Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 24 Issue: 6S

Strategic Improvisation and its Impact on organizational development for Business Organizations

Ahmed Hashem Alsaqal, College of Administration & Economics-AL-Iraqia University

Hameed Ali Ahmed, College of Administration & Economics-AL-Iraqia University

Safwan Khalid Hmood Alsaadoun, College of Administration & Economics-AL-Iraqia University


The aim of the research is to show the impact that strategic improvisation can play on the organizational development of business organizations. Where the study was applied to the telecommunications companies by distributing questionnaire forms that were converted into an electronic form to ensure that it reached the largest number of the sample surveyed, and the telecommunications companies have branches in all parts of Iraq. The study relied on four dimensions of the independent variable, strategic improvisation, represented by (strategic flexibility, strategic vigilance, innovation, and entrepreneurial direction), while the dependent variable of organizational development had three dimensions represented by (speed of decision response, communication and information flow, and resource mobilization). In order to answer the problem posed and to indicate the validity of the main and sub-hypotheses proposed or not, we chose the descriptive-analytical survey approach, which aims to collect facts and data about a particular phenomenon or situation with an attempt to interpret and analyze these facts to reach recommendations and suggestions regarding the situation or phenomenon under study. Decision makers Asia Cell and Zain Iraq Telecom and their branches spread throughout Iraq, where the sample was selected according to intentional sampling techniques. The researcher adopted 126 correct questionnaires out of 131, of which 5 were rejected as incomplete answers. That is, the number of approved questionnaires is approximately 53% more than the required number, which is a statistically acceptable percentage that contributes to the correct representation of the community, and thus the results can be generalized to the community as a whole. After evaluating and testing the credibility and stability of the research tools, data analysis and hypothesis testing was conducted using many statistical methods and methods that fit the nature of the research and its hypotheses, such as the median variable, the exploratory and confirmatory factor, and other statistical means. Its dimensions and organizational development. Which represents the validity of the study hypotheses? As for the most important recommendations that the study came up with, conducting more studies on the subject of strategic improvisation, because it has an important role in business organizations and the need of those sectors for that, interest in activating the role of improvisation in concept and application among the category of managers and decision-makers, especially those responsible for sites interested in organizational development and raising the level of high competition.


Strategic Improvisation, Organizational Development


Organizations have always sought to survive, develop and rise to the level of competition, but due to the unstable environment and surrounding conditions, rapid and successive changes, and because the relationships between different organizations are guided by the logic of challenge and competition in order to achieve their goals and control, which led them to the need to avoid and address problems and seize opportunities with the necessary speed, and here The importance of strategic improvisation appears, as these circumstances have become among the obstacles that are taken into account when thinking about developing plans and programs related to the lives of customers and their needs that they hope to achieve or obtain individually or within the organizations to which they belong. Sufficient time pressures for a strategic response to the crisis, which necessitates revealing its basic features and searching for appropriate scientific methods through which to explore the future and prepare to confront this current of changes. We must learn to react and adapt quickly, especially in complex and dynamic data, and the ability to take work out of context to advance the highest quality is achieved through strategic improvisation or instantaneous ability that is absent or ignored when planning to perform the work. The phenomenon of strategic improvisation is a great ability that is not available to all administrative leaders or workers as much as a few of them are distinguished, and this is the challenge facing administrations, leaders and workers in business organizations in the contemporary time in their quest for development at the organizational level, which is reflected in the shape of the organization as a whole, elevating it and maximizing its position In the fiercely competitive market, the traditional and routine methods in the world and the focus on dealing with sudden problems for organizations are no longer compatible with the requirements and requirements of the new era, which is characterized by continuous change and development.


Research Problem

Strategic improvisation is an emerging field of study in management sciences, where it deals with providing immediate solutions to adapt the organization to unexpected circumstances or events. A strategic improvisation tool.

From the foregoing, the research problem can be formulated by asking the following questions:

1. To what extent are the telecom companies (Asia Cell and Zain) aware of the importance of strategic improvisation?

2. What is the interest of telecommunications companies (Asiacell and Zain) in applying the principles of development?

The Aim of the Research

1. Clarify the intellectual aspects of the variables (strategic improvisation, organizational development for business organizations) and clarify their sub-dimensions and basic concepts.

2. To test the relationship of influence and correlation between the elements of strategic improvisation and the elements of organizational development.

3. Verifying the readiness of the leaders and employees of the two companies, the research sample, to activate strategic improvisation.

4. Explore that applying the concepts of strategic improvisation helps the organization in organizational development.

5. Clarify the role of research variables in business organizations.

The Hypothesis of the Study

1. The requirements of the research requirements and answering its questions The hypotheses were formulated as follows:

There is a significant correlation between the organic and organizational improvisation. From it emerge the following sub-hypotheses:

a. There is a positive direct correlation between strategic flexibility and organizational development of business organizations.

b. There is a positive direct correlation between the strategic vigilance and organizational development of business organizations.

c. There is a direct positive correlation between innovation and organizational development of business organizations.

d. There is a direct positive correlation between the entrepreneurial orientation and the organizational development of business organizations.

2. There is a positive moral effect of strategic improvisation on the organizational development of business organizations. From it emerge the following sub-hypotheses:

a. There is a positive, moral relationship of strategic flexibility in the organizational development of business organizations

b. There is a positive, moral relationship of strategic vigilance on the organizational development of business organizations.

c. There is a positive moral relationship of innovation in the organizational development of business organizations.

d. There is a positive moral relationship of the entrepreneurial trend in the organizational development of business organizations.

Hypothetical Research Scheme

A research scheme was built according to what came from a survey of the intellectual outputs of the scientific literature related to the topics of strategic improvisation and organizational development.

Figure 1: The Hypothesis Research Scheme

Literature Review

Strategic Improvisation

Is the ability of leaders to integrate and automatically reconfigure internal and external resources and capabilities to address unpredictable and rapidly changing strategic opportunities and threats (Levalit, 2015)?

Objectives of Strategic Improvisation

a. To enable the organization to adapt to the changing environment quickly and without delay and impact on the capabilities of the organization

b. It leads to an improvement in the performance of the organization, its development and the creation of competitive value for it

c. Find creative solutions to problems quickly and use all techniques and resources available in the organization

d. Developing innovative activities and providing new and innovative solutions and previously unheard of ideas

Dimensions of Strategic Improvisation

a. Strategic Flexibility: It expresses the concept of strategic flexibility, the organization's ability to respond quickly to the changing dynamic environmental conditions of the ocean, and the company's ability to maintain its competitiveness, and implement the required with the same efficiency, ability, creativity and innovation (Ranjan Karri, 2001).

b. Vigilance Strategy: Strategic vigilance is the activity of an organization to disseminate knowledge and collect and analyze data about its external environment in order to provide the necessary information to enable the organization to take advantage of opportunities and avoid threats to maintain its survival and growth (François, 2005).

c. Innovation: It is the process of an organization to reinvent or redesign its corporate strategy to drive business growth, to adapt to the speed of technological change, to generate value for the company and its customers, and to create a competitive advantage (Kau, 2019) which includes changing the organizational structure, work design, organizational processes, policies, new strategies, new control systems, and more (Martin, 2007).

d. Entrepreneurial Orientation: It is a company-wide strategic orientation that captures organizational strategy-making practices and behaviors, and management philosophies of an entrepreneurial nature. Its main aspects are innovation, proactivity and risk taking, as it can be said that they are the different positions of the company's internal environment such as structure and strategy (Anderson, 2015).

Organizational Development

Organizational development includes directing administrative organizations towards openness and honesty, while Wendell French defined organizational development as: “a long-term effort to improve the organization’s capabilities to solve its problems and renew its operations through effective management and collective work (Worly, 2008). It seeks to achieve efficiency in productivity and the development of organizations through the development of human resources, focus on organizational culture, support senior leadership, and work to create the appropriate organizational climate (Kapur, 2018). It is defined as: "a complex educational strategy aimed at changing beliefs, values and organizational structure until the organization can adapt to accommodate technical challenges and rapid rates of change (Gazaryan, 2006).

Organizational Development Objectives

(McLean, 2005)

a. Increasing the ability to confront the problems of the organization, instead of working to hide them.

b. Increasing frankness, openness and trust between work groups when communicating with each other.

c. Increasing individual motivation and self-control, as well as increasing the desire for collective responsibility within the organization.

These goals show us that organizational development programs focus on improving the values and trust of individuals with each other and improving the quality of work group communication within the organization.

Dimensions of Organizational Development

a. Resolution Response Speed: Most of our decisions may not have enough time for good awareness and action. In this case, intuition and quick wit are based on experience in the field of work as well as innovative thinking and the search for suitable alternatives to find solutions to problems and produce the largest available amount of ideas in the least time and the shortest way to achieve one goal (Wind Crook, 2005). The phrase “decision” means the final decision made by the decision maker about what should and should not be done to reach a specific situation (Al-Hedmi Muhammad, 2013).

b. Communication and Information Flow: Since ancient times, communication has been the most prominent element in human interaction, which should be focused and realized, and knowing that without communication, societies would not have grown in all economic, political and other aspects. Crises (Cacciatore, 2017).

c. Mobilizing and Mobilizing Resources: Many see that management is the optimal use of available time and resources (Ezzeldin, 2014), so mobilization and mobilization are the key to success and that each individual must be an expert in his own recovery process and that individuals choose the appropriate tools and the best technology that will enhance the strength of The organization is over the life course and management should facilitate the association of strengths and skills with all support and resources (Salwinski, 2005).

Statistical Aspect of Research

The internal consistency of the search criteria items was checked by using three coefficients: Alpha Cronbach coefficient, Spearman coefficient and Cotman filter coefficient for the purpose of measuring the stability of the questionnaire, as its values lie between (0-1), and if it was zero, it represented the instability of the questionnaire questions, and if otherwise, it meant ability These metrics measure what they are designed for. The results shown in Table 1 were obtained:

Table 1
Internal Consistency of the Search Criteria Items was Checked by Using Three Coefficients
Cotman's Hash for Filtering Spearman Alpha-Cronbach Number of Paragraphs The Scale
0.739 0.724 0.691 0.777 0.725 0.725 0.885 0.801 0.745 10 1 0 Strategic flexibility strategic improvisation
0.6 0.62 0.6 0 strategic vigilance
0.613 0.643 0.686 0 innovation
0.67 0.675 0.625 0 Entrepreneurial Orientation
0.601 0.662 0.677 0.686 0.824 0.781 10 0 Response resolution speed organizational development
0.625 0.61 0.682 0 Mobilizing and mobilizing resources
0.61 0.645 0.765 0 Communication and information flow

From Table 1, we note that Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for all questionnaire axes (0.885), Spearman’s coefficient (0.777) and Cotman’s coefficient (0.739), as all ratios were greater than the accepted hypothesis value (0.60), as well as the convergence of the ratios of the three coefficients used, which supports the stability and validity of paragraphs Resolution in measurement.

Hypothesis Testing

Testing the correlation hypotheses: To test the research hypotheses, the researcher adopted the Pearson correlation coefficient to prove the validity of the hypotheses that stipulated the existence of a relationship between the strategic improvisation variable and its dimensions (strategic flexibility, strategic vigilance, innovation and entrepreneurial orientation) and organizational development with its dimensions (response decision speed, Mobilization and resource mobilization, communication and information flow. Table 2 shows the relationships between the variables, where the sample size amounted to 126, the type of test (2-tailed) and the abbreviated (sig.) to indicate the level of significance, and that the sign (**) means that the calculated (t) is greater than the tabular.

The First Main Premise

(There is a positive direct correlation between strategic improvisation and organizational development of business organizations).

Within this axis, the relationship between the strategic improvisation variable and its four dimensions and the organizational development variable and its three dimensions will be tested, as well as reaching the level of correlation morality using the SPSS statistical program. The hypotheses that will be tested are:

H0 There is no significant direct correlation between strategic improvisation and organizational development for business organizations.

H1 There is a significant positive correlation between strategic improvisation and organizational development for business organizations.

Table 2
Correlation Coefficients, Variables And Dimensions of the Study
Strategic flexibility Strategic Vigilance Innovation Entrepreneurial Orientation Response resolution speed Mobilizing and mobilizing resources Communication andinformation flow strategic improvisatin organization development
Strategic flexibility Pearson Correlation 1 0.395 0.353 0.248 0.4 0.363 0.430" 0.709 0.514
Sig.(2-tailed) 0 0 0.005 0 0 0 0 0
N 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
Strategic VIGILANCE Pearson Correlation 0.395 1 0.475 0.401 0.437 0.419 0.386 0.786 0.541
Sig.(2-tailed) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
innovation Pearson Correlation 0.353 0.475 1 0.187 0.393 0.419 0.506 0.708 0.565
Sig.(2-tailed) 0 0 0.036 0 0 0 0 0
N 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
Entrepreneurial Orientation Pearson Correlation .248' 0.401 0.187 1 0.286 0.137 0.273 0.645 0.3
Sig.(2-tailed) 0.005 0 0.036 0.001 0.126 0.002 0 0.001
N 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
Response resolution speed Pearson Correlation 0.4 0.437" 0.393' 0.286' 1 0.331 0.54 0.532 0.828
Sig.(2-tailed) 0 0 0 0.001 0 0 0 0
N 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
Mobilizing and mobilizing resources Pearson Correlation 0.363 0.419 0.419" 0.137 0.331 1 0.286 0.469" 713
Sig.(2-tailed) 0 0 0 0.126 0 0.001 0 0
N 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
Communication and information flow Pearson Correlation 0.43 0.386 0.506 0.273 0.54 0.286 1 0.561 0.761
Sig.(2-tailed) 0 0 0 0.002 0 0.001 0 0
N 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
strategic improvisatin Pearson Correlation 0.709 0.786" 0.708 -645" 0.532 0.469 0.561 1 -675
Sig.(2-tailed) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
organization development Pearson Correlation 0.514 0.541 0.565 0.3 0.828 -713 0.761 -675 1
Sig.(2-tailed) 0 0 0 0.001 0 0 0 0
N 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126

From Table 2, we notice that there is a strong correlation between the two variables of the study, strategic improvisation and organizational development, amounting to (0.675**) with a significant level of (0.01), this indicates the validity of the first main hypothesis. We note that there is a significant correlation between the strategic flexibility dimension and the organizational development variable, amounting to (0.514**) and at a level of significance (0.01), and this confirms the validity of the first sub-hypothesis. And the existence of a significant correlation relationship between the strategic vigilance dimension and the organizational development variable reached a level of (0.541**) and a significant level of (0.01), and this confirms the validity of the second sub-hypothesis. And the existence of a significant relationship between the innovation dimension and the organizational development variable amounted to (0.565**) with a significant level of (0.01), and this confirms the validity of the third sub-hypothesis. We also note that there is a direct correlation with a significant value of (0.300**) and a significant level of (0.01), and this confirms the validity of the fourth sub-hypothesis.

Testing the Influence Relationships

The second main hypothesis of the impact of the strategic improvisation variable and its dimensions (strategic flexibility, strategic vigilance, innovation, entrepreneurial orientation) on the dependent variable of organizational development and its dimensions (response decision speed, communication and information flow, resource mobilization and mobilization) will be tested, and we will start it with a test The impact of strategic improvisation and organizational development in general (Table 3 & 4).

Table 3
The Relationship Between Strategic Improvisation and Organizational Development
Model R R square Adjusted R Square Std. Error the estimated Change Statistics
R square Change F change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 0.675a 0.455 0.451 0.3194 0.455 103.511 1 124 0
Table 4
Regression Analysis of the Variables of Strategic Improvisation and Organizational Development
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
1 Regression 10.56 1 10.56 103.511 0.000b
Residual 12.65 124 0.102
Total 23.21 125
The independent variable is Strategic improvisation
The dependent variable is Organizational development

From Table 3 we notice that the coefficient of determination (R square) has a value of (0.455) and the adjusted coefficient of determination (Adjusted R square) has a value of (0.451), or this means that 45% of the strategic improvisation variable explains the dimensions of the organizational development variable and the rest is explained by other factors.

On the other hand, from the aforementioned table, we note the existence of an influence relationship with a significant level (0.000), and this confirms the validity of the second main hypothesis which states (there is a positive moral effect of strategic improvisation in the organizational development of business organizations( It is clear from the shown figure 2 that the residuals follow the standard normal distribution with a mean of zero and one standard deviation, and this is evidence that the models used are appropriate to the data, and for each of the dimensions used in the regression.

The First Sub-Hypothesis

There is a significant positive impact of strategic flexibility on organizational development for business organizations In order to reach the acceptance or non-acceptance of the hypothesis that there is an impact relationship to the strategic flexibility in the organizational development of business organizations, the two variables were analyzed using the regression coefficient, the coefficient of determination and the modified coefficient of determination, as shown in the table 5 & 6 and figure 2 & 3 below.

Figure 2: The Residuals Follow the Standard Normal Distribution

It is clear from the figures below that the dimensions of the strategic axis of men (strategic flexibility, strategic vigilance, innovation and entrepreneurial orientation) are distributed naturally, which enhances the possibility of using them in regression analysis. It also shows that the residuals follow the standard normal distribution with a mean of zero and one standard deviation, and this is evidence that the models used are suitable for the data, and for each of the dimensions used in the regression.

Figure 3: Distribution of the Dimensions of Strategic Improvisation

Table 5
The Coefficient of Determination and the Modified Coefficient of Determination of the Impact of Strategic Resilience and Organizational Development
Model R R square Adjusted R Square Std. Error the estimated Change Statistics
R square Change F change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 0.514a 0.265 0.259 0.54076 0.264 44.621 1 124 0
The dependent variable is Organizational development
Table 6
Regression Analysis of the Variables of Strategic Resilience and Organizational Development
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
1 Regression 13.048 1 13.048 44.621 0.000b
Residual 36.26 124 0.292
Total 49.308 125
The independent variable is Strategic flexibility

From the tables and figures shown above, it is clear to us that there is a significant effect of strategic flexibility on organizational development and at a level of significance (0.000) as shown in the regression analysis table 6, and we also note that there is an explanatory power for the dependent study dimension represented by the strategic flexibility of the independent research variable strategic improvisation. This is reflected in the amount of the coefficient of determination (R-square) at the level of (0.265), meaning that approximately 26% of the dimension axes have the ability to explain the organizational development variable and the rest of the ratio is due to other factors, and an average determination coefficient of (0.259), and this is confirmed by Figure 3 Where we note the slope of the regression line and the spread of opinions of the sample respondents.

The Second Sub-Hypothesis

There is a positive, moral relationship of strategic vigilance on the organizational development of business organizations In order to reach the acceptance or non-acceptance of the hypothesis that there is an influence relationship of strategic vigilance in the organizational development of business organizations, the two variables were analyzed using the regression coefficient, the coefficient of determination and the modified coefficient of determination, as shown in the tables below:

Table 7
The Coefficient of Determination and The Modified Coefficient of Determination of the Variables of Strategic Vigilance and Organizational Development
Model R R square Adjusted R Square Std. Error the estimated Change Statistics
R square Change F change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 0.541a 0.293 0.287 0.48206 0.293 51.364 1 124 0
The dependent variable is Organizational development
Table 8
Regression Analysis of the Variables of Strategic Resilience and Organizational Development
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
1 Regression 11.936 1 11.936 51.364 0.000b
Residual 28.816 124 0.232
Total 40.752 125
The independent variable is Strategic flexibility
The dependent variable is Organizational development

From the tables shown above, it appears to us that there is a significant effect of strategic vigilance on organizational development and at a level of significance (0.000) as shown in the regression analysis table 8, and we also note that there is an explanatory power for the dependent dimension of the study represented by strategic vigilance for the independent research variable, strategic improvisation. This is reflected by the amount of the coefficient of determination (R-square) at the level of (0.293), meaning that approximately 29% of the dimension axes have the ability to explain the organizational development variable and the rest of the ratio is due to other factors, and an average determination coefficient of (0.287), and this is confirmed by Figure 3 Where we note the slope of the regression line and the spread of opinions of the sample respondents.

The Third Sub-Hypothesis

There is a positive, moral relationship of innovation in organizational development for business organizations In order to reach the acceptance or non-acceptance of the hypothesis that there is an influence relationship for innovation in the organizational development of business organizations, the two variables were analyzed using the regression coefficient, the coefficient of determination and the modified coefficient of determination, as shown in the table 9 & 10 below:

Table 9
The Coefficient of Determination and the Modified Coefficient of Determination of the Variables of Innovation And Organizational Development



R square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error the estimated

Change Statistics

R square Change

F change



Sig. F Change











The dependent variable is Organizational development

Table 10
Regression Analysis of Innovation and Organizational Development Variables


Sum of Squares


Mean Square

















The independent variable is Strategic flexibility

The dependent variable is Organizational development

From the tables shown above, it is clear to us that there is a significant effect of innovation on organizational development at a level of significance (0.000) as shown in the regression analysis table 10, and we also note that there is an explanatory power for the dependent study dimension represented by innovation for the independent research variable strategic improvisation, and this What is reflected by the amount of the coefficient of determination (R-square) at the level of (0.319), meaning that approximately 29% of the dimension axes have the ability to explain the organizational development variable and the rest of the ratio is due to other factors, and an average determination coefficient of (0.314), and this is confirmed by Figure 3 Where we note the slope of the regression line and the spread of opinions of the sample respondents.

The Fourth Sub-Hypothesis

There is a positive, moral relationship of the entrepreneurial orientation on the organizational development of business organizations In order to reach the acceptance or non-acceptance of the hypothesis that there is an impact relationship of the entrepreneurial orientation on the organizational development of business organizations, the two variables were analyzed using the regression coefficient, the coefficient of determination and the modified coefficient of determination, as shown in the table 11 and 12 below:

Table 11
The Coefficient of Determination and the Modified Coefficient of Determination of the Variables of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Organizational Development
Model R R square Adjusted R Square Std. Error the estimated Change Statistics
R square Change F change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 0.300a 0.09 0.083 0.58639 0.09 12.304 1 124 0.001
The dependent variable is Organizational development
Table 12
Regression Analysis of the Entrepreneurial Orientation and Organizational Development Variables
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
1 Regression 4.231 1 4.231 12.304 0.0001b
Residual 42.638 124 0.344
Total 46.869 125
The independent variable is Strategic flexibility
The dependent variable is Organizational development

From the tables shown above, it is clear to us that there is a significant effect of the entrepreneurial orientation on organizational development at a level of morality (0.001) as shown in the regression analysis table 12, and we also note that there is an explanatory power for the dependent study dimension represented by the pioneering orientation of the independent research variable improvisation. This is reflected by the amount of the coefficient of determination (R-square) at the level of (0.090), meaning that approximately 9% of the dimension axes have the ability to explain the variable of organizational development and the rest of the ratio is due to other factors, and a coefficient of determination of the rate is (0.083), and this is confirmed by the figure 3 Where we note the slope of the regression line and the spread of opinions of the sample respondents.


Strategic improvisation is not required to change the contexts and work system, but it may take place in some organizational units, which leads to the formation of a new strategy by itself.

The company relies on survey studies that it conducts to a great extent to identify the needs of the market and customers to predict the seizing of marketing opportunities, and in order to achieve this, the company seeks to make changes in its systems and strategy in the light of renewable environmental information.

In addition, the company's management has the ability to apply creative ideas in providing distinct products, trying to meet the expected needs of customers through its products by activating the company's incentive system to develop and improve its services and meet the renewed needs of its customers.

The Asia cell company is coordinating effectively with the authorities related to development. The availability of an effective communication system through rapid means of communication contributed to this achievement.


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