Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Print ISSN: 1098-8394; Online ISSN: 1528-2651)

Research Article: 2020 Vol: 23 Issue: 1

Justification of the Professional Image for the Development of the Educator's Professional Image

Anna Zaplatynska, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Tetiana Zavadska, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Halyna Oliinyk, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Roman Pavelkiv, Rivne State University of Humanities

Tetiana Panchenko, Communal Establishment of Higher Educational of Kyiv Regional Council the Humanities Pedagogical College of Bila Tserkva

Svitlana Sichkar, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Maryna Vasylieva-Khalatnykova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Citation Information: Zaplatynska, A., Zavadska, T., Oliinyk, H., Pavelkiv, R., Panchenko, T., Sichkar, S., & Vasylieva-Khalatnykova, M. (2020). Justification of the professional image for the development of the educator's professional image. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23(1).


The paper theoretically substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the development of the educator's professional image as a component of the entrepreneurship education model. The conducted analysis of the scientists' approaches to determining the components of the educator's professional image demonstrated that the structure of this formation is multicomponent. The following components of the educators professional image were identified during the research: appearance (clothes, shoes, accessories, hairstyle, makeup, gait, manners, etiquette); internal image (professional knowledge, skills and abilities, sphere of consciousness, value system, self-concept, reflection, intuition, health, critical thinking, personal qualities: responsibility, emotional stability, erudition, kindness, empathy); communicative component (verbal and non-verbal features of communication), as well as the possibility of their development in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education.


Entrepreneurship Education Model, Professional Image, Self-Concept, Development, Life Competence.

JEL Classifications

M5, Q2


Today, one of the most urgent areas of modernization of Ukraine's education system is integration into the European space. The end result in the implementation of started innovative transformations in the field of vocational training of our country's educators depends on the constructive solution to this problem. In this regard, the requirements for the personality of the educator and his image are growing significantly.

Development of the professional image of the modern educator should take place throughout his life, in particular in the system of postgraduate education, which has considerable but almost unfulfilled potential for solving this problem.

The professional image of the educator becomes the main resource providing high prestige and successful functioning of the education system in general and a specific educational institution in particular. The educator has always been and remains a key figure in the field of education, which is most closely linked to becoming a personality of the learner.

The success of the process of pedagogical interaction and creation of the positive image around him depends on the level of his professionalism, pedagogical skills, psychological literacy, pleasant appearance, vocabulary, gestures, looks and other factors.

The relevance of the study is compounded by the identified contradictions between:

• The need for society to introduce the new approaches to the development of person's image and the lack of appropriate scientific developments.

• The status of theoretical substantiation and educational and methodological support of the development process of the educator's professional image in higher education and dominance of the traditional system of pedagogical staff training.

• Significant opportunities for postgraduate education in the development of the modern educator's image and their use.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the pedagogical conditions for the development of the educator's professional image.

Review of Previous Studies

According to the psychological and pedagogical literary sources, an image is meant as a style and form of human behaviour, with predominantly external behaviour in society (Drobyazko et al., 2019a; Drobyazko et al., 2019b; Durmanov et al., 2019; Bodnarchuk et. al., 2019). Sometimes an image is called a set of meanings and impressions which provide people an idea about the object, they memorize it and begin to treat it in a certain way, or through which the object becomes known.

However, it is usually specified that the most often object of the image is a person, a group of people or a company. The set of definitions emphasizes that image encompasses not only the natural properties of the individual, but also specially designed, created and shaped ones (Hilorme et al., 2019).

Others emphasize that the image consists of objective characteristics of the object, in particular the person's image is based on the psychological type of personality, its correspondence to the demands of time and society (Chang-Kredl & Colannino, 2017).

Image is on par with such concepts as: popularity, rating, prestige, reputation, authority, etc. If practical psychology focuses on imageology, problems of social attraction, perception, self-monitoring, attribution, management by creating impressions from the outwardly attractive image of the object, etc., sociology of the image is interested in several other positions (Chorna et al., 2019).

First of all, it is important for the sociology of management how the image of the organization, social or professional group, as well as the image of their programs, goals, plans affect the quality of performance their functions by organizations, collectives, target groups, how much the image affects the status of a social object, which social mechanisms can be involved to create the adequate (not necessarily positive) image (Makovec, 2018).

Modern science of the image construction as a holistic image distinguishes the following types of image:

Habit Image (from lat. Habitus appearance): The principle of its construction: taking into account the features of the human's appearance, construction of his body, constitution, posture, appearance, face, clothing, hairstyle, gait. (Cheon, 2018) If it is difficult to manage the constitution it is easier to manage other sides of appearance. Yes, properly selected make-up will help to emphasize the relevance of the image, stimulate a positive image through association with exemplary (reference) social group in society. Clothing in the subconscious mind of others should be associated with the social group which has positive attitude from the society, and conversely, not associate with the group which has negative attitude. The image manifests itself in the ability to dress, neatness clothes and shoes.

Business Image: A person can be judged by those things, objects that he creates himself. An image is created in the business, professional image that meets expectations of the society: the best educator, manager, etc. (Tetiana et al., 2019).

Concerning the educator, scientists, in particular, distinguish individual, professional, personal-professional image.

The image of the activity is a reflexive-creative activity of the teacher, personal-professional image for the purpose of personal growth and professional self-improvement. Under the influence of image-making activity there is an intensive development of personal and professionally significant image characteristics of the teacher, his image position in the pedagogical process is formed (Malakhovskyi et al., 2019).

As already mentioned, it is extremely important for educator to develop their image, because they form the image for those they teach. The educator for pupils is a reference model.


A set of interrelated and interdependent methods was used to achieve the purpose and solve the problems of the research: theoretical-analysis and generalization of scientific literature to substantiate the pedagogical conditions of professional image development of the modern educator; empirical-observation, questioning, testing, method of expert assessments, pedagogical experiment in order to find out the status of the studied problem and to develop a model of the image development of the modern educator in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education.

Results and Discussion

Recent changes in education are raising the issue of educator competitiveness in the labor market. Successful solution of this problem is related to the improvement of educators training, their professional skill, and culture. The profession of the educator demands increased requirements for the person who master it. The specialist in the field of education is obliged to carry out continuous self-education throughout life, to acquire the skills to master the latest communication technologies; to be a unique, bright personality and strive for the realization of the human ideal, which is one of the necessary conditions for its successful activity.

The professional function of the educator involves the presence of leadership qualities of the person, the need to always be in the focus of their pupils, parents, public, in this regard, possession of communication skills, dialogue, and influence by words, ability to express opinions. Thus, the educator should always strive for perfection and harmony. That is why special attention is now given to development of the professional image of the educator.

Three components of the educator's professional image were distinguished in our study, based on the analysis of scientific sources and generalizations of scientists' opinions on the structure of personality image, and taking into account that the educator's professional image reflects significant from the standpoint of mass consciousness personality's traits, professional activity and communication, behaviour and appearance (Figure 1). They are:

Figure 1 Components of the Educator's Image (Author's Development)

• Appearance (cloth, shoes, accessories, hairstyle, makeup, gait, manners, etiquette).

• Internal image (professional knowledge, skills and abilities, sphere of consciousness, value system, self-concept, reflection, intuition, health, critical thinking, personal qualities).

• Communicative component (verbal and non-verbal communication features).

These components form stereotyped images at the level of everyday human consciousness-ideas about a modern educator. Let's consider the components of the educator's professional image in more detail.

The educator's appearance is a culture and technique of appearance care-ability to care for hair, to do hairstyles, to pick clothes and shoes, jewellery, accessories, perfumes; it is ability to care for the body (face, hands, and feet). It is only with the combination of these components forms the appearance which personifies the educator. The educator's appearance can create working or non-working mood in the lesson, promote or hinder understanding, facilitate or complicate pedagogical communication.

Requirements made to the educator's appearance (in particular, clothing and its colours, jewellery, hairstyles, makeup, etc.), help him to improve his professional image, to succeed.

The classic style of the educator's clothing evokes a sense of stability and respectability of the educational institution, demonstrates the level of its culture. In addition, it allows students, parents, colleagues to see, and most importantly, to hear the educator, not just to look at how he looks. Formal strictness, clear lines, convincing aesthetics provides importance to the educator's appearance; demonstrate his authority, dignity, confidence. The ideal form of clothing for the educator is that helps to focus pupils' attention not on the study of clothing features, but on the assimilation of material. Such clothing is a business suit.

No less important role in creating the educator's image is the culture of his behaviour. Since the culture of behaviour characterizes the educator as a person who meets social norms and requirements. For the educator, it is first and foremost a professional quality that shapes his image, and it is one of the means of educating pupils and an effective factor in creating a healthy working atmosphere in the initial process. One of the main components of professional culture and professional self-development of the lecturer is pedagogical ethics. Pedagogical ethics is understood as “the norms and rules of the in the educator's behaviour, which ensure the moral character of the pedagogical activity and relationships caused by the pedagogical activity; professional morality of the educator.

Ethics substantiates moral ideals, models of human relationships and ways of their implementation. Ethical ideals exist in the form of a system of norms, traditions, professional codes of ethics. They help to regulate the behaviour of people in society and among themselves, and within the framework of specific professional activities become effective means of assessing actions. Thus, the ethics of the lecturer is characterized by norms of morality, which he adopted for himself and they are manifested in his behaviour and professional activity. One of the most important moral requirements of pedagogical ethics is love to their pupils.

If the educator loves the students, then he perceives them as they are, with all their positive qualities and shortcomings, he understands them, empathizes, sympathizes and has a desire to help. Love is manifested at the level of the educator's moral relations to the pupils. These relationships are built on trust, respect, kindness, benevolence, responsiveness, humanity, tolerance, balance, endurance. The love to their students is the basis of the pedagogical optimism formation of the educator-belief in the ability, ability to see the best in the pupils, belief in their own capabilities and success of their business, professional duty, responsibility, pedagogical conscience, pedagogical justice and professional dedication.

The second component of the educator's professional image is internal image (professional knowledge, skills and abilities, sphere of consciousness, value system, self-concept, reflection, intuition, health, critical thinking, and personal qualities).

The inner image of the educator is an integral part of the pedagogical image, as ability to please and adjust to others is a necessary quality in professional and personal contacts, whereas the appearance is only a style due to the internal composition of the personality.

The inner image is, first and foremost, freedom and immediacy, the teacher's culture, emotionality, game of imagination, return way of setting and solving problems, associative vision, unexpected bright gaits in the scenario of the lesson, the inner mood for creativity, self-control in the conditions of publicity and many other components.

The positive "self-concept" of the educator can be traced through:

• Positive attitude to himself, positive self-esteem, self-respect, self-esteem; self-awareness that illuminates a person's knowledge about himself: "who am I?" The profession of the educator requires knowledge about himself not only as a person, but also as a teacher: "what kind of teacher, educator?", "Do I have ability to teach, work with children?" etc.;

• Behaviour that reconciles internal self-assessment with external actions.

Flexibility of pedagogical thinking is typical for a teacher with a positive "self-concept". It enables him/her to make the right decision in difficult situations, to respond quickly to changes in feelings, thinking, behaviour of students, to be confident in himself and to be satisfied with his own activity.

Extremely important for the formation of the inner image of the educator is pedagogical skills as a higher level of professionalism development result of pedagogical experience and creative self-development.

There are the following structural components of pedagogical skills: professional knowledge as the basis of mastery; professional and pedagogical technique; professional and pedagogical skills; humanistic orientation of pedagogical activity; professional and pedagogical abilities.

The educator's image depends on his life competence, because the educator is evaluated not only from the point of perfect knowledge of his subject, but also as a person who has reached the pinnacles of life's self-realization and he is a model in this respect.

Life competency is manifested in the ability to navigate social situations; ability to choose adequate and effective ways of solving life's problems; knowledge of their personal qualities, advantages and disadvantages; ability to self-improve and self-change; ability to understand and properly evaluate other people, establish with them adequate ways of communication, to show tolerance in relationships; ability to manage themselves and circumstances of their lives.

An important component of the educator's inner image is his health. External and internal attractiveness, active life, creativity and self-realization of the personality depends on it.

One of the important components of the communicative component of the educator's image is the culture of communication, in particular lexical (use of synonyms, metaphors, epithets), grammatical (use of foreign words, numerals, distinctions, pronunciation, construction of sentences), orthoepic (accents, pronunciation of speech).

Also, the expressiveness of speech plays an important role in the educator's communication culture. The main thing is variety of intonations (logical, semantic and emotional stresses, change of the sound levels, tempo, and pause). Intonation can contain up to 40% of information. Colourless monotonous language cannot attract attention, to teach to remember the main thing, to express the personal attitude of the educator to the information he presents. Besides the intonation, the means of speech expressiveness include the use of anaphor (proverbs, repetitions, and sayings), gradations (repetition of the basic concept with reference and extension of the sentence), inversions (unusual order of words in the sentence), (logical, semantic and emotional stress, change of the sound levels, tempo, and pauses).

The most difficult tasks facing the educator include the organization of productive communication, which requires a high level of communication skills development. It is very important to organize communication with teachers during vocational training to provide a unique process takes place. The style of communication plays an important role here.


Obviously, the image will not be able to replace the realities, but will only help to strengthen the positive sides and make the negatives invisible. If others do not support the image, then it is destroyed.

Characterizing the components of the educator's professional image (in particular, the inner image), it is impossible to ignore such an important property as pedagogical intuition. To identify the hidden internal properties of pedagogical activity during the organization of work, the educator must have the developed pedagogical intuition and to use pedagogical thinking.

Pedagogical intuition is most often characterized by the rapid decision-making of the educator with the prediction of the preliminary development of the situation without its full analysis. There is also a concept of "pedagogical improvisation", which means finding the unexpected solution and its rapid use, coincidence of the creation and application process with minimal break.

The process of pedagogical improvisation consists of 4 stages:

• Pedagogical insight: The educator in response to a question or action of the student receives an internal impulse, which gives an unusual idea during the educational process.

• Comprehension of pedagogical idea and immediate choice of the way of its implementation: Decisions are made, improvisation is necessary.

• Implementation of the pedagogical idea: Improvisation is carried out, something new is born in the children's eyes. Whatever ideas come to the mind of the specialist, they will not be of great importance unless he is able to introduce it pedagogically meaningfully.

• Comprehension or instant analysis of the introduction process of the pedagogical idea: A quick decision to continue improvisation if a new idea is born during its action, or to complete it with a gradual transition to the planned solution.

There is an opinion that professional competence should be in the structure of the internal figure of the image of the educator, where scientists distinguish pedagogical erudition, pedagogical goal setting, pedagogical thinking, pedagogical improvisation, pedagogical observation among the main professional qualities of the educator.


The concept of "image" in the study is characterized as fixed an image or idea of someone (something) in the people's minds. The term "the educator's image" is interpreted as a stable characteristic of the perception of the emotionally colored external and internal image of a particular person, who carries out teaching or educational work.

The study was concluded that the educator's professional image is his integrated image as a specialist in his field, which combines internal and external characteristics and emerges in the minds of other people in the process of communication with them.

The concept of "development of educator's professional image in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education" is defined as a purposeful process, during which there are positive changes in the appearance, internal image, manner of communication of the educator with pupils, colleagues, parents through the use of a complex of forms, methods and means used in the system of advanced training of teacher in the course, inter-course periods and during self-educational activities of the individual.

The following components of the educators' professional image have been identified during the research: appearance (clothes, shoes, accessories, hairstyle, makeup, gait, manners, etiquette); internal image (professional knowledge, skills and abilities, sphere of consciousness, value system, self-concept, reflection, intuition, health, critical thinking, personal qualities: responsibility, emotional stability, erudition, kindness, empathy); communicative component (verbal and non-verbal features of communication), as well as the possibility of their development in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education.

It is quite possible to develop these components in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, both during the course preparation (at lectures and practical classes, during the students' study of elective courses, trainings, exchange of experience, defence of individual projects, etc.), during the inter-course period (participation in work methodological associations, scientific-practical conferences, in competitions, projects, etc.), and in the process of self-education. But the implementation of this direction is somewhat chaotic and fragmentary.


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