Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Print ISSN: 1098-8394; Online ISSN: 1528-2651)

Research Article: 2018 Vol: 21 Issue: 3

Snapshot of Public Service Quality in the Center for Integrated Business Service (CIBS), Cooperative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME), Maluku Province, Indonesia

Zainal Abidin Rengifurwarin, Universitas Pattimura Ambon

Haedar Akib, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Jasruddin, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Rudi Salam, Universitas Negeri Makassar


This study aims to explain snapshot of public service quality and determinant factors (supporting or inhibiting) for improving the quality of public services at the Centre for Business Service Integrated (CIBS), Cooperative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME) in Maluku province. The data collection technique applied is observation and interview. Also, document tracking is done directly while watching, reading and understanding the contents of the employment report, the legislation of the central government, local regulations, decrees and brochures related to the focus and locus of research. Data were analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The study found that the snapshot of public services in CIBS- CMSME Maluku Province "sufficient quality" seen from the aspect (characteristic) of transparency, non-partisan/neutrality, efficiency, reliability and accountability. There are the determinant factors which hamper the quality of public services, namely awareness of officers and employees/staff of service providers and the implementation of regulations concerning public services are less than optimal. Meanwhile, the determinant factors that support the quality of public services is revenue and employee competencies, as well as the facilities and infrastructure available. The study also found some aspects as a basic value and at the same identifier value orientation in the process and the results of public service, namely creativity (innovation), accessibility, acceptability, responsibility and credibility.


Quality of Public Services, Integrated Services, Determinants of Quality of Service.


Quality service and or “blissful service for the recipient" (Akib, Guntur & Salam, 2016) is the main orientation for each and organization that organizes public service. Quality service and always strived considered urgent improvement in various areas. Therefore, there are various efforts and competition pursued by local (district/city) in Indonesia in developing systems and procedures for quality public services to meet the needs of the community, such as services that are efficient, responsive, transparent and accountable (Tangkilisan, 2005). Efforts to achieve quality public services have obstacles and challenges. Therefore, public services require inter-agency synergy and resource mobilization and cooperation with various parties, especially the society (Kim, 2006). Public services have a strategic role and determine success in various businesses or activities of the organization. That role is increasingly positive impact in organizations that produce goods and services, especially when there is competition from a quality and quantity of services in an attempt to seize the "market" (customer's perspective New Public Management or citizens from the perspective of New Public Service, in Denhardt & Denhardt (2007), through our various new services quickly and satisfactorily, as well as their efforts to attract more people to use the services or products that are produced by the organization (Moenir, 2010).

Some of creativity and innovation in the public service is currently visible in the public service units in the districts/cities in Indonesia. Innovation and change are both urgent and not something abstruse. Public services become an arena of interaction between government and citizens. However, the observation of the practice of public service shows that, policies, procedures and public service facilities are often designed not to facilitate the user in accessing the service, but it is more widely used to control the behaviour of the service user citizens to refrain from moral hazards. As a result, citizens have difficulty accessing public services fairly, easy and cheap (Dwiyanto, 2010).

To get the quality public services, then there is a public service standards that have been set by the government (Law No. 25 of 2009 on Public Services/Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tentang Pelayanan Publik, 2009; Government Regulation No. 96 Year 2012 on the Implementation of Law No. 25/Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 96 tentang Pelaksanaan UU No. 25 tentang Pelayanan Publik, 2012; Negara, 2003; Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform No. 63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003 on General Guidelines for the Implementation of Public service/Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor 63/Kep/M. PAN/7/2003 tentang Pedoman Umum Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik, 2003) that includes procedures, turnaround time, cost of service, product services, facilities and infrastructure, as well as the competence of personnel. Determining the required service standards framework set up the system-input, process and output-public services. Input essential services standardized given the quantity and quality of services inputs vary across regions, thus causing frequent inequality of access to quality services. This condition occurs in almost every government agency, including the various advisory services and business consulting in the Cooperative, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME) in various government agencies, the private sector and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Therefore, to improve the quality of public services by the various business mentoring, then built the Centre for Integrated Business Service (CIBS), with the vision and mission is to help the Department of Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Maluku province in getting the right solutions to the problems faced.

The quality of public services at a public organization is influenced by various factors, including, according to Moenir (2010) are:

a) The awareness factor officials/leaders and employees/implementers;

b) Factors rules or policies are adequate;

c) Organizational factors with the mechanism of dynamic system;

d) Factor income enough personnel to meet the minimum requirements;

e) The capability and skills appropriate to the task/job; and

f) Factor of the availability of infrastructure services in accordance with the type, nature and form of the task/job. There is support for organizational factors are expected to be of public service in the CIBS Maluku province can be held in an optimal, quality process and the result is "happy" service recipient.

Based on the background of the problem and the phenomenon, the article results of this research aims to explain snapshot (portrait shortly) public service quality and determinant factors that support or hinder efforts to improve the quality of services at the Centre for Integrated Business Service (CIBS), Cooperative Micro Small and medium Enterprises (CMSME) in Maluku province. Academically, the results of this study would be useful as the information for advancing the science of public administration, more specifically the science of public service management. In practical terms, the results of this study would be useful as the information for leaders who are competent in the formulation of public policy in improving the quality of public services through repair/eliminate the inhibiting factors and optimization of the factors supporting efforts to improve the quality of public services in CIBS-CMSME, Maluku Province.

Literature Review

Public Service

Public services originally conceived simply as a service organized by the government. Therefore, all the services of goods and services provided by the government referred to as a public service. According to Sudrajat & Ridwan (2010), public service is a service provided by the government as state officials to meet the needs of the community with the goal of improving the welfare of society. Silalahi (1992) confirms that, in the state government system becomes the foundation of public services to obtain guarantees on the rights of citizens or residents. Therefore, improving the quality of public services is increasingly important analysed. Meanwhile, Dwiyanto (2010) points out, the public service given different meanings by many, both practitioners and theoreticians. Public services can be simply understood as a service of goods and services held by the government. The government officials, according to Suryadi (2010) essentially has the task to provide the best service to the public without discrimination. According to Mukarom and Z dan Laksana (2016) that public service is the provision of services for the person or people who have an interest in the organization with the basic rules and procedures have been established. Meanwhile, according to Sinambela (2006) that public service is the provision of public goods and services, whether conducted by government and non-governmental organizations.

Quality of Public Services

Quality is everything that can meet customer needs (Sinambela, 2006). The quality of public services describes the quality of processes and outcomes regarding the standard set. Then, Waluyo (2007) states that service quality have become a decisive factor in maintaining the sustainability of the government bureaucracy and private sector organizations. Moreover, the quality of service according to user needs public goods and services is essential in efforts to achieve customer satisfaction or "blissful service" for recipients (Akib, Guntur and Salam, 2016). Meanwhile and Siswadi (2012) said that efforts to improve the quality of public services are characterized by: Execution services more easily, quickly and procedures are straightforward.

Expert discussion about the quality of public services can be seen from several aspects, among which some experts see them the excellent service are handled professionally. Handling services in a professional manner are the key to success. Priyono (2006) says, departments or technical institution in the area (district/city) as implementers of public service standard specifies quality public services appropriate societal expectations, that is transparent, non-discriminatory, affordable, the process is easy and have public accountability high. In the context of service, the public complaints are important as an input to improve system performance and service standards.

Widodo, Wahyudi & Setyorini (2007) and Dwiyanto (2010) outline some of the basic principles of public service quality, namely:

1) Transparency: The obligations of service providers in providing information and explaining to users on the requirements, procedures, costs and the time required to get the service.

2) Non-partisan: Attitude must notify providers of care for the rights of citizens and service users complained when the process was treated improperly by the service providers.

3) Efficiency: The conditions of service are limited only to the aspects directly related to the achievement of the target service and taking into account the integration of requirements related to product service and to prevent the repetition of eligibility in the process of service to residents, socialize the need for compliance with requirements of work units/agencies other related.

4) Accountable: Attitude, commitment and consistency in implementing its obligations organizers provide services in an honest, objective, accurate and appropriate regulations.

Factors Affecting the Quality of Public Services

Moenir (2010) mentions several factors supporting or inhibiting improving the quality of public services in an organization:

a) Factors awareness officers/managers and employees/executive service. Awareness shows the state of one's soul and is the meeting point of various considerations, confidence, calmness, determination and mental balance is concerned;

b) Factors rules on adequate services. Rule or regulation is an important device in their actions and deeds of people. The more advanced and diverse society, the greater the role of rules. People cannot live a decent and quiet without rules. In the organization of work, the rules made by the management to arrange everything, especially the rules regarding the authority, reaching a future, using language that is easy to understand and be understood executor, discipline, good discipline and the discipline of working time;

c) Factors employee income to make ends meet minimum. All receipts someone in exchange for power and/or thoughts that poured another person or entity/organization, either in the form of money, goods or facilities, within a specified period;

d) Factors abilities and skills according to the task service work. The ability comes from the base capable, meaning it can be (adjective/state) perform job duties, to produce goods and services as expected. Capabilities include knowledge, skills. Ability to work according to Stoner, who was quoted by Moenir (2010), include: Technical ability, the ability to be humane and ability to make conception; and e) factor is the availability of infrastructure services according to the type and form of service. All types of equipment, working equipment and the facility serve as the main tool/maid in service delivery and social functioning in the framework of the interests of people who are related to the work organization. This service facility includes working facilities and service facilities.

Research Methods

The research location is at the Centre for Integrated Business Services (CIBS), Cooperative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME) in Maluku province. The key informant study determined purposively namely, Chief of CIBS, Section Head of Exhibition and Promotion, Section Head of Business Services, the staff of service providers as many as three people, consultants, entrepreneurs of 7 people, the chairman of the cooperative (businesses) as many as seven people elected accidentally. The study was conducted over three months (May-July, 2016). Data was collected using observational techniques (observation sheet) and depth interview techniques (interview guides). Also, the techniques used in the documentation by searching, read and understand the secondary data through documents, statements of work, legislation, local regulations, decrees and brochures related to the research focus. Data were analysed using descriptive analysis techniques-qualitative, by following the steps in "interactive model" Miles, Huberman & Saldana (2014), namely the data reduction (condensation), data presentation and concluding/verification.

Results And Discussion

The results of this study explain snapshot (portrait momentarily) the quality of public services and the determinant factors that support or hinder efforts to improve the quality of public services at the Centre for Integrated Business Services (CIBS), Cooperative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME) in Maluku province. The quality of public services in CIBS-CMSME marked by some of the following characteristics:

Transparent in Serving

Transparency of service provision is a characteristic of quality service in an organization. Transparency is done openly in providing and explaining to every citizen of the programs, activities, requirements, procedures, costs and timing of services. Transparency of services is expected to be actualized in Maluku CIBS. Results informant interviews (Chairman CIBS: Mr. Thomas Atihuta; Section Head of Administration and Public: Efalin Rikumahu; Section Head of Business Services: Afrianty Watihelu; and Section Head of Exhibition and Promotion, Maryory Narua) said that, there is always an attempt to convey information clearly and opening the business programs and management systems, as well as the requirement for citizens who want to build their business. Submission of information clearly by an employee to businesses is done so that businesses know and meet its obligations to obtain the right service. Furthermore, according to officials (Interviews: Staff Services Section of Business: Julianty Riupassa; staff Section of General and Administration: Farida Sukur; staff Section Fairs and Promotions: Hamongan), that the assignment of employees is to convey information orally and in writing, through brochures, information boards and website about how to manage business programs, training and access to sources of financing available for businesses. Therefore, the role of businesses that receive a form of transparency of employee information by public service providers. The results of interviews with entrepreneurs who receive services in CIBS is citizens also access information about the program business development activities, as well as procedures and requirements are met according to the type of business. Then, the consultant's role in conveying information as guidance to businesses is an urgent matter. Interviews with several consultants (Hanfry M, Leatemia, Indira, David, Huesin A, Max and Henok) in essence says that consultants deliver clear information to businesses regarding the technical program development, business training and technical management of the business, as well as access to sources of financing. Provision of information services clearly and publicly, either orally or in writing, for the public, reinforce the view of experts (Priyono, 2006; Widodo, Wahyudi and Setyorini, 2007; Dwiyanto, 2010) about the form of the principle of transparency in governance is good, so it can build a common understanding and the attitudes and behaviours productive to the public, more specifically for businesses in CIBS-CMSME Maluku province.

Non-Partisan in Serving

The attitude of the non-partisan or neutral in service delivery is an important dimension of quality services to any organization (Widodo, Wahyudi and Setyorini, 2007; Dwiyanto, 2010; Suryadi, 2010). Non-partisan attitude, attitude must be right to notify recipients of services, impartiality and encourage them to turn to and process the complaint when treated unnaturally. The attitude of non-partisan in the provision of services able to be played by the service provider. According to the informant (Head of CIBS and three section head), that employees always endeavour to treat equal and fair to all parties, do not want to side with a lot of money or position, also always tell them that they submitted their case to the ombudsman when treated unnaturally. The non-partisan attitude of service providers is an important dimension that should be played. This was disclosed by the CIBS staff that, equal treatment and fair to all parties in the service continues to be emphasized by the leadership of the organization. Employees always working so does not favour a particular person, but always encourage them to complain when they feel treated fair. Similarly, non-partisan stance in the provision of services performed by businesses. Similar delivered by some businesses that employees/CIBS staff always asked by his boss, so he treats businesses and all parties fair and equitable. The waiter in serving as unfavourable to the bear or officials, but assume the same each person, although not all of them are advised to complain to the Ombudsman if getting treatment that is reasonable in the service. Therefore, the consultant's role in providing information to businesses is essential. Some consultants also committed to treats all parties equally and fairly, as well as conveying the right businesses. Thus, a non-partisan attitude encouraged and pursued by all parties (service providers, businesses, consultants) to inform citizen rights and obligations as recipients of services.

Efficient in Serving

Efficiency in providing services is an important dimension of quality service in an organization. Efficiency looks through the efforts of the demand requirements only directly related to the achievement of service objectives, while watching the best comparison (ratio) between the input to the output/product services and prevent repetition request to the recipient's terms of service. Service efficiency is urgent to be realized. According to the informant (CIBS Head with three Head of Section) that service providers know how to work efficiently and effectively is an important dimension in the activities of the administration. On that basis, the requirements demanded of businesses directly related to the product and the service is attentive employees should not repeatedly be asking to citizens. The rational way of working in the provision of essential services shown to the service recipient. This was stated by an employee in CIBS that implement an efficient way of working these things must be done. Therefore, the requirements requested directly related to the service product is the goal and the same thing should not be repeated, because it is not efficient. Businesses expect embodiment dimension of efficiency in the provision of these services. This is supported by the statement that the informant, businesses choose how to work that is not confusing, not wasteful of time and cost for the service recipient. Consultancy role in assisting businesses to manage their business appropriately and accurately is a right step taken. Some consultants agree with stating always work in a rational (efficient) and inform recipients about the requirements needed services. In short, how rational and proportionate synonymous with efficient ways of working (Wahyudi and Setyorini, 2007).

Reliable in Serving

Reliability attitude executing the airport is an important dimension of quality of service in each organization. Reliability attitude of employees should be realized in an integrated service unit. According to the informants (CIBS Head and three Head of Section) that, as leader of the unit encourages service providers to serve as a proactive, careful and satisfying. Reliability attitude of the staff in serving businesses is an important action that needs to be shown by each waiter. This is consistent with information from three staff CIBS, as informants that the employee acted carefully and satisfactory service recipients or businesses that deal in office CIBS-CMSME Maluku province. Some of the businesses interviewed said, employees/staff in CIBS looks quite proactive and meticulous provide services, although sometimes there are obstacles for businesses that are located outside the city of Ambon, because of the distance factor, natural conditions and time. The role of employees in the accompanying consultancy businesses also performed by discussing and sharing information needed in developing their business. Some consultants encourage businesses to be able to make the business products as proposed originally planned program. Reliability attitude consultants in assisting businesses demonstrated by providing information and solutions, to businesses handle their business well, although the attitude good as expected with not owned by some businesses that are considered "fairly reliable."

Accountable for Serving

Accountability of service delivery is one dimension in quality care systems in every organization. Attitude to be accountable, as a committed and consistent as officials in providing services, as well as honest and objective is a hallmark of quality service. Reliability attitude of employees/staff in the provision of this service strived to materialize in the service unit CIBS-CMSME Maluku province. According to the informants, all know that the attitude of accountability in service delivery is an important dimension that must be realized by the service provider. Accountable for providing services to businesses is shown by the service provider. It is based on a statement of three employees in CIBS that they continue to be encouraged by its leaders to be committed and consistent in serving and work according to standard operating procedures applicable. The statement of the service provider is consistent with the results of interviews with entrepreneurs that the employee seeks to build commitment and consistent serve and know their duties and functions. Role consultation of employees in assisting businesses is holding discussions and deliver the information needed by businesses to enable them to develop and expand its business. Consultants say trying to deliver business information to build a common understanding and commitment for businesses to manage their business in a productive, although up to now not all entrepreneurs successfully develop their business. Thus, consultants accountable attitude shown in mentoring for businesses that need, although not all businesses can realize his hopes and even some businesses that failed or inactive business.

Based on the findings of these studies it is clear that the quality of public services is based on some dimensions or process performance indicators, namely transparency, neutrality or non-partisan, efficiency and effectiveness, reliability and accountability. Also, also found a dimension of basic values as well as value orientation in the public service, which in English ending in "...ity", as has been stated by Akib, Guntur and Salam (2016), namely creativity, accessibility, acceptability, responsibility and the credibility of the process of public services, in addition to public services, i.e., "blissful service" for the recipient. Formula blissful service for recipients is satisfying, enjoyable, repeatedly and occurred in a relatively long time (Akib, Guntur and Salam, 2016). Employee creativity in serving, according to Akib (2005), has even become a motto or slogan of employees today is, "creative or die". Accessibility in service means providing access or opportunity for everyone to be served as a citizen, without discrimination (Suryadi, 2010). Acceptability of service means that all parties (service providers, service providers) are willing to accept what all that is provided or attempted, as well as to receive and implement the agreement. Responsibility is understood as the responsibility of the service provider to colleagues and superiors. While credibility is understood as a manifestation of trust shared by all parties involved in the process of public services, particularly in CIBS-CMSME Maluku province.

Determinant factors (support and hinder) in improving the quality of public services. The quality of public services in every organization is influenced by several factors supporting and inhibiting. The following are the results of research and discussion of the determining factors in the quality of public services at the Centre for Integrated Business Services (CIBS), Cooperative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME) in Maluku province.

Factors Awareness of Managers and Employees Who Serve

Consciousness is the mental state of a person as a meeting point of various considerations, confidence, calmness, determination and the balance in the soul of the person concerned (Pinder, 2014; Barrett, 2010). Awareness officials/leaders and employees/staff is a very important factor and determine the quality of service. According to the CIBS Head and three Section Chief that, according to the field's leaders have encouraged the growth of awareness of employees/staff in providing the service and qualified for any businesses or citizens who need the service. Awareness of employees in providing services to businesses determining the quality of service in the work unit. It was appropriate explanations from three employees in CIBS that, aware and confident employees will always provide services as expected, knowing well the monitoring and evaluation of the principal or supervisor. While the participation of businesses in receiving services is also determined by the consciousness in demanding their rights and fulfil their obligations. Some businesses said that they remain conscious and work well, so that the business they work successfully and benefit, both for himself and his family. Employers also know their monitoring and periodic evaluation of consultants and managers about the results of its work. In fact, awareness of both parties, consultants and entrepreneurs determine the quality of the service process. Some consultants always say resolutely in supporting and reassuring businesses, to be able to better develop their business. Therefore, there are businesses that were active efforts, some are no longer active business. However, it is clear that the consultant assisting businesses and convincing so that they develop their businesses, despite all businesses there is less response, so that the business is less developed or even inactive business.

Factors Rules on Services

Rules are essential tools in all the actions and deeds of people in each organization. Regulations made by the organization of work to organize everything, especially regarding the authority of each, the realization of hope in the future, the use of language that can be understood by implementers and how enforcement of discipline, good discipline and the discipline of work time. Clear terms of the organizational factors that determine the quality of service. Based on the interview with the informants, that the available rules in granting business services (Regulation Deputy of Development and Restructuring of the Ministry of CMSME businesses the Republic of Indonesia Number 02/Per/Dep.6/II/2014 on technical guidance exercising program CIBS-CMSME and Maluku Governor Regulation No. 08/2014 about Regional technical Implementation Unit in CIBS-CMSME. The guidelines were disseminated to businesses to be known, followed and implemented. Regulations are of a technical nature and the elaboration of rules of higher (Law, Government Regulation, Presidential Decree) is an important factor that needs to be understood by the employees/staff to provide services to citizens. During this time there have been rules and technical regulations submitted to understand and follow, but the implementation of these regulations a little constrained, as there are businesses spread over some islands in Maluku province, so the transportation difficulties. In this case, it turns out the role of entrepreneurs in developing a business is determined by its commitment to the rule to meet its obligations. Some businesses declared already know there are regulations regarding the procedure of business management, but its application is often hindered or delayed completing the necessary business requirements. Submission of information on technical rules of CIBS services performed by employees, but because most businesses are located outside the city of Ambon, then sometimes the service rules seem less adhered/understood. Therefore, the consultant's role in assisting businesses to understand and follow the rules are the decisive ones. Expressed by informants that the consultant informs the rules that apply to be followed by businesses. However, there are businesses that have not been timely in fulfilling it, because of distance or domicile, that is, outside the city of Ambon. Thus, the delivery of information concerning the rules of service is always given to businesses, although in some cases not been timely in fulfilling it, because it is constrained distance factor, domicile and costs.

Factor Income Adequacy of Employees/Staff

Employee income is sufficient to meet the minimum requirement is one's total revenues in exchange for energy or thoughts were poured for another person or organization, either in the form of money and goods, as well as facilities within a specified period. Provision for employee income is expected to meet monthly needs. Results interview with the Head of CIBS-CMSME Maluku province along with some of his staff, obtained information that, the income of some employees, particularly by the leadership group enough to make ends meet monthly. IV.a. Classes for employees, amounting to Rp. 5,400,000 and coupled with allowances, medical allowance, meal allowance, transport allowance, amounting to Rp. 8,000,000 (Regional Performance Allowance/TKD). While employees III.c. Group, amounting to Rp. 4,300,000, along with allowances: Office, health, meal and transport allowances, which amounted to Rp. 4,000,000. Sufficient income to be possessed by the staff of service providers, because it can affect the attitudes and behaviour in serving the public. This is consistent with the statement that the informant, the basic salary and allowances received enough to meet their needs. Additionally, met also needs non-material, to be involved in training, meeting or decision. However, this is different from the information agent that, they are only given a monthly salary of Rp. 2,600,000, with minimal benefits. Thus, the basic salary and allowances by some employees also there is considerable and some are not enough to meet its needs, thus affecting both work motivation and quality of service provided to the public. This is consistent with the general understanding that the basic human motivation to work is to earn money to finance his life.

Factors Abilities and Skills of Employees Who Fit the Job

Ability to work according to Stoner cited by Moenir (2010) includes the aspects: Technical ability, the ability of human nature, the ability to make conception. Abilities and skills of officials in work is a determinant factor for the quality of services provided. This is consistent with the statement of the informant (CIBS Head and Section Heads) that employees CIBS-CMSME Maluku province is quite capable and skilled to conceptualize and communicate it to others, as well as quite capable of making business analysis, development and marketing and promotion, but the quantity is limited, when compared with the number of businesses that exist or are being served. The ability and skills of employees/staff in providing services also determine the success of the organization he works. Information to support this assumption was stated by informants that employees in CIBS trying to make the concept of operations and delivered to businesses are nurtured, make business analysis, advocacy efforts and business mentor/coaching, as well as providing technical skills in marketing and promotion, while strengthening communication built together. Similarly, the ability and skills of businesses are urgent matters and determine the quality of services obtained. This is supported by the revelation of the informants, as businesses that, we know the employees and consultants skilled in the airport because it has been trained, to assist businesses in managing their business. A similar sentiment was expressed by assisting consultants who seek to accompany businesses through business consulting, business mentor, business training, technical training and facilitate access to sources of financing, so that businesses are able and skilled business development. However, ultimately the most decisive is the businesses themselves, because it was noted that, from 2148 businesses registered in 2015, then there are 834 of them then inactive business.

Availability of Infrastructure Services According to the Type and Form of Work

Service facilities are all the tools, equipment and facility that serves as the main tool/auxiliary and support the implementation of the assignment. The information obtained from informants (CIBS Head and the Head of Section in CIBS-CMSME, Maluku Province) that, equipment and sufficient labour available and support services, while still lacking is a superior product display space unfilled. The availability of facilities and infrastructure is needed by the staff to support the improvement of services for the public or businesses. The observed data show that the work equipment provided is a computer, stationery and appropriate technology. Similarly have available space for consultants, managers, libraries, superior product display area, ballroom and others, thus supporting service activities. However, product display space has not been filled with equipment. In this case, the supporting facilities are also available, such as: Air conditioning, telephone and wifi-internet. What the facilities were lacking is the means of transport to facilitate the activity/activities. Thus, the availability of facilities, infrastructure and equipment are very supportive smooth functions work in the office and outside the office of CIBS-CMSME Maluku province.

Conclusion And Recommendation

The conclusion of this article research results presented in order of its objectives, namely public service quality and determinant factors that support and hinder efforts to improve the quality of services at the Centre for Integrated Business Services (CIBS), Cooperative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME) in Maluku province. The quality of public services is marked by several characteristics as follows: Transparency of service that can be demonstrated to provide and deliver business information orally and in writing through the brochure and the "board talk" to the public or businesses, as recipients of services; Non-partisan/neutrality in the service, was achieved by means of notifying employees of rights and obligations of users of the service; The efficiency of the service provider to avoid repetition and waste (time and cost); Reliability in serving, because employees are relatively accurate and efficient in providing service according to the applicable procedures. Similarly, employees demonstrate accountability in serving to demonstrate commitment, honesty and trust to the community it serves. Then, there are determinant factors that support the quality of service in CIBS-CMSME Maluku Province, namely consciousness officers/managers and employees/staff of service providers, the ability and skills of service providers, as well as the income level of employees (management, staff, consultants). Meanwhile, the determinant factors which hamper the quality of service is the application of the rules on the services that have not been optimally implemented, as well as infrastructure services provided the limited amount and its utilization.

Based on these conclusions, it is suggested to the leadership and the employees/staff in CIBS-CMSME and the government of Maluku province that has always tried to improve the quality of services to businesses and citizens, to accelerate the realization of quality public services, i.e., services more: Transparent, nonpartisan/neutral, efficient, reliable and accountable. Some strategic effort that needs to be done is reinforce awareness of the competent authorities, including the employees/staff serving and businesses or citizens about the importance of process and outcome quality service as the basic value and at the same time value orientations need to be put together. Other efforts that need to be done by the leadership together with employees in CIBS and in government Maluku Province is provisioning and implementation of regulations concerning public services in an optimal and sustainable, while directing an increased income of employees and consultants, in order to become a source of motivation for him to work professionally and develop competencies in maximum.


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