Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Review Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 6S

Mapping Analysis of Potential Tourism Products in Mandeh Integrated Tourism Region-Indonesia

Zefnihan, Universitas Negeri Padang

Bustari Muchtar, Universitas Negeri Padang

Susi Evanita, Universitas Negeri Padang

Hasdi Aimon, Universitas Negeri Padang

Zul Azhar, Universitas Negeri Padang

Zikri Alhadi, Universitas Negeri Padang


Tourism, Development, Potential, Mandeh


 As one of the natural tourism destinations in Western Indonesia, the Mandeh region in Pesisir Selatan Regency has a high potential to be developed into superior tourism in Indonesia and internationally. The beautiful landscape blend between islands, beaches, and hills are only owned by the Mandeh region. For the Mandeh region to have a positive impact on all stakeholders, a study is needed that can explore the potential of available tourism products in the region. Thus, this research was conducted to describe the mapping of tourism product potential based on the Respondent's Achievement Level (TCR) from questionnaire collection to tourists at the Mandeh region. A variety of tourism products analyzed in this mapping research include nature tourism, homestay, special interest tourism, boat tourism, culinary, and souvenirs. From the results of this research, an overview of the tourism product mapping in the Mandeh region is obtained which is useful as a basis for development to the next stage.



Tourists recognize that mass tourism has an impact on the inconvenience of enjoying the natural beauty and boredom in enjoying accommodations that are considered exclusive and luxurious, so there are special interest tourism activities such as marine tourism, religious tourism, including ecotourism, each of which has its motives for enjoying it (Weaver, 2002; Wearing & Neil, 2009; Munaf et al., 2020). This development refers to global tourism which tends to lead to natural tourism activities with fewer tourists, than the previous mass tourism activities, and more prioritizing the active interaction of tourists with tourism objects including the surrounding community. Saarinen (2003); Higham (2005) explains, tourists tend to travel no longer as mass tourism, but as a small group that has a motive for making an adventure by visiting tourist destinations that are relatively not much disturbed by physical and technological changes in the arrangement, including the people who are still relatively traditional in behaving. Furthermore, in research Hassan (2012) added this activity is widely known as a special interest tourism activity, in this case, ecotourism and integrated tourism.

Policy directions in tourism development include tourist attractions that include natural attractions, cultural tourism, artificial tourism, or events in tourist destinations (Vetrova et al., 2018; Yomi et al., 2019). A tourist attraction is built based on the principle of upholding religious and cultural values, as well as a balance between efforts to develop attraction management to create attraction quality, competitive tourism, and developing conservation efforts to preserve the sustainability of resources that drive the growth of tourism destination areas (Saarinen, 2006). Furthermore, Spalding & Parrett (2019) added that the development of tourist attractions in the coastal areas will focus more on the activities of tourism products offered.

Development policies related to safeguarding coastal tourism direct its development as a tourist destination which in the long run plays a national scale (Pham, 2020). This supports the importance of positioning coastal tourism areas as a single development space that will locally and nationally play a role in the development of the region and the preservation of the environment, both physical and socio-cultural through linkages and integration of tourism products. On this basis, the researcher analyzed the mapping of Mandeh region tourism products in Pesisir Selatan Regency in West Sumatra Province - Indonesia.


The scope of "The Mandeh Region Tourism Product Mapping Studies in Pesisir Selatan Regency" includes all Mandeh region tourism products. The tourism products mapped are 1) Nature Tourism (NT) with indicators consisting of types: beauty, comfort, and satisfaction felt by visitors; 2) Home Stay (HS) with indicators consisting of types: each room, standardization of rooms, and facilities owned; 3) Special Tours (ST) with indicators consisting of types: equipment available, standard equipment, and quality of equipment owned; 4) Tourist Boat (TB) indicators consisting of boat types: boat size, and standard security equipment used in boats; 5) Culinary (CL) the indicators consisting of types: standards price, and standards taste, f) Souvenir (SV), the indicators consisting of; types of souvenirs, quality, and standard prices. The tourist products mapping model by using the TCR analysis so that it can be known the indicator category of each tourism product. The formula is used to calculate the level of TCR categories for each tourism product (Sujana, 2005).

TRC= RS/n x 100 %


TCR= Respondent's achievement level

RS=Respondents' answer score average

n=Answer score value

Meanwhile, the population of tourists toward the tourism product Mandeh region is not known for certain, so this research is non-parametric. Due to this study is non-parametric; the sample is set at a minimum of 59 respondents (Mandeh region tourism guide). Meanwhile for categorization TCR measurements are used standard as the following:

VG=Very good


GE=Good enough

L=Less Note:

VL=Very Less

Average=Respondent answers average

TCR=Respondent's achievement level


Respondent TCR according to Sujana (2005) as follows:

90-100%=Very good


65-79%=Good enough


0-54%=Very less


TCR for NT

The tourism product mapping results in the NT categories in the Mandeh region can be seen from the results of the following analysis in Table 1 below.

Table 1
The NT in Mandeh Region
No Description Average TCR Cat
NT1 Natural beauty 4.55 90.98 SB
NT2 Safety and comfort 3.83 76.64 CB
NT3 Satisfaction 4.28 85.56 B
NT4 Infrastructure 3.67 73.49 CB
Average 4.08 81.67 B

Mandeh tourism region has a natural tourism object that is highly coveted for mapping based on the existence indicators of natural tourism products. Based on the observation results, NT of Mandeh region from the visitor respondents had varying levels of TCR. For natural beauty and visitor satisfaction, it turns out that the level of achievement of respondents is 90.98% means that it has a very good category. Natural tourism is related to its natural beauty and based on the indicators of visitor satisfaction is in a good category. It is caused by the nature of the Mandeh tourism region is very charming, interesting and has not been polluted by the environment.

In conclusion, the natural beauty makes visitors satisfied and happy, whereas security and infrastructure indicators need to fix it because the visitor's responses are quite a good category. This means that it is necessary to improve infrastructure, such as the road, public transportation facilities, toilet facilities, mushola, parking lot in Mandeh tourism areas. Besides that, it is related to the visitor’s safety and convenience. It should be free of thuggery, illegal parking, and muggings and save from landslides, floods, and tsunami issues. Thus the natural tourism product with a mean score of 4.08 means that the natural tourism object of the Mandeh region has a TCR value of 81.67% and this is in a good category. For that reason, in the future planning for mapping the natural tourism area of Mandeh tourism which is environmentally sound, it is necessary for the Government of Pesisir Selatan Regency to improve, develop the infrastructure, maintain the security and visitors’ convenience so that the visitors' satisfaction for enjoying the NT of the Mandeh region.

TCR for HS

Results of tourism product mapping on HS categories at Mandeh region can be seen from the following analysis results in Table 2 below.

Table 2
The HS in Mandeh Region
No Description Average TCR Cat
HS1 View 4.21 84.29 B
HS2 Standard room 4.02 80.34 B
HS3 Amenities 3.72 74.44 CB
HS4 Safety and comfort 4.00 80.07 B
Average 4.08 3.99 CB

Mandeh tourist region has several HS in each tourist location. Existing HS can be seen from the view, standard rooms, facilities, security and convenience at the homestay, then the results of the respondents' responses are average 3.99 or TCR 79.78% which means that HS visitors give answers in fairly good categories.

For mapping tourist products related to this HS, the facility needs to be fixed and improved. Although the safety and convenience of homestay visitors, the standard HS rooms and views are very beautiful because having a view on the HS varies between the sea, hills and local settlement needs to be maintained with an environmental perspective. Whereas for the safety and convenience of visitors staying at the HS there must be guarantees from the owner and the community and the government, so that the luggage in the HS is secure and is safe from disaster.

TCR for ST

Results of tourism product mapping on ST categories at Mandeh region can be seen from the following analysis results in Table 3 below.

Table 3
The ST in Mandeh Region
No Description Average TCR Cat
ST1 Equipment 3.92 78.37 CB
ST2 Standard tools 3.55 71.02 CB
ST3 Tool type 3.63 72.64 CB
ST4 Size 3.84 76.85 CB
ST5 Management 3.99 79.80 CB
ST6 Access 3.73 74.58 CB
ST7 Uniqueness 3.74 74.85 CB
Average 3.77 75.44 CB

The ST from the results shows in the good category, which means that it is still far from what is expected by special interest tourism visitors. For future planning of special interest tourism product mapping starts from the equipment, tool standards, type of equipment, tool size, management, access and uniqueness of the tool needs to be fixed and improved. For example, standard equipment must have a standard size for foreigners who are tall and bigger, because it is not the same as the Asian people standard. The respondents' answers in all indicators of the category are quite good because the TCR is only 76.85 as well as other indicators.

TCR for BT

Results of tourism product mapping in BT categories on the Mandeh region can be seen from the following analysis results in Table 4 below.

Table 4
The BT in Mandeh Region
No Description Average TCR Cat
BT1 Facilities and Equipment 3.91 78.23 CB
BT2 Management 3.76 75.19 CB
Average 3.84 76.71 CB

Mapping of tourism products related to BT from the answers of respondents to the average rating of good categories with TCR 76.71%. This means that boat tourism seen from facilities and equipment is still inadequate and management must be improved. Facilities and equipment must be mapped out how the use of the equipment has adequate standard size, but the condition of the boat is still suitable for use or guarantees the visitors convenience. For that Mandeh region, the tour boat needs to be mapped as a tourism product that will be the spearhead for sale to the public around the beauty of the Mandeh tourist region.


Results of tourism product mapping on CUL categories at Mandeh region can be seen from the following analysis results in Table 5 below.

Table 5
The CUL in Mandeh Region
No Description Average TCR Cat
CUL1 Culinary Type 3.91 78.10 CB
CUL2 Culinary Prices 3.85 76.95 CB
CUL3 Taste 3.97 79.46 CB
Average 3.91 78.17 CB

The CUL as a tourism product in the Mandeh region needs to be mapped, because of the special characteristics of CUL products, determinants and handicrafts and taste images for visitors as they travel from leisure or recreation. For that, the mapping of culinary tourism products is different from other products because it has a special value that can be sold to the public.

The results of field observations from respondents' answers stated that the average response of respondents 3.91 with a 78.17% TCR in the new category is also quite good. This means that there is still much to be improved and fixed to map the culinary products known to the world. This means starts from the CUL type of traditional cuisine food in the Mandeh tourist region, international tastes and culinary types of traditional Minang cuisine. The CUL prices are affordable for visitors and standardize satisfies the taste of foreign visitors, not the local community. So that culinary is free from the anxiety of visitors to eat it because there is halal, health and are environmentally sound.


The tourism product mapping category of SOV in Mandeh region can be seen from the following analysis results in Table 6 below.

Table 6
The SOV in Mandeh Region
No Description Average TCR Cat
SOV1 Types of souvenirs 3.44 68.88 CB
SOV2 Souvenir prices 3.63 72.68 CB
SOV3 Souvenir production 3.46 69.29 CB
Average 3.51 70.28 CB

The SOV based on the type of souvenir, prices and products from the respondent's answers show below the average answers of respondents 3.51 with TCR 70.28 in the category of good, almost the same as CUL. For the mapping of souvenirs in the development planning of tourism products in the Mandeh region must specific from the area. SOV prices that can be affordable, safe and can be freely carried by sea or air.

Mandeh region tourism products have advantages in several aspects, namely, specific natural beauty that is not owned by other areas on the Coast of Sumatra Island which are a combination of islands, beaches and hills. In addition, the Mandeh region also has the potential for traditional seafood-based tourism products on the coast of West Sumatra.


The strength of tourism products in the Mandeh region has a high attractiveness, especially in the aspect of natural beauty that is still natural, and tourists can enjoy in one visit for all tourism products in the Mandeh region. However, it still has weaknesses in terms of suggestions and supporting infrastructure for the perfection of a tourist region. The opportunities for tourism products in the Mandeh region are the high interest of tourists visiting West Sumatra and the high interest of investors to develop tourism products in the Mandeh region. However, there are threats that must be faced, namely: the changing priorities of the central government in tourism development in the Mandeh region and the competitive rivals of the Mandeh region from other locations that are more prepared in management and lack of awareness of environmental conservation in the Mandeh region. The results of the mapping analysis of Mandeh region tourism products are as follows: First, NT gets a Good category with an average TCR of 81.67. Secondly, the HS gets a Good enough categories with an average TCR of 79.78. Third, ST gets the category of Good Enough with an average TCR of 75.44. Fourth, the BT gets the category of Good enough with an average TCR of 76.71. Fifth, CUL gets the good enough categories with an average TCR of 78.17. And sixth, the SOV gets the Good enough categories with an average TCR of 70.28.


The author says with a big thank you to the Government of Pesisir Selatan Regency – Indonesia who has appointed me as the team leader and provided assistance in the research preparation document of Mandeh region tourism information.


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