Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies (Print ISSN: 1078-4950; Online ISSN: 1532-5822)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 27 Issue: 1

Promising Youth Support Structure: A Case of National Cadet Corps India

L.R.K. Krishnan, VIT Business School


The National Cadet Corps (NCC) has its genesis in the University Corps, which was created under the Defence Act, 1917 with the object to make up the shortage of the Army under the British rule. The NCC came into existence on 16th July, 1948 under the NCC Act XXXVI of 1948 under the Ministry of Defence (MOD). NCC has a wonderful track record of serving the society when called for under various agencies during cyclones, floods, drought, epidemics and strike by government employees, for maintaining law and order etc. The NCC cadets also worked hand in hand with the Civil defence authorities and actively took part in rescue works and traffic control. During Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 & Bangladesh-Pakistani war of 1971, NCC cadets were the second line of defence; this study captures various contributions of the cadets and their service to society and nation building, a true reflection of character of the Indian youth.


Cadet, Social Service, Disaster Relief, Training, Camps, NSS, Community Development.


This case study is presented in a manner that the NCC organisation, motto, training, the various divisions, initiatives and philosophy is introduced to the reader. Thereafter, the valuable service rendered by the youth of the nation, the invaluable community service, a trend setter of sorts is highlighted. The various other bodies collaborating in this effort are also discussed in this case study.

Unity and Discipline is the motto of the NCC and in living up to its motto, the NCC strives to be one of the biggest cohesive forces of the nation. Its primary focus is to bring together the youth coming from different parts of the country and moulding them to be a worthy citizen of the nation. In 1948, the Girls Division was also raised in order to give equal opportunities to school and college going girls. The NCC was given an inter-service image in 1950 when the Air Wing was added, followed by the Naval Wing in 1952. In the same year, the NCC curriculum was extended to include community development/social service activities as a part of the NCC syllabus. After the end of the Sino-Indian War in 1962, to meet the challenges of the Nation, the NCC training was made compulsory in 1963. However, in 1968 it was again made voluntary (Indian NCC, 2020 a).


The NCC Headquarters is located in Delhi. And there are 17 Directorates located in the state capitals headed by an officer of the rank of a Maj. Gen. from one of the three Services. The NCC structure is further divided as Division/ Regimental Corps – 3 such Specialised Corps located in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore respectively. They are independent of the state directorate and report directly to the HQ.

Depending upon the size of the state and growth of NCC in the states, Directorates have up to 14 Group Headquarters under them through which they exercise their command and control of the organisation in the state. Each group is headed by an officer of the rank of Brigadier or equivalent known as Group Commander.

In all there are 96 Group Headquarters in the country that exercise control over a network of 684 Army wing units, 69 Naval wing units and 61 Air Squadrons. There are two training establishments namely Officers Training School, Kamptee (Nagpur, Maharashtra) and Women Officers Training School, Gwalior. Besides this, the Vice Chancellors of various universities across India are conferred with honorary rank of a commandant in the NCC, to promote and support NCC in their respective University.

These 17 directorates are divided in total of 814 units divided in three service groups Army, Naval and Air. Out of those 684 are Army, 69 Naval and 61 Air units. The NCC directorates are headed by service officers of the rank of major general and equivalent; group headquarters are headed by service officers of the rank of brigadiers and equivalent in Figure 1 (IndianNCC, 2020 b).

Figure 1 Ranks of the NCC

Army cadets wear khaki uniform, naval cadets wear white uniform of Navy, and Air Force cadets wear blue uniform similar to the air force uniform. The uniform is compulsory on all the occasions.

Total training period for senior division is 3 years with an extension of 1 year permissible and training period for junior division is of 2 years. Every cadet of the Senior or Junior Division has to undergo service training for a period of at least 4 hours per week during the training year. However, no training is carried out during periods when the college or school through which a cadet is enrolled is closed for a vacation. Every cadet of the Senior and Junior Division has to undergo service training for a minimum period of 75% of total hours during the annual college and school session.

The NCC is staffed by personnel drawn from the three Services and teachers or lecturers in the respective schools or colleges, who volunteer to serve in the NCC. They are responsible for training and administration of the NCC sub units attached to their schools/colleges and for the overall discipline of the cadets placed under their charge. They are paid an honorarium for their service by the State Government. They are granted commission in NCC on a part time basis (Indian NCC, 2020 c).

NCC Flag and Anthem

In 1954 the tricolour flag was introduced and the three colours in the flag depict the three Services of the Corps, red for the Army, deep blue for the Navy and light blue for the Air Force. The letters NCC and the NCC crest in gold in the middle of the flag encircled by a wreath of lotus, give the flag a colourful look and a distinct identity.

Aims of NCC

The aims of NCC are as under

1. To develop character, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure, sportsmanship and ideals of selfless service among the youth of the country

2. To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and always be available for the service of the nation.

3. To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Force

The motto of NCC is 'Unity & Discipline'. In living up to its motto, the NCC strives to be and is one of the greatest cohesive forces of the nation, bringing together the youth hailing from different parts of the country and moulding them into united, secular and disciplined citizens of the nation (Sarkar & Margaj, 2015).

NCC Song

The NCC official song – ‘Kadam Mila Ke Chal’- was adopted in 1963 and registered in 1969 with the approval of the Ministry of Defence. In 1974, it was felt that the NCC song has failed to catch the imagination of the youth and hence the new song “hum subh Bhartiya hai” was replaced as the official song of the NCC (, 2020).

Certificates & Examination

There are three Certificates in NCC part of the evaluation, assessment and grading of the cadets is as under;

1. Certificate – A, Eligibility junior division cadets involving class 8 and 9 school students

2. Certificate – B: Class X1 to Degree students are eligible. The candidate must have attended a minimum 75% of total training periods of Senior division (All Wings)

3. Certificate – C: Is the highest-level certificate for NCC cadets. Cadets are eligible after completion of 3 years of training. Only B Certificate cadets are eligible for C Certificate

Three Grades are awarded (1) A grade, (2) B grade, (3) C grade based on the marks obtained in the drill tests, practical and written exams (IndiaNCC, 2020 d).

The various camps that are organised for NCC on a calendar basis are listed as under;

1. Republic Day Camp (RDC)

2. Combined Annual Training Camps (CATC)

3. National Integration Camp (NIC)

4. Advance Leadership Camp (ALC)

5. Combined Annual Training Camps (CATC)

6. National Integration Camp (NIC)

7. Advance Leadership Camp (ALC)

8. Army Attachment Camp

9. Hiking And Trekking Camps[

10. Thal Sainik Camp (TSC)

11. Vayu Sainik Camp (VSC)

12. Nau Sainik Camp (NSC)

13. All India Yachting Regetta (AIYR)

14. Rock Climbing Camps (RCC

15. Naval Wing Activities

16. Air Wing Activities

17. Youth Exchange Programme

Institutional training is mostly carried out in schools and depending upon the type of wing, basic knowledge of that Service is imparted to the cadets. NCC Army Wing cadets are given an opportunity to live and work in regular Service units in the form of attachment training.

NCC has adopted community development activities with the aim of NCC cadets imbibing selfless service to the community, dignity of labour, importance of self-help; need to protect the environment and to assist weaker sections of society in their upliftment. Some of the major activities carried out are

1. Tree Plantation/plant saplings

2. Blood Donation (Hospitals/Red Cross)

3. Old Age Homes. Old Age Homes in the country are patronised and regularly visited by NCC cadets

4. Adult Education. NCC cadets visit remote areas, villages and underdeveloped areas

5. Community Work

6. Cadets participate in the rural and urban community projects and other development works like village track improvement, cleaning of streets and ponds, sanitation drives etc

7. Disaster Relief

NCC has always extended immediate support during natural disasters and accidents. The cadets are trained to provide services during

1. Floods

2. Earthquakes

3. Cyclones

4. Major train accidents

5. AIDS Awareness Programme

6. Cancer Awareness Programme

Incentives for NCC Cadets

Incentives are in the field of employment as well as academics and personal incentives including medals, trophies and cash awards. NCC C certificate cadets on completion of graduation are entitled for reservation in government employment, in the army/navy and air force on merit.

The expenditure incurred on NCC training is borne by the Govt. A cadet does not have to pay for uniform, camps, parade, adventure sports, or transportation from a central place to the place of training. In addition, they are given good refreshment during parade and wholesome meals during camps. In order to make cadets association more pleasant and rewarding, various kinds of financial assistance are also given to the deserving cadets.

Cadets Welfare Society: In order to provide financial assistance and relief to cadets who sustain injury/death during NCC related activities, a Society named ‘NCC Cadets Welfare Society’ was established in 1985.

Case Overview

National Cadet Corps (NCC), the largest uniformed volunteer organisation in the world, is committed in the business of youth empowerment and is ideally suited to help the nation realise its demographic dividend, thereby making significant contributions to nation building. The military orientation of its training curriculum would also ensure handsome dividends in the security domain (Gen, 2017).

The NCC, similar to the NSS has provided a great platform for the youth in India to participate in the Nation building process and contributing to the service of the society and all stake holders. It provides a one of its kind life time opportunity to regulate one self and live a disciplined and meaningful life during the youth. The defence establishment takes great care in ensuring the Cadets are provided military training with basic focus on fitness, drill, use of arms and ammunition, map reading besides a host of adventure activities. Focus is on team work, camaraderie, the spirit of service and rising to the call of duty.

It prepares a viable pipeline of officers for the Indian armed forces, Police service and other government organisations. Student cadets are trained at the cost of the government and by service men and there is a lot of seriousness and rigour in the process.

Time and again even before the army is called for special duties whether it be law and order, traffic management, disaster management, the NCC cadets are called upon to shoulder the responsibilities to support the government machinery deployed by both the state and central government.

We have seen a number of times during floods, cyclone, Tsunami, Strike by government workers in hospitals or otherwise, the NCC cadets have stepped in and provided the necessary cover. The recent Pandemic (Covid 19) has provided another opportunity for the youth in the country to participate in various efforts of the government machinery.

Military training has enabled discipline of the cadets and provided the necessary impetus for service and support to the society during difficult times. Cades have rescued people from fires, from drowning during floods, providing relief material and supporting man and animals during the heavy monsoons in the coastal areas.

This case is with respect to the experience of the author as a NCC Cadet, Junior Under-Officer {1 Andhra Arty Battery, Army Wing, C - Certificate holder, 1984-1987}. We were called upon to do duty at a Fever hospital way back in 1986-87, when the state of Telangana (former state of Andhra Pradesh) was badly impacted by the killer disease encephalitis. At the peak of the epidemic when the poor rural citizens were infected and the number of deaths was on an alarming rise, the government hospital workers decided to press for their demands for wage increase and went on a strike. The indefinite strike took a toll on patient care while the deaths were on a rise. The NCC cadets were called upon to manage the Fever hospital in Hyderabad, Telangana State and to regulate the disposal of bodies for mass cremation since the hospital was flooded with corpuses.

It was difficult times in the society, with no pro-active support from the Government machinery, lack of sensitivity by the government hospital workers, staff which resulted in a chaos and NCC had to stand by. Most of the cadets were in the age group of 17 years to 20 years and the family members and parents weren’t very comfortable with the wards going out and getting exposed during the epidemic and oversee the arrangements in the morgue etc. But credit goes to the NCC training and the grit of the NCC cadets that they all stood should to shoulder in the cause of managing the crisis and over one week provided the desired support to tide of the crisis before the government hospital staff resumed duties after negotiations with the government.

Social Service and Support

An outbreak of encephalitis in Bellary district of Karnataka state and adjoining areas of Andhra Pradesh which occurred during October 1986 to January, 1987 saw many deaths (George, 1990).

What did the cadets do during the epidemic that is considered being engaged beyond the call of duty? This question had come up in the minds of all the cadets during the deployment and post the event.

One can based on the experience as a cadet clearly articulate the deep desire of the youth/cadets to always remain in the forefront of national duties and participate in social service when called upon to do during difficult times.

The motivation and morale of the cadets was very high under the supervision of the non-commissioned officers of the army, deputed for NCC duties.

While most duties during the hospital operations involved watch and ward, taking account of corpses, creating a record of identification before disposal of the corps since there were no relatives to claim the bodies in some cases. All efforts were made with the help of the local police and health officials to support during the crisis.

On completion of the assignment by the NCC cadets no word of recognition or reward was extended for the efforts made which was a big let-down but that did not deter the determination of the cadets. Many a times the student cadets miss classes and have to catch and there is no leeway on the academics front other than attendance posted for the duty days or else in the Indian system of education, marks form the basis for assessment of a student and NCC cadets don’t get any special ratings for the number of days they miss owing to various camps, social service duties etc.

Such assignments surely played a significant role in the development of the character of the cadets during the early years of upbringing but all also put the concept of Nation and its citizen first as a principle of Service.

Cadets have shown remarkable grit, determination, enthusiasm and ware with all during tough assignments and have raised the standards given a chance. What was surely visible during those days was the number of volunteers over shot the requirement and that was a positive sign which needs to be nurtured by any cost.

This case study does demonstrate the support and back up mechanism the government of India or respective state governments in the country have to fall back on NCC for filling any gaps in community service during unexpected and difficult times.

Disaster management and more so during the recent Pandemic, is an important subject matter in governance today. NCC stands tall in displaying the true spirit of its charter and will continue to do so in the years to come.

Disaster risk mitigation has become most important area in disaster management, especially in India. Pandemic COVID19 also comes under disaster, and has been managed accordingly under National Disaster Management Act 2005. While medical professionals were handling the patients in hospitals/labs, greater efforts and teams were required for awareness campaign for following safe practices and enforcing it. Our national disaster management policy and plan still does not have detailed guidelines for engagement of NCC cadets/youth organizations in such situations. Considering the need, government of India had engaged NCC cadets formally for the first time on newly drafted guidelines by NCC HQ. In effective and timely management of such disaster, while medical teams handle the response to disaster in hospitals by professionally treating the patients, a large number of motivated, self- disciplined youth volunteer teams are also required by administration proactively for conducting awareness campaigns well in time, to ensure safe practices for control/reduction of the spread of the disease as well as for other support duties. The members of such teams must be able to cope with risks/stress as well as must have empathy towards the citizens, when involved in disaster risk mitigation supportive tasks (Garg & Sam, 2020).

The NCC has excellent credentials in transforming our youth, in building their character and inculcating in them a sense of duty, discipline and service to the nation.

Over the years, NCC has evolved into a highly disciplined, vibrant youth organization and has made substantial contributions for creation of disciplined, trained and motivated citizens ready for the service The National Cadet Corps, which has both boys and girls as cadets, has the basic aim of developing the character qualities in the youth to make them good citizens of the society and worthy leaders of the future in every walk of life.

The National Cadet Corps is the only organization of its kind, which imparts multiple faceted training including Leadership, Discipline, Integration, Adventure, Military, Physical and Community Development (Asha, 2017).

Today many career options are open for students; most of them choose engineering and management and other qualifications and skills currently in demand in the industry. However, some students look forward to adventure, risk and challenge. Defence service is one of the services which demands higher order skills. Today, most of the youngster’s especially boys are interested in serving the nation through the armed forces including the women. The study found that there is a significant difference between characteristics of NCC and non NCC students. Basically, NCC cadets have the intension to serve compared to other students. While taking Non NCC students the spectrum of activities has expanded considerably, to keep pace with the modern need of building the overall personality of the youth and preparing them for taking on serious responsibilities towards the community and the nation (Mary, & Anbazhagan, 2017).

Some of the civil defence services provided by NCC over the years in the country are listed below (Ma, 2020).

1. Warden's Service

2. Fire Fighting Service

3. Casualty Services

4. Communication Services

5. Training Services

6. Rescue Services

7. Welfare Services

8. Depot and Transport Services

9. Salvage Service

10. Corpse Disposal Service

11. Supply Service of milk and other essential services

Some of the natural disasters and NCC have been called upon for support is listed as under;

1. Wind Related - Storm, Cyclone, Tornado, Storm surge and Tidal waves

2. Water Related - Flood, Cloudburst, Flash flood, Excessive rains and Drought

3. Earth Related - Earthquake, Tsunamis, Avalanches, Landslides and Volcanic eruptions

NCC has pitched in during man-made disasters as shown below;

1. Accidents. Road, Rail, Air, Sea and Building collapse

2. Industrial Mishaps. Gas Leak, explosion, sabotage and safety breach

3. Fire. Building, Coal and Oil

4. Forest Fire

NCC cadets have also been called for maintaining essential services such as;

1. Operate Telephone exchange as operators

2. Work in Hospitals as nurses and as links between doctors, nurses, patients and hospital technicians

3. Help in maintaining hospital discipline and security

4. Run First Aid Centres

5. Assist civil defence wardens in carrying out their duties

6. Carry out neighbourhood campaigns by motivating people to create self- assistance groups

NCC cadets have supported civil authorities whenever feasible and to the best of ability in the areas of:

1. Search for and rescue trapped people

2. Salvage destroyed structures and property

3. Distribution of relief material

4. Coordinate the relief flow to ensure maximum coverage of territory in provision of relief stores, food and water

5. Repair and restore essential services to enable rescue and relief work and for normalization of activities


Similar to NCC, the Bharat Scouts and Guides, NSS, Indian Red Cross society and RSS have been playing a role in social service and disaster recovery management in the country for a long time.

Scouting was founded in India in 1909 as an overseas branch of this scout association and became a member of world organization of the scout movement in 1938. Guiding in India started in 1911 and was amongst the founder members of world association of girl guides and girl scouts in 1928. Scouting and guiding is an international movement to inculcate a spirit of loyalty, patriotism & thoughtfulness for others in the young boys and girls. Ministry of youth affairs and sports provides assistance for promotion of scouting and guiding all across the country. The purpose of the movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of local, national and international communities. The scout/guide movement is based on the principles of Duty to god, Duty to others and Duty to self. The overriding goal of the scouting and guiding movements is to help develop the young people in local communities. This goal is reflected in the official statement of purpose of the guides and mission statement of the scouts. There are many areas of young people’s lives where the scout and guide movements can have a positive effect. Both groups strive to develop their members emotionally, socially, mentally /intellectually, physically and spiritually so that they can make a positive contribution to their communities and the wider world (Bhavansvc, 2020).

Every citizen of India should be able to think clearly, take quick and proper decisions, be alert and develop an attitude to be of held to others. Under proper training and guidance right from childhood, these qualities can be nurtured in children to make them mature and responsible citizens in life. Scouting and Guiding - which is an international movement - intends to inculcate in the young boys and girls a spirit of loyalty, patriotism and thoughtfulness for others. In India, Scouting and Guiding is immensely popular among the school students. The term "Scouts & Guides" being a general term, it shall include boys and girls covered under different nomenclature such as "the cubs and the bulbous"; "the scouts and the guides" and "the rovers and the rangers". Accordingly, the admissible age group of the beneficiaries will be from 6 to 35 years (, 2020).

Bharat Scouts and Guides and NSS have established themselves in their respective domains in supporting various projects involving community development.

The United Nation has recognized that young people are a major human resource for development and key agents for social change, economic growth and technological innovation. Participation in decision making is a key priority area of the United Nations agenda on youth. The idea of National Service Scheme (NSS) was conceived in 1969 to involve the youth in constructive service.

NSS volunteers work in adopted villages, colleges, school campuses and in urban slums for serving the cause of society such as environmental protection, health literacy etc. Young people have opportunities to participate in civic life through volunteerism, community service and service-learning. They often set up interest foray and discussion groups to exchange ideas and inspire each other to take action in their respective communities (Lal, 2015).

In India, the idea of involving students in the task of national service dates back to the times of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation. The central theme which he tried to impress upon his student audience time and again was that they should always keep before them, their social responsibility. The first duty of the students should be, not to treat their period of study as one of the opportunities for indulgence in intellectual luxury, but for preparing themselves for final dedication in the service of those who provided the sinews of the nation with the national goods & services so essential to society. The post-independence era was marked by an urge for introducing social service for students, both as a measure of educational reform and as a means to improve the quality of educated manpower. The University Grants Commission headed by Radhakrishnan recommended introduction of national service in the academic institutions on a voluntary basis with a view to developing healthy contacts between the students and teachers on the one hand and establishing a constructive linkage between the campus and the community on the other hand ( JNTUH, 2020).

While a lot of good work is being done under NSS, there is potential to do much more. The students and NSS volunteers are young Indians and they represent the most dynamic and vibrant section of the Society (Parmar, 2018).

NSS, Red Cross and RSS continue to spearhead various relief measures during crisis and form a very strong support system in the country to render emergency support. The NCC has always been formally called upon by the government to stand by and support disaster relief and forms an extended arm of the government machinery to tide over humanitarian crisis of various sorts.

Indian Red Cross Society, National Headquarters (IRCS, NHQ) is at the centre of all Red Cross activities in India. It is one of the largest statutory humanitarian organizations in the world. The core activity of the Red Cross includes disaster management, health & care in the community and upholding and promotion of humanitarian values. The four core areas are: Promotion of the Movement’s Fundamental Principles and Humanitarian Values, Disaster response, Disaster preparedness & Health and care in the community (Red Cross, 2020).

RSS another voluntary organisation in India, movement or institution has attracted vast numbers of adherents, several thousands of them making social work their life’s mission, as a movement for national reconstruction totally nurtured by the people. For the welfare of entire mankind, our Country must stand before the world as a self-confident, resurgent and mighty nation. Expressed in the simplest terms, the ideal of the RSS is to carry the nation to the pinnacle of glory through organizing the entire society (, 2020).

The NCC plays an important role while other support groups as listed above do pitch in social service and disaster management. However, NCC can take a leaf from the Israel model of compulsory military training to ensure a well-trained, motivated and committed youth force is available in our country at all times. We surely need to step up the enrolment of cadets to ensure in the current world the youth are focussed on community service and partake in the nation development. Over the years the focus of the armed forces personnel during active service has paid rich dividends to the NCC.

Sudden change in policy of the government to withdraw active service personnel and replace with retired personnel is surely going to impact NCC and its future. This policy needs a relook on priority before the system begins to rot.

Similarly, it would be a great opportunity for the cadets to manage the military dairy farms rather than winding them up. This vital source of nutrition and food supplements for the armed forces can be managed by the NCC as a special charter. This will be a positive contribution to one of the world’s largest military rather than shutting down of military dairy farms, which will have an adverse impact on the health, morale and motivation of the forces.

Article 51 A, part 4 A of the Indian Constitution, 1949 calls for fundamental duties of every citizen which is reproduced below (Indian, 2020).

1. To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the national Flag and the National Anthem

2. To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom

3. To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India

4. To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so

5. To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women

6. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture

7. To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures

8. To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform

9. To safeguard public property and to abjure violence

10. To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement

In view of the fundamental duties to promote universal brotherhood, prepare the youth for national service, create a sturdy pipeline of talent for the armed forces, paramilitary and police, fire and other allied services, NCC plays a vital role. Use of technology for training such as AI (artificial intelligence, AR/VR/MR, machine learning and other current technologies including, cyber security, ethical hacking, use of drone technologies, work with state governments to enhance the public distribution system, education of farmers, help roll out social security schemes for the un-organised labour, audit of Panchayati raj and MNREGA schemes and other social audits. Get training in anti-hijacking, guerrilla warfare, anti-insurgency operations, and anti-naxalite/Maoist operations, anti-terrorist operations may be introduced to enhance the value of NCC in the days to come. Preferential treatment in UPSC, Civil Services and other government hiring will promote greater enthusiasm in the youth to enrol in NCC and partake in the growth and development of all the stakeholders and country at large.

Questions from the Case Study

1. Can Scouts & Guides, NSS and NCC be merged under one umbrella i.e. NCC for effective management of all the bodies?

2. Can NCC training be made mandatory going forward?

3. Recruitment in the Police, Para Military and Armed forces only if a student has undergone NCC training, is that practical?

4. Can the academic system in India provide an evaluation and assessment matrix where NCC service gets adequate credit to promote NCC on a larger scale?

5. Training in modern warfare, intelligence, use of technology is a viable option to be incorporated in the training of cadets?

6. Training by serving armed forces personnel is mandatory rather than retired professional is mandatory, please discuss merits and demerits?

7. Replacing B and C Certificate’s with Degree in NCC could be considered as an option, please discuss?

8. Increasing the engagement of NCC in social audit etc., could be explored. Is that a viable option?

9. Will deployment of NCC cadets for enabling training of industry and unorganised workers a viable option?

10. UPSC and Private sector must hire NCC cadets and give preference on a larger scale to motivate youth to join the NCC cadre? Please evaluate.


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