Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)

Review Article: 2022 Vol: 26 Issue: 5S

Motivation Enhances the Productivity A Study with Reference to Manufacturing Sector

Venkata Ramana J, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation

Gokul Harish M, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation

Arya Agarwal, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation

Citation Information: Ramana, J.V., Harish, M.G., & Agarwal, A. (2022). Motivation enhances the productivity a study with reference to manufacturing sector. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 26(S5),1-9.


The goal of this study was to look into how important it is to motivate employees at work. Without it, no programme can succeed, and no company can fulfil its objectives. As a result, the focus of the study is on learning and outcomes, as well as approaches to keep staff engaged in planning. Mathematically, the goal of motivation is to empower employees to make every effort with excitement and success in order to achieve and hopefully achieve the organisational goal. It demonstrates that the productive workers are uninterested, which explains why the manufacturing quality is poor. The company's production research study conclusions were given.


Motivation, Employee Productivity, Salary, Incentive.


The human demand for space initiated the process of motivation. Internal driving power is generated to fill the void, to activate and maintain the sequence of actions and reactions. At this moment, the vacuum is also filled. Defines motivation as an internal or external driving force that leads to a willingness to execute an action through this domain. As the driving power leaves the person, we name the initial internal stimulant. External motivation is the second aspect of organization. This because employees are encouraged to join a company in order to meet their many and varied requirements and goals. They will never stop inhibiting organizations from working well unless they are adequately identified and fulfilled.

One of the most difficult challenges for a manager in an organization is determining the best way to motivate people to be dedicated to their work and do their best to help the company achieve its objectives. Why do people do what they do is what inspires them. It provides answers to why do managers or employees go to work and perform well? When work is so important, this tries to explain why individuals act the way they do. A manager's principal responsibility is to develop and maintain an atmosphere in which workers may work effectively and fulfill the organization's objectives. Employees are not just distinct from one another talent but also in motivation. Recruiting, inspiring, and even pushing an employee to operate in a way that furthers the organization's aims is motivation. Employee motivation is determined by how strong their motivation is. Motives are a person's needs, desires, desires, or desires that determine their actions. As a result, motivation is a set of offensive activities that support moral improvement while also driving behaviour toward a specific curse of action. Employees are motivated to do something by motivations (needs, desires). As a result, inspiration is an inner state that empowers people, energy, and human action.

Because all behaviours without accountability have been discovered to be targeted goals, a supervisor can use management feedback to lead employees' ethics toward the establishment's aim. Every organization and business aspires to be successful and advance. The modern era is very competitive, and any company, regardless of size, technology, or market focus, has challenges in retaining employees. Employees and their unions must build and maintain strong and good relationships and communication in order to overcome these barriers.

Organizations employ numerous competitive strategies with competitors and improve organizational performance to obtain prosperity. Few firms feel that their employees and employees have their own asset that can contribute to success or failure if they are not securely established. No organization can improve or achieve success unless and until its employees are satisfied with it, motivated by the achievement of the tasks and goals set forth, and motivated.

Motivating employees is one of the management policies for improving efficient employee management in the firm (Shadier et al. 2020). An enthusiastic employee is one who responds positively to certain goals and objectives and so achieves them. According to Rutherford (2018), motivation improves an organization's success since an irritated employee is always looking for better methods to execute their job, so it's critical for companies to discover inspiration for their staff getting a worker to accomplish their best work. One of the most challenging and fuel-efficient employees is one who works even under adverse situations, and this may be accomplished by supporting them.

Review of Literature

This section gives a quick rundown of some of the theories and Empirical studies conducted that back up the link between motivation and productivity. Maslow's rule, Herzberg's theoretical theory, Hawthorne studies, goal-setting theory, and other important theories' requirements will be examined (Ramana & Sridhar, 2019).

(Poole et al., 2005). A workforce needs assessment of the Arizona construction trades industry, Stated that the report was prepared for the Arizona Department of Commerce with funding from the Governor's Council on Workforce Policy. Elements of this report may be presented independently elsewhere at the author's discretion. (Akintunde, 2005). How to motivate workers to achieve higher productivity. Stated the different ways to motivate the workers to achieve the higher productivity and explained the significance of motivation to achieve the higher productivity. (Rao, et al., 2014) "CSR and construction industry: Can it transform the Labour." International Journal of Organizational Behaviour & Management Perspectives 3, (4): 1303–1314. (Shah & Sankar, 2013) "Human resource management in the changing business environment of the Indian construction industry: a case study," Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. (Du, et al., 2007). “A preliminary study on Human Resource Management in International Construction,” The Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, Vol. 7, No 2, pp. 1–11. EC (Harris, 2011), “Construction sector poised for further growth as Indian economy forges ahead,” 0Focus%20on%20India%20FINAL.pdf. (Accessed on 14 March 2015)


The primary goal of the study is to collect relevant data that will be utilised to generate findings and conclusions, as well as to acquire outcomes. The study employed two different questionnaires one set was for senior management, while the other was for lower-level personnel It also reveals that junior employees are less likely to be promoted, and that younger employees prefer monetary remuneration over non-monetary perks. Promotional compensation should be increased, and overtime grants and paid vacation should be used as motivational tactics, according to the report.


1. Evaluate employees' reactions to Manufacturers businesses' promotion techniques.
2. Identify a problem that is preventing employees from advancing in manufacturing organizations.
3. Ensuring that inspiration leads to increased productivity and performance.

Scope of the Study

1. What are the employees' reactions to the company's incentive reward?
2. What are the obstacles to employee motivation in the workplace?
3. What incentives are given to employees to encourage them to perform better and produce more?

Problem Identification

Workers left the company because they were not taken seriously enough. Others are hesitant to leave because they enjoy benefits such as better salary, bonuses, and other perks.

Manufacturing business employees will choose financial remuneration over non-financial compensation, especially for younger employees, because these advantages are not employed as a motivation, and the company has employee retention issues. As a result, low performance and productivity are the end outcome, as is discontent with work.


H1: The motivational techniques adopted by manufacturing firms do not significantly lead to retention of the employees. H2: The employees do not significantly respond to the motivational rewards adopted by the company? H3: The factor hindering the success of employees motivation has no significant to the employees performance and productivity. H4: The incentives given to the employees do not significantly lead to higher performance and productivity.


The research approach was employed in this study. The research looked at two types of employees in manufacturing companies: management and small employees. This is to see if staff are sufficiently motivated and how that influences their performance. A total of 2,000 employees from various Firm departments are included in the research study. This affects supervisors, senior employees, and junior employees at all levels. A survey's sample size refers to how particular portions of the population were chosen at random to ensure that everyone has a chance to be chosen.


n = Sample size

N = the population of size 2,000

e = Level of significance (0.05)

t = constant

Applying the above model, we have

Sample As a result, the study sample included 400 employees from production businesses who completed 400 copies of the researcher-controlled A 4-point Likert questionnaire questionnaire. Closed questions made up Section A. In accordance with Atiku, Genty, and Akinlabi, categories B, C, D, and E employed a 4-point Likert rating battery that is entirely compatible (4), compatible (3), not compatible (2), and strongly disagree (1). (2019). The participants were asked to rate how much they agreed or disagreed with each statement. Data from the research tool's management was analyzed in accordance with each research question and hypothesis. The survey questions were answered using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages. To evaluate concepts, the Friedman Test was utilised. All research analyses were carried out using SPSS for Windows (my computer-based statistical application). The rule of thumb is that at a significance level of 0.05, it refuses to give the impression of a test that is more than 5% (0.05) significant and decides that it is statistically significant. If the probability ratio is more than 0.05, we accept the result and conclude that not all values are statistically significant.

Presentation and Interpretation of Results

All 400 questions were correctly completed and returned out of a total of 400. The return on investment is (100 percent). As a consequence, the analysis is based on responses from 400 employees of the Production results analysis and interpretation is offered in three stages: statistical data analysis, research question analysis, and hypothetical assessments.

According to the data in Table 1, manufacturing firms employ more males (60.3 percent) than women. Employees under the age of 30 make up the majority of the workforce (51 percent). Part-time employees are employed by the company (50.5). The bulk of these employees have certificates, with 10 (38.5%) and 12 (37.5%) respectively.

Table 1
Characteristics Of The Respondents
SN Variables Frequency Percentage
1 Gender    
  Male 241 60.3
  Female 159 39.8
  Total 400 100
2 Age    
  Below 30 years 204 51.0
  31 - 40 yrs 92 23.0
  41 - 50 yrs 94 23.5
  Above 50 yrs 10 2.5
  Total 400 100
3 Education    
  10th 154 38.5
  12th 150 37.5
  Graduation 89 22.3
  Postgraduate 7 1.8
  Total 400 100
4 Job Status    
  Senior Staff 48 12.0
  Junior Staff 150 37.5
  Casual Staff 202 50.5
  Total 400 100

In Table 2, the results of the different forms of incentives utilised by manufacturing enterprises are studied and reported. The terms of each variable represent the company's strategies. Employees have been proven to dislike receiving presents in exchange for putting in extra effort at work. This signifies that the company does not use incentives. Furthermore, workers do not "admit" that they are adequately compensated, implying that the pay scale is unappealing. Respondents, on the other hand, believe that the sacks are in the bag and that the corporation is imposing fines. Employees are also extensively observed while on the job OTHER forms of promotional strategies, such as a pleasant work environment, promotions, grants, and training, are not used by the organisation. In a manufacturing organisation, key motivating approaches are employed to enforce close monitoring methods, penalties, and rapid pockets.

Table 2
Analysis Of The Motivational Techniques Adopted By Manufacturing Firms
SN Variable SA A D SD Remarks
5 I am normally given gift for extra efforts put in the job I do   8
6 My company pays me well 21
7 Any staff who does not perform risks immediate sack 252
8 My head normally penalizes me any time I do not do things right 44
0 Agree
9 Promotions are normally given based on the level services within a number of years 0 47
10 I have attended seminar sponsored by the company for my training 0 22
11 My company normally encourages us to further education 0 51
12 Working environment is friendly 0 9
13 I normally receive allowance for special duties and overtime on the Job 2
14 My activities in the company is closely monitored 184
0 Agree
  Friedman Test Statistics
Chi-Square = 2419.647
Df = 9
Asymp. Sig. =0.000

The Friedman test yielded a score of 2419.647 (P0.05). The choice principle is that we reject the vain hypothesis if the calculated value (the square of Chi) is less than the set value threshold (5%) and the calculated value acceptance is greater than 5 percent. We reject superstition and argue that manufacturing businesses' promotion techniques do not lead to considerable retention because the value level (opportunities) is less than 5% of the value.

Table 3 examines employee responses to incentive strategies acquired from Selected firm. According to the findings, the bulk of respondents (97 percent of employees) are unmotivated to work for the organisation. Employees, on the other hand, have a strong desire to leave the organisation (79.5 percent). The Friedman test yields 330,000 (P0.05). When calculating the worth of value, the rule of thumb is to reject the vain hypothesis (Chi-square value) is less than the set value level (5%) and the calculated value's acceptance is more than 5%. We reject the vanity hypothesis and conclude that employees are reacting significantly to the company's incentive programmes since the value level (opportunity) is less than the 5% value threshold Samuel & Timmaraju, (2015).

Table 3
Analysis Of The Employee Responses To Motivational Techniques Adopted By Manufacturing Firm.
SN Variable SA A D SD Remarks
1 I am normally motivated to work for the company 0 12
0 Disagree
2 I feel the urge to remain with the Company 0 82
0 Disagree
  Friedman Test Statistics
Chi-Square = 330.000
Df = 9
Asymp. Sig. = .000

Table 4 examines the factors that impede the success of employee incentives in manufacturing organizations. The findings reveal that the company's incentive plan does not allow employees to meet their needs. Furthermore, the organisation offers little employment security. Otherwise, the corporation does not value its employees' efforts Kilby & McCabe (2008). The Friedman test yields 468.507 (P0.05). The choice principle is that we reject the vain hypothesis if the calculated value (the square of Chi) is less than the set value threshold (5%) and the calculated value acceptance is greater than 5 percent Pettigrew et al. (1988). We reject superstition and find that there are key obstacles impeding the achievement of employee motivation in the organisation because the value level (opportunity) is less than 5%.

Table 4
Analysis Of The Factors Hindering The Success Of Employee’s Motivation In Manufacturing
SN Variable SA A D SD Remarks
1 The motivation from the company help me to meet my needs 0 3
0 Disagree
2 There is job security in the Company 0 5
3 The company do appreciate me in my job 0 6
  Friedman Test Statistics
Chi-Square = 468.507
Df = 2
Asymp. Sig. = .000

The impact of staff productivity-boosting tactics in the Selected Company is examined and given in Table 5 above. Employees perform their best within the conditions, according to research. This suggests that using coercion as a motivational tool has an effect on employee productivity. The Friedman test yielded a value of 281.042 (P0.05). The choice principle is that we reject the vain hypothesis if the calculated value (the square of Chi) is less than the set value threshold (5%) and the calculated value acceptance is greater than 5 percent. We reject the vain hypothesis since the value level (opportunity) is less than 5%. We conclude that the motivating strategy supplied to employees leads to greater performance and productivity.

Table 5
Analysis Of The Effect Motivation On Employee Productivity In Manufacturing Firms
SN Variable SA A D SD Remarks
1 The way the company does its management makes me to put in by
best always
  Friedman Test Statistics
Chi-Square = 281.042
Df = 1
Asymp. Sig. = .000


According to research, the pay paid to junior workers in the company were substantially lower, and factory workers did not have the wrong enthusiasm, which explains their low productivity.

1. Financial pay is preferred by the company's younger employees over non-financial benefits.


1. The government should create an employment policy and circumstances for private sector services similar to those provided in the public sector. These measures should strive to reduce inhumane treatment of low-wage workers in the private sector.

2. Institutions in the private sector should also be encouraged to utilise incentive schemes to comply with best practises. Many solid ideas, according to the study, will deliver more product to the company than the ones now in use.

3. More research is needed to see if the incentive technique used by manufacturing companies is typical in the private sector. The reasons for the adoption of methods to penalise manufacturing enterprises should also be investigated.


As a result of his findings, the researcher concluded that the impact of motivation on worker productivity is critical for the company. Managers of manufacturing organizations should make every effort to adopt positive and encouraging techniques to boost staff productivity in production and operation in order to meet the present volatility nature of business practises. Finally, manufacturing firm executives should identify the effect, causes, and challenges related with motivation in order to find new ways to improve their company's product. Simultaneously, in order for employees to be motivated, managers must have good quality and personal benefits that will enable them to discover and exploit the things that motivate their people.


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Received: 26-May-2022, Manuscript No. AMSJ-22-12081; Editor assigned: 30-May-2022, PreQC No. AMSJ-22-12081(PQ); Reviewed: 13-Jun-2022, QC No. AMSJ-22-12081; Revised: 20-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. AMSJ-22-12081(R); Published: 27-Jun-2022

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