Business Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1944-656X; Online ISSN: 1944-6578)

Short communication: 2022 Vol: 14 Issue: 1S

Placement Learning In Business Firms and Students Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Roles and Responsibility for the Growth of Business

Nonyelum N, Alex Ekwueme Federal University

Citation Information: Nonyelum, N. (2022). Placement learning in business firms and students entrepreneurial intentions: The roles and responsibility for the growth of business. Business Studies Journal, 14(S1), 1-2.


Business Firms, Enterprising Energy, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Pioneering Goals.


To advance business among college understudies, it is critical to analyze the basic factors that might impact their EI. As the social mental hypothesis proposes, learning happens in a social setting with a dynamic and complementary connection of the individual, climate and conduct. “In the plan of SCT, Bandura proposes that learning, inspirational, and social cycles are the aftereffect of the corresponding and bidirectional collaboration of three distinct parts: ecological information sources; individual variables; and conduct results.” Be that as it may, ecological information sources include the components connected to the social and social reality where people learn, for example, the PLBF which give valuable open doors for association gatherings. With regards to the current review, direct collaborations incorporate discussions and data offering to peers, situation guides or supervisors of associations where understudies go through the position learning. For instance, collaborations, noticing or finding out about the existences of fruitful business people might motivate understudies' EI. Subsequently, we operationalize ecological contributions as PLBF in the current review (De Ramon Fernandez et al., 2020; Kshenin & Kovalchuk, 2021).

Additionally, SCT hypothesizes that individual factors, for example, sex, age, calling, convictions, mental capabilities and enthusiastic states might decide a singular's assessment of the outer climate as well as the choice to embrace any conduct. As indicated by Biraglia and Kadile "mental abilities and passionate states, specifically, can assume a significant part in perceiving natural pieces of information and settling on choice to participate in explicit practices". On this background, the current review distinguishes energy as a fundamental feeling among understudies undertaking a PLBF who might be wishing to become business visionaries after graduation and along these lines, operationalizes enthusiasm as pioneering energy. Notwithstanding, imagination is a pivotal individual component that could impact a person's EI or conduct given its centrality to opportunity recognizable proof which prompts the making of new firms (Liang, 2021; Nobanee, 2020). In the current review, understudies undertaking a PLBF who are exceptionally imaginative may foster goals to business visionaries after graduation as they participate in the dynamic age of thoughts and cycles of taking care of issues. Thusly, as an individual element in the SCT system, inventiveness may probably impact EI, and we operationalize innovativeness in this review as enterprising imagination (Sharan et al., 2016).


The SCT hypothesizes that people's capacities to become business visionaries in view of their abilities and capacities should be visible as self-adequacy, and self-viability is the center part of the SCT. Self-viability is a mental system that excites the people's ability to achieve assignments or obligations to accomplish their result assumptions. Additionally, a mental and individual component empowers people to understand their capacities in playing out specific practices. Given its centrality in EI, we operationalize self-adequacy as pioneering self-viability. Concerning third component of SCT - social results, conceptualizes it as the result of the three-way divided communication among natural and individual data sources. Clarified that effective execution of a conduct is reliant upon the singular's information on what to do and how to perform such conduct. This, with regards to the current review, could imply that the more understudies perform enterprising related assignments or exercises during PLBF, the almost certain they are to have a self-effectual outlook on such pioneering related undertakings. Considering that one's choice to turn into a business visionary is considered as a conduct according to the SCT viewpoint, we operationalize the understudies' pioneering practices as EI.


De Ramon Fernandez, A., Ruiz Fernandez, D., & Sabuco Garcia, Y. (2020). Business Process Management for optimizing clinical processes: A systematic literature review. Health informatics journal, 26(2), 1305-1320.

Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

Kshenin, A., & Kovalchuk, S. (2021). Data-Driven Modeling of Complex Business Process in Heterogeneous Environment of Healthcare Organization with Health Information Systems. Personal health, 118-123.

Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

Liang, L. (2021). Design of the internet plus drug circulation business model based on value chain. Journal of Healthcare Engineering.

Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

Nobanee, H. (2020). Big data in business: A bibliometric analysis of relevant literature. Big Data, 8(6), 459-463.

Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

Sharan, A.D., Schroeder, G.D., West, M.E., & Vaccaro, A.R. (2016). Understanding Business Models in Health Care. Clinical Spine Surgery, 29(4), 158-160.

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Received: 01-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. BSJ-22-171; Editor assigned: 03-Feb-2022, PreQC No. BSJ-22-171(PQ); Reviewed: 17-Feb- 2022, QCNo. BSJ-22-171; Revised: 19-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. BSJ-22-171(R); Published: 23-Feb-2022

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