Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 24 Issue: 6S

Personality patterns of the professors and their impact on the career immersion, analytical research at the faculty of administration and economics al. Mustansiriyah University

Sumaya Abbas, State University of Al-Mustansiriya

Kwakib Aziz Hamoudi, State University of Al-Mustansiriya

Abdul Hakim, State University of Al-Mustansiriya


 The present study aims to investigate nature of personality patterns influence on career immersion(CI) in organization. as an attempt to show the important various played by the personality in types forms interpretation of various positions and directing them with desired framework and trying to create a Positive work environment to achieves a job satisfaction, which is evident through the absorption of the professor functionally represented a number of dimensions in the performance of his work. The research problem was expressed a number of intellectualism still a major, analytical questions, which were formulated with hypothetical scheme that illustrates the relationship between the variables of the research. Which two main hypotheses across were formulated and a number of sub hypotheses emerged from them. The objective of research was to answer questions raised through theoretical philosophy and intellectual indications and their enhancement through statistical analysis conducted on the main and sub research variables in the searched organization the research sample, namely the Faculty of Management and Economics / University of Mustansiriyah, which was selected as a place the study with a sample of (50) teachers from faculty of the five departments staff in the college The questionnaire was used to collect information, which included three axes .So , is focused fifth Likert was adopted for the purpose of proving the validity of the main and subsidiary hypotheses, which were subjected to descriptive ,and statistical analysis using the electronic calculator and relying on a number of statistical methods mentioned in the research. The research came out with a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of moral correlation with the presence of a significant effect among the research variables in general is due to the existence presence of a clear merger among faculty professors' of different types of personalities ,immersion with . nature of the work they do in college and work with spirit of team considering that best performance in final outcome is first goal that everyone seeks to be in work environment.


Career Immersion , Personality Patterns


It is now increasingly accepted that Organizations seek to adapt global local complex as well as interrelated variables and factors, we must face the challenges and accompanying with these factors , variables coexist with them through rely on human resources to achieve the goals of organization it achieve satisfaction of employees about the organization after creating a positive environment of work, Therefore , career immersion is degree individual to which an merges with his and job with others ,senses its importance as it is bright spot for workers who care about the future of the organization and they express their willingness to invest their efforts in their favor and working with coworkers to improve the job performance for the benefit of organization, therefore it is reflected personality pattern which individual is worker who loves his work and is interested in the work associated with it by individuals and those who love their jobs and work with higher efficiency and productivity better than those who don’t like their jobs the research comes to analyze relationship and effect between two important variables one associated with the other.

Research Framework and Hypotheses

As a result, appears to be fully their effect was clear on individual working in organization, where the search problem lies in existence of some deficiencies in aspects of interest in personality patterns of an individual' working at organization as most organizations are still far from the study of personality patterns ,ways of harmonization ,integration between the human element ,their career immersion and in the light of this was formulation of the research problem in the following questions:

• What is the impact of personality patterns in the career immersion from the teachers' point of view (faculty of administration and Economics / University of Mustansiriyah) is?

• What is the relationship between personality patterns and career immersion?

• Does the administration (faculty of management and Economics/ University of Mustansiriyah) have a perception about career immersion and its levels?

The significance of research lies that it will present digital indicators inspired by reality of statistical analysis results of the role personality patterns in career immersion, and to formulate policies and plans to invest career immersion of the employee in performance, this research is important, through paying attention to human element as most important element any organization.

• The possibility of providing solutions to problems and assist managers in developing their management methods for their subordinates and knowing the appropriate approaches to increase their level of career immersion.

• Researchers hope this research contributes in increasing theoretical and applied knowledge, and enrich the information in this important organization. As well as current studies fund that is interface between.

• The fundamental objective research is therefore to identify the nature of personality patterns at demonstrate the impact on the career immersion, The study had the following objectives, which also reflect the research procedure:

A. learn theoretical concepts relating to the main and subsidiary research variables.

B. learn personality patterns of employees , the level of career immersion in the searched organization, which is one of the recent and in renewable topics in terms of literature organizational behavior.

C. suggestions ,recommendations may help Administration ( Faculty of administration and economics / Mustansiriyah University ) those who work in this sector to improve the level of career immersion(CI) of employee and raise this level, As well as, the researchers measured , tested special relationships of correlation and influence between variables and levels research quantitatively using the questionnaire Likert scale , descriptive Statistical methods in processors, and researchers found a hypothetical scheme for the research as follows:

Figure 1: Research Model Based on Research Objective, Note :Dashed Line Indicates the Relationship Trace, Indicates A Correlation Relationship

The researchers have come build, measure It test research hypothesis. Therefore research includes two main hypotheses that gave rise to sub-hypotheses, and were formulated as follows:

H1 : There is a significant correlation between the personality patterns and career Immersion three hypotheses derive from it :

H1a. There is a significant correlation between personality patterns (extroverted, open, harmonic) and participation in decision-making.

H1b.There is a significant correlation between personality patterns (extroverted, open, harmonic) and relationship with colleagues.

H1c.There is a significant correlation between personality patterns (extroverted, open, harmonic) and job satisfaction.

H2. personality patterns (extroverted, open, harmonic) have a significant impact on career immersion, with three hypotheses:

H1a. Personality patterns ((extroverted, open, harmonic) have a significant impact on participation in decision-making.

H1b. Personality patterns (extroverted, open, harmonic) have a significant impact on the relationship with colleagues.

H1c. Personality patterns (extroverted, open, harmonic) have a significant impact on job satisfaction.

The Intellectual Foundation of Research

Personality Patterns

The concept of Personality

The literature review first focuses on spite of widely acknowledged value ,Personalities of individuals differ between passivity positivity movement and calm, openness and introversion, personality plays an important role in achieving at goals of the organizations , therefore understanding the personality of the individuals helps managers explain ,predict their behaviors in the various situations ,direct them to desired direction, then helps them pick the best of them, improve the working environment, and increase possibility of creating a positive atmosphere that provides satisfaction of employees to their organizations in which they work, (Feist &Feist , 2008 ).It defined pattern of relatively permanent unique feature characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to the individual behavior (Khanka , 2013 ) illustrated that personality represents total sum of an individual's psychological ,physical systems that determine his behavior in a certain situation, ,personality vary from person to another depending on different physical and psychological aspects and this makes personality of the individual also affect human behavior, ( Hellriegel & Slocum , 2011 )personality looked at as a combination of stable psychological characteristics that make an individual nature, unique, although personality is related to biological aspects, it is strongly linked with cultural and social environments, through above the researchers see that personality represents those characteristics and organized individual behaviors in a certain way to reflect the individuality adaptation that individual his environment shows towards.

Five Personality Patterns

The study of personality pattern occupied an important position what confirm this position is looking at the personality as the sum of several factors working in an integrated unit that result from the interaction of several physical and psychological characteristics that determine the way a person deals with the components of his environment ( Muhammad, 2011) the model of Big Five is a useful tool assessment field of personality and prediction, it is a comprehensive model that provides wide rules to describe the personality features, a number of studies indicated that almost it contains virtually some character structures that have been identified in other models of personality .( McCrae et al , 2005) researches has shown that all personality scales can be summarized by five main patterns namely (Bowditeh et al., 2008).

A. Extroverted personality: Include socially individuals confident, looking for friendship able to express their feelings towards others, talkative daring, adventurous, loud, ambitious and controlling, ( George& Jones, 2008 ) noted that extroverts at work are mor positive that introverted and are satisfied with their jobs ,they have good feelings toward the organization and those around them so they are more likely to from social relationships with co-workers.

B. harmonic personality: t aspect refers to indicates individuals tendency to disembark at will of others, that individuals are willing to agree ,are cooperative loving and trusting others and that individuals who are not consensual are cold their feeling, dissenting in opinion and opponent . ( Robbins & Judge , 2008).

C. personal benevolent: This aspect refers individuals who are characterized by precision the possibility of relying on them they are characterized by self-discipline, strong will and people or individuals who don't have this dimension tend to be careless, less accurate, disorganized, and irresponsible. (McShane & Glinow,2010 ).

D. open personality: His aspect suggests that individual is creative, knowledgeable and a person of various interests (Greenberg & Baron, 2009), open to wide variety, has a wide-ranging desire and wants take a risk. (Hamden, 2006).

E. The neurotic personality: The dimension ranges from safety and self-security on one side to anxiety and depression at the other side, the individuals with low emotional stability tend to negative emotional states This stress they tend to passive view of the world, so they criticize themselves to some extent . (Martin & Felling , 2010 ).

Table 1
Five Personality Factors and Their Distinctive Features
Pattern Distinctive features
Openness to experience (O) Imagination independance in government, values, feeling, ideas, superiority, curiosity
The benevolent Personality (C) Affection, efficiency, achievement, slow down, self-control, honesty, attruism, tokrance, sympathy, humility cooperation, seriousness, mercy, truthfulness
Extroverted (E) Warmth, quality, social, self-affirmation, activity, looking for excitement, positive, agitations
Harmonic (A) Confidence, attruism, compliance or acceptance, humility, moderation of opinion
Neurotic (N) Axiety, anger, hostility, depression, sense of self, rush, bigotry, inability to bear pressure

Career Immersion(CI)

Career Immersion(CI) of important is one themes , modem terminology compared to other terms in field of Human Resource Management, also importance understand organizational behavior of individuals within work environment, So, (CI) is important variable that helps raise organizational effectiveness top, and then it can be said that (CI), the greater its degree, effectiveness of the organization. Individuals spend a large part of their time in the job and the job becomes a very important aspect of their lives, therefore, the task of improving the worker's behavior forms an important and major aspect and consideration of the manager's work. (Al-fadhli:2001) thinks that (CI) one of the important behavioral trends that show level of the individual response positively or negatively to results of his interaction with his evaluation of various functional and organizational activities, various relationships associated with those activities with in work the environment, (Al-maghribi) illustrates that (CI) is that individual loves his work and is interested in Associated part the jobs individuals who love their jobs are working more efficiently Therefore, great productivity than those who don't like their jobs, researchers define (Uygur & Kilie:2009) it as it is the faith or belief in the current work or job which shows how much can work achieve of the wishes of the individual, Highly absorbed individuals make work or employment central part of their personal nature. (Azeen: 2010) considered (CI) the degree to which an individual is psychologically attached to his work, or importance of work in relation to his self-perception as a whole, ( Mahmoud : 2013) as the degree to which it integrates the individual with job, this job is considered a pivotal dimension in his life and his self-esteem, is influenced by the extent of his awareness of his level of performance, most basic conditions for achieving individual (CI) can be explained by Figure (2):

Figure 2: Show Most Important Conditions for Achieving Individual Career Immersion(CI)

Source : (Mahmoud, Chelan Fidel, 2013 ), & " the role of some human engineering factors in career immersion "Master Thesis, University of Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.

Career Immersion Dimensions (CID):

Researchers have different opinions determine the dimensions of (CI) variables in light of the tracking literature of career immersion and the biggest focus was on the variables ( participation in decision-making, expansion of work, independence in work, relationship with colleagues, feedback, job satisfaction, In light of this, some of factors will be selected as search variables because, These dimensions are agreed upon by most writers and researchers, These dimensions adapt to nature of work of searched organization. Indicating the extent to which dimensions contribute to achieving (CI).

Decision Making Participation : Participation through group provides a great opportunity to reach more secure and mature decisions in solving problem, group accreditation is likely to be more appropriate in solving non-recurring problem, especially in risk conditions and uncertainty . According state of synergy, which is working together, performance of all is greater than total performance of individual parts. (Visit, 2009).

Job Expansion: Expansion job involves adding missions of same nature and level of used skill to work or job ,then job or work may expand in the horizontal dimension, which involves adding more tasks to job and expand the scope of work, increase diversity in job tasks and duties . (Leat, 2003 )

• Relationship with Colleagues: It related to desire of human in communication ,making friendship with others and making social relationships with them. failure to satisfy these needs in the work environment may lead to feeling of psychological imbalance which leads lack of production and high rates of absence and leaving work . (Long, 2006 ).

• Feedback: It is employee access to information at level of his work effectiveness his career efforts , as workers expect feedback about their performance from both their bosses or their co-workers. (Mondy, 2008).

• Job Satisfaction : It is a positive feeling about a person's job or work resulting from an evaluation of characteristics. A person with a high level of job satisfaction has positive feelings about work . ( Robbins & Judge, 2005).

Sample and Data Collection Procedure

Topic focuses on analysis ,interpretations to answer research questions through three topics. first highlights the examination ,testing of measuring instrument by means of method of validating the content compared to terminal and using method ( Cronbach's alpha ) for the stability and the mid-way segmentation to show the availability of stability and honesty conditions in the questionnaire paragraphs, hence a descriptive and analytical presentation of the research variables through ,weighted mean, standard deviation and relative importance. While the last paragraph shows results of testing correlations and influence between personality patterns and career immersion. The researchers based on a package of statistical standards and methods in the framework of data analysis and data testing using pre-analytical program, the results of the analysis were as follows:


In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey 50 Faculty of administration & economics. Before conducting the questionnaire survey, informed consent forms describing the research purposes were distributed to the participants, who signed and returned them prior to participating in the study voluntarily. In the formal study, a total of 65 questionnaires were distributed; 50 valid questionnaires were returned.

Validity Reliability Tests of Questionnaire Paragraphs

Validity Test: This test is used to show and demonstrate that the paragraphs of the questionnaire measure what is designed to be measured by demonstrating that the paragraphs involved under each dimension and every research variable are represented by the best representation, as the researchers will use the method of validating the content by arranging the questionnaire data either descending or ascending followed by a deduction of twenty seven percent of the top and bottom sections followed by the application of the special method (T-test) for comparison of upper and lower part averages . The test result was positive as the calculated valve of t(39.284) which is significant since it was greater than the tabular value of t(1.706) at the level of significance (0.05) this establishes the probability value sig. corresponding to the calculated value of t was recorded (0.00) , with this result, the questionnaire successfully passed the honesty test with a confidence of 95% . Going back to Table 2 we find that the paragraphs of the independent variable dimensions and the paragraphs of the dependent variable dimensions have met the requirement of honesty successfully. The result were as follows, Therefore It

Table 2
It Show The Result of The Content Validity Test of Research Variable
Research Dimensions Number of paragraphs (T-TEST) value
variables Calculated value of T Probability value sig Probability explanation
independent Extroverted personality pattern 5 32.356 0 Honesty condition is fulfilled in this variable
open personality pattern 5 21.858 0 Honesty condition is fulfilled in this variable
harmonic personality pattern 5 26.92 0 Honesty condition is fulfilled in this variable
Total of personality patterns variable 15 34.668 0 The paragraphs of this independent variable fulfil honesty condition
Dependent Portion in decision making 5 30.568 0 Honesty condition is fulfilled in this variable
Relationship with colleagues 5 20.984 0 Honesty condition is fulfilled in this variable
Job satisfaction 5 22.011 0 Honesty condition is fulfilled in this variable
The total of career immersion variable 15 32.91 0 The paragraphs of this dependent variable fulfil honesty condition
All questionnaire paragraphs 30 39.284 0 The entire paragraphs of the questionnaire exceed the honesty test
Tabular value

Stability tests : Confirm stability of scale and it's inconsistency with itself especially for demonstrating the reliability of the questionnaire adopted in the research, with the possibility of obtaining the same The researcher, however, acknowledges that there are a number of limitations to this research results given in the case of distributing the questionnaire in two different periods and in successive times stability can be demonstrated in two ways:

Stability in half-fragmented method: The half – fragmented method is based on the splitting of questionnaire paragraphs at two sections, one with even questions and other with odd questions , for the purpose of calculating stability according to this method , The researchers used a Formula ( Spearman- Brown Coefficient). we obtained a large stability efficiency confirming the fulfillment of stability condition in the questionnaire paragraph, as it's value formed (0.884).

Analysis Cranach's Alpha Method of Stability

Most common method of Cranach's alpha strives to establish the consistency of performance of the individual from one paragraph to another, in the context of finding the value of the stability efficiency for each dimension and for each of research variables, with a value stability coefficiency ( Cranach's alpha ) of total questionnaire questions ( 0.887 ), which confirm presence of high stability in paragraphs of research questionnaire achieving stability condition successfully in the questionnaire, while it is deduced from Table (3) due the stability condition in paragraphs of each of personality patterns variable and career immersion variable are fulfilled , the value of the coefficient (Cranach's alpha) for each one of them recorded more than ( 0.500 ), than ,results are shown in the following table(3).

Table(3) Stability test results of the questionnaire paragraphs

Analysis Date Variable (Personality Patterns)

Our results demonstrate personal patterns was mean value of ( 4.084 ) it is thus more than the value of hypothetical mean (4), Hence, H, and H was supported which represents boundary between Agreement and dis agreement in accordance with . Liker quintet, including that level of sample answers to the paragraphs of the personality patterns has moved towards complete agreement as it is fixed in Table (4), which indicates that the standard deviation for the independent variables form ( 0.4237 ) with the likely extent of homogeneity of the answers to the paragraphs of personality patterns variable, in particular that the value of the standard deviation for this variable was lower than the arithmetic mean is significantly less and near zero. While the value of relative importance of the independent variables ( 81.68 % ) this reflects the agreement of most members of research sample on the personality patterns represented by extroverted personality pattern, open personality pattern and harmonic personality pattern where weighted, where form of arithmetic mean of three personality patterns ( 4.216, , 3.836, & 4.200 ), respectively, all of which are greater than the value of hypothetical mean which reached 4 with evidence that the level of the sample answers of the three personality patterns tended toward Agreement, full agreement, harmonic personality pattern) recorded ( 0.4442, 0.4457, 0.3812 ) Respectively, harmonic personality pattern) recorded ( 0.4442, 0.4457, 0.3812 ) Respectively, old the relative importance of these personal patterns ( 84.32 % 76.72 % 84.11 % )

Analysis Date variable (career immersion):In table blew ( 4) Constructs’ Discriminant Validity: Table (4) Means, SDs, and Interco relations Among Variables of Interest

Analysis Career Immersion (CI) variable

 In the present study, we found that mean of (3.478) which exceeded the value of hypothetical mean (3), which represents the boundary between Agreement and dis agreement in accordance with . Likar quintet, which confirms level of answers of sample on paragraphs of career immersion tended towards agreement as referred in table ( 5 ), which diagnoses the value of the standard deviation of the dependent variable of (1.239) ensuring the homogeneity of the answers on the paragraphs of (CI), In particular that value of standard deviation was significantly lower than arithmetic mean. While the value of the relative importance of dependent variables of (69.55 % ) this reflects the agreement of most members of research sample the dimensions (CI) represented by participation in decision-making, the relationship between colleagues, job satisfaction , where the arithmetic mean of these three dimensions forms ( 3.675, and 3.508, and 3.250 ), respectively, all of which are greater than value of hypothetical mean ( 3 ) demonstrating that the level of the sample answers to three dimensions of (CI) tended towards agreement, while inferring from the results of Table (5) That the value of the standard deviations for each of the ( participation in decision-making , the relationship between colleagues and job satisfaction) recorded ( 1.051 , 1.330 and 1.335 ) on Respectively, the relative importance of dimensions of (CI) ( 73.50 % 71.16 % 65.11 % ) highest level as can be inferred from Figer ( 3 ) that participation in decision-making of relative importance (73.50 %) in terms of its adoption by the professors of Faculty of administration & economics ensuring the participation members of the team in making important decisions at the college under study, while was job satisfaction among professors of management and economics recorded, The lowest level of relative importance, (%65.00 ), as shown in Table ( 5 ) ,Distribution of dimensions of career immersion variables based on relative importance, Source: done by researchers based on results of statistical program and research data.

Table 5
Levels of Sample Responses Importance to Career Immersion
Variable Minor variables Coding Arithmeticmean Standard deviation Relative importance Answer direction
Career immersion Participation in decision making Y1 3.675 1.051 75.50% Agreement
Relationship with colleagues Y2 3.508 1.33 70.16% Agreement
Job satisfaction Y3 3.250 1.335 65.00% Agreement
Total of dependent variable Y 3.478 1.239 69.68% Agreement

Analysis Correlation Tests of Personality Patterns(PP) in Career Immersion(CI)

Our results demonstrate that was positively between personality patterns(PP) and career immersion(CI) (test-z) . And the test result will be moral in case the calculated value of Z is bigger than tabular value of Z which is (1.96). at a significant level (0.05) that ensures the emergence of (the probability value. sig ) corresponding to the calculated value of Z equal or less than (0.05), that leads accept Sported hypothesis at 95% , Without proving whether or not there is an effect of (PP) on (CI) use test (F-test) then result will be moral in case (probability value) corresponding to the calculated value of Equal or less than the level of significance adopted in research which is (0.05) So, accept hypothesis at 95% . As for showing the percentage of this effect , researcher use determination coefficient R% % . As for showing amount of change in value of dependent variable in case there is a change value of independent variable in one unit, In table (6) analysis results refer to the existence of a statistically significant correlation between (PP) and (CI) , calculated value of Z (5.369)it is significant at the level (0.05), value of correlation coefficient between them (0.767), therefore result leads to accept first main hypothesis which states that there is a statistically significant correlation between (PP) and (CI) was 95% - Table (6) ensured that highest recorded correlation coefficient between (PP) and the relationship among colleagues in the faculty of management at ( 0.730) . due to presence of a clear merger of college professors with different characteristics, personalities and interests with the nature of work they perform in college with the spirit of one team to complete their work and achieve the distinguished performance . Without Was also indicates the degree of correlation among members the sample, which turn leads to increased activity vitality and it's reflection on the way the individual (professor) performs his work. 't may be due to merger among individuals and their dependence on a clear way [f working hard away from confusion of ideas, taking into account aspects and environmental changes, and trying not to allow them to affect the course of work, As well as strong ties friendships among sample members, which in turn leads to increased productivity through joint work.

Table 6
Results Of Correlation Tests Personality Patterns (PP) & Career Immersion(CI)
Simple correlation coefficient
Statistical significance Z-TEST
CareerimmersionPersonality patterns Participati on in decision making Relationsh ip with colleagues Job satisfactio n Career immersi on variable Moral relationships
percent age Num ber
Extroverted personality pattern **0.632 **0.697 **0.709 **0.744 4 100%
4.424 4.879 4.963 5.208
open personality pattern **0.568 **0.593 **0.512 **0.615 4 100%
3.976 4.151 3.584 4.305
Harmonic personality pattern **0.624 **0.640 **0.553 **0.668 4 100%
4.368 4.480 3.871 4.676
personality personality variable **0.689 **0.730 **0.673 **0.767 4 100%
4.823 5.110 4.711 5.369
Moral relations hips Number r 4 4 4 4 16 100%
Percent age 100% 100% 100% 100%

Analysis Test the Influence of the Extroverted Personality Pattern in Career Immersion

In table (7) is inferred that calculated value of F to measure the influence of (PP) in (CI) recorded (68.587)it is moral value especially it exceeded the tabular of (4.00) , the percentage of the influence of personality patterns on career immersion (R2)% = % 68.587) , Whereas ,value of regression coefficient beta (2.2429). with this result , the second main hypothesis is accepted which stated (there is a statistically significant effect correlation of (PP) in (CI) ) at 95% . this is due to fact that despite presence of different types of personalities among the sample individuals, However ,the end result, the work is an integrated unit of interaction of all features and relationships to show colleges performance well.

This is due to fact that the sample individual enjoy positive moods and have good feelings towards college are keen show good results with their work, whereas the faculty professors are achieve excellence . Also, the sample individuals are cooperative, love each other, agree with opinions methods of work.

Figure 3: Shaw Variable Mean

Table 7
Relationships of the Influence of Personality Patterns Variable in Career Immersion
Career Immersion Personality patterns Participation in decision making Relationship with colleagues Job satisfaction Career immersion variable Moral relationships
β R2 % β R2 % β R2 % β R2 % Percent age Number
Extroverted personality pattern 1.4953 39.94% 2.0869 48.58% 2.1308 50.27% 2.0752 55.35% 4 100%
31.923 45.351 48.518 59.512
open personality pattern 1.3394 32.26% 1.7696 35.16% 1.5336 26.21% 1.7096 37.82% 4 100%
22.862 26.034 17.053 29.198
Harmonic personality pattern 1.7204 38.94% 2.2329 40.96% 1.9367 30.58% 2.1712 44.62% 4 100%
30.608 33.301 21.145 38.678
personality pattern 1.7091 47.47% 2.2915 53.29% 2.1205 45.29% 2.2429 58.83% 4 100%
43.380 54.762 39.740 68.587
Moral relationships Number 4 4 4 4 16 100%
Percentage 100% 100% 100% 100%
The tabular F is equal to (4.00)at the significance level 0.05
Regression coefficient Determination coefficient R2%regression
Interpretation of statistical significance Ealculated value F

Conclusion and Implications


This Research Endeavored to Achieving

1. The concept of (CI) is one of the administrative organizational concepts with wide mobility which can enhance college career self-efficacy .

2. Our findings suggest that counseling to satisfaction of sample individuals about work is less valuable and this indicates lack and weakness of positive emotions for employees about at work which may be caused by lack of respect or poor flexibility performance of the work or the weakness of mutual trust between the work parties.

3. Results of search indicated the weakness At lack of importance of the open (PP) in terms of their adoption by college teachers and the reason of this may be due to the effect of environmental changes on the psychological state of the professor, which causes confusion .

4. Age of individual ,his scientific achievement affect the height level of (CI) as it rises and increases with the rising average age of the individual and that there is a positive relationship between (CI) and scientific achievement analysis..

5. The relationship between college teaching staff dominates as a cooperative work team to deal with it mistakes that may be made as a result of the work.

6. A failure on part of college to draw attention to a number of factors related to job characteristics that turn increase level of (CI).

7. The findings presented and analyzed in this study of high connection between extroverted (PP) and (CI) , which generates high job satisfaction..

8. The search results indicated the presence of high impact of extraverted personality pattern and (CI) of job resulting from a professor having strength activity ,vitality, which makes the others wrap around him.


1. Make the work environment more suitable to show talents and creativity by rewarding exceptional performance of a teacher, making sure that creative ideas, and avoiding attributing them to their direct superiors.

2. The agencies under study adopt an administrative philosophy that leads to interest in human capital and the enhancement of processes to take advantage of efficient energies, therefore increasing respect and strengthening cooperation at transparency.

3. Constantly striving clarify areas of difference between (CI)and administrative concepts(AD) So facilitate the task of researchers and also to achieve better performance required by professor.

4. increasing interest in university professor , trying to dive away effects of external environment the professor and by taking into account his psychological in all its aspects therefore, and transmit them to new generations.

5. Encouraging professors which contributes in one way or another to reduce and process mistakes that may prevail in work atmosphere and thus further increase the level of integration and immersion .

6. Attention by college the functional characteristics which help to raise level of (CI) of professor ,thus increase the effectiveness of organization's work and improve

7. Preparing programs for the rehabilitation of university professors, and support students ,help them in identifying their personalities patterns others personalities ,make them in right way to be people integrated and Adaptive and people with advanced skills to increase their abilities to communicate with others.

8. Development Increasing interest of personality of University professor, especially by working to suit nature of his lessons that he teaching with his scientific specialization obtained achieve excellence in long-term the personality pattern is positively affected by professor's scientific qualification


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