Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 1S

Public perception on the quality of one stop public service mall

Suraya Mansur, Universitas Mercu Buana

Elly Yuliawati, Universitas Mercu Buana

Nurhayani Saragih, Universitas Mercu Buana

Ridoni Daniel, Universitas Mercu Buana

Anindita Susilo, Universitas Mercu Buana

Endri Endri, Universitas Mercu Buana

Citation Information: Mansur, S., Yuliawati, E., Saragih, N., Daniel, R., Susilo, A., & Endri, E. (2022). Public perception on the quality of one stop public service mall. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 25(S1), 1-10.


This research is conducted to learn the influence of excellent service in one-stop Public Service Mall (MPP) on public perception in DKI Jakarta during the government period of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and Anies Baswedan. This research uses the theory of service of excellent and public perception. This research also uses a positivistic paradigm. Meanwhile as the method of the research, it uses quantitative explanatory survey. The population is respondents who have visited and processed permit documents in Jakarta Public Service Mall. The number of respondents who were used as research samples were 100 people who were obtained from public service Malls in Jakarta. The data is analyzed using rank-spearman correlation and includes simple regression analysis. The results show that excellent service has a positive effect on public perception by 31.8%, which includes the human dimension with staff applying three actions: Smile, Greeting, and Greet when helping the public in managing documents at the Jakarta Public Service Mall. Excellent service from the staff increases a good perception of the community which has implications for the aspect of community participation being important. Therefore, public service officers who provide service excellence have an effect on increasing public perception.


Service of excellence; Public perception; Jakarta public service mall.


From the womb to the grave, one cannot be separated from public service matters. Starting from population administration, health administration, education, and other administrations. The 1945 constitution mandates the country to fill the bare necessities of every citizen. Service is any action or activity that can be provided by someone to another person or other things that are intangible and give rise to ownership (Kotler & Armstrong, 2018). The primary objectives of public service are satisfaction and good perception from the public.Excellent service suits the applicable service standards or owned by the agencies that provide services (Yeo & Li, 2013). So excellent service is a form of service that meets the expectation of the customer. Service is basically an activity offered by an organization, company, or individual to another party (customer). Many important problems still occur in the process of providing public services, for example, discrimination services, there is no certainty of time and cost, and the level of community satisfaction is still low with the public service itself. Public services in Indonesia are still low in terms of policy level and implementation. There is a tendency for bureaucrats those who provide public services abuse their power and a patron-client relationship emerges within the community public service delivery (Muhammad & Yusuf, 2020). Public service administration reform is considered the best way to realize a quality service. Public services are chosen to be the main driving force administrative reform as an effort to realize the values of good government. These conditions encourage a shift in the public's desire to expect changes in public service standards. A fast, effective and targeted service system must be a benchmark government in providing public services today (Curristine et al., 2007). One of the innovations set by the central and regional governments in the implementation of public services is to build public services the Public Service Mall (MPP) system to unify services in the public across authorities which was previously not easy to do. Organizations are formed because of a group of people who have an activity. When a group of people who do these activities have different beliefs, norms, values, and communication that can unite them (Virgiawan et al., 2021). Organisations use public communication to create, strengthen, and define vision, mission, their images, especially in the public eye. To influence the legislative and other issues that matters to the organisations. Promoting products or services they produce. And communicate to internal and external public. Organisation public communication involves messages from organisation to audience or public, that can either internal or external. The medium of the communication can be face to face or through media channels. An organisation needs to do public coordination and communicate with synergy with internal or external public (Mansur et al., 2021).

Perception is someone’s point of view that can be various to the object he witnesses or experiences according to observation, understanding, and experience which later is realized into the concept of perception that includes understanding indicators, responses, and expectation. Meanwhile public service is a term that is used for any services provided by the government to its citizens in forms of administrative services such as permit documents or non-permit documents in Jakarta Public Service Mall. Therefore, this research will observe the public perception of the public service performance by government employees and non-government employees at Jakarta Public Service Mall. This matter is important because a person or public perception helps to determine decisions for future improvement. The provincial government of Jakarta (Indonesia) is obliged to provide the best public services to its citizens. Public services provided by the Jakarta local government must be comprehensive in the government structure at the village, sub-district, city administration and central levels without any discrimination. The public's perception of the performance of public services at the Public Service Mall in Jakarta is unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to discuss public perceptions of the performance of Public Service Malls in Jakarta Province and to study the factors that influence the performance. By identifying the influencing factors, the government can reflect and improve its public services.

Literature Review

According to Parasuraman (2010), there are 10 dimensions of excellent service quality: (1) Reliability, which includes two basic things, namely dependence, and performance, (2) Responsiveness, the sincerity of employees to provide services needed by customers, (3) Competence, meaning that every people in an organization have the knowledge and skills, (4) Access, easy to contact and meet, (5) Politeness, including respect, care and friendliness, (6) Communication, providing information to customers in an understandable language, and always listening suggestions and complaints, (7) Honesty, credibility, and trustworthiness. Credibility includes company name, reputation, personal characteristics, and customer interactions, (8) Security, including physical security, financial security, and confidentiality, (9) Understanding Customers, efforts to understand customer needs, (10) Tangibles, physical evidence of services.

Servive of Excellent and public perception in terms of public service has already studied. Research by Chang et al. (2009) found that the quality of e-service has an influence on customer satisfaction and then results in customer loyalty. Pahala et al. (2021) also revealed the importance of service to increase consumer's positive perception. Another important finding is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty, which is stronger for customers with high perceived value than low perceived value. Zeithaml (2002) states that the digitization of service delivery affects the nature and characteristics of services, as it implies a reorganization of the service delivery process. The findings of Ali and Reza (2017) conclude that customers share positive experiences with others if they are satisfied and become running ads. On the other hand, dissatisfied customers will leave a negative impression and tend to change brands or products. Engeset et al. (2016) revealed the results of research that guest satisfaction with services not only affects loyalty to companies that provide services, but also loyalty to the destinations where the company is located. The findings of Hult et al. (2017) state that companies should do more to ensure that managers understand how their customers perceive the company's products and services. With regard to public services, following the reforms anticipated by proponents of the New Public Management, there is increasing pressure to assess the quality and efficiency of public services, especially from a user perspective (Carvalho & Brito, 2012). Sataøen and Wæraas (2015) state that public institutions must provide equal services to gain legitimacy. Therefore, corporate branding in public sector organizations must address two issues simultaneously – securing legitimacy and building reputation. Settle et al. (2015) revealed that in order to face increased supervision and competition between public organizations, it is necessary to increase public perceptions of public organizations. Glenny (2008) found a diversity of views regarding the role that communication plays and should play in government.


Paradigm used in this research is positivism with a quantitative approach. The method used is the explanative survey method. Researcher uses minimum 100 respondents who have visited and processed permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall. The sampling technique used is the non-probability sampling with purposive sampling as the sampling type. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique with certain considerations. In this research, the researcher’s consideration in the sampling is the citizens who have processed permit documents in DKI Jakarta public service mall. The data of the service users who came to DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall was obtained through the application Mali Chimp by sending email attaching Google Form Questionnaire link to 1.894 users or about 25% of total visitors of Public Service Mall in June 2019. The email was sent on Wednesday, September 25th, 2019. The researcher also interviewed 6 people to learn their perception of Public Service Mall during the governing era of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and Anies Baswedan. The questionnaire validity and reliability were examined before it’s shared. The result is as follow in Table 1.

Table 1
The Examination Result Of Research Instrument Reliability
Variable indicator/question items Cronbach Alfa Result
Service quality 10 questions 0,925 Reliable
Public perception 6 questions 0,899 Reliable

The technique of data analysis using the inferential statistics, which is linear regression analysis is used to measure the influence of independent variable (X) to dependent variable (Y).


Respondent characteristic can be seen from the Table 2 below:

Table 2
Respondent Characteristic
No. Respondent General Representation
1 Sex
  Male 52%
  Female 48%
2 Respondent Age Group
    20-30 Years Old 31-40 Years Old 41-50
Years Old
51-60 Years Old 70 and Up
  Male 15% 9% 12% 15% 1%
  Female 24% 7% 10% 6% 1%
3 Respondent Latest Education
    High School Vocational School College Master
  Male 10% 10% 26% 6%
  Female 5% 6% 29% 8%
4 Respondent Occupation
    General Employees Students State Employees Unemployed Entrepreneur
  Male 32% 4% 3% 1% 12%
  Female 32% 9% 1% 2% 4%
5 Public Service Mall (MPP) Visit
    First time Second times More than Second time
  Male 13% 4% 35%
  Female 20% 4% 24%
6 Processed Permits Documents
    Personal Business Building Land
  Male 17% 14% 10% 11%
  Female 30% 13% 1% 4%

There are more male respondents (52%) than female respondents (48%). The largest respondents age group is 20-30 consists of 15% male and 24% female. Based on Latest Education, the largest respondent percentage frequency is college graduates with 26% male and 29% female. Meanwhile, based on occupation, the largest respondent group is general employees with 32% male and 32% female. Based on DKI Jakarta Province Public Service Mall Visits, we can see that the group of 2 Times Visit has the largest number, and consists of 35% male and 24% female. Meanwhile, for the permits documents, the most frequently processed is personal documents (such as Driver License, Vehicle Registration, ID Card, SIP, etc) with the percentage of male and female 17% and 30% (Table 2).

The analysis on Excellent Service variables is conducted to understand the most dominant dimension of the public perception to the services provided in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall. On the Attitude dimension, the result obtained from respondents as much as 100% and 93% gives answers on the scale “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, and “Disagree”. The average result of the highest questionnaire indicator with the answer on the scale “Agree” is “The officer has a good attitude toward the people of Jakarta when processing permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall” as much as 53% and 56%. This shows that Attitude dimension generates positive response from the people after they propose and process any permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall. On the Skill dimension, the result obtained from respondents as much as 100% gives answers on the scale “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Disagree”, and “Strongly Disagree”. The average result of the highest questionnaire indicator with the answer on the scale “Strongly Agree” is “The officer understand the information regarding permit documents and able to explain the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to the people of Jakarta when processing permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall” as much as 54% and 74%. This shows that Skill dimension generates positive response from the people after they propose and process any permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall.

On the Action dimension, the result obtained from respondents as much as 100% gives answers on the scale “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Disagree”, and “Strongly Disagree”. The average result of the highest questionnaire indicator with the answer on the scale “Agree” is “The officer serves the people of Jakarta when processing permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall quickly and always says thank you after serving the people” as much as 58%. This shows that Action dimension generates positive response from the people after they propose and process any permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall. On the Attention dimension, the result obtained from respondents as much as 100% gives answers on the scale “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Disagree”, and “Strongly Disagree”. The average result of the highest questionnaire indicator with the answer on the scale “Agree” is “The officer helps the people of Jakarta that found it hard to do any permit documents processing during the work hours in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall” as much as 56% and 62%. This shows that Attention dimension generates positive response from the people after they propose and process any permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall.

On the Responsibility dimension, the result obtained from respondents as much as 100% gives answers on the scale “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Disagree”, and “Strongly Disagree”. The average result of the highest questionnaire indicator with the answer on the scale “Agree” is “The officer helps the people of Jakarta that meet some troubles in processing permit documents and serves them until they are done” as much as 55% and 54%. This shows that the Responsibility dimension generates positive response from the people after they propose and process any permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall. On the Appearance dimension, the result obtained from respondents as much as 100% gives answers on the scale “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, and “Disagree”. The average result of the highest questionnaire indicator with the answer on the scale “Agree” is “The officer of DKI Jakarta Province Public Service Mall has neat and clean appearance” as much as 51%. This shows that Appearance dimension generates positive response from the people after they propose and process any permit documents in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall.

The analysis on Public Perception variables is conducted to find out the most dominant perception, whether it’s positive or negative perception from the people of Jakarta toward the service provided by DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall. Based on the data and information obtained from respondent response toward questions that was submitted by the researcher to 100 respondents therefore response obtained from respondent related to dimensions that exist in The People’s Perception variable. In The People’s Perception variable there are two dimensions with each having two indicators. On the Perception of Human dimension, the result obtained from respondents as much as 100% gives answers on the scale “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Somewhat Disagree” and “Strongly Disagree”. The average result of the highest questionnaire indicator with the answer on the scale “Strongly Agree” is “ The counter clerk at DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall is friendly and gives information that is easy to understand” as much as 59% and 73%. This shows that dimension Perception of Human generates positive perception for people who processed permit documents.

On the Perception of Object dimension, the result obtained from respondents as much as 100% gives answers on the scale “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Somewhat Disagree” and “Strongly Disagree”. The average result of the highest questionnaire indicator with the answer on the scale “Strongly Agree” is “Facilities in the waiting room provided by DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall support service activities of the citizens who process permit documents” as much as 64% and 49%. This shows that Perception of Object dimension generates positive perception for citizens who processed permit documents. Correlation analysis between dimensions is needed to find out about the connection between independent variable dimensions toward dependent variables. Therefore a correlation test between dimensions is needed as seen in Table 3 below.

Table 3
Correlation Between Dimensions
Variable Dimension X1 Excellent Service
Attitude Skill Action Attention Responsibility Appearance Total
X1.1 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X1.5 X1.6 X1.7 X1.8 X1.9 X1.10 X1.11 X
People’s Perception Perception
Y.1 0.254 0.348 0.197 0.296 0.228 0.158 0.276 0.389 0.277 0.440 0.234 3.097
Y.2 0.358 0.507 0.494 0.476 0.402 0.357 0.416 0.463 0.394 0.544 0.374 4.786
Perception on
Y.3 0.235 0.429 0.313 0.498 0.203 0.278 0.340 0.362 0.345 0.361 0.299 3.665
Y.4 -0.003 0.303 0.076 0.330 0.075 0.155 0.162 0.306 0.243 0.157 0.024 1.827

Based on the table above, it is found that the dimension that has the strongest correlation with Excellent Service variable is Perception on Human Y.2 and People’s Perception with the score 4.786. Otherwise, based on the table above, it is found that the lowest correlation score is 1.827 in Perception of Object dimension Y.4. Therefore, it can be said that the service quality that was provided by officers in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall, influences public perception of individuals in the service location. However, the service quality does not influence public perception on the object or physical shape, and facilities provided in the service location.Next is the analysis result on Service Quality Variable towards public perception, as follow:

Tabel 4
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 6.115 1.188   5.147 0.000
EXCELLENT SERVICE 0.219 0.032 0.564 6.766 0.000
a. Dependent Variabel: People”S Perception

a = constant number of unstandardized coefficients. In this case the value is 6,115. This number is a constant number that has the meaning that if there’s no Excellent Service (X) the consistency value of People’s Perception (Y) is 6,115.

b = regression coefficient number. The value is 0,219. This number has the meaning that every 1% increment of on Excellent Service level (X), therefore People’s Perception (Y) will increase as much as 0.219

Because the regression coefficient value is valued plus (+), therefore it can be said that Excellent Service (X) has positive influence on People’s Perception (Y). In that case the regression equation is Y=6,115 + 0.219 X.

Tabel 5
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0.564a 0.318 0.311 1.607
a. Predictors: (Constant), service of exellence

From the output above, the value of R Square is 0.318. This value has the meaning that the influence of Excellent Service (X) toward Public Perception (Y) is 31,8% while 68,2% Public Perception is influenced by other variables that are not examined. Based on the result of data processing it can be seen generally that variable X Excellent Service obtained a total score of 82.56% is classified as very strong. On the Attitude dimension 85.25% is classified as very strong, this proves that the expectations and the needs of respondents are mostly fulfilled, where service is said to be of high quality if the service can provide product and service corresponding to the needs and expectations of customers. In this case, basically, quality is related to a good service, and can be seen from the attitude and the manner of the employee when they serve customers in a satisfying way. DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall (MPP) has a culture program that is mandatory for their officers, one of the programs is to establish the culture of 3S which is Senyum, Sapa, Salam, or Smile, Greetings, Respect.

On the Skill dimension 82.25% is classified as very strong, this proves that most of the respondents agree that the officers of DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall have skills and reliability to provide a trustworthy service. Skills, hospitality, and the politeness of the officers assures public trust. Also, officers are able to use devices in the service process. On the Action dimension 80.75% is classified as very strong, this proves that most of the respondents appreciate various actions of Public Service Mall officers to give a satisfying service for the people. High quality human resources is marked by the skill of the officers when giving solutions to the people. On the Attention dimension 81% is classified as very strong, this proves that most of the respondents are pleased by the attention given by Public Service Mall officers that are sincere and personally cared as they take their time to truly understand the needs of the people. A public service is expected to have understanding and knowledge about the people, specifically understand the needs of the people, and also have operating time that is comfortable for the people. On the Responsibility dimension 79.75% is classified as strong, this proves that most of the respondents see a manifestation of the officers realization toward their duty on doing the best they can as a service for the people. The Public Service Mall has a service procedure board in their waiting room in the front office area to ease the people when they want to understand the service procedure. Public Service Officers finish the service procedure on time even though sometimes there can be late document completion. On the Appearance dimension 86.75% is classified as very strong, this proves that most of the respondents feel comfortable waiting in the Public Service Mall waiting room. The attendance of the people is welcomed when they enter the entrance of The Public Service Mall by the officers and they enjoy the service room that is always neat, clean, refreshing, and fragrant plus the provision of television, newspaper and candy, drinking water, computer and free internet.

Based on the result and data processing that was found in the research questionnaire it can be seen generally that Y variable Public Perception obtains a total score of 89%, classified as very strong. Public Perception Variable is using the Perception dimension toward human and Perception toward object with each dimensions score is found as follow: On the Perception dimension toward object 88.75% is classified as very strong, this proves that most of the respondents value facilities and infrastructure in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall as good enough and complete. There is an information board, service schedule, and there is an officer's name that is in service. There are facilities like parking lots, telephone, waiting chairs, computer, internet and drinking water. It has fulfilled the principle of convenience. Conveniences can be interpreted as beautiful and clean public service conditions. Perception on Human dimension is 92%, classified as very strong, this proves that most of the respondent value Public Service Mall officers often being friendly and providing their best for the people. They do not discriminate against the people. Conclusion that can be taken is that respondents have positive perception for Excellent Service and respondents instill a good perception of Excellent Service.

Next, this research conducted interviews with 6 interviewees that visit DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall. The result of the interview about people’s perception on the quality of DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall in the era of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and Anies Baswedan can be seen as follow: “In the era of Governor Ahok (Basuki Tjahaja Purnama), he usually comes around 07.00 o’clock at Balai Kota, always face to face with people that are already crowded wanting to tell their problems. That situation gave a space to look closely on the problem and how the governor responded to the problem. In Anies era, there was almost no face to face interaction between the people and the governor. People's complaints were transferred to offices in the sub-district. People are still allowed to come to Balai Kota, however, their problem will only be up to the complaint table, and not straight to the governor. Ahok has given a solution to practical permissions for the people and businesses in Jakarta”. (Interview result with Hendra, 55 years old). “The report pattern that was applied by Governor Anies, people’s complaints responded slowly. I have to queue with a lot of other people. Please acted upon our critics” (Interview result with Andrianto, 43 years old). “There are no significant changes in public service, even it gives the impression that there is a degradation. The process of making ID cards in Anies era took a very long time. Even I have to go 3 times to get a Receipt Letter. In a digital era like right now, the making of ID cards can be done in a day. The government can’t be losing to Banks that can issue a card in a matter of minutes.” (Interview result with Nababan, 69 years old). “Ahok’s governance era is quite satisfying because the officers are much more responsive when they serve the people and quiet discipline on time management. If there's a complaint about an officer’s behavior, in Ahok’s governance, it will be responded to quickly. In Anies Baswedan’s governance, (the officer is) quite slow to respond to the people’s request, some of the officers behavior looks passive”. (Interview result with Dahlia, 27 years old). “In Ahok’s era the officers are all ready to serve, because the leader gets down to check the front office”. (Interview result with Rina, 32 years old). “Public Service performance now is quite good but it’s true that in Ahok’s era they finished it faster. In Ahok’s era, changes can all be waited but now sometimes we have to wait for a day. Beside the performance has been good, there are no illegal fees too”. (Interview result wit Imelda, 40 years old).

Public perception on facilities in Public Services that is provided in the Governance era of Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and Governor Anies Baswedan, can be seen as follow: “Ahok has presented One -stop Integrated Service (PTSP) as a prime solution to ease and speed up every permissions process. In Governor Anies era there is no system development so that the people can continue to have easy and fast permit document proposals”. (Interview result with Hendra, 55 years old). “I think yes, Anies’s era is going backward. Since it's the digital age, everything can be acted fastly. It’s a step backward provincial government cannot utilize technological sophistication. Archaic, this is the same as going back to conventional service”. (Interview result with Andrianto, 43 years old). “I think the service management should always be renewed. Make a good system so it can fix the people’s problem. I’m sure, if the system works well then one day service is not a difficult thing to do”. (Interview result with Nababan, 69 years old). “For public facilities in its maintenance even though it’s good enough and consistent. Mr. Anies is quite good because he can develop facilities that have been made before, Governor Anies era is quite concentrated with disability service”. (Interview result with Dahlia, 27 years old). “Right now Balai Kota doorstop does not exist anymore. In 2015-2016 all the people’s problems were noted and finished. For innovasion, there are so much more in Anies era than Ahok’s era``. (Interview result with Rina, 32 years old). “In Ahok’s era RPTRA facilities that can be used for community activity and also children’s playground were very well maintained, in Anies’s era it’s neglected. It is a pity because RPTRA has a lot of functions for children and people around it”. (Interview result with Imelda, 40 years old).


Based on the discussion on research result, it can be concluded: the result of analysis about the influence of Excellent Service to Public Perception shows that “Excellent Service (X) has positive influence on Public Perception (Y) with total influence 31.8%”, that includes the dimension of human with officers 3S: Salam, Senyum dan Sapa, or Greetings, Smile, and respect when working in DKI Jakarta Public Service Mall to help permit and non-permit documents processing as the indicator. This positive influence means that the better service, the higher good public perception will be. Public perception on Public Service Mall is better in Ahok period compared to Anies Baswedan period. The suggestions that can be given as the result of this research is as follows: bureaucracy reform agenda that government has implemented focuses on improving service quality. Innovation is required in the government system. Government needs to advocate its officers so innovation can be created as long as there is no mal-administration in public service. Participative aspect from the public needs to be put forward. Public has the right to evaluate public service the government provides.


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