verifiable 6. Accepting failure |
Research Conceptual Framework
The concepts and theories used in the research are as follows:
1. Elements of the innovation leadership: The results of the synthesis of the innovative leadership elements of school administrators from a paper study of George (2012); Horth (2014); Bagley (2014); Spahr (2015); Perera (2016); Sinlarat (2008); Rojwattanabul (2010); Tonak, Chaemchoy & Kornpuang (2013); Kaoian (2013). The innovative leadership components consist of 3 main components as follows: (1) Vision, (2) creativity, and (3) creating an innovative organizational atmosphere.
2. Methods for enhancing the innovation leadership: The results of a synthesis of methods for enhancing the innovative leadership among school administrators from a paper study of McCauley (1986), Dessler (2002), Sims (2006), Mankin (2009), Dubrin (2010) and Wongput, K. (2007). There are 4 methods for enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators which are (1) training, (2) study visits, and (3) learning from practice.
3. Pattern elements: Synthesis results of model elements from the monograph studies of Charney and Conway (2005), Kanaya et al. (2005), Armstrong (2010), Mondy (2010), Dyer et al (2013), and Phongsathorn, S. (2007). The model has 6 elements as follows: (1) Principle, (2) Objectives, (3) Target Group, (4) Content, (5) Development Process, and (6) Measurement and Evaluation of the Model.
The research results consisted of 2 phases as follows:
Phase 1: A study of the necessities of enhancing the innovative leadership of school administrators has 3 steps as follows. (1) Use the research conceptual framework derived from the synthesis of components and indicators of enhancing The innovative leadership of the school administrators to create a questionnaire on current conditions and desired conditions of enhancing The innovative leadership of institution administrators. (2) Data were collected from a sample group that was a group of school administrators and a group of teachers under the Provincial Administrative Organization, Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province Group. The population used in this research consisted of a group of school administrators and a group of teachers under the Provincial Administrative Organization of Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province, totaling 1,891 people. The samples used in the research were school administrators and teachers under the Provincial Administrative Organization. A total of 317 people in Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province were obtained by determining the sample size from the ready-made tables of Krejcie and Morgan (Srisa-ard, 2013), and stratified random sampling. The mean and standard deviation are analyzed to present current and desirable conditions. (3) An analysis of the necessities of enhancing innovative leadership among school administrators, school administrators, and teachers under the Provincial Administrative Organization of Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province.
Research instrument: the questionnaire about the current state and the state of reliance on enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators. The group of administrators of the school and the group of teachers that the researcher developed and improved from the research conceptual framework and related research is characterized by a 5-level estimation scale. Scale) is divided into 3 parts: Part 1 A checklist questionnaire which is information about the status of the respondents and the information of the academic framework in the educational institution. Part 2 the questionnaire on current and desirable conditions for enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators is a 45-item 5-level Rating Scale, and Part 3, opinions and suggestions are open-ended questionnaires. The quality of the instrument was the confidence value of the current condition of 0.90 and the desirable condition of 0.87 and the IOC value between .80 – 1.00.
Phase 2: Develop a model for enhancing the innovative leadership for school administrators, school administrators with 2 steps as follows; (1) Drafting a model for enhancing The innovative leadership of the school administrators, and (2) assessing the appropriateness and feasibility of the model for enhancing The innovative leadership of the school administrators by 7 experts, improving the system model for enhancing The innovative leadership according to the advice of experts.
Researinsrrument: the appropriateness and feasibility assessment form of the draft model of current conditions, desirable conditions, and necessary needs of enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators under the Provincial Administrative Organization of Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province group as a 5-level rating scale, assessed by 7 experts.
The research findings on the model of enhancing the innovative leadership of school administrators under the Provincial Administrative Organization of Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province group showed the following results:
Phase 1 Study of the necessities of enhancing the innovative leadership of the administrators of educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization. Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province Group. The results showed that the order of need was in the order of creating an innovative organizational atmosphere, followed by creativity, and vision. The results of the study of the current condition and desirable condition of the innovative leadership of educational institutions found that the current condition of the innovative leadership overall was moderate. When considering each component, it was found that all components were at the same medium level, with the highest mean component being the innovation organization climate aspect, followed by the visionary aspect. And the creative aspect is equally average. The desirable condition was found to be at a high level, considering each component as a high level, with the highest mean for creativity and vision being equal. Together. The last part is the aspect of creating an innovative organizational atmosphere, respectively, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Results Of The Current Condition, Desirable Condition, And The Necessary Needs For Enhancing The Innovative Leadership Among School Administrators Under The Roi Kaen Sarasin Provincial Administrative Organization |
Composition / Metrics | Desirable condition | Current condition | PNImodified | Needs Priority | ||||
![]() |
S.D. | Leadership level | ![]() |
S.D. | Leadership level | |||
1. Creating a Vision | 4.25 | 0.34 | Hight | 3.03 | 0.43 | Moderate | 0.403 | 2 |
1.1 Publication of vision | 4.19 | 0.32 | Hight | 3.01 | 0.42 | Moderate | 0.391 | 7 |
1.2 Implementation of the vision | 4.30 | 0.37 | Hight | 3.01 | 0.46 | Moderate | 0.428 | 5 |
1.3 Being a good role model | 4.25 | 0.36 | Hight | 3.06 | 0.44 | Moderate | 0.387 | 8 |
2. Being creative | 4.25 | 0.42 | Hight | 3.03 | 0.48 | Moderate | 0.403 | 2 |
2.1 Being flexible | 4.30 | 0.37 | Hight | 3.06 | 0.46 | Moderate | 0.403 | 6 |
2.2 Imagination | 4.09 | 0.43 | Hight | 3.03 | 0.53 | Moderate | 0.349 | 9 |
2.3 Motivation | 4.35 | 0.46 | Hight | 2.99 | 0.51 | Moderate | 0.453 | 4 |
3. Atmosphere | 4.36 | 0.42 | Hight | 2.97 | 0.48 | Moderate | 0.468 | 1 |
3.1 innovation organization | 4.30 | 0.37 | Hight | 2.94 | 0.48 | Moderate | 0.462 | 3 |
3.2 Creating an organizational culture | 4.42 | 0.43 | Hight | 3.01 | 0.34 | Moderate | 0.467 | 2 |
3.3 Networking | 4.35 | 0.46 | Hight | 2.96 | 0.51 | Moderate | 0.469 | 1 |
Phase 2 Models for enhancing the innovative leadership of school administrators under the Provincial Administrative Organization of Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province Group. The results of the development of the model for enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators developed consisted of the content scope of 3 Modules as follows: Module1: Having a vision. Module 2 Creativity. Module 3 Creating an Atmosphere of an Innovation Organization. And the evaluation of the suitability and feasibility of the model was found to be appropriate and feasible at the highest level.
Discussion of research findings on the model of enhancing the innovative leadership of school administrators under the Provincial Administrative Organization of Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province Group. The researcher has divided the issues with interesting findings that should be discussed into 2 issues, as detailed below.
1. The results of the study of the necessities of enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators were sorted according to the need, i.e., creating an atmosphere of innovation organization, followed by creativity, and vision. The views are in the same order. The results of the study of the current condition and desirable condition of the innovative leadership of school administrators found that the current condition of the innovative leadership of educational administrators was at a moderate level. When considering each component, it was found that all components were at the same medium level, with the highest mean component being the innovation organization climate aspect, followed by the visionary aspect. And the creative aspect is equally average. The desirable condition was found to be at a high level, considering each component as a high level, with the highest mean for creativity and vision being equal Together. The last part is the aspect of creating an atmosphere of innovation organization respectively. This result may be because the administrators of the educational institutes under the Provincial Administrative Organization of Roi Kaen Sara - Sin Province are the ones who have the innovation leadership, especially in the field of creating an atmosphere of an innovative organization in which the administrators of the school are knowledgeable and competent. In creating an organizational atmosphere of innovation, awareness is created. Encourage, encourage personnel in educational institutions to see the value of innovation development. These will result in the organization being an innovative organization or an effective innovation education institution. However, there are still some parts that the school administrators need to develop more, namely creativity, because from the above study it was found that school administrators and teachers need for students. Administering educational institutions to develop themselves or receive developments from relevant organizations for the school administrators to become more innovative leaders. The findings are consistent with Smith's (2010) study of Elements of Innovative Organizations: A Case Study of Organizations awarded the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, aiming to examine the factors and practices of these innovative organizations. This Emphasis is placed on innovation management elements, organizational context, innovation, innovative vision of leaders. The results of the research revealed that in innovation management, relevant factors and practices include (1) improvement of product development, service, a process that emphasizes innovation that can increase competitiveness. (2) Distribution of innovations throughout the organization. (3) Seeking new approaches or things from stakeholders, and (4) the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge. Innovative organization context elements, relevant factors, and practices include: (1) an open organizational climate, less formality, mutual respect, participation, and fear of failure. (2)Motivation to challenge.(3) It has a flexible organizational structure.(4) There are various input factors.(5) There is an atmosphere that promotes learning, and (6) there is a system for rewarding innovative ideas. Leaders' innovation vision components, relevant factors, and practices include: (1) a focus on communicating innovative and creative visions.(2) Appropriate stimulation and sharing of visions.(3) Promote an atmosphere of interaction with each other.(4) Create values that value innovation.(5) Honesty and trust.(6) Enhancing innovative behaviors for personnel.(7) Reducing personnel anxiety.(8) Acknowledging mistakes and learning from opportunities.(9) Pay attention to customer feedback. (10) Look for innovation opportunities, and (11) allocate resources to innovative activities. Ailin and Lindgren (2008) studied innovative leadership that supports organizational efficiency. The research found that innovative leadership must have a vision, goals, and strategies for innovation and must promote and believe that innovation is an important mechanism for organizational success. The innovative leadership must commit to the innovative leadership initiatives that will be supported strategic leadership through the organization's innovation activities, play a role at the strategic and operational level in innovation., Techniques in innovation management and networking and innovation partners. Consistent with research by Gliddon (2006), the Innovative Leader Competency Model is a study of experts in innovation leadership. The study categorizes innovative leadership competencies into ten areas:(1) The learning aspect consists of being an innovation maker.(2) The group and team leadership aspects consist of managing expectations, leading by action as an example.(3) The energy level and the motivation consist of a sense of urgency. (4)Management and assignments include the ability to plan and manage projects.(5) Communication consists of interpersonal skills. and emotional intelligence. (6) The covenant and the sense of belonging. (7) Creativity and imagination. (8) role, power, and politics.(9) Vision and mission, and (10) on the understanding of the external environment of the organization. And the findings are consistent with Jong & Den's (2007) study on leadership behavior towards increasing employee innovation behavior and innovative thinking and application. The results of the study revealed that there were 13 behaviors of innovation leaders, namely, modeling innovation, intellectual stimulation, knowledge dissemination, vision sharing and vision communication, mentoring, job distribution. , innovation support, feedback management, respect and appreciation, reward, resource support, employee process monitoring, and challenging assignments.
2. The results of the development model for enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators consisted of 6 parts: (1) Principles, (2) Objectives, (3) Target Groups, (4) Contents, (5) Methods of Action, and (6) model evaluation. The content scope is divided into 3 Modules: Module 1 on having a vision. Module 2 on creativity. Module 3 on creating an innovative organizational atmosphere. The results of an assessment of the suitability and feasibility of the innovative leadership enhancement model of the school administrators found that the appropriateness and feasibility were at the highest level. This result explains that the model of enhancing the innovative leadership of the school administrators developed by the researcher by structuring a program that consists of various activities can be used to foster innovation. Leadership for the administrators of the educational institutions will lead to being the administrators of the educational institutions who have the knowledge and ability to develop innovations in the management of educational institutions, as well as encouraging personnel in educational institutions to develop innovations in teaching and learning management. This is to improve the quality of education and become an innovative educational institution with quality in the future. Changes in educational innovation have a direct impact on the development of the innovative leadership in school administrators who are important people in the learning development of school personnel in particular executives who are responsible for not only the work of the personnel but also the management system and responsible for their development. For the development of the innovative leadership of educational institutions, administrators must be synonymous with self-improvement and development through various methods such as training, study visits, learning from practice, including receiving words. advice from experienced leaders and those with higher knowledge, etc. It is also important to focus on the reflection of development results to lead to learning in new situations. This is to enable the development of the innovative leadership of the school administrators to effectively affect the overall school development. The researcher was able to summarize the conceptual frameworks and theories used in the research consistent with Murdoch's (2015) study Innovative Behavior in Local Government: Impact of Organizational Learning Ability, Reinforcement, and Intrinsic Motivation Correlation Research has shown that factors affecting innovative behavior include External Alignment, Open Communication, Self-Awareness, Meaning, Competence, and Impact, while Intrinsic Motivation has a positive correlation that affects innovative behavior across all factors.
General Recommendation
The results of the study of the current conditions of the innovative leadership among school administrators found that the overall current condition was moderate and when considering individual aspects, which included vision, creativity, and creation. The atmosphere of the innovation organization found that all aspects had the current condition at a high level. However, the current condition of creativity is on the side with current the condition is less in terms of vision and in creating an atmosphere of innovation organization. which the researcher sees that the current condition of creativity should be at the highest level because creativity is the starting point for innovative leadership. This is because being creative will lead to new ideas. This will lead to the development of innovations in various fields that can respond to the school management that keeps pace with the rapid changes in the present and the future. Therefore, school administrators should realize the importance of being more creative, to become administrators of educational institutions with perfect innovative leadership and more quality.
The results of a study of the desirable condition of the innovative leadership among school administrators found that the overall desirable condition was at a high level when considering individual aspects including visionary, creative, and productive. The organizational climate of innovation was found in all aspects to be favorable conditions at a high level. However, a desirable condition in creating an innovative organizational atmosphere is the aspect that school administrators believe that school administrators should be more aware of or focus on creating an innovative organizational atmosphere by being a leader in the field of innovation. Use technology to support and create an innovative organizational atmosphere for personnel to be enthusiastic and interested in developing a variety of innovations, until they can apply the innovations created in the rapidly changing school management and education management effectively.
Further Recommendation
There should be research studies on the development of programs to enhance the innovative leadership of administrators at other levels such as secondary school, vocational or higher education level, etc.
There should be research studies on the development of indicators for enhancing the innovative leadership of school administrators or teachers and other educational personnel in various affiliations, especially in the new normal era.
The author of this paper is Associate Professor Dr. Pacharawit Chansirisira, he is the Dean of Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University, Thailand, his e-mail: . This research was successfully completed with great assistance from school administrators, teachers from schools under Khon Kaen Provincial Administrative Organization, Maha Sarakham Province, Roi Et Province, and Kalasin Province who kindly answered the questionnaire, as well as experts who gave Highly recommended research
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Received: 30-Nov-2021, Manuscript No. JMIDS-21-1026; Editor assigned: 02- Dec -2021, PreQC No. JMIDS-21-1026 (PQ); Reviewed: 11- Dec -2021, QC No. JMIDS-21-1026; Revised: 17-Dec-2021, Manuscript No. JMIDS-21-1026 (R); Published: 05-Jan-2022.