Business Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1944-656X; Online ISSN: 1944-6578)

Current opinion: 2023 Vol: 15 Issue: 1S

The Impact of Technology on Business Management Strategies

Braedon Davey, James Cook University

Citation Information: Davey, B. (2023). The impact of technology on business management strategies. Business Studies Journal, 15(S1), 1-2.


Round economy is a financial model intended to substitute the take-make-arrange straight economy with a regenerative framework. Business the executives plays a basic part in making an interpretation of CE into training. Surviving administration research on CE, while extending quickly, stays divided and comes up short on comprehensive viewpoint. Through bibliographic coupling, a method that recognizes new examination drifts as opposed to past practices in writing, we break down the present status of CE research in business the executives and foster a plan for future exploration. Six streams arise: methodology, learning and advancement, buyer conduct and remanufacturing, supply chains and execution, roundabout plans of action, modern advantageous interaction, and arising innovations. Through happy examination we investigate research patterns and holes, giving a more far reaching outline of CE the executive’s research than earlier investigations. Besides, we distinguish promising ways for future examination, centred around three general exploration questions that give a stage to speed up the effect of business and the board research on the reception and multiplication of CE rehearses in future.


Business Management, Strategies, Technology.


The Round Economy is a moderately new, multidisciplinary field of exploration. Normal asset exhaustion and natural debasement have underlined the need of upgrading the customary direct "take-make-arrange" way of creation and utilization. CE is "a financial framework that replaces the 'finish of-life' idea with lessening, on the other hand reusing, reusing and recuperating materials underway/circulation and utilization processes". Yields recently conceptualized as waste are presently viewed as an asset to make esteem. Esteem is held in the monetary framework by overhauling items and by expanding item life. Regardless of immense potential, just 8.6 % of the economy is assessed to be roundabout (Cao et al., 2020). To change the economy to one where waste is not generally delivered, materials are reused and nature is recovered, a fundamental shift is expected to put circularity at the core of all business movement. While CE initially developed from an additional specialized viewpoint, scientists have progressively recognized the requirement for crucial changes of business procedures, supply chains, plans of action and at last across society (Chan et al., 2021).

Progress to CE thusly requires changes in items and cycles as well as crucial changes in fundamental worth creation and utilization designs. Such a foundational shift requires seeing organizations as a piece of a more extensive framework comprising of numerous related individuals (Kharrazi et al., 2017). Considering this rising significance of the point lately, CE is turning into a quickly developing subject in administration research. Broad exploration as of late has brought about a sweeping collection of CE business and the board information. Supposedly, the extent of this arising area of the board research has not been thoroughly explored and combined. A need hence emerges to dissect the present status of the board examination to figure out its scholarly construction, make a thorough group of coordinated information, distinguish future exploration potential and eventually work with a more considerable commitment to CE in future (Lampiri et al., 2021).

Different audits of CE have been led; in their survey on the advancement of the CE idea, Alcalde-Calonge found CE writing split into two expansive regions: 1) the executives researchers conceptualizing CE corresponding to ebb and flow hypotheses, business cycles and methodologies, examining its suggestions in the production of new plans of action and execution specifically ventures and 2) engineers and natural researchers exploring utilizations of CE and looking for answers for assembling and ecological issues. This study plans to plan the rising examination points in the previous region (Parra et al., 2018).


Past writing surveys of CE have had different foci, for instance, on assembling industry, development and CE, examination of CE and manageable business, round plans of action and digitalization. The vast majority of these surveys have zeroed in on unambiguous parts of CE and need far reaching inclusion of CE research according to an administration viewpoint. Besides, a large number of the past surveys give spellbinding examinations of logical results, like yearly patterns, catchphrase co-event, and co-initiation. Considering that divided examination streams and an absence of foundational viewpoint struggle with the standards of CE, there is a need to fortify the effect of the executive’s research around here.


Cao, Y., Liu, J., Yu, Y., & Wei, G. (2020). Impact of environmental regulation on green growth in China’s manufacturing industry–based on the Malmquist-Luenberger index and the system GMM model. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(33), 41928-41945.

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Chan, C.Y., Tran, N., Cheong, K.C., Sulser, T.B., Cohen, P.J., Wiebe, K., & Nasr-Allah, A.M. (2021). The future of fish in Africa: Employment and investment opportunities. PloS One, 16(12), e0261615.

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Kharrazi, A., Rovenskaya, E., & Fath, B.D. (2017). Network structure impacts global commodity trade growth and resilience. PloS One, 12(2), e0171184.

Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

Lampiri, E., Athanassiou, C.G., & Arthur, F.H. (2021). Population Growth and Development of the Khapra Beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), on Different Sorghum Fractions. Journal of Economic Entomology, 114(1), 424-429.

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Parra, D.C., De Sá, T.H., Monteiro, C.A., & Freudenberg, N. (2018). Automobile, construction and entertainment business sector influences on sedentary lifestyles. Health Promotion International, 33(2), 239-249.

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Received: 03-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. BSJ-23-13179; Editor assigned: 06-Feb-2023, PreQC No. BSJ-23-13179(PQ); Reviewed: 20-Feb-2023, QC No. BSJ-23-13179; Revised: 21-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. BSJ-23-13179(R); Published: 28-Feb-2023

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