Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)

Research Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 3

Public Service Innovation through Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency of Indonesia

Choirul Saleh, University of Brawijaya Malang

Syahrul Ibad, University of Brawijaya Malang

Suryadi, University of Brawijaya Malang

Agus Suryono, University of Brawijaya Malang

Citation Information: Saleh, C., Ibad, S., Suryadi., & Suryono, A. (2022). Public service innovation through program smart village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi regency of Indonesia. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 25(3), 1-22.


The objective of this research is to analyze, describe and construct the implementation of Program Smart Village (Kampung) as public service innovation in Banyuwangi Regency. Research contributes to the progress of public administrative science and also gives references to government, academicians, people, private and stakeholders for the development of better and sustainable innovation of public service. Method of research is qualitative appoach involving activities of searching, understanding, explaining and obtaining description about social and public phenomena related with Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency. The realization of public service innovation is done through the development of villages to be integrated with optical fiber based information and communication technology that emphasizes on productive economic works, creative economic works, education-health improvement, and poverty eradication. Result of research showed that the Government of Banyuwangi Regency has been successful in conducting Program Smart Village (Kampung) for public service innovation. Banyuwangi Regency won the 2019 Innovative Government Award (IGA) Contest for the category of “Innovative Regency”. There were 41 villages/sub-districts used as pilot project for Program Smart Village (Kampung) and further implementation was planned to involve 176 other villages/sub-districts. Research concludes that the Government of Banyuwangi Regency has been thorough and creative to develop public service innovation and also been capable to manage factors supporting and constraining public service innovation, such as: a) Human Resource, b) Structure and Infrastructure, and c) Socialization.


Local Government, Good Governance, Smart Village, Public Service Innovation, EGovernment, Information and Communication Technology.


Bureaucratic reformation in Indonesia begun in 1998 precisely after the fall of President Soeharto regime that had ruled Indonesia for 32 years. The overthrow of dictatorian system has made regulations and policies to be stipulated in more democratic and transparent ways. Previously, people found their rights tightly restrained but the change of political wind had brought people rights to become priorities in the policy making process of the governments. Centralist government, which characterizes New Order regime, had been transformed into decentralist government, which is marked by Law Number 23 of 2014 on Local Government. This law gave authority directly to the local governments to manage their mandates, tasks and functions to take care of their own governance affairs, through autonomy as wide as possible, by aiming at improving people welfare, public service and local competitiveness. Optimum reinvention on governance affairs, which requires governance to be free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism, was conducted towards “Good Governance”.

Autonomy is a new concept which is possibly not mature enough and producing manydifferent interpretations and responses. This situation has forced government organizations to adapt with many sociopolitical situations in local autonomy era, including the development or use of new technology, especially information and communication technology, into the government system.

Learning from the experience of European countries, transformation of political system into democratic context is always followed by transformation of bureaucratic and institutional practices. Basically, bureaucratic reformation cannot be separated from political and economical transitions. Historically, the governments of European countries have set bureaucratic reformation targets during their democratic transition. These targets are (a) improvement in administrative and institutional affairs; (b) decentralization in policy making, either at local or regional levels; (c) improvement in human resource management, financial management, and bureaucratic information system, which is expected that all these can work more effectively; and (d) improvement of measures to assess performance and outputs for government bureaucracy (Simai, 1999).

Under perspective of modern state administration, government is created to serve people. Government shall not satisfy its own interest but must always try to fulfill the interest of people by creating conditions that enable people to develop their capacity and creativity for their own fortunes. In this matter, local governments must define functions and roles needed to deliver optimum service based on new paradigm used in government administration (Sulaeman, 2002).

In line with the advancement of information and communication technology, and along with the goal to improve the performance of governments and to maximize tasks and functions of governments in public service, therefore, the Government of Indonesia has released National Policies and Strategies for E-Government Development in Indonesia through Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2003. Related to this matter, Electronic Government (E-Gov) is said to be a form of governance that uses information and communication technology to ensure that the government can act effectively, efficiently, transparently, accountably, responsively and inspiring people participation.

Reformation of governance system is targeted on creating a government which is clean from corruption, and also transparent as well as democratic in completing tasks and functions related with public service (Good Governance). The object of this research is the Government of Banyuwangi Regency and the observation is emphasized on Program Smart Village (Kampung) as the realization of public service innovation. Therefore, this research will discuss public service innovation in local governments. Review on research topic will be focused on innovative process, innovative capacity and innovative typology involved in the Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency.

Banyuwangi Regency is one of many administrative regions in East Java Province with territorial wide of 5,782.50 km2 andtotal population of 1,554,997 individuals, and located at coordinate boundary line between 70 43’–80 46’ South Latitude and 1130 53’–1140 38’ East Longitude.The Government of Banyuwangi Regency led by Regent Azwar Annas was recognized as the most successful regency in implementing public service innovation, which is confirmed by the winning of this Regency on “Innovative Regency” category in the 2019 Innovative Government Award (IGA) Contest. With the obtaining of this award, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency is considered successfully implementing Program Smart Village (Kampung) as the realization of public service innovation and capable to manage factors supporting public service innovation.

Program Smart Village (Kampung) is a village-based program conceptualized by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency to optimize local economics, which in this matter is the economics of village community. In this context, information and communication technology (ICT) has been proved as capable to develop creativity of village community to carry out their productive economic activities. Program Smart Village (Kampung) is the realization of public service innovation through the development of villagesby integrating them with optical fiber based ICT emphasizing on productive economic works, creative economic works, educationhealth improvement, and poverty eradication.

Method of Research

Qualitative approach is used in this research because this research involves activities ofsearching, understanding, explaining and obtaining description about social and public phenomena related with Program Smart Kampungin Banyuwangi Regency. One of reasons why qualitative approach is used is that qualitative study (naturalistic inquiry) is a study intended to understand actuality, social reality and human perception (Lincoln et al., 1985).Another reason is that qualitative study, or also known as naturalistic study, is always conducted at field situation which is natural, or genuine as what it is, without experimental manipulation and arrangement (Nasution, 1996).

Naturalistic study attempts to record slice-of-life events to be documented in natural language and then present the documentation as close as possible to the people in order to comprehend what they know, what they care, their trust, perception and understandings. One opinion explained, “meanings are constantly changing, and are produced and reproduced in each social situation with slightly different nuances and significances depending on the nature of the context as a whole” (Douglas, 2002). This explanation emphasized that qualitative method concerns more with giving meanings and interpretations to the object observed. Therefore, the emphasis of qualitative study is on the meaning of the object. Within the context of this research, the meanings of public service innovation are identified and then interpreted.

Data Analysis

Data analysis must be conducted to make the research running effectively without errors. Data analysis technique in this research is interactive model analysis developed by Miles and Huberman (Miles et al., 2014). In their book titled with Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expended Sourcebook, interactive model comprises data condensation, data presentation, conclusion and verification.

Research Site

Research is located at the Government of Banyuwangi Regency. This Regency is considered as one of innovative regions in East Java Province. Conditions needed to determine that certain region is innovative have been stated in Law Number 23 of 2014 on Local Government, Regulation of Indonesia Government Number 38 of 2017 on Local Innovation, Law Number 25 of 2009 on Public Service, and Regulation of Banyuwangi Regent Number 18 of 2016 on Integration of Village/Sub-District Programs through Smart Village (Kampung) Service. Referring to this legal standings, Program Smart Village (Kampung) is the realization of public service innovation to be intended for village development with emphasis on the use of information and communication technology to facilitate productive economic works, creative economic works, education-health improvement, and poverty eradication.

Previous Studies and Theories

Previous studies carried out by Indonesian or foreign researchers are presented using empirical perspective. Theories and concepts that underlie public administration are reviewed using theoretical perspective. Each theory and concept may have different insight, model and paradigm. In the context of public service innovation, the history and definition of innovation in the public service offices are strongly affected by perspectives of bureaucracy and public service. The difference across public service offices in innovation is understood through diffusion of innovation, innovation in public administration, innovation of local government, innovative capacity of local government organization, typology and characteristic of innovation, and strategy and factor affecting innovation.

Results of previous studies provide materials not only to be compared one another but also to be compared with the results of this research. Each of these previous studies will be explained in separate paragraphs. The explanation comprises concept used by the study, approach and method of the study, the result, and the relevance of the study to the next research.

Sihombing (2016) in a study titled with “Public Service Innovation and Reform towards Good Local Governance”. Tunggul Sihombing said that good government is a government that can deliver public service in a good way. Type of this study is qualitative because the study analyzed the use of local units to deliver several public services. Bureaucratic innovation cannot be achieved due to many reasons. One reason is that legal, institutional and personnel aspects are not yet fulfilled. Other is that the organization of Local Government Work Unit has low performance. Another reason is related with less developed frames for public service innovation. Public service innovation, and also reformation towards innovation, are hardly achieved without government support, especially when the issue is concerning with local leadership that makes policies about management and maximization of resources. Leaders in government offices play important role in improving public service innovation at least to ensure that innovation will give positive values for public sector. These positive values are that innovation increases transparency and people participation, innovation improves public image and public service delivery, innovation strengthens government self-capacity, innovation grows other innovation, and innovation helps building the relationship between public and private organizations.

Hart et al. (2015) in a study titled with “Revealing the Social Face of Innovation”. Tim G.B. Hart claimed that contemporary ideas about social innovation derive from commercial concepts, which believe that innovation will improve only when the innovatorscan obtain benefits from their innovation and increase their earnings. In general, innovation comprises four activities, which are: adoption (using innovation), adaptation (improving innovation), diffusion (sharing or transferring innovation), and invention (creating new innovation). Social innovation consists of three elements. First element is that social innovation is mostly considered as products (goods and services) for human welfare, especially related with the fulfillment of their life needs. Second element is that social innovation involves all possible organizations and arrangements that can produce social collaboration. Third element is that social innovation is a combination of first and second elements. The final form is that social innovation is product, service, model and practice that can fulfill social requirements and always involve new things to produce social collaboration.

Andfossen (2016), in a study titled with “The Potential For Collaborative Innovation Between Public Services And Volunteers In The Long-Term Care Sector”. Nina Beate Andfossen discussed innovation approach based on potential contribution possibly gained by service receivers. Under collaborative innovation perspective, public sector innovation differs from private sector innovation. Public service and public resources comply with democratic control and tend to be more complex than private service and private resources. Innovation is a process that intentionally and proactively involves creation, adoption and distribution of newly creative ideas aimed to produce qualitative change in certain context. In this process, three important points constitute innovation, respectively collaboration, transformative learning and joint ownership. Collaboration can facilitate the share of information, knowledge, ideas and critical assessment;coordinate individual and collective actions; and help creating joint solution to collective problems. For professionals in public sector, collaborative innovation is to find and develop new solution together with other employees, politicians, service receivers and organizations. This study revealed that when building cooperation with public sector, the parties involved in the collaborative innovation must be organized to set goals, tasks and functions, and responsibilities, and also to determine how the interaction should be in order to minimize overlap and conflict of interests.

Manuel Pedro Rodríguez BolIvar & Meijer (2016), in a study titled with “Smart Governance”. This study elaborates problems that occur when developing theoretical and empirical understandings about smart governance. Systematic review is conducted on strategies and implementation of smart governance. The concept of smart governance comprises (1) the use of technology (smart technology of information and communication), (2) organization process (smart collaboration and participation, smart internal administration, smart decision making, and smart administration); and (3) the desired outcomes.

Results and Discussion

Banyuwangi Regency is the widest regency in East Java Province. Territtorial wide of Banyuwangi Regency is around 5.7 thousands square kilometers occupied by around 1.5 millions individuals. If compared to other regions, the wide of Banyuwangi Regency is 9 times of the wide of Jakarta City and 19 times of the wide of Surabaya City. The Regency consists of 25 Districts (Kecamatan), 28 Sub-Districts (Kelurahan) and 189 Villages. The most distant village is + 200 square kilometers from village government center and the time needed to reach this village is + 4 hours.

Before the implementation of Program Smart Kampung, public service for Banyuwangi people, especially villageresidents, was far away from optimum. Three consequences arise due to this problem. Each is explained as follows: 1) Complaints concerning public service submitted by village residents were too many. From 2011 to 2015, number of complaint submitted to local government was 7,009 items and the most complained item was two, precisely health service and demographic service. Complaint about health service was more dominant than complaint on demographic service. Although health service for the poors was free of charge, but the poors were very often complaining about long queue, complicative procedure, and less friendly officers; 2) Public service was not yet giving good effect on education sector. Village residents still had difficult access to reading materials and also internet for learning-teaching activities; and 3) Village residents in Banyuwangi Regency was also difficult in getting the access to training class to build their competence and also to marketing channel for selling their commodities.

Program Smart Village (Kampung) is the manifestation of public service innovation done by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency to initiate the local development at village level through the use of optical fiber based information and communication technology (ICT) to help the Government and village residents to integrate their productive economic works, creative works and sociocultural works for attaining education-health improvement and poverty eradication.

One previous study (Giffinger et al., 2007) has divided smart city into 6 dimensions, namely Smart Economy, Smart Governance, Smart Environment, Smart People, Smart Mobility, and Smart Living. The goals of Smart Economyare to improve competitiveness and economic opportunity, to increase productivity, and to enhance market network to embrace either local or international markets. Smart Governance is aimed to create effective and efficient bureaucratic management in conducting the function of local governance as effective, transparent and responsible public service institutions. Smart Environment is about how to use resources in sustainable manner and to make the usage of resources compatible to pollution management. Smart People concerns with the development of human capital to produce creative humans who can participate in the system. Smart Mobility is related with the integration of various transportation systems by using ICT to facilitate the mobility of people, goods and services. Smart Living is conceptualized to improve the life quality of people. Life quality is measured from many aspects such as culture, health, security, housing, tourism and others (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Dimensions of Smart City

Program Smart Kampung is a concept of development for new developing village. The application of this Program in Banyuwangi Regency has successfully delivering a prestigious award to the Regency. Therefore, this program is selected as research topic. The birth of Program Smart Village (Kampung) may inspire other regions (regency or city) to use the success story of Banyuwangi Regency as their lesson to learn.

Eight priorities are making up Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency. These priorities are economic, poverty, education and culture art, health, public service, public information, finance, and human resource. Banyuwangi Regency gives strong attention to these priorities and allocates several degrees of efforts to attain them.

The general profile of Banyuwangi Regency, especially in relative to its geography and demography, can be associated with the implementation of Program Smart Village (Kampung). As a region with the widest territory in East Java Province, Banyuwangi Regency might surely need a great deal of structure and infrastructure to manage its numerous local governments. Water border of Banyuwangi Regency is one third of sea region of East Java Province, which makes Banyuwangi Regency has similar potential to that of Surabaya, the capital city of East Java Province. One of its territorial borders is with Bali Strait which becomes a transportation path to Bali Island, the international face of Indonesia for the rest of the world. All these attributes surely represent the great potentials of Banyuwangi Regency which need to be developed. Program Smart Village (Kampung) is then proposed to be applied in Banyuwangi Regency to help the Regency initiates its local development.

Village is a legal entity unit that has not only legal territorial border but also legal authority to take care of its public service and people. In a democracy, government serves people. Therefore, improving the quality of public service becomes necessary. High quality of public service is associated with high level of public welfare, which is also attributed to the proper use of authority trusted by people to their government. One thing to be noted is that public welfare improvement cannot be separated from the harmonization of public service with the condition and characteristic of the targeted people.

Legal standing from the Government of Banyuwangi Regency for Program Smart Village (Kampung) is the Regulation of Banyuwangi Regent Number 18 of 2016 on Integration of Village/Sub-District Programs through Smart Village (Kampung) Service. The conduct of Program Smart Village (Kampung) is oriented to eight priorities. These priorities are (1) improving public service, (2) empowering people economic, (3) delivering health service to the people, (4) developing education and culture art, (5) improving human resource capacity, (6) eradicating poverty, (7) providing information, especially information about legality, and (8) developing financial service.

Program Smart Village (Kampung) can be integrated with other programs as long as the integrationcorresponds to social and cultural conditions of people in the targeted village. Public interest will be managed and served through this Program using information and communication technology (ICT) as facilitative instrument. Public service innovation in the form of Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency was initiated in three stages: 1) Ideation Stage where ideas were proposed and conceptualized; 2) Evaluation Stage in which ideas were examined and analyzed to create more optimum concepts; and 3) Development Stage where the optimum concepts were realized to produce meaningful things.

Ideation Stage of Program Smart Kampung

Previously, the delivery of public service in Banyuwangi Regency, especially in the villages, was suboptimum. Three problems arise as the consequence of this poor service. These problems are: 1) Village residents submitted too many complaints on public service. From 2011 to 2015, there were 7,009 complaint items on the desk of local government. Two itemswere most frequently complained, respectively health service and demographic service butcomplaint on health service was more frequently than complaint on demographic service. For instance, although health service for the poors was free of charge, but the poors were still complaining about long queue, complicative procedure, and less friendly officers; 2) Public service did not yet have good implication to education sector. Village residents got difficultyin accessing reading materials and internet for learning-teaching activities; 3) Problem of access was encountered by village residents in Banyuwangi Regency regarding the access to training class to build their competence and also to marketing channel for selling their commodities.

The Government of Banyuwangi Regency dealt with the problems above in conformity with the mandate given by Law Number 25 of 2019 on Public Service. The Law stipulated that “public service provider is obliged to deliver public service as required by the standards, which is in high-quality, low-price, fast and reducing disparity of education and economic”. Any initiatives taken to cope with problems in previous public service will be referred to this legal position.

In general, the characteristics of problems encountered by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency before public service innovation can be elaborated as following:

1. Public service is only delivered and completed in the capital of Regency;

2. Public service is mostly offline which therefore may take several times to complete;

3. Public service is centralized in the capital of Regency and not yet integrated to the offices at the district and village levels. The consequence of this problem is that the service network becomes very long and heavy which causes a stigma that public service is long and complicative.

4. The centers for improving education, economic and sociocultural sectors are not yet existed and established in the village.

In the context of this research, ProgramSmart Kampungis basically a program that optimizes the village governments in delivering their public service. This optimization is assisted by using information and communication technology (ICT) that surely helps the village governments to administer rural resources more effectively, efficiently and sustainably. Problem of long distance has been solved through ICT. For instance, Regent Office usually administered identity card supplication in 3 hours but ICT has cut the time to only 10 minutes. In the time of this research, there are 41 villages/sub-districts that have confirmed their readiness to participate into Program Smart Kampung. Among these villages are villages with wide territory such as Purwoharjo, Pesanggaran, Wongsorejo, Glenmore, Siliragung, Muncar and more others.

After taking few considerations, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency decided to launch a program for village development called Program Smart Village (Kampung). This program attempts to bring public service closer to village level by utilizing ICT, which has been known as one popular solution to develop Indonesian rural area. Besides the characteristics of geography and demography, other consideration for implementing Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency is that the Regency is one of three regions in Indonesia that constitute Smart City Network.

Program Smart Village (Kampung) was initially intended to make the village as dependable public service center. Since its release on May 2016 by the Minister of Information and Communication, Mr. Rudiantara, there were 167 villages that had been connected to optical fiber based internet network from the total of 189 villages in Banyuwangi Regency. Specifically, Program Smart Kampungwas a part (component) of Regional Middle-Term Development Plan for Period 2010-2015. The initial form of this program was a program intended only for the optimum utilization of information and communication technology. The conversion of this early form to Program Smart Village (Kampung) was affirmed through the Regulation of Banyuwangi Regent Number 18 of 2016 on Integration of Village/Sub-District Programs through Smart Village (Kampung) Service.

As stated by the Secretary of Banyuwangi Regency, Program Smart Village (Kampung) is public service innovation conceptualized by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency to cope with two main problems, which respectively are that:1)the structure and infrastructure of information and communication technology are still less and suboptimal at village level; and 2) the capacity of village human resources is still low. Integrative village system is then created with optical fiber based ICT that emphasizes on productive economic works, creative economic works, education-health improvement, and poverty eradication.

The idea of Program Smart Village (Kampung) departs from public service problems occurred in the village. Public service managed by village offices was still delivered manually characterized by its long and less transparent process. Besides, Program Smart Village (Kampung) was inspired by few facts that may be supportive to the implementation of this Program. One fact is that since 2007, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency has built internet network throughout the villages. Other fact shows that Banyuwangi Regency is dominated by rural area in the proportion of 87%. The Government of Banyuwangi Regency decides to optimize internet network as the main base for the development of Program Smart Kampung.

Innovative Ideas of Program Smart Kampung

Innovative ideas that underlie Program Smart Kampungwere proposed by the Agency for Community Empowerment and Village Government for Banyuwangi Regency, which is nowadays renamed to the Department of Community and Village Empowerment for Banyuwangi Regency. Program Smart Village (Kampung) is a concept of village community development in which the development will be conducted in wise, smart and efficient ways to solve village problems with the available resources. Village is constructed by people who assemble together to produce a community that will implement life system comprising customs and values respected and practiced by these people.

There are eight criteria that shall be fulfilled by certain village to be eligible for implementing Program Smart Kampung. Under these criteria, the implementer village is required to have eight initiatives concerning with public service delivery,people economic empowerment, health service delivery, development of education and culture art, improvement of human resource capacity, poverty eradication, provisioning of information about legality, and development of financial service. The fulfillment of these criteria will grant the eligible village with information and communication technology that will enable the village to deliver the promises.

By taking into consideration of empirical conditions of the villages in Banyuwangi Regency, then few strategies are taken into account, which respectively are that:

1. Program Smart Village (Kampung) shall be implemented to all villages/sub-districts in Banyuwangi Regency in gradual way;

2. The provisioning and development of optical fiber based ICT network for all villages/sub-districts in Banyuwangi Regency will be facilitated;

3. Programs and activities of SKPD (Local Government Agencies) must be integrated into Program Smart Kampung.

4. Relevant policies and procedures that enable villages/sub-districts to be more innovative in delivering public service shall be formulated(Public Service Innovation System (Sinovik) of the Department of Community and Village Empowerment (PMD) for Banyuwangi Regency)

The journey of innovative ideas of Program Smart Village (Kampung) from conceptualization to development phases is elaborated as following: Program Smart Village (Kampung) is an original innovative concept and never been applied on any places in Indonesia. The Government of Banyuwangi Regency focuses Program Smart Kampungon building, empowering and educating the village to become Smart Kampung. One thing to be noted is that administrative unit that constitutes the most parts of Banyuwangi Regency is village.

Since 2007, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency has built internet network in rural area. This fact becomes the background of idea to use this internet network as the base of Program Smart Kampung. The bandwidth of internet network was increased by installing optical fiber. Such internet network will be helpful to the Government of Banyuwangi Regency to improve its public service in rural area and also to create synergy across SKPDs to implement Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency.

Public service innovation through Program Smart Village (Kampung) has become the solution to make public service closer to village residents. This program can cut distance and time of service which have bothered people. Before the launch of this Program, the longest distance and time for getting public service are around 4 hours. Program Smart Village (Kampung) arrives to cut complicative service chains because previously manual operation transforms into online service which is faster and based on best service standards.

The implementation of Program Smart Village (Kampung) in all villages in Banyuwangi Regency has surely enabled the Government of Banyuwangi Regency in delivering public service. The conversion from manual operation to online service has given village offices with one the most significant benefit. The incoming supplications will be handled, approved and verified only in count of minutes through the process which has been faster, easier and also cheaper.

As a development concept for village community, Program Smart Village (Kampung) helps village community to solve their problems with the available resources in wise, smart and efficient ways. The birth of village begins from people who assemble together to create a community to implement life system comprising customs and values respected and practiced by these people. In accordance with previous explanations concerning the goals of Program Smart Kampung, then these goals can be summarized as following:

The Goals of Program Smart Village (Kampung)

1. To develop a synergy across SKPDs in order to coordinate them more effectively in achieving the targets.

2. To maximize the function of village governments to support work programs of regency governments.

3. To optimize the function of public service to village residents such that public service can be enjoyed by any level of village community (low class or high class village residents).

4. To increase people participation in the work programs of regency governments through people participation approach.

5. To enable village residents to obtain public service on integrated way (

The implementation ofProgram Smart Kampungin Banyuwangi Regency was in gradual manner and prioritized to the eligible village/sub-district. Information and communication technology (ICT) has great contribution to Program Smart Kampung, which the contribution is related not only with human resource and financial capacities but also with structure and infrastructure needed for optimum operation of Program Smart Kampung. Indeed, Program Smart Village (Kampung) successfully brings people, especially village residents, to be closer to public service. Previously, public service was only available at district or regency but after integration with ICT, the offices in village/sub-district can serve their people. Moreover, the expectation from the designer of Program Smart Village (Kampung) is that the utilization of ICT in Program Smart Village (Kampung) can produce public service characterized by many attributes such as free of charge, practical, transparent, accessible, fast service, free of corruption and supported and appreciated by village residents.

Phase I: Preparation (2011-2015)

Preparation phase is the first phase in the development stage of Program Smart Kampung. In this phase, Program Smart Village (Kampung) does not exist yet. This phase contains activities or programs conducted by the government to provide base or anvil for the launching of Program Smart Kampung. In the end of 2010, the newly elected Regent for Banyuwangi Regency, it was found that administration of Banyuwangi Regency was problematic. Dealing with these problems, the Regent then focused his work on tidying up the public service from village to regency level. To support this work, several activities were carried out such as: constructing ICT network as the structure and infrastructure of Program Smart Kampung; recruiting human resource to be enlisted into government personnel; implementing programs for empowering village community; and providing ICT-based public service in the village.

The activities in Preparation Phase begin with the construction of ICT network at local government offices. In general, ICT network has been built by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency in 2007 during the leadership of Regent. For building this network, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency cooperated with telecommunication operator companies to carry out several projects such as: installing ICT equipments in the regency and district offices but not yet in the villages; building towers; and putting internet-based communication radio. In 2009, all processes to construct ICT network was finished and still needed to be upgraded until now.

In 2010, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency assembled servers for data center system that were managed by the Department of Communication and Informatics and also launched government website, which is which later will be the base for the assembly of server and website in each SKPD or village. In 2012, massive construction of ICTnetwork was carried out by Regent. The difference between Regent is that the later constructed the network by focusing on “folding the distance” (cutting the distance for accessing public service). Regent observed that the position of villages in Banyuwangi Regency is mostly too distant from the capital of Regency. This long distance to public service offices becomes problem for village residents. Among the companies cooperated with the Government of Banyuwangi Regency to build internet network throughout the villages in Banyuwangi Regency are PT. Telkom Indonesia and PT. Icon plus (ICON+).

From its cooperation with few companies, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency successfully built 1,200 free wifi access points placed in various public facilities. In 2015, by intention to make the internet capacity of villages more stable and also to support ICT-based village development, then the Government of Banyuwangi Regency held cooperation with PT. Telkom Indonesia and PT. Icon Plusto build optical fiber network that connects all village offices throughout Banyuwangi Regency. The availability of internet network with adequate bandwidth capacity is important aspect in the implementation of Program Smart Kampung.

In 2011, precisely at the early leadership of Regent Abdullah Azhar Anas, attention was given to the preparation of human resource to be enlisted as government personnel. Regent Anas assumed that if human resource in government offices can be managed well, then this human resource can become base capital to implement any programs released by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency. The preparation of human resource comprises several main activities. First activity is preparing human resource for government personnel at regency level. These personnel will be given jobs to handle the issues regarding ICT-based innovation programs and then to train and prepare human resource that will implement ICT-based programs at district and village levels. For improving the quality of this human resource, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency sent several selected individuals to education institutions to learn more about information and communication technology. Among education institutions where the civil servants are sent to are higher education, which in this case is University of Indonesia, and also training camp held by the Agency of Review and Application of Technology (BBPT).

Second activity is that the Government of Banyuwangi Regency recruited personnel based on demand or capacity. This arrangementis aimed to improve competence, qualification and capability of government personnel on information and communication technology. Programs regarding personnel management were implemented to ensure that the human resource in government personnel system has reached the expected quality. Human resource with good quality becomes the important base to support regency innovative programs, including Program Smart Kampung.

Third activity is improving the life quality of village community. Based on previous data, Banyuwangi Regency was classified as one of poor regencies in East Java Province. Serious attention was given to this issue and several programs were then designed towards poverty eradication. Some programs are directly focused on eradicating poverty, such as giving scholarship grants for the drop-out child from the poor family and extending health cost grant to the poor family. Other programs are concerning with sociocultural aspect which at the end attempts to empower the people to better economic position. One of such programs is removing the previous image of Banyuwangi Regency as the City of Black Magic (Santet) by organizing tourism festivals perodically. The Government of Banyuwangi Regency and also the village governments held separate festivals to renew regional image and also to improve self-confidence of Banyuwangi people. Although the effect of those festivals is less direct in nature, but the people are starting to realize that their existence has become the social capital that can be used by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency in any regency programs. In other words, Banyuwangi people become more cooperative and supportive to the programs designed by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency.

Fourth activity is to ensure that village community are easily accessing public service delivered by the government. The Government of Banyuwangi Regency follows up this expectation by releasing ICT-based public service applications for village. In 2013, the Government released SIMDes, an internet-based administrative service. In 2014, two online based applications were launched, namely e-village budgeting and e-village monitoring system, which are designed as applications regarding the management and reporting of village financial items. All these applications became the early base materials for the launching of Program Smart Village (Kampung) in the end of 2015.

Phase II: Realization (2015-2016)

In the end of 2015, problem regarding the long distance between villages and Regency capital had crossed the mind of Regent Abdullah Azhar Anas who then conceptualized a program to solve this problem called Program Smart Kampung.

To support the realization of this Program, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency firstlydid the placement of structure and infrastructure needed for the Program in village hall and then assigned human resource from village offices to manage this structure and infrastructure. The step continues with installing public service applications, formulating manuals for implementation procedures, and ends with the implementation of the Program. Placement of structure and infrastructure is the main indicator in the implementation of Program Smart Kampung. Village hall was changed to be more open and friendly to village residents. Before the launching of this Program, the previous image of village offices is characterized by exclusivity to only certain village residents, high fences, and lacking of complementary facilities. Therefore, village offices are hardly becoming the center of activity and information for village residents. Program Smart Village (Kampung) involves information and communication technology which thus requires village offices to be the center of information and communication. To attain this image, high fences that symbolize a separation of village community from village government were dismantled. Convenient public service rooms were set into village offices together with complete structure and infrastructure. This arrangement surely makes the image of village offices become more open and friendly in serving public interest. Besides, village officers can also act as the center of information and economic for village residents.

Secondly, human resource is then allocated for handling structure and infrastructure of Program Smart Kampung. Human resource for the Program can be selected from the staffs of village offices. The use of internet-based public service had been started in 2013 and this public service was launched by the name “SIMDes” which is still upgraded until now. For preparing the human resource that operates Program Smart Kampung, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency holds training and mentoring sessions every year to ensure that the operators know their jobs and understand the way to do their jobs. Village operators comprises two persons. First operator will take care of the program for administration service whereas second operator will handle the program for planning and managing village financial items (e-village budgeting). Periodical inspection is carried out by the intention to improve the capacity of village staffs in managing their administrative jobs. For improving the quality of human resource in village offices, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency performs a breakthrough by giving scholarship to village staffs who have interest on studying at the higher education. But, this scholarship is only prevailing for higher education in Banyuwangi.

Third activity at realization phase is the installation of online application programs of public service that support the implementation of Program Smart Kampung. Department of Communication and Informatics is an institution with authority to manage server and internet network. Website-based application programs were designed by the Department to be used by village governments for supporting the implementation of Program Smart Kampung.

This application program is aimed to compile the data of poor family and to integrate the treatment programs for this family. Program Smart Village (Kampung) is a program newly applied in Banyuwangi Regency. Therefore, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency must write the manuals for the procedures of Program Smart Kampung. Legal standing for this Program is the Regulation of Banyuwangi Regent Number 18 of 2016 on Integration of Village/Sub-District Programs through Smart Village (Kampung) Service. This Regulation becomes the manuals for the procedures of Program Smart Kampung.

Fifth activity is the implementation (the release) of application programs to support the realization of Program Smart Kampung. Symbolically, on May 2016, the Minister of Communication and Informatics had launched pilot project of Program Smart Village (Kampung) that involved 23 villages. There is an expectation that after the launching of this pilot project, public service can be delivered at village offices. The programs introduced in pilot project will help make public service closer to village community. Going to the capital of Banyuwangi Regency for receiving public service is no longer necessary. Through these programs, all jobs related with demographic, education, and healthcare can be handled directly in village offices.

Phase III: Development (2017-2018)

After Program Smart Village (Kampung) was launched in 2016 by the Minister of Communication and Informatics, then the Government of Banyuwangi Regency saw that this Program is not only useful for handling administrative jobs but also capable to be integrated with other programs to solve problems in Banyuwangi Regency. In reality, the Government utilizes Smart Village (Kampung) System to deal with poverty problem. By taking references from Program Smart Kampung, poverty eradication team reviewed and rechecked the existing data to obtain the proper number of poor family. Until now, data of poor family have been periodically put on the desk of SKPD but the validity of the data remains questionable. This situation has made the Government facing difficulty in executing poverty eradication programs in effective ways. Fortunately, Program Smart Kampungenables the Government to integrate data needed by poverty eradication programs and this integration seems quite useful in poverty emergency system.

In 2018, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency cooperated with BPJS to launch a program named Gandrung JKNwhich is meant to be synergized with Program Smart Kampung. The goal of Program Gandrung JKNis to enable village residents to submit supplications to become the participants of JKN-KIS. All processes, from registration, payment and card handover, were done at village offices. After Program Smart Village (Kampung) was experimented through pilot project involving 23 villages, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency found that the Program can be implemented in other villages and the implementation shall be done gradually. Until 2018, there were 189 villages in Banyuwangi Regency that have promoted Smart Village (Kampung) Service as their main policy to support village development.

Evaluating and MonitoringProgram Smart Kampung

Program Smart Village (Kampung) will be evaluated and monitored annually by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency. The activity of evaluation and monitoring is packed in the form of Smart KampungContest.

Early preparation for Program Smart Village (Kampung) is preparing selected villages in pilot project and then facilitating optical fiber based information and communication technology (ICT). The journey of Program Smart Village (Kampung) from 2015 to 2017 is explained in the following Table 1.

Table 1 Journey of Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency
1. December 2015 The concept of Program Smart  Village (Kampung) was socialized to 217 villages or sub-districts in Banyuwangi Regency.
2. January 2016 There were 23 villages and 18 sub-districts selected as pilot project for the implementation of Program Smart Kampung.
3. May 2016 Program Smart Kampungwas launched by Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo), Mr. Rudiantara
Agreement for cooperation was made with PT. Telkom for the installation of optical fiber wifi in gradual manner at villages/sub-districts that become pilot project.

August 2016 The installation of optical fiber based ICT network by PT. Telkom at 23 Pilot Projectvillages.
5. October 2016 Staffs from village/sub-district offices were sent to training sessions to prepare them as operators of Program Smart Kampung. In month of November, their knowledge about Program Smart  Village (Kampung) was evaluated through Smart  Village (Kampung) Contest.
6. December 2016 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or work agreement was held between the Government of Banyuwangi Regency and PT. Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON +) for the provisioning and construction of ICT network in Banyuwangi Regency to support Program Smart Kampung.
7. January 2017 Optical fiber based ICT network was built by PT. Telkom at 18 pilot projectsub-districts to support the conduct of Program Smart Kampung.
8. March 2017 Optical fiber based ICT network was constructed by PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON +) at 33 villages
9. Agustus 2017 The implementation of Program Smart  Village (Kampung) was evaluated through Smart  Village (Kampung) Contest.

Comparing Smart Kampungwith Smart City

Program Smart Village (Kampung) is basically born from the desire of village residents, preciselythe desire for better living standards in terms of economic and socioculture. This desire is then facilitated by village governments through the fostering and empowerment programs to improve the welfare and life quality of village residents. The use of information and communication technology in those programs is functioned as an instrument (tools) not an outcome (goals). The initiation of Program Smart Kampung, therefore,comes from “bottom-up” approach which takes people aspirations and people desire into consideration. Organizational aspect of Program Smart Kampung, therefore, is strongly affected by the targeted people. Village governments act as facilitator in fostering and empowering people with the support of information and communication technology (ICT) towards the improvement of welfare and life quality of village residents.

There are many community forums at village population. Program Smart Village (Kampung) shall use these forums as the base considerations before planning a development for village community. In these forums, village residents formulate their development aspirations to be brought to village institution (Village Representative Agency as legislative institution), and then to be submitted to district institution, and so on. After their aspirations are validated as government programs by village governments, then the implementation of these programs is authorized to the people that do the planning. In this way, bottom up principle is going well and on the proper direction (Roberts, 1999; Suyatno, 2003; Tjokrowinoto, 2002). The concept of Smart Village (Kampung) was seen by experts as the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) with village community in order to produce sustainable utilization of ICT by village residents. Conceptually, Smart Kampungdiffers from Smart Cityin several dimensions. The difference of both concepts is explained in the following Table 2.

Table 2 Differences Between Smart City and Smart Kampung
Perspectives Smart City Smart Kampung
Nature of Program Top-Down Bottom-Up
Function of Government Regulator Facilitator
Function of Community End-User Customer
Direction of Development Collectivity and integration of base elements of smart city Empowerment andawareness on elements of smart villageand participation in these elements
Priority People with high mobility Middle-class people, poor people, and less-empowered people
Focus of Success Technological approach is the main instrument used to convince every individual to use information and communication technology (ICT). This makes this approach as the base for the success of smart city. Sociocultural approach is the main instrument to make valid identification on various values, characters, norms and problems in community. This makes this approach as the base for the success of smart village.
Goal To produce ICT that is capable to create economic growth and to facilitate the access to information and service, which later helps city residents to improve their life quality. To improve and empower the welfare of village community based on the usage of ICT.

Management of resources, institutions and technologies is the most fundamental essence in Program Smart Kampung. For the sake of the implementation of this Program, authority holder is required to use information and communication technology (ICT) with the support of adequate resource capacity. The authority is usually held by formal agency in government structure, which is village government, that represents the lowest structure in government level (Kushandajani, 2015; Sajangbati, 2015).

General Profile of Program Smart Kampung

The actual time of birth of Program Smart Village (Kampung) was between 2015 and 2017. Several processes preceded the birth. If these processes must be contextualized with statements, then any implementation of an innovation program shall pass through stages (Rogers, 2003). Program Smart Village (Kampung) was socialized in the end of 2015. Referring to systematization modelled by Rogers (2003), this socialization process is like building awareness. In this process, the Government of Banyuwangi Regency gave information about the Program to village governments, which then makes them aware about the importance of creating onlinebased public service innovation to produce faster, easier and more transparent public service delivery (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Program Smart Village (Kampung) as Public Service Innovation in Banyuwangi Regency

Next process is the structuring of organizations that have responsibility to implement Program Smart Kampung. Based on the concept proposed by Rogers (1983),the Government of Banyuwangi Regency, through the Regent, showed strong commitment to convince village leaders (to build their interest) on Program Smart Kampung. The Regent successfully persuaded all village leaders to accept this Program as public service innovation. Moreover, the commitment from the Government was followed up by selecting 23 villages and 18 sub-districts to become pilot project in 2016.

Other process was marked by the cooperation between the Government of Banyuwangi Regency and PT. Telkom for upgrading internet network in 23 pilot project villages. Consistent to the model made by Rogers (1983), the trial (pilot project) of the Program must be conducted in several villages before the Program is implemented to all villages and sub-districts in Banyuwangi Regency.

Evaluative process of Program Smart Village (Kampung) was carried out in the end of 2017. The Government of Banyuwangi Regency analyzed any strengths and weaknesses on internet network, human resource capacity, and organization. There is an expectation that in 2018, these aspects are already optimum and Program Smart Village (Kampung) is ready to be implemented to all villages and sub-districts in Banyuwangi Regency. After evaluative analysis, Program Smart Village (Kampung) has been proved to be effective in activating local economics, precisely the economics of village community. The integration of this Program with information and communication technology (ICT) has successfully enabled village residents to be more creative in their productive economic works.

Two problems are coped with Program Smart Kampung, respectively limited structure and infrastructure of ICT and low human resource capacity. Big city does not encounter such problems because its ICT structure and infrastructure and also its human resource capacity are already very good. Totally, Program Smart Kampung involves 41 villages/sub-districts to become pilot project and the waiting list contains 176 villages/sub-districts. Program Smart Village (Kampung) represents a program of village development that is integrated with optical fiber based information and communication technology (ICT) and emphasized on productive economic works, creative economic works, education-health improvement, and poverty eradication. To be eligible in Program Smart Kampung, the participant villages must fulfill eight criteria, respectively public service delivery, people economic empowerment, health service delivery, development of education and culture art, improvement of human resource capacity, poverty eradication, provisioning of information about legality, and development of financial service. All these criteria allow the Program to touch the depth of public interest. Information and communication technology (ICT) is used to ensure that the implementation of Program Smart Village (Kampung) has involved the fulfillment of those criteria.

Factors Supporting and Constraining The Implementation of Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency. Factors Supporting The Implementation of Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency

Leadership, which in this context is Banyuwangi Regent, plays important roles for the successful implementation of Program Smart Kampung. These rolesinclude showing commitment in strategic planning, building organizational culture, and making regulations. The Regent is also conceptualizing ideas. Therefore, the success of innovation strongly depends on the capacity and capability of leaders.

Cooperation across stakeholders, precisely across stakeholders who are internal and external to the government, in managerial and structural affairs can determine the successful implementation of Program Smart Kampung. The cooperation ensures that commitment, professionalism, knowledge, skill and integrity are taken into account.

Factors Constraining the Implementation of Program Smart Village (Kampung) in Banyuwangi Regency. Human resource at village and regency levels with the expected quality and competence in terms of skill and knowlege on innovation are still limited. Structure and infrastructure of internet network and other facilities are not yet optimum. Several villages even do not have internet network and if any, network signal remains low which may disturb public service process.

Socialization about Program Smart Village (Kampung) is not scheduled in regular basis. The impact of this factor is that civil servants and targeted community have less understandings about the Program. The worse implication is that the Program may become useless because human resource in the village is still not familiar with the Program and even incapable to operate online-based public service innovation.


Public service innovation through Program Smart Village (Kampung) is actually not new concept. The idea of Program Smart Village (Kampung) is conceptualized by Banyuwangi Regent based on the principles of smart city previously applied in urban area. The difference between those two concepts is that Program Smart Village (Kampung) still maintains local characteristic of Banyuwangi Regency which is dominated by rural environment in the proportion of 80%. This becomes the background of the name of Smart Village (Kampung) and the Regent uses this name as its innovative branding. Program Smart Village (Kampung) is a program for village development which is done by integrating the village with optical fiber based information and communication technology (ICT) and emphasizing the integration on productive economic works, creative economic works, education-health improvement, and poverty eradication. There are totally 41 villages/sub-districts selected as pilot project and there are 176 villages/sub-districts planned to implement Program Smart Kampung.

Values, characters, norms and problems of village community that implements Program Smart Village (Kampung) shall be deeply identified. The understandings about these attributes will help village governments to determine the scale of ICT that must be used because the adoption and practice of ICT may involve high cost. In other words, the development of Program Smart Village (Kampung) must involve the comparison of values, characters, norms and problems of village community with the characteristic of ICT. The adjustment of ICT to values, characters, norms and problems of village community may produce a synergy that helps Program Smart Village (Kampung) to empower village residents and village organization and to improve the welfare of village residents based on the compatible usage of ICT. Some experts see the concept of Smart Village (Kampung) as the integration of ICT with village community in order to produce sustainable utilization of ICT by village residents. Experts also believe that Smart Village (Kampung) is different from Smart City on several dimensions.

The actual development of Program Smart Village (Kampung) was between 2015 and 2017. First process of development was socialization about the Program in the end of 2015. Second process is the structuring of organizations that have responsibility to implement the Program. Third process was marked by the cooperation between the Government of Banyuwangi Regency and PT. Telkom for upgrading internet network in 23 pilot project villages. Fourth process was evaluative which is carried out in the end of 2017. The Government of Banyuwangi Regency has analyzed any strengths and weaknesses on internet network, human resource capacity, and organization as the important aspects constituting Program Smart Kampung.


By virtue of the conclusions above, several suggestions are proposed as following: The Government of Banyuwangi Regency shall improve its human resource capacity, especially for human resource that is involved in public service innovation of Program Smart Kampung. The role of human resource in each of SKPDs, district offices and village offices shall be improved, mainly in relative with their understandings on public service innovation and their capacity to foster and train other individuals to make them more creative and innovative in delivering public service. The successful implementation of public service innovation truly relies on human resource that delivers the service to people.

Building technical structure and infrastructure at remote villages, especially concerning with the construction and installation of internet network, must be compared to the capacity of the villages. Internet centers and internet facilities shall be procured in every village office and district office. The stability of internet network shall be maintained by providing “quota” to ensure that internet connection will be properly stable. Effort to stabilize internet connection must involve minimally two providers because one provider is not recommended. By using two providers, the effect of disturbance can be minimized due to one reserve still available.

Socializing Program Smart Village (Kampung) shall be sustainable and directed towards people participation, including inviting youngsters to participate. The socialization can also be done through electronic media, newspaper, banner and billboard that are usually available at every SKPD, district office and village office. Periodic socialization to the public about public service innovation of Program Smart Village (Kampung) can convince people to participate into innovative action and to support its existence by taking benefits of the Program.


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Received: 12-Dec-2021, Manuscript No. JLERI-21-10060; Editor assigned: 14-Dec-2021, PreQC No. JLERI-21-10060(PQ); Reviewed: 28- Dec-2021, QC No. JLERI-21-10060; Revised: 30-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. JLERI-21-10060(R); Published: 06-Feb-2022

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