Journal of International Business Research (Print ISSN: 1544-0222; Online ISSN: 1544-0230 )

Research Article: 2022 Vol: 21 Issue: 6

Strategic planning and its impact on achieving integration in job satisfaction for workers in hotels in northern Iraq

Ahmed Abdul Salam Ahmed, Samarra University

Mohammed Mahmoud Ahmed, Samarra University

Firas Emad Ali, Samarra University

Citation Information: Ahmed, A.A.S., Ahmed, M.M., & Ali, F.E. (2022). Strategic Planning and Its Impact on Achieving Integration In Job Satisfaction for Workers in Hotels in Northern Iraq. Journal of International Business Research, 21(6),1-9.


This study came to investigate the impact of strategic planning on job satisfaction in the surveyed community, By following the descriptive analytical method, Targeting a group of employees who work in hotels in northern Iraq using a simple random sampling method, Which amounted to (336) workers, the results of the study revealed that there strategic planning in hotels in northern Iraq, the results of the study also showed achieving integration in job satisfaction in hotels in northern Iraq. The current study recommends attention to the analysis of the internal environment and the external environment and future predictions for reality hotels in northern Iraq, and put forward strategies that are flexible in the face of changes.


Job Satisfaction, Strategic Planning, Compensation, Objectives.


Business organizations live in a world characterized by its many complexities, many influencing factors and continuous change, where the success or failure of the organization depends on the extent of its ability to achieve its mission, goals and objectives, and the only way for the organization to follow up on the implementation of its strategy or modify it is through its strategic planning process. Therefore, the role of strategic planning in achieving the integration of job satisfaction is of great importance in improving the performance of the organization and enhancing its market position, that is, the management of advanced organizations seeks to develop the relationship between them and their members to ensure the continuation of the workforce with high qualifications, and to find motives for them to exert more effort in performance. And this can only come by adopting the scientific planning method, which is the only way for organizations to catch up with advanced societies.

Therefore, strategic planning is a creative and innovative thinking method in which the factor of planning and implementation is included together, and it is the way in which the organization allocates its resources and organizes its main efforts to achieve its purposes, and it is a picture of the orientation to what the organization should be in the future. Its ultimate goal is the serious attempt to bring about a state of control over the surrounding circumstances in favor of the decision maker.

The expansion of the use of strategic planning on a wide system in institutions of all kinds and activities in the last era of the twentieth century, as the applied experiences of strategic planning have proven that the institutions that plan strategically outperform in their overall performance over the institutions that do not plan strategically. Strategic planning as a management method differs from other effective management methods in that its basic principles, methods and theories have been developed with a mixture of scientific field experiments and specialized methodological thought, These principles and methods were the result of a field scientific reality supported by an academic thought stemming from the need to develop the performance of institutions in the long term to ensure their survival, and to create a vibrant environment that effectively takes advantage of the available capabilities.

Human resources management has gained its importance by taking care of the human element as it is the main factor for increasing production, increasing the importance of the human relationship, motivating workers and satisfying their needs, and because the success or failure of all organizations depends on the human element, in addition to the expenses incurred by organizations to cover the wages and compensation of workers constitute a large part of its expenses, so the best investment should be directed to working individuals by increasing the desire of workers to continue working, and his satisfaction with the tasks he performs, so his satisfaction is one of the tasks that the administration in the organization, especially the human resources management, seeks to achieve. Job satisfaction among individuals in the organization reflects how to direct their behavior that achieves loyalty to that organization.

Several studies have contributed to enhancing the current study’s orientation on the impact of strategic planning on achieving integration of job satisfaction, including the Abu Zaid (2003) study, which interpreted strategic planning for human resources in the public and private sectors, which explained the impact of the compensation system at the level of employee performance, Chadi & Hetschko (2018); Choi (2006), which came to identify the extent of analysis of the structural relationship to the rate of employee turnover, and Aldehayyat & Twassi (2011); Ismail & Razak (2016), study, which disclosed strategic planning and institutional performance relations, which came to identify the effects of strategic planning, procurement and partnership strategy on operational performance, Al-Qudah et al. (2020) study, which came to identify the impact of strategic planning for human resources on the organizational performance of public share holding companies in Jordan. Tepayakul & Rinthaisong (2018); Tarigan & Siagian (2021); Tesone & Tesone (2005) Study that came to identify job satisfaction and employee engagement among human resource staff in Thai private higher education institutions, Jayawarna & Dissanayake (2019), which interpreted strategic planning and organizational performance, a review of perspectives, concept and practice. Based on the foregoing, strategic planning has received great attention from the hotel administration because of its great importance in the success of the work of these institutions and increasing their effectiveness, which prompted hotels in northern Iraq to strive towards achieving integration of job satisfaction, and in order to achieve its desired goal, increase its effectiveness and achieve Competitive Advantage.

In this study, the first chapter will present the methodology of the study that the researcher will follow in proving this study by defining the problem by the researchers, the objectives that this study will achieve, and building a model prepared by researchers showing the impact of strategic planning on the integration of job satisfaction in hotels in northern Iraq, and the second chapter Presentation of the theoretical framework in brief showing the importance of strategic planning and job satisfaction, and the third chapter results and recommendations.

The Importance of the Study

The importance of the study can be determined as follows:

1. The study derives its importance, in order to increase the importance of the issue of strategic planning and its continuity to keep pace with the latest developments in the surrounding environment in order to achieve integration of job satisfaction.
2. The importance of the study stems from the importance of the investigated variables (strategic planning and job satisfaction) as contemporary variables in the strategic and administrative literature. Their study contributes to the benefit of the hotels under study by introducing them to the importance of the relationship of these two variables in increasing awareness of the concept of strategic planning and the resulting integration of job satisfaction. 3. The importance of the study stems from the fact that this research is field-based it targets a sample of employees note that the results of this study will provide a large amount of data which in turn will supply researchers.

The Problem of the Study

Hotels suffer in general from an increase in turnover rates, low levels of performance, and less compensation than expected (Naidu, 2007). And hotels in northern Iraq in particular are not immune to this matter.

Therefore, the researchers made an exploratory visit about the title of the study to several hotels located in northern Iraq, where a group of workers in various hotels and resorts of five, four, three and two-stars class through an interview Some of the management staff in those hotels, where a set of questions were asked. During the interview, researchers found a low level of career development for hotel workers, a lack of annual salary increases for workers, the average years of experience for some workers may not exceed one and two years, in addition to the indifference to the certificate that Carried by employees, a high turnover rate for workers in those hotels.

In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the following questions must be answered:

- Do compensation systems meet the purpose for which they were found in hotels in northern Iraq? - Does the discrepancy in strategic planning have a clear impact on job satisfaction?
- Is there a relationship between the compensation provided to workers in hotels in northern Iraq and the turnover of work? - Is there an impact of strategic planning on both compensation and business turnover?

Based on the foregoing and through the observations that were recorded during the exploratory visit, it was found that there is a decline in job satisfaction among workers in those hotels, and therefore the study problem revolves around To show the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable for this study.

The Default Plan for the Study

The procedural plan of the research deals with the statistically significant impact of the impact of strategic planning on achieving job satisfaction, according to Figure 1.

Figure 1: Impact Of Strategic Planning On Achieving Job Satisfaction.

Source: Prepared by the researcher based on the sources (Al-Amiri et al., 2007; Hazard, Ralph & Smith, 1997; 1993; Lewis, 1997; Ninemeier&Hayes, 2006).

The Study Population and Sample

For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the study, the opinions of workers in hotels in northern Iraq were surveyed, where the size of the surveyed community amounted to (4,920) workers, and because the study community is large and homogeneous, a sample was taken from that community in a simple random way, amounting to (357) individuals, based on the table to determine the appropriate sample size in the Analytical descriptive studies of the size of the community prepared by (Kregcie & Morgan 1970). The questionnaire was distributed on the items of the study sample by (357) forms, and (336) forms were retrieved, i.e. (94%) and thus the sample size became (336). individually.

Study Methodology

The methodology used in this study was the descriptive-analytical approach, as the appropriate approach for the current study, which describes the phenomenon and the community in question, and analyzed it using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) after collecting data through the study tool (the questionnaire) with the aim of identifying strategic planning and its impact on achieving integration for Job Satisfaction.

Study Tool and Information Sources

The researcher relied on the following sources in collecting data:

1. Theoretical aspect: where information was collected from previous studies, scientific articles, theses, and approved scientific references.
2. The questionnaire: The researchers developed a questionnaire to measure the hypotheses, where they developed this questionnaire according to the five-point Likert scale (agree strongly
5 points, agree 4 points, neutral 3 points, disagree 2 points, disagree strongly 1 point).

Data Analytics Framework

The analytical framework of the data deals with a presentation of the arithmetic averages and standard deviations of the study dimensions.

Independent Variable (Strategic Planning)

We note from Table 1 that arithmetic mean of the study sample estimates for independent variable (strategic planning) which amounted to (2.95) and standard deviation was (0.47). With a medium degree. Where the Table 1 disclosed ban after the goals came in the first field of strategic planning with an arithmetic mean (3.63) and a standard deviation (0.43) with a medium degree. These results indicate that hotels take the aspirations of the employees into consideration when setting their strategic goals, which motivates the employees to accomplish their tasks by involving them when setting the strategic goals. The fourth field (the mission) came in the second place with an arithmetic mean (3.10) with a standard deviation of) 0.47) and a medium degree. These results indicate that the researched hotel mission includes the values, beliefs and actions that it seeks to carry out in the future, which reflects its vision in terms of tourism and services within the current societal and professional conditions on the one hand, and in a manner that meets the needs of its employees on the other hand. It is noted through these results, that the management in those hotels It analyzes the external environment to identify the various variables that may affect it in the future, according to a clear vision to develop and invest strengths, reduce weaknesses, and identify opportunities available in the external environment for investment. While it was shown that the field of view (vision) it was the third among the areas of strategic planning with an arithmetic mean (3.72) With a standard deviation of (0.42) and with a mean degree. It is evident from these results that the managers in the hotels under study participate with the employees in setting their strategic vision in a way that is compatible with their competitive position among competitors, a vision that is measurable by the amount of progress made by those hotels under study. Then the fourth field (analysis) comes in fourth place with an arithmetic mean (2.30) with a standard deviation of (0.59) and a low degree. This is due to the fact that the management of these hotels does not analyze the external environment and therefore will not keep pace with the various variables that may affect them in the future, and this in turn will hinder the development and investment of strengths while the research community remains on weaknesses without exploiting the opportunities available in the external environment. It is noted through these results that there is a medium degree of agreement according to the opinion of the selected sample on the elements of strategic planning, vision, mission, objectives and analysis. They are important factors, and the decision-maker in hotels in northern Iraq, who has a role in planning, must take into account all of these factors as they push to achieve integration for the job satisfaction of employees, with an emphasis on analyzing the internal and external environments.

Table 1
Arithmetic Averages And Standard Deviations For Each Area Of Strategic Planning
Dimension No Dimensions Arithmetic average standard deviation Compatibility Rank
3 Objectives 3.63 0.43 medium 1
2 Mission 3.10 0.47 medium 2
1 Vision 2.79 0.42 medium 3
4 Analysis 2.30 0.59 low 4
Strategic Planning 2.95 0.47 medium  

Dimensions of the Dependent Variable (Job Satisfaction)

We note from Table 2 that arithmetic mean of the study sample estimates for the dependent variable (job satisfaction) which reached (2.19) And standard deviation was (2.89) and low approval score. The second field (work turnover) came in the first rank with an arithmetic mean (2.29) with a standard deviation (0.97) and a low degree, It is noted through these results that the workers in the hotel under study are subjected to transportation and leave work for many reasons, including weak relationship with the management, lack or weakness of training, work pressure and its progress, the end of the license to practice the profession, misbehavior such as deception or misinformation and rebellion for some workers, the bad image For the organization, unsuitable working conditions in addition to retirement, resignation and death, which is an inevitable result and one of the causes of work turnover. Followed by the first field (compensation) in the second rank with an arithmetic mean (2.10) with a standard deviation (0.82) and a low degree, and these results indicate that the wage system in the hotel does not achieve the material stability of workers due to the unfair distribution (internal or external justice) of compensation, even if it is low Its level was one of the main reasons for the lack of job satisfaction for the study sample, in addition to the lack of social security, retirement and health care for the majority of the study sample. In general, the results indicate that the management of the hotels under study was its strategic planning with regard to achieving integration of job satisfaction through compensation and work turnover far from the required and existing reality and according to the opinions of the study sample employees (Abdel-Al & Raed Fouad, 2009).

Table 2
Arithmetic Averages And Standard Deviations For Each Domain Of Job Satisfaction
Dimension No Dimensions Arithmetic average standard deviation Compatibility Rank
2 work turnover 2.29 0.97 low 1
1 compensation 2.10 0.82 low 2
Job satisfaction 2.19 2.89 low  

Study hypothesis testing: To test the main null hypothesis, a multiple regression test was used to verify the existence of an effect of strategic planning with its dimensions (vision, mission, objectives, analysis) on the integration of job satisfaction with its dimensions (compensation, work turnover) in hotels in northern Iraq. Since the sample size is 336, the dependent variable is subject to a normal distribution.

Table 3 shows the one-way regression analysis of variance, which aims to measure the adequacy of the model for the results of the application of the study tool, which includes the independent variable, which is the strategic planning with its variables (vision, mission, objectives, analysis) through the statistical F value, where the calculated (F) value is (0.857). It is less than the tabular (F) value at the level (a=0.05), which has a value of (2.6049), Accordingly, we accept the first main null hypothesis and conclude that there is no statistically significant effect at the level (a=0.05) of strategic planning with its dimensions (vision, mission, objectives, analysis) on achieving integration of job satisfaction with its dimensions (compensation, work turnover) in hotels in northern Iraq. This is confirmed by the value (sig=0.364), which is greater than (a=0.05), and this means that the null hypothesis is not rejected, and it means that there is no statistically significant regression for strategic planning on the dependent variable.

Table 3
One-Way Regression Analysis Of Variance (Anova) For The Areas Of Strategic Planning On Achieving Integration For Job Satisfaction
Contrast source sum of squares degree of freedom squares average statistic value (F) ) Statistical significance
Regression 0.002 3 0.0006 0.857 0.364
Residual 0.241 332 0.0007    
total 0.243 335      

Model Strength Test

Table 4 shows that the value of the correlation coefficient between strategic planning with its dimensions as the first independent variable and the integration of job satisfaction with its dimensions as a dependent variable reached (0.092), and the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) (0.009), and this shows that the percentage (0.9%) of the variables What happened in the dependent variable was able to be explained by the independent variables, and the rest of the ratios, the researchers refer to other reasons.

Table 4
Summary Of The First Main Hypothesis Model
Model R R square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0.092 .009 -0.002 0.04987

Based on the above, the alternative hypothesis is rejected and the main null hypothesis is accepted, which states that there is no statistically significant effect at the level (a = 0.05) of strategic planning with its dimensions (vision, mission, goals, analysis) on achieving integration of job satisfaction in its dimensions (compensation, work turnover).) In hotels in northern Iraq.

Looking at Table 5, which shows that there are no internal correlations between the factors of the independent variable? Therefore, all the factors of the independent variable can be taken in the model and analysis. Looking at the polarization sig, we find that it is equal to (0.364) which is greater than (0.05), which indicates that the effect of the strategic planning on achieving integration of job satisfaction is not statistically significant. This appears from the value of t (- 0.912), which is less than the t tabular value, which is (1.646).

Table 5
Coefficients Of Strategic Planning To Achieve Integration For Job Satisfaction
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig
B Std. Error Beta
strategic planning -0.009 0.010 -0.092 -0.912 0.364


1. It was found through the questionnaire that the hotels under study do not have a clear strategic planning and it was of a medium degree, and this in turn will significantly affect job satisfaction.
2. The results showed that most hotels face obstacles when strategic planning to achieve integration in the field of compensation and work turnover, as this is attributed to the economic and security changes that affect Iraq in general and northern Iraq in particular.
3. The hotels administration is indifferent to achieving integration in job satisfaction, and the direction of management in the concept of strategic planning is towards increasing financial resources.
4. Strategic planning does not contribute to achieving the personal needs of employees, but rather meets the immediate functional needs, and this is what the results of the study showed.
5. The lack of precise determination of the financial and moral needs of the employees by the hotel management staff in the study was due to poor performance on the one hand and an increase in the turnover rate (leaving, absenteeism, repeated leaves) on the other hand.
6. The results showed that there is a weak effect on the compensation variables because it is a dimension of the dependent variable in this sector. This result is not acceptable because increasing compensation and benefits enables employees to provide better services and ensures finding common objectives among employees to achieve the hotel's objectives.
7. A clear weakness in strategic analysis, which is an inevitable result of not exploiting strengths and not addressing weaknesses, in addition to missing opportunities and avoiding risks and threats in a highly competitive market.
8. The results showed that the written vision is far from the reality experienced by workers in the hotels under study.


Through the findings of the study, the researcher presents a set of recommendations for each of the hotel managements and working individuals, which would enhance performance in the hotels, and the researcher hopes that these recommendations will contribute to rooting and consolidating the concept of compensation and work turnover and achieving integration of job satisfaction.

1. Interest in analyzing the internal environment, the external environment and future predictions for the reality of hotels in northern Iraq, proposing strategies that are flexible in the face of changes, and developing strategic alternatives when developing the strategic plan, given the factor of instability in that industry, and the large number of political and economic changes that affect the application process.
2. Working on developing policies to counter the high turnover of workers in this industry because of its great role in enhancing the positive role in supporting performance, and this could be through meetings, seminars and training programs that aim to educate and educate the individual working in the hotel sector.
3. Enhancing the trends of the hotel management under study towards the practice of strategic planning through the dissemination of the culture and concepts of the mission, vision and goals.
4. Reducing employee turnover rates, by retaining qualified employees for a long time, due to the accumulated experiences they obtained, which enable them to use them in training new employees and improving performance.
5. Hotels should pay attention to planning policies and a correct selection of human resources that are based on forecasting the future needs of the workforce, and that they have the educational qualifications and practical experience required for their great importance in this industry.
6. The researchers recommend that all workers should be treated fairly and equally in terms of rights and duties, and without favoritism, favoritism, or bias in their treatment in terms of wages or additional benefits.
7. The researchers recommend that the policy of the system of transferring workers from one job to another or from one department to another should be defined in terms of the justifications for transfer and the authority that decides to transfer workers, because of its important impact on workers.
8. Determining the wage policy (minimum wage as well as the maximum wage), and the need for wages to be determined in accordance with the existing social and economic conditions as well as in light of the approved legislation. And in light of the wages in competing hotels of the same classification, taking into account the job level and capabilities of the workers, and the granting of bonuses, benefits and incentives correctly and on the basis of the level of competence of the workers.
9. The researchers urge the management in those hotels to conduct a survey of the workers, by distributing questionnaires which must be filled out by the workers to get to know their opinions and suggestions about working with the hotel.


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Received: 19-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. JIBR-22-12695; Editor assigned: 21-Oct-2022, Pre QC No. JIBR-22-12695(PQ); Reviewed: 04- Nov-2022, QC No. JIBR-22-12695; Revised: 11-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. JIBR-22-12695(R); Published: 18-Nov-2022

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