Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 2S

Quality Education: The Moderating Role of Teaching Perspective on the Relationship between Teacher Career Perspectives and Students Engagement

Hareesol Khun-Inkeeree, Walailak University


Moderating Role, Teaching Perspective Inventory, Teacher Career Perspectives, Students’ Engagement


Over the past decades, globalization has redefined teaching pedagogy especially in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Thus, the Thai government developed several educational policies so that quality education can be delivered in Thailand’s HEIs. However, despite delivering some strategies to target the quality of education in the country, it still yields less expected results. This prompted HEIs to innovative their teaching pedagogy. This study examines the moderating effect of teaching perspective inventory on the relationship between teachers’ career perspectives and students’ engagement to enhance the quality of education delivered at a university in Thailand. Data was gathered from 196 respondents through a structural equation modeling to investigate the relationship between the variables. Findings revealed that teachers’ career perspectives significantly influence students’ engagement that translates to quality education. Furthermore, students’ academic engagement significantly mediates the relationship between teachers’ career perspective and teaching perspective inventory in delivering quality education. Practical and theoretical implications were fully discussed.



Globalization has redefined the conduct of education in the present time. In fact, one of its major effects is the increased competition among education practitioners in the academia in creating and delivering quality education (Chen, 2017; Wang, Gorbunova, Masalimova, Bírová & Sergeeva, 2017). Consequently, HEIs have revisited their education policies and reformulate some outdated teaching pedagogies to cater for the rising educational needs. In other words, globalization phenomena have caused both the governments and educational institutions to intuitively create and innovate ways to enhance the quality of education (Carlsen, 2020; Chiroleu & Marquina, 2017; Ng, 2017).

On a national scale, countries such as the United State of America, Canada, France and the European Nations embarked on education commercialization and internationalization by inviting students from all around the globe and integrating the excellent ones into their educational systems Borkovic, et al., 2020). In recent times, this model is being adopted in the Asian continent as such countries like South Korea, China, Malaysia and even Thailand are not left out of the race. With emphasis on Thailand, the Thai government had over the years adapt international education business model as such attracts foreign education into the country. Besides, the local universities are also opening their gates for international students (Jiani, 2017; Jones & Pimdee, 2017; Nikula & Kivistö, 2018).

Within the past two decades, the government of Thailand had made significant efforts to enhance the quality of education in the country of which the latest review was made in the year 2015; however, education pundits argue that less effect can be felt due to the political instability in the country (Michael, 2018). As such, it is left for the individual universities to develop their own strategies to ensure quality education delivery (Dukhan, 2020).

Insights into academic literature presents that universities engaged in several strategies to deliver quality education. Of these several ways, the attention of this study is to examine the significance effect of teachers’ career perspective in engaging students so that quality education can be achieved (Bostock, 2019; Brunstein & King, 2018; Dicker, Garcia, Kelly & Mulrooney, 2019). The philosophy behind this is that teachers’ career perspective in engaging students is among the current prominent research area in the education industry specifically in the developed economy (Bostock, 2019; Brunstein & King, 2018; Dicker et al., 2019). While literatures from emerging economies are at its infancy stage, a few available examples of which is not limited to (Hallinger, Piyaman & Viseshsiri 2017) suggest education reform specifically in Thailand the context of this investigation.

Insight into the existing literature on education reform to achieve quality education is a complex approach that needs the collaboration of different parties such as the school management, students, teachers, governments and non-academic stakeholders. With this, most of the strategies embarked upon by the Thai government on a national scale yielded less than the expected results (Hallinger, Piyaman & Viseshsiri, 2017; Michael, 2018). Evidence supporting this claim is the performance of Thai students in the ASEAN region is far below the expected line (Sinwongsuwat, Nicoletti & Teng, 2018). So, if the government reform produces little result, then, should individual institution look inwardly, innovate strategies to produce quality education to develop internal strategies that can lead to quality education, the goal of this study is geared towards examining the relationship between teachers’ career perspective on students’ engagement with the moderating effect of several teaching strategies dubbed teaching perspective inventories.

Literature have it that studies examining the relationship between teaching perspective inventory and students’ engagement to determine the quality of education offered through performance and employability has been extensively and thoroughly studied in the western world either among graders (primary school students) or tertiary educations (Collins & Pratt, 2011; Pachler, Kuonath & Frey, 2019; Pratt, 1998; Pratt & Collins, 2000; Sparapani, Connor, Day, Wood, Ingebrand, McLean et al., 2019). While studies from emerging Asian world, specifically, Thailand remains at its infancy stage.

Therefore, the objectives of this study are to examine the following:

a) The relationship between teacher career perception and students’ engagement.

b) The relationship between teaching perspective inventory and students’ engagement.

c) The significant influence of teacher career perception on the quality of education.

d) The effect of teaching perspective inventory on the quality of education.

e) The moderating effect of teaching perspective inventory on the relationship between teacher career perspective and students’ engagement.

f) The relationship between students’ engagement and education quality

g) The mediating effect of students’ engagement on the relationship between teachers’ career perspective and quality education.

h) The mediating effect of students’ engagement on the relationship between teaching perspective inventory and quality education.

Conceptual Arguments

Students Engagements

Educated individuals in the society play a significant role in ensuring sustainable environmental and economic peace and stability, creativity and innovation, reduce gender inequality between men and women, good governance as well as ensure individual and national progress (Aleixo, Leal & Azeiteiro, 2018; Novo-Corti, Badea Tirca & Aceleanu, 2018; Woolman, 2001). Achieving the importance or benefits of education, therefore lies in the ability and capability to ensure the successful implementation of educational systems in which student engagement plays a significant role (Abubakar & Itse, 2017; Ashwin & McVitty, 2015; Robinson, 2013).

Thus, improving students’ engagement has been a top priority of scholars and practitioners ever since the constructs has been linked to students’ educational performance, learning outcomes as well as education quality (Abubakar & Itse, 2017; Robinson, 2013). Over the years, there have been several attempts to improve the engagement of students within and outside the classroom environs by concentrating on students’ accuracy, precision, retention, employability, dropout ratio, (Ashwin & McVitty, 2015; Robinson, 2013; Parsons & Taylor, 2011; Zepke & Leach, 2010).

In the face of the progress made, there are indications that this area of research suffers significant setback which includes ambiguity or lack of tangible definition. Considering this, (Ashwin & McVitty 2015) notes that, in fact, students’ engagement can be solidly defined, however, the concept received poor definition because of scholars’ laziness among leading to less critical view and focus points and definition ambiguity. Conversely, a recent study by (Vytasek, Patzak & Winne 2020) recommends the need to redefine the concept, its observations and quantification. In light of this, students’ engagement in this study is described along three lines, namely emotional, psychological and cognition following studies such as (Pratt 2002).

Despite the ongoing issues surrounding the definition or description of student engagements, factors such as helpful course resources, access to instructor and instructor’s passion for the course taught, peer interaction, problem-centric learning with useful and detailed explanation (Hew, 2016). Besides, attention on students’ engagement has centered on engaging disengaged students while a study by (Parsons & Taylor, 2011) laid the foundation of engaging students who are already engage in a system that is meaningful to the students and useful in the society. Considering this, this research builds upon the work of (Parsons & Taylor, 2011).

Teachers’ Career Perspective on Students’ Engagement and Academic Performance

The teaching career perspective had received not worthy investigation from scholars in a bid to enhance students’ engagement that invariably improves the quality of education delivered. Insights from the available pieces of literature reveal that teachers’ career perspectives can be viewed from several lenses. Some of which is not limited to the interrogative method of teaching, receiving feedback, work engagement, mode of teaching that is, teacher centered vs. students centered learning as well as technology usage in teaching students’ online course and social media usage as supplements’ (Finn, 2020; Glazier, Hamann, Pollock & Wilson, 2019; Gibbs, Hartviksen, Lehtonen & Spruce, 2019; Minghui, Lei, Xiaomeng & Potm?šilc, 2018; O’Donovan, den Outer, Price & Lloyd, 2019).

The ongoing investigations on how teachers’ perceptions pertaining to their career influence or contribute to students’ performance by engaging students in the learning process. This is because engaging students is a complex continuous process (Niittylahti, Annala & Mäkinen, 2019; Timms & Brough, 2013). Among the factors examined by earlier scholars includes teacher communication behavior, academic background, feedback, on the job training and development sense of professionalism, work security, (Heikonen, Pietarinen, Pyhältö, Toom & Soini, 2017; Jungert, Alm & Thornberg, 2014; Mazer, 2013; Nizeyimana, & Osman, 2014). From the numerous factors associated with teachers’ career perspective, five of these factors are examined. These are narrated in the following paragraphs.

The use of feedback has over the years used to enhance teaching career perspectives, and as such, the construct had received undeniable attention from scholars (Cassidy & Ahmad, 2019; Esterhazy, Nerland & Dam?a, 2019; Molloy, Boud & Henderson, 2019; Henderson, Ryan & Phillips, 2019; O’Donovan, den Outer, Price & Lloyd, 2019). According to these authors, feedback plays an undeniably important role in enhancing students’ engagement. However, there are conditions, and strategies to be set so that constructive feedback can be achieved (Henderson et al., 2019; Henderson, Phillips, Ryan, Boud, Dawson, Molloy & Mahoney, 2019).

On the account of (Mazer, 2013), the mode of delivering lectures by students, directly and indirectly, engage students thus, contributing to the quality of education offered in such an institution. With this, (Skinner, Furrer, Marchland & Kindermann, 2008) argues that the lack of engagement from teachers to students impedes the students' engagement in class. Further study by Heikonen, et al., (2017) although investigates the capability and teachers’ experience in engaging students in the class, it is logically deduced that teachers’ inexperience contributes to defect in communication thus, inhibiting social, psychological and emotional engagement as concluded by Chaplain (2017) and Kruglanski, Thompson, Higgins, Atash, Pierro, Shah, et al., (2018).

Similarly, teachers’ job satisfaction had been widely examined by earlier scholars (Mazer, 2013). It was argued that teachers’ emotional job satisfaction is indirectly transmitted to the class during lecture. The studies of (Mottet, Frymier & Beebe 2006) note that teachers’ emotions (implicit messages) influence students' emotional response.

Teaching perspective Inventory and Students’ Engagement

The importance of TPI in not limited to helping individual teachers prepare teaching evaluation, conduct more research on teaching portfolios, teaching perspectives, evaluate teaching methods and create awareness about different teaching approaches as well as teaching philosophy (Collins & Pratt, 2011; Robertson, Fowler & Juve, 2017). Besides, using TPI (Ross, 2019) argues that teachers and education stakeholders can understand, the teaching action, beliefs, and intention and it does assist in collating ideas around education. This is because teaching approaches employed to teach students have a significant specific effect on the dimension of student engagement (Kumar & Tankha, 2020). Hence, the benefits of the intended teaching approach and intended outcome should be taken into consideration. Scholars such as (Collins & Pratt 2011; Pratt, 1998) after conducting thorough research on teachers believed that a good teacher must at least possesses one or more of the five dimensions of teaching perspective that made up of the teaching perspective inventory. These are the transmission; apprenticeship; developmental; nurturing and social reform.

As evidence from the studies of (Collins & Pratt 2011; Pratt, 1998) the transmission teaching approach implies a situation where the instructor is expected to master the subject content and present it accurately as possible efficiently and effectively to the students. That is, the teacher is strictly guided by the course curriculum. As such, it is now the duty of the students legitimately to study the course contents as prescribed by the course curriculum.

Likewise, the apprenticeship teaching approach is presented to be an approach whereby the teachers are highly skilled teachers who are best at what they teach. Considering this, they must be able to simplify the task and carry the students along from a simpler task to a more complicated task. From the learners’ point of view, authentic tasks that enhance skills development are required.

Although all the dimensions of TPI might sound interesting because they are all being used to enhance education quality via engaging disengaged students and enhancing the engagement of engaged students (Morgan, Pendergast, Brown & Heck, 2015; Noonan, 2013; Parraga, 2004; Shaari, Yusoff, Ghazali, Osman & Dzahir, 2014). (Yet, Sparapani et al., 2019) noted that it is ideal for teachers to know their teaching approach and students’ needs because the needs are not aligned with the teaching approach, there are tendencies that the learning component may inhibit students’ literacy level. Considering this, the benefits of the five dimensions of TPI are explored in this study.

Ever since the introduction of TPI, it has been widely adopted to evaluate students’ engagement, performance and used in predicting quality of education. Examples of such studies include that of (Pachler, Kuonath & Frey 2019) concluding that employing a transformative teaching style increases students’ trust towards the teacher, thus, enhance their performance.

Pertaining to the developmental perspective, the teaching plan and implementation must be conducted from the lens of the learner. Nurturing requires the students to learn from the heart that is, immersing them, persevering to become a master. The last teaching approach that is, social reform held the notion

That students are taught based on the commonly held ideologies and values within their specialization so that they can transform the whole society (Schindelka, 2019).

The benefits of nurturing teaching perspectives are well empirically backed in the studies of (Das, Nguyen, Nguyen, Nomikoudis & Dung 2019; Voon, Wong, Looi & Chen 2020). On the account of (Voon et al., 2020), nurturing teaching perspective help students discern the critical aspect of the lesson learned while an earlier study by (Das et al., 2019) concludes redesigning course content using nurturing perspective, passive learners becomes an active learner.

On the account of (Burga, Leblanc & Rezania 2017; Weybrecht, 2017), exposing students to an education that creates that the importance of social awareness (social reform) helps the students to be engaged in future in socially responsible attitudes at individual and community level.

Likewise, the study of (Nixon & Williams, 2014) identifies the importance of redesigning the education curriculum towards the apprentice teaching style. From the authors’ examination, they argue that the new teaching approach creates deep awareness in the students and enhance their skills via experiential teaching. Similarly, (Atkinson, 2016) notes that using this approach, the students' conceptual and practical skills are enhanced through training and development that encourage them to implement the skills learned.

In summary, it can be explained that although different teaching approaches yield student engagement that translates to performance and employability, nevertheless, the objective of the teaching approaches must be pre-determined to be able to achieve the desired results. Despite, this study conceptually argues a significant relationship between teaching perspective inventory and quality education via the mediating role of students’ engagement.


Measuring Teachers’ Career Perspective

To measure teachers’ career perspective, the construct is described base on five dimensions as reviewed in the literature review section namely teaching feedback, job security, job satisfaction, teachers’ experience, and teachers’ interpersonal communication. These dimensions according to earlier literature constitute significantly to the construct perceived teacher’s career which influences directly or indirectly in engaging students during academic sessions (Finn, 2020; Glazier et al., 2019; Gibbs et al., 2019; Minghui et al., 2018; O’Donovan et al., 2019). Therefore, the items used in this study are adapted from these authors.

Measuring TPI

The items used in measuring TPI in this study were adapted from the study of (Pratt & Collins, 2000). The items measure the five dimensions of teaching perspective inventory namely, nurturing, social reform, apprentice, transformation and developmental. Also, these items revolve around three main properties of teaching namely, intention actions and beliefs. In summary a total (28) items were adapted and used in measuring the five dimensions of TPI in this study.

Measuring Engagement

In this study, students’ engagement is described as students’ wiliness to communicate and participate in class activities as it unfolds (Gedera & Sampath, 2014; Rude, 2015). More so, engagement in this regard is measured using three dimensions namely psychological, social and emotional. The items used in measuring students’ engagement were adapted from the studies of (Gedera & Sampath, 2014; Rude, 2015; Schumacher 2018). In summary, a total number of 18 items covering the three types of engagements were adapted.

Measuring Quality Education

In this study, education quality is measured using the current and future parameters namely students’ current academic performance and the perceived employability. Considering this, the items used in measuring students’ performance are adapted from studies such as (Gillmor, Poggio & Embretson 2015; Hodson, 1984; Walker, Zhang & Surber 2008; Yen, 1993). Overall, six items were adapted to measure students’ performance.

In a similar view, items measuring students’ employability from the view of teachers were adapted from several studies examples of which includes (Blades, Fauth & Gibb 2012; Durrani & Tariq 2012; Heijde & Van Der Heijden 2006; Yusof, Mustapha, Mohamad & Bunian 2012). The rationale behind adapting these items from these sources lies in their reliability and validity which has been confirmed by several earlier scholars.

Population and Sample Size Selection

The samples employed in this study are arguably the entire population of the academic staffs at a university in Thailand. Thus, the samples are selected using a non-probabilistic approach. Overall, 196 questionnaires were distributed to the academic staffs at the place of study and all questionnaires were retrieved after a period of one month.

Normality and Outlier Removal

Although there are arguments that PLS-SEM software is a non-parametric test therefore, conducting a normality test is not important. However, (Sarstedt, Ringle & Hair, 2017; Hair, Risher, Sarstedt & Ringle 2019) believed the non-normality data when bootstrapped has higher chances of producing skewed and peaked distributions. Considering this, there is a strong evidence to examine the data set normality. In this study, the skewness and kurtosis were used in determining the data normality. This is because skewness and kurtosis measure the degree of distortions in data (Jain, 2018).

In determining the normality, the endogenous variable (quality education) was used. Using this, the dimensions of quality education namely students’ performance and employability as it is used in this study. (Table 1)

Table 1
Normality Distribution
Before Removal of Outliers After Removing Outliers
S.N Variable Mean Median STD Skewness Kurtosis Mean Median STD Skewness Kurtosis
1 performance 4.37 4.75 .86 2.57 6.42 3.89 4.03 .058 .86 2.58
2 employability 4.06 4.40 .833 -2.11 4.68 4.25 4.11 .51 -.93 1.84

The data before removing the outlier reveals that the skewness and kurtosis value are beyond the required skewness value of absolute one (±1) and kurtosis value of absolute three (±3) after removing the data points identified as outliers, the skewness and kurtosis values. With this, the authors proceed to data analysis.

Measurement of Construct

All the adapted items in this study were measured using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1=Strongly Disagree (SD); 2=Disagree (D); 3=Neutral (N); 4 Agree (A); 5=Strongly Agree (SA).

Data Analysis

To achieve the stated objectives in this study, a PLS-SEM approach was employed. The reason for employing this approach correspond to the rule of thumb proposed by (Lohmöller, 1989; Hair, Ringle & Sarstedt 2012; Reinartz, Haenlein & Henseler, 2009) which says that, PLS can be used if one of the conditions are fulfilled (a) when the investigation scope is broad and flexible; (b) when the investigated structural model is complex having many constructs and indicators. Considering these, the structural model under investigation is a complex model which the relationship needed to be examined concurrently. Besides, the model has one formative construct which support the reason why PLS-SEM should be used (Hair et al., 2019). Hence, PLS-SEM is among the most viable available software to engage in running the structural analysis. Using the PLS-SEM, the measurement and structural model were carefully analyzed and thus, the results are presented in the following paragraphs.

Measurement Model

To achieve the study measurement model, each construct Average Variance Extracted (AVE), Cross Loadings (CL), Cronbach Alpha and Composite Reliability were accessed. (Figure 1)

Discriminant validity: This is a fundamental assessment in PLS-SEM. The objective is to eliminate items with poorer loadings. That is, loadings less than 0.6, however, in some instances, loading of 0.5 can be accepted if the AVE and other conditions are dully fulfilled. Besides, the CL must be greater than 0.7, AVE of 0.5 and above are accepted. Furthermore, in accessing the measurement model, the items intercorrelations must be observed. According to the notion put forward by (Henseler, Ringle & Sarstedt, 2015), the items intercorrelation must not exceed the value of 0.985. With these, the results of the measurement models are presented in the Table 2 below:


Figure 1: Measurement Model

As presented in the Table 2, the construct intercorrelation values are below the minimum threshold suggested by (Hensler et al., 2015). Considering this, it is confirmed that the data used in this analysis do not violate items multicollinearity assumptions

Table 2
Items Intercorelations (HTMT)
Column1 App Cog Dev. Emo IM IW JSA MO Nur. Social Stud. E. Stud. Per. Trans.
Dev. 0.772 0.394                      
Emo 0.258 0.722 0.554                    
IM 0.596 0.19 0.734 0.447                  
IW 0.485 0.425 0.423 0.55 0.484                
JSA 0.581 0.474 0.738 0.586 0.579 0.871              
MO 0.472 0.439 0.511 0.546 0.497 0.723 0.713            
Nurture 0.561 0.334 0.599 0.395 0.639 0.545 0.45 0.477          
Social 0.188 0.135 0.278 0.332 0.303 0.429 0.339 0.185 0.157        
Student Employabilit y 0.321 0.843 0.481 0.847 0.263 0.449 0.501 0.428 0.401 0.145      
Student Performance 0.222 0.712 0.422 0.772 0.375 0.445 0.403 0.482 0.331 0.177 0.886    
Tra. 0.529 0.303 0.479 0.326 0.349 0.454 0.601 0.575 0.626 0.258 0.227 0.246  
Psy. 0.266 0.462 0.411 0.572 0.323 0.209 0.22 0.246 0.398 0.275 0.406 0.406 0.211

Observing Table 3, 4, it is evidence that the measurement model criteria are fulfilled that is, the AVE is greater than 0.5, CR greater than 0.7 and items loading are 0.6 except for some few of 0.5 which have no significant effect on the AVE, CR and HTMT. Fulfilling these conditions, the authors proceed to test the hypotheses.(Figurre 2)

Table 3
Discriminant Validity
Column1 Items Loadings C. R AVE Discriminant Validity
IM IM1 0.577 0.871 0.533 YES
IM2 0.738      
IM3 0.781
IM4 0.705
IM5 0.756
IM6 0.801
IW IW1 0.532 0.861 0.56 YES
IW2 0.715      
IW3 0.782
IW4 0.833
IW5 0.836
JSA JSA1 0.810 0.809 0.518 YES
JSA11 0.740      
JSA12 0.737
JSA5 0.570
MO MO1 0.721 0.865 0.52 YES
MO2 0.576      
MO3 0.662
MO4 0.762
MO5 0.792
MO6 0.768
Social RS1 0.688 0.849 0.534 YES
RS2 0.838      
RS3 0.554
RS4 0.723
RS5 0.814
Apprentice SD1 0.746 0.827 0.546 YES
SD2 0.701      
SD3 0.846
SD6 0.681
Transmission SI3 0.532 0.802 0.508 YES
SI4 0.781      
SI5 0.776
SI6 0.732
Developing SD7 0.773 0.838 0.51 YES
SD9 0.628      
SD10 0.654
SD11 0.786
SD12 0.715
Nurture CFR1 0.704 0.809 0.515 YES
CFR2 0.685      
CFR6 0.691
CFR8 0.782
Cognitive TA1 0.743 0.882 0.601 YES
TA3 0.663      
TA4 0.840
TA5 0.830
TA6 0.786
Psychology TB13 0.692 0.833 0.557 YES
TB14 0.826      
TB15 0.793
TB16 0.663
Emotion TB1 0.875 0.837 0.561 YES
  TB2 0.666      
TB4 0.699
TB6 0.663
Student Performance TC4 0.755 0.832 0.553 YES
TC5 0.753      
TC6 0.721
TC7 0.745
Employability TC8 0.775 0.84 0.513 YES
TC9 0.728      
TC12 0.699
TC14 0.676
TC15 0.699
Table 4
Column1 R Square R Square Adjusted
QE 0.588 0.577

Figure 2: Structural Model (Higher Order)

Analysis Findings

Table 5 presents the analysis findings. The model reveals that the variables explained a 58.8% variance that is, r2=0.588.

Table 5
Hypotheses Testing
Relationship β STDEV T Stat P Values Decision
TP -> SE 0.395 0.101 3.903 0.000 Supported
TPI -> SE 0.187 0.095 1.971 0.049 Supported
TP -> QE 0.147 0.071 2.06 0.039 Supported
TPI -> QE -0.048 0.084 0.571 0.568 Not Supported
SE -> QE 0.687 0.051 13.511 0.000 Supported
TPI*TP -> SE 0.225 0.052 4.351 0.000 Supported
TP -> SE -> QE 0.271 0.076 3.587 0.000 Supported
TPI -> SE -> QE 0.128 0.063 2.039 0.042 Supported

The findings present that both teacher career perspective and teaching perspective inventory have significant relationship to students’ engagement among the samples surveyed having TP=(β=0.395, p<0.05) and TPI having (β=0.187, p<0.05). Concerning the direct relationship between teachers’ perspective (TP), Teaching Perspective Inventory (TPI) on Quality Education (QE), the findings reveals that TP has a significant relationship with QE having (β=0.147, p<0.05) while, a negative insignificant relationship between TPI and QE was found having β=-0.048, p>0.05).

Furthermore, this study reveals that a significant relationship exists between students’ engagement (SE) and QE having SE -> QE=(β=0.687, p<0.05). Besides, the result presents a significant moderating effect of teaching perspective inventory on the relationship between Teachers’ perspective and students’ engagement having TPI*TP ->SE (β=0.225, p<0.05).

Pertaining to the mediating effect of SE on the relationship between TP and TPI on QE, the findings show that SE significantly mediate the relationship having TP->SE-> QE (β=0.271, p<0.05) and TPI->SE->QE (β=0.178, p<0.05).


The empirical findings in this study conclude a significant relationship between teacher’s career perspective and students’ engagement the finding in this sense tallies with earlier literature such as (Heikonen et al., 2017; Jungert et al., 2014; Mazer, 2013; Nizeyimana, & Osman, 2014) where they conclude a significant relationship between teachers’ career perspective and engaging students. As such, the perception of teachers pertaining to the importance of their job, getting feedback, giving students some level of autonomy, teachers’ self-development, and job satisfaction as measured in this study enhances the students’ social psychological and cognitive engagement in the classroom.

Similarly, teachers’ career perspectives contribute significantly to the education quality in the study context. As empirically observed the five dimensions of teachers’ career perspective used in this study significantly enhance education quality in terms of academic performance and students’ employability. The findings in this regard confirm that of Skinner et al., 2008; Mazer, 2013; Mottet, 2006) noting that teacher career’s perspective influence students’ engagement both in direct and indirect ways that will later translate to quality education. It is established that the teaching perspective inventory among lecturers surveyed at a Thai university significantly influence students’ engagement. The findings in this regard corroborate with conclusions from earlier studies examples of which is not limited to (Burga et al., 2017; Das et al., 2019; Nixon & Williams 2014; Weybrecht, 2017) remarking a significant influence of teaching perspective inventory dimensions to significantly influence students’ engagement.

Similarly, it is established in this study that teachers’ career perspective translates to quality education. This confirms the study of (Das et al., 2019; Voon et al., 2020), where the authors conclude that adopting the right teaching approaches create skills awareness and encourage the students to implements the taught set of skills when needed. With the findings observed in this study, we note that the perspective of teachers’ career influences their relationship with students. This relationship influences the students’ psychological, emotional and social attachment to the course taught. Therefore, a negative relationship between the teacher and the students will translate to negative or low education quality in terms of performance and employability.

From these findings, it is concluded that the dimensions of teachers’ career perspective that are, how the teacher views their self-teaching approach, their previous experience among other factors discussed in this study contributes to students’ engagement (emotional, psychological and social). Similarly, the teaching approaches that are, teaching perspective inventory moderates the relationship to students’ engagement.

As evidence in this study, combining the dimensions of TPI there is a significant relationship TPI and students’ engagement. This implies that the teachers (lecturers) working at a Thai university understands the importance of teaching perspective inventory that is, they were able to identify the needs of the students thus, they apply the befitting teaching strategies to teach their students. By doing this, the study shows that the students are academically engaged. The findings in this regard therefore validate the argument of (Reeve & Cheon 2014; Sparapani et al., 2019) concluding that TPI works well when the teachers can identify their teaching approaches and the students’ needs.

On the contrary, teaching perspective inventory had no significant relationship to quality of education offers at the context of this investigation. This observation in this sense reveals that to achieve quality education, not all teaching approaches can yield the desired result. As such, the needed approaches should be identified and implemented accordingly corresponding to the arguments of and (Reeve & Cheon, 2014; Sparapani et al., 2019).

Comparing the findings on the significant relationship between students’ engagement and insignificant relationship to quality education in terms of performance and employability, this study shows that there is a plausible concern that something is missing in the observed relationship.

Further revelation in this study shows that students’ engagement significantly mediates the relationship between teacher’s career perspective and teaching perspective inventory on the quality of education offered at a Thai university. The findings in this sense expose the importance of engaging students socially, emotionally and psychologically to increase their performance and employability level. The findings thus confirm the revelations from earlier pieces of literature (Collins & Pratt, 2011; Morgan et al., 2015; Noonan, 2013; Parraga, 2004; Robertson et al., 2017; Shaari et al., 2014) where they conclude that determining the effective teaching approaches, student needs, stable teachers’ interpersonal relationship, feedback, and teachers’ experience significantly contributes to social, emotional and psychological engagement among students and thus, directly and indirectly, enhance the quality of education offered.

Implication of Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion

The findings in this study reveal both practical and theoretical importance of students’ engagement in attaining quality education

Practical Implication

Having exposed to the relationship between teacher’s career perspective and teaching inventory on students’ engagement and quality of education, it is therefore important for the authority and management of the institution to be able to portray to their employees (teachers) a positive career perspective in terms of job satisfaction, employment relations among others.

Besides, the importance of identifying and enhancing teachers’ skills is important to ensure quality education is delivered. The last but not the least point is that, engaging students socially, psychologically and emotionally plays a significant role in ensuring the institution ambition to deliver quality education.

Theoretical Implication

Theoretically, this study supports and confirms the findings from earlier literature on the significant importance of teachers’ career perspective, teaching perspective inventory and students’ engagement in delivering quality education.


The authors of this study therefore recommend to the management of the university and other higher education institutions in emerging economy that their teachers are the main drivers of perceived quality education and through them; they can effectively and efficiently compete in the global market. Hence, the teachers needed to be taken care of appropriately. More so, rather than following the education curriculum dogmatically as it is given to them by the education authority in Thailand, it is suggested that the teaching approach should allow the students some level of autonomy so that they can be emotionally, psychologically and socially engaged to the subjects taught. This will overall enhance the quality of education taught in the school.

Despite the revelations observed in this study, the generalizability of the result needed caution because of the data collection approach. It should be recalled that the data used in this study is gathered from a single location using non-probabilistic approach; therefore, the generalizability of these findings to the context of whole Thailand is not advisable. Considering this, the authors suggest future investigations using a larger sample size and a probabilistic sampling method.


The relationship between teachers ‘career perspective and students’ engagement moderated by teaching perspective inventory was examined. Furthermore, the relationship was extended to education quality offered at a university in Thailand. The findings revealed that teachers’ career perspective plays a significant role in enhancing students’ engagement. Additionally, teaching perspective inventory significantly moderates the relationship between teachers’ career perspective and students’ engagement. This implies that the teachers at a Thai university were able to identify the needs of the students. More so, it is observed in this study that students’ academic engagement translates to quality education measured using students’ academic performance and perceived employability.


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