Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)

Research Article: 2023 Vol: 26 Issue: 2S

Legal Activity of Youth as a Determinant of Sustainable Society Development

Vasyl Kostytskyi V, Kyiv University

Citation Information: Kostytskyi, V.V. (2023). Legal activity of youth as a determinant of sustainable society development. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 26(S2), 1-14.


Relevance of Research: Globalization processes are giving rise to radical changes that can lead both to the further evolution of humanity and to the negative consequences that the concept of sustainable development aims to prevent and overcome. Successful implementation of 17 goals of sustainable development directly depends on the willingness of participants in public life to profess its values and act in accordance with them. Such readiness is covered by the concept of legal activity, which ensures the inclusion of the social subject in the legal life of the state and forms the state and legal reality. Particular attention is paid to the legal activity of young people, whose creative potential is able to offer new approaches to solving problems of ensuring sustainable development of society. Therefore, the study of the category of "legal activity" of young people is relevant, of practical interest and requires scientific consideration. The Purpose of the Article: The purpose of the article is to conduct a scientific and methodological analysis of the legal activity of young people, which will relook at its nature and clarify its role in the lives of young people and the impact on sustainable development of society. Research Methods: In accordance with the purpose and objectives of this study were used general and special scientific methods of cognition of social phenomena and processes. Among the general scientific methods were the methods of logical-semantic and terminological analysis, anthropological, system-structural, causal-functional, complementary approach, morphological analysis, interdisciplinary approach, anthropological, sociological data analysis, praxeological, content-scientific method and special method interpretation of law. Research Results: The article presents the results of the study of the concept of legal activity as a theoretical and legal category; revealed its general features that are typical of legal activity as a type of social activity, and specific features that are unique to legal activity, which reflects the place of the subject in the state and legal reality; the key points of the legal activity of young people, which is a separate socio-demographic group, have been identified, which has only its own characteristics; the importance of legal activity of youth for ensuring sustainable development of society is analysed. Practical Significance: The materials of the article are of practical value for scientists studying the axiological and praxeological components of human life in various spheres of public life, for practitioners directly involved in youth policy, for teachers in teaching and educating future citizens of Ukraine, as well as for all stakeholders.


Activity, Social Activity, Legal Activity, Sustainable Development, Youth, Legal Culture, Legal Position, Legal Values, Legal Orientations.


Globalization processes are causing radical changes that can lead to further evolution of humanity, and to protracted (Covid-19 pandemic, geopolitical conflicts), and sometimes irreversible (extinction of flora and fauna, incurable physiological and mental diseases) negative consequences. Such changes are the result of shifting the emphasis of human life from the spiritual to the consumer level, and thus human negligence in the management of economic resources and a kind of indifference to what will happen next.

The aim of the study is to conduct a scientific and methodological analysis of the legal activity of young people, which will re-look at its nature and find out the role it plays in youth and how it can affect the sustainable development of society.

To achieve this goal, we will conduct research in three stages, each of which will correspond to a separate task. In the first we clarify the concept of legal activity, its general features that are typical of legal activity as a type of social activity, and specific features that are unique to legal activity, which reflects the subject's place in state and legal reality. In the second stage, we will focus on the key points of legal activity of young people, which is a separate socio-demographic group that has only its own characteristics. And at the third stage we will analyze the importance of legal activity of young people to ensure sustainable development of society.

Literature Review

Scientific interest in the study of the category of "Legal activity" emerged in the 70s of the twentieth century. It was then that the Ukrainian theorist of law Orzikh (1975) put forward the idea of the need to distinguish in the structure of social activity a separate category of "Legal activity" and explore it. And a few years later his student Oborotov (1979) in his dissertation proposed to define legal activity as a process of formation and manifestation of legal characteristics of the individual, determined by the state and legal reality of society and personal needs. This was a very bold step by Ukrainian scholars, because until 1991 all scientific literature was permeated with references to program documents and ideological works of the communist regime, scientific pluralism was not allowed and every development was severely censored. It was allowed to speak of man as a person only as a Soviet citizen committed to the ideals of socialist reality. After these two scientific researches, unfortunately, there were no separate works of dissertation or monograph scale in the Ukrainian legal literature.

Only a quarter of a century later, the Ukrainian scientific "Renaissance" of this problem took place and the world saw dissertation research, scientific articles and abstracts on legal activity. They have radically changed the approaches to the study of this category. The analysis of the scientific literature gives grounds to single out at least three of them: 1) legal activity is defined as the process of formation and manifestation of legal characteristics of a person (Oborotov, 1979; Mozolyuk-Bodnar, 2017); 2) legal activity is defined through the categories of "Legal activity" or "Legal behavior" (Goncharuk, 2016; Panchyshyn, 2016; Sviridenko, 2017); 3) legal activity is considered as an external expression, an indicator of legal education and legal culture (Kulbach, 2008; Razmetaeva, 2013; Mikhaylina, 2017), a criterion of legal life (Kucipak, 2010). In addition, the authors highlighted various aspects of this phenomenon, properties, structure, species, and so on.

A separate group of scientific literature consists of works that reveal the role of legal activity in the legal life of Ukrainian society. In particular, the importance of legal activity of the individual for the evolution of Ukrainian statehood (Minchenko, 2009), to ensure the effectiveness of legal regulation (Yemelyanenko, 2013) and law and order (Zhilik, 2013), to build a civilized and developed civil society (Onishchenko, 2014).

The next group includes works devoted to the study of various aspects of the manifestation of legal activity of young people. In particular, the psychological aspects of youth policy and legal activity in the conditions of transformation of Ukrainian society, which it underwent after the Orange Revolution of 2004 and the Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014 (Duhnevich, 2016), psychological model and content of cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of legal activities of student youth (Moskalyova & Chubko, 2017), pedagogical aspects of the formation of legal activity of students (Koval, 2015) development of legal awareness of young people to ensure the formation of their active life-affirming mentality: transformation of consciousness and culture of legal behavior (Fedorchenko et al., 2017).

Among foreign publications, there are no special studies on the legal activity of young people. They all address different aspects of youth participation in sustainable development processes. Yes, Adelman & Yalda (2000) addressed the need for anthropologists and sociologists to develop youth policy and involve young people in public life. Swedish researchers (Ohman, 2008) also shared their experience in translating values of values and democracy into educational processes for sustainable development.

Interesting is the experience of implementing Dutch youth projects in addressing global challenges, which, despite its success, requires research on youth mentality and motivation of young people to participate in policy processes and practices (Van-Keulen et al., 2009). As for the situation in Latin America, the political participation of young people, especially from marginalized groups, is also of scientific interest. There, the specifics of young people's involvement in political processes and the formation of their civic experience directly depend on their legal status (Terriquez, 2017). Otamuratov (2021) shares his vision of the role of Uzbek youth in ensuring a stable social structure of society and points to the need to improve public policy on socio-economic security of young people and improve their knowledge about the organization of their lives OF particular note is the work of Ferrer-Estevez & Chalmeta (2021), in which they conducted a bibliographic review of 160 scientific publications on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in education and were published in scientometric databases Web of Science and Scopus since 2015, and combined them according to 6 research criteria.


Given the purpose and objectives of this study were used general and special scientific methods of cognition of social phenomena and processes. Among the general scientific methods were the methods of logical-semantic and terminological analysis, anthropological, systemstructural, causal-functional, complementary approach, morphological analysis, interdisciplinary approach, anthropological, sociological data analysis, praxeological, content-scientific method, and special method interpretation of law.

In particular, the logical-semantic method was used to determine the stages of research and keywords that will help readers assess the importance of the information provided by certain criteria. The method of terminological analysis allowed to reveal the concept of "legal activity", as well as its place in the conceptual and categorical apparatus of legal theory and show the relationship between it and other legal categories (Legal behavior, Legal position, Legal culture, Legal values, etc.).

The method of interdisciplinary approach was used to clarify legal activity. It is well known that human life takes place on three levels - biological, spiritual and social, and therefore the disclosure of the essence of legal activity requires the involvement of knowledge from other sciences - philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy and more.

The application of the anthropological method to the study of legal activity of youth was useful for understanding it as a socio-legal phenomenon due to human nature, and the method of analysis of sociological data from a sample survey revealed the main indicators of different activities of Ukrainian youth.

The system-structural method was used to show the place of legal activity in the system Man-state-legal reality, especially the interaction and interdependence of such legal phenomena as Legal status of the subject and Legal activity, Legal activity as internal, subjective property of the subject and Legal behavior and legal activity as an external, objective property of the subject. The causal-functional method has determined the influence of youth as a social, political and legal entity to ensure sustainable development of society and the state.

The method of complementary approach revealed the need for institutional changes that involve the transformation of social institutions such as education, politics, economics, religion, law, which will contribute to the creation of political and legal, political and religious, or economic and legal space as complementary social institutions. The functioning of various complementary institutions allows students to study the dynamic aspects of public life and will have a comprehensive impact on the formation of legal culture, which will contribute to the achievement of the CSB.

The method of morphological analysis allows us to assess the institutional environment in which youth policy is implemented, identify factors of low youth activity and suggest the main areas in which the process of forming and improving the legal culture of not only youth but society as a whole.

The application of the praxeological method allowed showing the relationship of objective and subjective factors that contribute to the manifestation of legal activity of young people. The method of content analysis allowed us to form a holistic view of the problem of studying the legal activity of young people and obtain data to find effective ways to solve it.

The method of interpretation of law was used in the analysis of national legal material relating to youth as a subject of law and legal support for youth policy in Ukraine.


Legal Activity as a Legal Category

Legal activity belongs to those legal categories that do not have a single approach to understanding their essence. This scientific category is collective and includes concepts such as "Activity" and "Law", which are also ambiguous. So let's try to briefly analyze each of them.

Activity is the motivating force of all living beings, which ensures their interaction with the environment throughout life to meet the needs of their body. If the motivating force is an internal manifestation of activity, as it indicates only the readiness of a living organism to act, to do something, the interaction of living beings with the environment is an external manifestation of activity and shows that we are already acting, doing something (Figure 1). These two manifestations of activity are so interrelated that they give some researchers reason to define activity through behavior or activity and thus identify these concepts.

Figure 1 The Mechanism of Formation and Manifestation of Activity

The source of activity are the needs, which means the state of man, which shows his dependence on specific benefits that he lacks, and the desire to own them. It is the lack of these benefits that will cause the psychological motivating state that forces a person to set a goal and achieve its realization. Among the huge variety of human needs, there are three main groups that correspond to one of the three levels of life-physiological, psychological or social. At the physiological level, man has natural needs (physical, primary, living & primitive), which are determined by its biological nature. These are food, breathing, sleep, security, sex, and so on. Physiological activity is manifested in humans, as in animals, at the level of instincts in the form of instinctive acts. In psychology, it is also called primitive or impulsive activity, which can take the form of consumption and service (Above, 2004). The needs of the psychological level are the needs that provide mental comfort and balance. These include the need for interpersonal communication and the ability to isolate oneself from contacts, the need for a balance between negative and positive impressions, the need for friendship, love and satisfaction of other similar emotions (Korsak & Plakhotnik, 2009). The needs of the social level include the needs that arise in the process of human interaction, are determined by experience and aimed at achieving life goals (property, government, entrepreneurship, etc.).

At each level of life, activity acquires new properties, and a person receives the definition of "Individual" (biological level) or "Personality" (psychological or social level). The key problem of personality activity is the problem of its subjective response to the influence of the bio-social environment (Trofimov, 1999). In terms of the topic of our study, of particular interest is the social activity of the individual, which is characterized by a number of features.

First, the social nature of the activity. In this context, sociality is seen as a property that 1) is unique to man and human communities; 2) are the result of human socialization and its inclusion in public life; 3) externally reflects the content and nature of interaction between different social actors. We assume that this gives grounds for some researchers to claim that society (sociality) is a product of social activity of people (Ryzhova, 2011).

Secondly, the source of social activity continues to be needs, but needs of the social level. They are also called social, derivative, cultural. Without going into a careful analysis of the essence of social needs, which is given considerable attention in the scientific literature (Rudnytsky, 2012), we only note that social needs are needs that individuals, social groups or social communities can meet only in social interaction. They are the basis of their motivational sphere.

Third, the individual's response continues to be manifested in his willingness to act (internal aspect), which distinguishes him from related scientific categories of "Behavior" and "Activity", which characterize only the external manifestation of this internal willingness to act. This means that the external manifestation of activity will always contain internal readiness, while internal readiness may not be embodied in the real actions of the individual. In this case, we will be dealing with "Unsubstantiated activity", when a person only declares to himself or others his readiness to act, but in the presence of favorable conditions does not embody it in his behavior or activities. Such "Unsubstantiated activity" is often found in various spheres of public life and may indicate certain deformations of the social consciousness of the individual.

Fourth, social activity is the basis of social interaction, which means interdependent social actions of social actors aimed at causing them the expected social behavior to meet certain social needs. Social interaction includes three interrelated processes-motivational (needs, interests), interactive (information exchange) and structuring (behavioral) (Turner, 1988).

Fifth, the willingness of the individual to perform certain social actions in the process of interaction with other social actors is closely related to the volitional trait. It is the will that consciously directs the activity of social actors to perform certain actions or refrain from them, allowing them to control their social behavior and social activities.

Sixth, the social activity of the individual is determined by his life position. Life position is a stable, internally conscious readiness of a person to certain actions, based on his worldview and life experience and reflects his attitude to other people, their formations and society as a whole. Therefore, it takes into account everything related to the life of modern man (lifestyle, lifestyle, meaning of life, life goals, life goals, life prospects, life strategies, life roles, life scenario, life plan, life choices) and its position (value, evaluation, values, values, worldviews, experiences, etc.) (Kachur et al., 2020). The life position of a person will have its own characteristics at each level of human life. Therefore, social position is based on a worldview that expresses a conscious attitude to the social environment, in which he defines himself as an individual or as a participant in certain social, communities or society in general, aware of his place and his social role in it. Social position is formed in the process of socialization, during which a person learns social norms, social values and social patterns of behavior, adapts and is included in public life. It is in the process of socialization that a person passes from the status of an individual to the status of an individual.

Thus, social activity can be defined as conditioned by social needs and social position, conscious readiness of the individual to act, which is manifested in the process of its interaction with other social actors.

Such specific properties of legal activity will be as follows: 1) legal activity will be manifested in the implementation and application of law (positive legal activity), as well as violation of the law (negative legal activity) (Oborotov, 1979); 2) legal activity will be carried out within the limits set by the provisions of legal norms and principles of law (the principle of justice, the principle of human centrism, the principle of the rule of law, etc.); 3) the subject of legal activity will be a subject of law, the legal personality of which will be clearly defined in the legal norms; 4) in addition to legal needs, which express the willingness of the subject of law to exercise, as a rule, subjective legal rights, the source of legal activity will be subjective legal obligations. In contrast to the rights that certify certain capabilities of the subject of law, the duties indicate his necessary behavior, which he performs not of his own volition, but by virtue of legal coercion. Although there are a number of responsibilities that legal entities in their worldview may perceive as needs. For example, the duty to protect the homeland, the duty to take care of children or one of the spouses, etc. 5) in legal interaction special importance is given to interactive processes, especially in the field of legal information to avoid the application of the presumption "Ignorance of the law does not release from responsibility", enshrined at the level of the Basic Law (Constitution of Ukraine, 1996); 6) legal activity is often considered in connection with other social phenomena and it is referred to as political and legal activity, economic and legal activity, social and legal activity and so on. This is natural, because all social phenomena are closely interconnected, complementary and concretize each other. Such interdependence of law and other social phenomena is considered as one of the state and legal laws that determine the subject of legal research.

Summarizing the above, we propose to define legal activity as due to the principles of law and the prescriptions of legal norms conscious willingness of the subject of law to commit legal acts (action or inaction) to obtain a legal result. Legal activity is a type of social activity, and therefore has its features as a generic concept, and acquires specific properties due to the peculiarities of legal regulation.

Legal Activity of Ukrainian Youth

One of the subjects of law is the youth, with whom any state or society has always connected and still connects the prospects of its development and future. Today there are at least four approaches to understanding youth as a socio-demographic group: psychophysiological (youth as a stage of human life), axiological (youth as a carrier of their own culture), subject object (youth as a subject and object of social life), futurological (youth as a relevant social future) (Murzina & Solodiuk, 2012) In addition, representatives of various scientific schools see their potential in youth: political scientists see it as an innovative resource for development, sociologists as a socio-cultural community, psychologists as a group with their own her psychophysical features of adulthood (Stupak, 2021).

The Ukrainian state also clearly understands that the answers to the challenges it faces are impossible without the active participation of the most promising part of society in terms of age Ukrainian youth (The President of Ukraine, 2021). This is evidenced by the regulations adopted during the last year, as well as annual reports to the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the situation of youth in Ukraine and annual polls, the results of which can be found on the official web portal and sports of Ukraine (United Nations Ukraine, 2017).

Normative documents clearly set the age limits of persons who will be granted the status of young people or young people. These are persons aged 14 to 35 who are citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons who are in Ukraine legally (Law of Ukraine, 2021). It should be noted that the initial draft of this normative legal act proposed to establish an upper age limit for young people of 29 years, while a young family was a family whose members do not exceed 35 years of age (Ministry of Economy Ukraine, 2019). However, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine did not support this proposal of the authors of the bill.

For example, let's take only three indicators, two of which will show respondents' awareness of the existence of local youth centers and youth advisory bodies, and the third their willingness to participate in training to improve political education. It should be noted that the data will be presented based on the results of a representative sociological survey of youth in Ukraine 2021, commissioned by the Ministry of Youth and Sports by 4 service holding (Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, 2021), which was attended by 2,000 respondents. Which are representative of the population of Ukraine aged 14 to 35 from 24 regions of Ukraine and Kyiv (except for the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol and the temporarily uncontrolled territory of Ukraine, where public authorities temporarily do not or are not full of their powers).

The results of the sociological survey in 2021 show that there is a certain dynamic regarding the point of awareness of respondents about the existence of youth centers in their settlements-47.5% in 2021 compared to 64.7% in 2017 (Table 1). However, the increase in awareness of such centers by 20%, as well as the increase in the number of such centers compared to 2017 did not contribute to the fact that young people, aware of their presence, expressed a burning desire, willingness to participate in their work.

Table 1 Comparison of Answers to the Question are you Aware of the Existence of a Youth Center in Your Locality
Answer Option 2017 2018 2019 2021
No, we don't have such a center 18.7 17.9 11.8 28.3
Yes, I know there is such a center, but I don't visit it 14.9 15.5 23.3 19.1
Yes, of course I also visit the youth center 1.7 1.5 9.9 5.3
I don't have such information/Difficult to answer 64.7 65.1 55.0 47.3

Table 1 Comparison of answers to the question "Are you aware of the existence of a youth center in your locality" (among all respondents, 2017-N=2000, 2018-N=2001, 2019- N=2000, 202-N=2000) %.

However, young people do not know about the existence of youth advisory bodies and their activities (63.0% in 2021), and the number of active members of such institutions compared to 2018 (0.5%) increased to 3.3% in 2019. However, in 2021 it fell again to 0.6% (Table 2).

Table 2 Comparison of Answers to the Question do you Know about the Existence of Youth Advisory Bodies in Ukraine and their Activities
Answer Option 2018 2019 2021
No, I don't know 64.6 37.4 63.0
I only know that such exist 23.4 25.7 22.1
Learn about their activities from the media 8.0 15.0 5.8
Now, I am not a member, but I used to take an active part 0.6 4.8 22.6
Sometimes I take an active part 0.8 7.4 22.1
I am an active member 0.5 3.3 0.6
Difficult to answer 2.1 6.4 3.8

The results of the survey on readiness to participate in education and training to increase the level of political education are also of some concern (Table 3). Political participation is one of the fullest indicators of political activity, which today is crucial in addressing the role of youth in government processes, the development of civil society and ensuring its sustainable development in general. Only 20.5% of respondents showed such readiness.

Table 3 Distribution of Answers to the Question Would you Take Part in Education, Training to Improve your Political Education?
Yes No Difficult to Answer All
20.5 63.4 16.1 100.0

Another disappointing indicator is the results of respondents' answers to questions that prevent them from being more active in public activities. Lack of interest in public actions (27.1%), lack of information about such opportunities (15.2%), along with lack of time to participate (24.1%) rather alarming indicator of indifference (14.9%), despair in the local institutions (12.4%) and in their own ability to change something (15.5%), waiting for proposals that can be equated to a certain passivity (13.9%), as well as translation of decisions, and thus responsibility on the shoulders of the state 7.5%) are of considerable concern (Table 4).

Table 4 Distribution of Answers to the Question what Prevents you from Participating more Actively in Community Activities?
Answer Option Among All
I am not interested in such actions 27.1
I work a lot, I don't have time 24.1
I don't believe that my participation can change anything 15.5
I don't know about the available options 15.2
no one invited/ asked/suggested me 13.9
where I live there are no organizations that I trust/shares that I support 12.4
I think that the state should take care of solving this problem 7.5
Nothing interferes 14.9
Difficult to answer 5.8
Other 1.3

At the same time, the largest percentage of respondents surveyed with higher education that he or she is satisfied with. Thus, in 2021, the majority of respondents are young people with a higher education-30.5%. There are more young men among those who have vocational education (24.2%), and women-among those who have completed higher education (34.2%) (Table 5).

Table 5 Distribution of Answers to the Question what Full Education did you Receive?
Answer Option Among all Young men Young women
Higher Education (universities of III-IV levels of accreditation) 30.5 26.9 34.2
Basic higher education (technical school, university of I-II levels of accreditation) 21.2 21.2 21.1
Vocational education (school, etc.) 20.6 24.2 16.9
Complete secondary education (11 classes, etc.) 15.1 15.4 14.8
Basic (incomplete) secondary education (full 9 classes) 8.3 7.9 8.6
Primary education (less than 9 classes) 2.8 2.7 2.8
Postgraduate or second higher education 1.4 1.3 1.5
Scientific degree (postgraduate, doctoral) 0.3 0.4 0.2

The level of youth satisfaction with their level of education remained unchanged during the three surveys; According to the results of the survey in 2021, more than half of the respondents are satisfied with their level of education (67.6%) (Table 6).

Table 6
Distribution of Answers to the Question are you Satisfied with the Level of your Education?
Answer Option 2018 2019 2021
Rather so than not 33.2 39.5 37.8
Yes, quite satisfied 32.1 30.7 29.8
Rather no than yes 19.4 18.4 16.9
No, not satisfied 9.6 8.4 7.6
Difficult to answer 5.7 3.2 8.0

Table 6 distributions of answers to the question "Are you satisfied with the level of your education?" % (Among all respondents, 2018-N=2000, 2018-N=2001, 2021-N=2000).

This gives grounds to talk about the deformation of social, and therefore political and legal consciousness in the category of the population, which is seen as the driving force of positive social change. Such passivity can lead to the manifestation of negative trends in the socio-political and state-legal life of the state. There is also a conclusion about the improper work of educational institutions in the field of civic and legal education.

This situation also gives grounds to claim that the proclamation of youth policy as a prerogative at the state and local levels is declarative. As history shows, declarations slow down any initiatives of state and regional significance. This state of affairs requires an urgent response from both the state and public institutions. After all, if Ukrainian youth shows such passivity in the state and legal space, their legal activity in ensuring the sustainable development of society can be nullified.

This guide is just one way to help. In general, properly organized work to improve the legal culture of young people will help to cope with this state of affairs. Legal culture is based on legal values. They provide the legal identification of objects recognized as benchmarking guidelines for sustainable development, and form the value and legal orientations of entities whose activities are aimed at fulfilling these tasks (Kachur, 2021). The main purpose of legal culture is the organization not only of the legal life of the subject, but of all human life. A high level of legal culture is always a high level of readiness of a person to consciously choose the line of his own legal behavior and thus enter into legal interaction with other members of society. Legal culture contributes to the formation of the legal position of the subject, allows him to outline legal goals and carry out legal activities. Therefore, legal culture must be nurtured in the same way as lifelong learning.

Legal Activity of Youth and Ensuring Sustainable Development of Society

The essence of the idea of sustainable development, expressed by the International Commission on the Environment, headed by Brundtland, in 1987 in the report "Our Common Future", is to ensure development that can meet the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Thus, the concept of needs and the concept of constraints have become key components of this concept.

All activities of people and social groups that they form to ensure the sustainable development of society are carried out in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution of 25.09.2015 "Transforming our world: The agenda for sustainable development until 2030", which includes 17 Goals sustainable development and 169 tasks (Resolution, 2015). At the same time, there is research on the ordering of indicators and related targets for 2030-2050 (Van-Vuuren et al., 2022).

However, let us return to Ukraine, where at the national level such a document is the National Report "Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine", which defined the basic indicators for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Its 86 national development objectives and 172 indicators for their monitoring are adapted to 17 global SDGs, taking into account the development of Ukraine. In parallel, work was carried out to determine the strategic objectives of the SDG for children and youth, which cover five strategic areas of their development: 1) each child lives and develops; 2) each child is studying; 3) every child is protected from violence and exploitation; 4) every child lives in a safe and clean environment; 5) every child has equal opportunities. These areas covered 31 tasks and, despite the fact that they concern only children and young people under 24, are designed to become a basis for the development of other documents in this area.

Analyzing the SDG as a whole, we conclude that only SDG 16 "Peace and Justice" is directly related to legal activity. These include combating violence, promoting the rule of law, equal access to justice, zero tolerance for bribery and corruption, access to information, and so on. In addition, it is possible to talk in part about belonging to the legal activity of SDG 4 "Quality Education" and SDG 5 "Gender Equality". However, other CRSs should not be neglected. After all, by meeting the physical needs of young people, we pave the way to meet their social needs, in particular to participate in the democratic life of society, which the preamble to the Revised Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life states: more than just voting, running in elections, although these are also important components. Participation and active citizenship means having the right, the means, the space, and the opportunities and, where necessary, the support to participate and influence decisionmaking, and it means participating in various activities and processes to build a better society (Desa, 2016).

However, in any case, we can talk about the effective participation of young people in ensuring the sustainable development of society only if they have a proper and high level of legal culture. A low level of legal culture can lead to a distortion of the legal consciousness of young people, and thus to a decrease in positive legal activity (lawful behavior) and to an increase in negative legal behavior (wrongful acts).

Therefore, the main task of the state and the whole civil society should be intensive work on the formation of a philosophy of sustainable development in the youth consciousness, starting from school and throughout life, involving young people in the system of legal and other values. Such work should be carried out in several areas, including education, information, education, cooperation with all civil society institutions. It should be remembered that the effectiveness of youth policy depends on the ability of different sectors of public life to combine efforts and direct them to achieve the SDG. If Ukrainian society manages to understand that global challenges are solved through an interdisciplinary (intersectoral) approach to solving them, then not only the legal activity of youth, but also any other type of social activity will be aimed at ensuring sustainable development of state and society.


To live in an age of globalization is always to face the challenges they pose. And it does not matter at what level we face them - domestic (unemployment, separatism, migration, weak social interaction) or international (Covid-19, armed conflict & terrorism). All that matters is how we deal with them and what we will leave for future generations. Therefore, the concept of sustainable development is considered by the world community as one of the ways to preserve humanity in the XXI century.

We are aware that the implementation of the CSB directly depends on the activity of social players, whether individuals or social entities. Of particular importance is the activity of young people, which is always seen as a socio-demographic group open to new changes and initiatives. Therefore, the topic of legal activity of young people is in demand. This interest was evidenced by a review of Ukrainian and foreign literature.

Regardless of the sphere of public life in which legal activity is manifested, the key word in its understanding is the word "Readiness". The main source of such readiness to act is the needs of the social subject, which in the presence of appropriate conditions can be transformed into interests, aspirations, motives and even form the basis of goal setting. Therefore, legal activity is due to the principles of law and the prescriptions of legal norms conscious willingness of the subject of law to commit legal acts (action or inaction) in order to obtain a legal result.

The legal activity of young people is of great importance for achieving the goal of sustainable development, as it reflects the willingness of young people to act towards this goal. But in order to achieve the CSR effectively, it is necessary not only to force young people to behave actively, but also to focus their efforts on ensuring that their activity goes beyond socalled personal consumption. Conducting opinion polls is not enough to find out the needs of young people. This requires at least two goals. The minimum goal is to ensure the implementation of the “I-concept” by young people in solving the tasks set by the CSB in the “Economy-environment-human” triad. The optimal and desirable goal is the maximum - to form in young people a conscious worldview concept of life "I-World", according to which it will act lawfully. But in both cases, such personal concepts must be based on legal values that determine the legal attitudes and legal position of the subject of law, forming a solid foundation of their legal culture.

The formation and constant improvement of the legal culture of young people should become a priority not only of the state, but also of every social subject. It can be the effective link that can link different levels of understanding of the concept of "Sustainable Development". Therefore, ensuring the implementation of the tasks outlined in the CSW should take place in parallel with such processes as legal education, legal information, legal education, and legal cooperation. Thus, the directions of work based on the axiological approach should include the future National Strategy for the Development of Legal Culture in Ukraine, the urgent need for the development and adoption of which is on the agenda as never before.


The materials of the article are of practical value for scientists studying the axiological and praxeological components of human life in various spheres of public life, for practitioners directly involved in the implementation of youth policy, for teachers in teaching and educating future citizens of Ukraine, and for all stakeholders.

The study showed that a separate study requires:

1. Legal values, values and legal attitudes, value and legal orientation and legal beliefs as factors that determine the internal readiness of the subject of law to act lawfully;

2. Legal behavior as a form of external manifestation of legal activity;

3. Legal education, which includes legal education, legal education and legal information, which allow preparing a person with a high level of legal culture.


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Received: 11-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JLERI-22-12320; Editor assigned: 14-Jul-2022, PreQC No. JLERI-22-12320(PQ); Reviewed: 25- Jul-2022, QC No. JLERI-22-12320; Revised: 25-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. JLERI-22-12320(R); Published: 02-Dec-2022

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