Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 5

The Effect of Teamwork on Employee Productivity

Almagul Kairgalievna Oteshova, Kazakh-Russian International University of Aktobe

Aigul Amangeldyevna Niyazbayeva, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University

Natalia Alekseevna Prodanova, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Rysty Kuandikovna Sabirova, Atyrau state University Named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov

Khodor Shatila, Research & Development Specialist

Nurul Mohammad Zayed, Daffodil International University


Team Satisfaction is one of the main reasons in a partnership to achieve a reasonable degree of success in the workplace. If team trust is kept in the workplace, team leaders feel secure in expressing their opinions without fear of criticism or reward. The higher the Team's trust in the organization, the better the Team's success at work. The chief has therefore a significant part to play in inspiring the workers to work. Building faith also requires time at work, since the followers believe behavior and not phrases. Some of the most successful methods to inspire workers and teams in the workforce are leading by example. In the office, the chief does not challenge his supporters to perform a job that he himself does not. For starters, if the leader wants to hold his followers at night, he needs to do so. The leader will then prove his colleagues that he is equivalent to his supporters at work, so that morale is improved and the workplace efficiency improves. To avoid complications and unforeseen challenges in the workforce, specific functions and obligations should be established and described. This decreases tension in the workforce and improve the daily schedule.


Team Satisfaction, Workforce, Workplace, Efficiency, Organization.


Today, collaboration is seen as one of the main attributes for operational performance in the workplace. Unfortunately, most organizations and particularly the Lebanese banks today do not carry out teamwork which affects workforce productivity and the success of the organization as a whole. The essential purpose of the study is, therefore, to address the value of collaboration at work and what are the conditions to provide an integrated and productive working team to boost efficiency and results. With this phrase, administrators and leaders understand the value of cooperation in the workforce where partnerships can be strengthened in terms of coordination to accomplish the organization's objectives and priorities quickly and effectively. The main aim of the cooperation is to boost workforce efficiency at the workplace with the aid of management. By the application of cooperation, the team leader can improve their trust and experience to accomplish a shared purpose at work. Teamwork has since become an essential task through which all companies strive to enhance their efficiency. Work is completed quicker, workers can be handled better, and everyone is generally happier when protection is relevant. However, the advantages of collaboration are typically more theoretical and impossible to discern for workers. It does not limit or diminish their importance. Nevertheless, the study became perplexed by the correlation of workplace cooperation with the success of the same company. Therefore, the analysis should examine the results of Bank X's coordination and efficiency. Collaboration has many benefits for the workers at the workplace, improves contact between workers and supervisors at the workplace and helps team leaders to benefit from each other. Teamwork would allow more versatility in cross-training with the staff to be open. Moreover, what are the benefits of the organization's teamwork? There are, however, a variety of variables impacting the Team's success and therefore, the Bank's overall results. Real transparency is the first element in the Bank's success of the workers, of which a good vision of the priorities and expectations they want to accomplish will also be regarded. In order to recognize the condition, they are experiencing and taking appropriate measures, workers will know the system at work and what variables influence the success of workers in BANK X? The results of this study will contribute to the current literature to help other interested researchers formulate research questions on related problems, especially in BANK X. This research was also hoped to include data that will enable policymakers, policymakers and banking operators in the sector to make correct decision-making and policies based on accurate data on the performance of personnel and organizations, particularly in BANK X. Potential scholars who can study on the same subject of teamwork and success would also profit from the analysis, understanding all about employee work teams, influences influencing employee efficiency, the ties between workers coordination and employee results, etc.

Literature Review

Employee Performance

Employee efficiency can be characterized as employee capacity to function successfully and efficiently in the workforce in order to meet the organization's goals. The success of workers would cover certain factors that have a direct or indirect bearing on organizational efficiency. The human resources will research the desires of workers to be successful in the workforce and strive to fulfil certain expectations in order to increase the organization's overall efficiency. Motivating workers are also an integral aspect whereby staff will be empowered and supported in the workforce through human resources (Levin & Cross, 2004). This can only be done when the interests of workers in the workforce have been established. Person Y is not inspired by what motivates individual X. Many workers are inspired by cash rewards, some by non-financial opportunities. Operating in teams increases employee productivity and corporate efficacy. That leader of the Team has a specific role in the management of the corporation and has a significant impact on the organization's overall success. But the value of their research and the effect on their colleagues and the entire company should continue to be appreciated. It would increase staff leaders ' sense of duty and make the organization operate more effectively. Encouraging cooperation on the job can aid administrators in appointing staff. It should feel that a highly respected part of the Team makes the employee become more rooted in the business and encourages the feeling of belonging to his business job. We do not just work for the organization; we do not let down their mates. Planed coordination with leadership will improve the preparation and abilities of workers in the workforce to render coordination a valuable learning opportunity. Successful collaboration takes place within the organization as all participants of the Team collaborate to accomplish a shared goal in order to enhance the organization's efficiency. Teamwork has also become relevant in many businesses as it seeks to develop the abilities of a team leader while selecting a group for work. In assessing a career applicant, collaboration has grown into a competitive attribute for the worker to apply to join an organization. So, workers must know how to function as a team to increase efficiency in the workplace.

Relationship between Communication and Performance of the Team

Team members will expose their errors, feelings and concerns to other team members, if faith remains and whether the environment is suitable to do so (Shatila & Alozian, 2019). Many research and inquiries into the value of confidence and its effects on team function have been carried out, and the findings have shown that the confidence environment within the organization and inside the Team is likely to improve the success of team leaders and thus allow the business to accomplish its goals efficiently and effectively.

Relationship between Compensation Benefits and Team Performance

Compensation rewards can be described as awards, awards, promotions, and other job opportunities to promote and boost employee morale and the organization's success as a whole. For order to inspire the team member to make further sacrifices at work, his Team's pay incentives will also be enforced. Nonetheless, trained and professional workers will be paid upon their return to work, and the loss of staff should be minimized. The team leader in the workplace, therefore, has the primary duty to recognize and function against the interests of team leaders so that they can sustain and enhance their efficiency. This is, however, understood that the specifications of the team leaders vary between participants and what motivates people X does not inspire people Y. Many members will require cash incentives, including salaries or promotions, while some members will need non-financial benefits such as compensated vacations or job appreciation. To order to fulfil their expectations, the team leader will then pay his team leaders (Shatila & Alozian, 2019).

Relationship between Working Value and Team Performance

Working principles are closely linked to workplace success as the organization offers an optimal environment to improve the efficiency of workers at work. Organizational administrators should strive to hire workers with beliefs that are close to the ideals of the company. The higher the employee expectations complement the company's principles, the most successful the employees can be in the workplace. While the working principles and the Team's success in the business is strongly associated. Ali et al. (2020) explained the ecological management in the context of workforce and suggested few ideas and strategies regarding this issue. Iqbal & Zayed (2017) explained how workforce affects the employment decision in the context of Dhaka city. Kader et al. (2021) explained few factors that affect the productivity as well as financial conditions of the workers in the context of Bangladesh. Leonova et al. (2021) described that employee prefer to work in a workforce which comprises of organizational inspiration, teamwork, decision-making, communication and collaboration. Murad et al. (2013) found working condition and payment as the most satisfying factors for the bankers in Bangladesh. Nahar & Zayed (2019) analyzed the relationship between salary and motivation of the employees in the context of Unilever, Bangladesh. Shil et al. (2020) analyzed the HR practices in the COVID-19 pandemic and identified the global transitions. Tumpa & Zayed (2016) explained the factors affected the career decision which is a crucial decision and work life in Bangladesh and found 5 major factors that were crucial in taking career decisions.

Research Framework & Theoretical Model

A team is described as a community of workers in the workplace who are knowledge, expertise and resources interdependent and able to work closely with each other to achieve organizational objectives. However, organizational teams are organized to achieve a shared target at work (Sonal & Adjirackor, 2016). However, a team improves its efficiency when its participants are given a specific target or objective at work. Group leaders are often organizationally interdependent. Group members are also reliant on knowledge and support from other employees. Throughout fact, organizations have, over time, been distinguished by organizational harmony. Teams are characterized as a community of two or more workers with specific expertise or experience at a workplace. They are intended, as per Amelia's (2017) report, to attain a shared purpose and target within the company. However, both team leaders and non-staff members appear to be recognizable. Many departments, though, operate together for an extended period to accomplish the corporate objectives and priorities. Moreover, individual members of the management can control the organization's function and internal procedures. Finally, departments operate jointly with other departments and operate in large organizations.


The essential purpose of the study is to establish the link between coordination and its effect on Bank X results. In order to obtain appropriate outcomes, though, the study questions should be addressed. The primary objective of the analysis is to study the role of teamwork and its impact on bank X results. A variety of instruments and techniques would be used in the study to gather and interpret Bank X data in order to test the theoretical hypothesis. The study methodology may be described as a technique or as a mechanism for data collection and analysis to obtain statistical figures utilizing various statistical tools. There are, moreover, two forms of methodologies, quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative approach can be described as the distribution of a set of questionnaires over a given sample from 100 respondents in order to gather data and interpret those using statistical methods. The qualitative approach, though, is a technique utilized by the interviewer during the interview process to collect evidence from a particular specimen. It is usually communicated by way of accessible queries. A linear regression has been used in this research.

Selected Variables

Dependent variable

The dependent variable is Bank Performance.

Independent variable

The independent variables can be defined as the following: motivation, communication, trust, compensation benefits, job satisfaction, working values, teamwork. For this case, though, all approaches must be dispersed to ensure correct documents and data are preserved. In order to gather details on the importance of the team function and on the Bank's success as a whole, many questionnaires and interviews have been conducted and circulated in Bank X to over 100 respondents.


Nonetheless, all methods to ensure that record and records are maintained have to be distributed with this event. A significant range of questionnaires and interviews were performed to obtain information regarding the significance of the Team's position and the Bank's overall Performance in Bank X and provided to more than 100 respondents.

Results & Discussion

Chi-Square Analysis

The above Table 1 indicates a close connection between workers and bank results, relating to the above table. Nonetheless, 42 percent of respondents reported that if cooperation happens at the workplace, employee morale continues to improve, which improves the Bank's profitability. This will empower the staff to successfully and efficiently accomplish the priorities and objectives of the whole organization. Ten per cent of respondents vary, though, and claim that the coordination and efficiency of the banks are not linked. However, the above cross-tabulation demonstrates that coordination execution is of the utmost importance to inspire and increase employee efficiency and thereby enhance the Bank's overall output.


Table 1Bank Performance vs employee Teamwork
  Employee Teamwork Total
Yes No
Teamwork And Performance Strongly Agree 42 0 42
Agree 28 4 32
Strongly Disagree 0 16 16
Disagree 0 10 10
Total 70 30 100

The above Table 2 indicates a clear connection between inspiration and bank success in the workforce. Relating to the above chart, 42% of participants shared their deep conviction that encouragement has an immediate effect on the Bank's results, meaning that inspiration has a beneficial influence on workers' morale and improves the Bank's overall efficiency. In the other side, 16% of respondents demonstrated deep disapproval and that inspiration did not specifically influence the efficiency of bank teams. The results revealed that the morale and efficiency of the banks were linked positively. The higher the enthusiasm in the position of jobs, the better the Team's success at work, the better the Bank's efficiency.

Table 2 Bank Performance vs Team Motivation
  Motivation Total
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Teamwork And Performance Strongly Agree 40 2 0 0 42
Agree 0 28 4 0 32
Strongly Disagree 0 0 14 2 16
Disagree 0 0 0 10 10
Total 40 30 18 12 100

The cross-section indicates a clear correlation between reviews and bank management teams concerning the section above. However, 42% of those surveyed firmly believe that the input and success of the Team in the Bank was in a good partnership. Feedback is characterized as a mode of contact between managers and employees at work such that a particular message can be conveyed through a specific medium. In the opposite, 16% of the respondents firmly disagree and claim that input from team success in the workplace is not interlinked. The above results (Table 3) indicate a clear correlation between connectivity and input and the success of the working teams. The stronger the coordination in the operating atmosphere, the better the efficiency in the business and the most effective and productive way it is to meet the aims and objectives of the business.

Table 3 Bank Performance vs Feedback
  Feedback Total
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Teamwork And Performance Strongly Agree 39 3 0 0 42
Agree 0 30 2 0 32
Strongly Disagree 0 0 16 0 16
Disagree 0 0 0 10 10
Total 39 33 18 10 100

The cross-tabulation indicates a clear connection between working environments and the climate and the success of the Team in the banks with respect to the above chart. However, 42 per cent reported that there is a clear connection between the working conditions and the success of the Team in business, the more reliable working conditions and working climate, the higher the Team's output is and, in this way, successfully and efficiently meet the aims and objectives of the business as a whole. In the other side, there is no correlation between living conditions and team success in the living climate, 16 per cent of the respondents said. The above results (Table 4) indicate that job conditions are linked to bank success in a positive way, stronger working conditions are, the greater the output in the workplace of the Team and higher the morale of workers to function in their workplaces.

Table 4 Bank Performance vs Working Conditions
  Working Conditions Total
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Teamwork And Performance Strongly Agree 42 0 0 0 42
Agree 0 32 0 0 32
Strongly Disagree 0 1 15 0 16
Disagree 0 0 1 9 10
Total 42 33 16 9 100

Limitations of the Study

There were several restrictions in the study, mainly when collecting data where some bank managers declined to include any coordination tactics to protect the Bank's secrecy and some workers did not answer questionnaires because they were afraid to lose their job at bank X. Another drawback facing the study is that the sample presented is minimal and due to time limitations, thus, the outcomes of the analysis would be apparent if the researcher is willing to collect data from a more comprehensive sample. One final limitation is that the study deals only with one bank in the Lebanese banking market, Bank X, without any banks or competitors being regarded. It should then be interpreted as a case study carried out on Bank X, which is considered as a central limitation in science.

Conclusion, And Future Research Directions

The result indicates that there is a good association between the coordination and the success of Bank X workers after the questionnaire has been spread between Bank X managers and employees to gather data and evaluate them through the usage of the SPSS statistical method. The findings found that teamwork correlated well with Bank X's success by optimizing the efficiency of workers at work and thereby through their profitability by the application of teamwork techniques at Bank X. Therefore, the Bank that introduces teamwork techniques continues to operate more efficiently than the Bank, which does not adopt coordination techniques at work. The results suggest, on the other side, that collaboration has a significant influence on the cooperation of Bank X. Conducting contact approaches between workers and management has a beneficial effect on the organizational efficiency of the organization. In the office, upstream contact and downstream contact, two modes of communication will take place. The contact downward between the team leader and his followers is the connection with him through which knowledge passes from the team leader to his followers. However, upward communication is a type of communication which takes place from one partner to another in the workplace in the type of feedback. Pay approaches have a significant effect on the Team's results in Bank X. Work has found that the higher the pay incentives on the task, the better the Team's results. Therefore, upon meeting the Bank's target and objectives, the Team will be praised and paid. There are two forms of incentives for employment: financial rewards: non-financial compensation. Bonuses, salary rises and tax incentives are part of the business bonuses. Nevertheless, the non-financial incentives include compensated vacations, recognitions and job position promotions. The team confidence has a positive connection with bank X team performance. The more mutual loyalty is, the more team trust can succeed at work and thus increase productivity and operational performance. Group trust has a positive correlation with team performance. Through trust and openness in the workforce and within the team leaders would boost the organizational success of the Team. This study dealt with and examined in detail the coordination phenomenon and its impact on the output of the workers in bank X. In order to verify and affirm the findings of this study, related studies would also be carried out in a broader sense. As the analysis focused on the partnership between teamwork and banking success variables, the next logical move is to examine the influence of teamwork and its effects on workforce satisfaction. For the sake of reliable findings and empirical confirmation of the theory, it is strongly recommended that future work be carried out by a significant number of banks in the Lebanese Banking sector other than Bank X. All should be treated fairly in Bank X. Group rules need to be defined, and each Team's goals are to be fulfilled, and all participants accept them. Some corporate members develop agreements for their colleagues so that everyone wants to follow the same values.


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