Business Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1944-656X; Online ISSN: 1944-6578)

Research Article: 2022 Vol: 14 Issue: 4S

Impact on IT employee's mental wellness during COVID-19

Thirumal Azhagan C, Anna University BIT Campus

Sukesh Kumar S, Anna University BIT Campus

Citation Information: Azhagan, C.T., & Kumar, S.S. (2022). Impact on it employee's mental wellness during covid-19. Business Studies Journal, 14(S4), 1-9.


The impact of COVID-19 is felt around the world and governments implement social distancing and quarantine measures to help stem the spread of the disease, concerns about the long-term effects of the virus on both physical and mental wellbeing are being raised. The work from home has become a buzzing phrase, in particular with Information Technology (IT) mainly to ensure engaging the employee, to reach out to the maximum productivity which affects the employee’s mental health. The research is carried out to access the mental wellness of Information Technology employees with post-COVID circumstances. The study adopts the research methodologies comprising of Correlation, Regression, and Factor analysis. The study illustrates that employee mental wellness is affected by current work demands. By implementing these findings, the organizations will appreciate the importance of employee mental wellness and prioritize employees’ retention, quality improvement, job satisfaction, and mental and physical health.


COVID-19, IT Employees, Mental Health, Worker Well-being, Organizational Performance.


Mental fitness consists of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health wellness affects how we think, feel, and act. It additionally facilitates deciding how we take care of stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental fitness is critical at each level of life, from early life and childhood thru adulthood. As the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus is felt around the world and governments implement “Social distancing” and quarantine measures to help stem the spread of the disease, concerns about the long-term effects of the virus - on both physical and mental wellbeing - are being raised. Mental health is an inner useful resource that allows us to think, feel, connect, and function; it's far a lively manner that allows us to construct resilience, grow, and flourish (Avey et al., 2010; Carolan et al., 2017).

According to Census, India has a 474 million working population. Furthermore, the country's Sample Registration System's 2018 report shows that country's demographic dividend continues to grow. The share of the running-age populace is anticipated to grow from 61% in 2011 to 65% in 2036, including 12 million human beings in the running populace every year. Mental disorders are impacting millions of working populations in India. Although there are no population-based prevalence studies for working populations, there are estimates of mental disorders in India, implying the burden of mental disorders in the working population.

Literature Review

Bhardwaj & Srivastava (2008) have confirmed that the workers’ failure to adapt to the psychosocial work environment results in deterioration in mental health. Lack of job satisfaction, insecurity, poor human relationship, and emotional tension are some of the psychosocial factors, which adversely affect both the physical and mental health of the workers.

Jain (2012) has studied the depression and psychological well-being of doctors in the context of their gender, area, and types of practice. The study shows that the doctor in the different locations have a higher change in depression and further study shows that the sociability of the doctor in the difference has a high rate of psychological wellbeing score in both gender and marital status.

Shivakumar & Rangaraj (2020) have documented the levels of anxiety, stress, and depression that prevail among the employees who work from home, as a result of Covid-19-related lockdown. The study has clearly established the association between mental health factors and the new normal of Work from Home.

Prasad et al. (2020) have proposed that Communication, Organization climate, Organization Policies, Job Satisfaction, and psychological factors affect the psychological well-being of employees in the information technology sector during the survey period of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Phadnis et al. (2021) have confirmed that the radical change in the work environment in which there is an absence of all forms of physical interactions between colleagues led to a sense of isolation and disconnectedness from the real world for many participants.

Ranjitha (2021) confirm that the quality of work-life of the employees is improved by the time to plan a better work pattern inclusive of fitness routines, healthy diet schedules, and quality family time to switch between work and family routines. The study concluded that the pandemic has provided a chance for compatibility between the efforts of the organization and the efforts of the working professionals to synchronize with each other for better productivity.

Azhagan & Kumar (2022) have briefed that mental well-being in the IT sector has played a vital part takes place in the performance of an employee. The main motive of the research study is to investigate the IT employee’s mental well-being in the covid-19 pandemic and that the organizational productivity, performance, and working capability of the individual are influenced by the psychological, physical, and social factors in the personal and workplace environment Figures 1 & 2.

Figure 1 Research Model

Figure 2 Scree Plot

Objectives of the Study

1. To identify the factor that impacts the mental wellness of the IT employees.

2. To analyze the relationship of mental wellness of employees during the covid situation.

3. To identify the COVID pandemic’s impact on employee wellbeing by focusing on both personal and workplace environments.

4. To assess the effectiveness of the employee's psychological well-being and work effectiveness during the covid-19 pandemic.


Data Collection

This research study is carried the based on primary data and secondary data. The primary data is gathered from the public by a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1-strongly agree to 5-strongly disagree also dichotomous scales were used. Secondary data are selectively gathered from journals, articles, and websites. This primary data is arranged for the questionnaire method the subject of the study (Kazmi et al., 2020).

Sampling Method

A convenient sampling method is implemented to collect the primary data. The respondents for the motive of this observation are decided on systematically. Convenience sampling is a sort of Non-probability sampling, which doesn`t comprise a random choice of respondents (Kundi et al., 2020).


Correlation refers to the Statistical relationship between two entities. This means the two variables moved either up or down in the same direction. The correlation coefficient is calculated with the aid of using first figuring out the covariance of the variables and dividing that quantity by the product of those variables’ standard deviations (Azhagan & Kumar, 2022).


Regression is a statistical approach utilized in finance, investing, and different disciplines that try to decide the strength and individual of the connection among one structured variable (normally denoted through Y) and a sequence of different variables (called independent variables).

Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is a way this is used to reduce a big variety of variables into fewer numbers factors. This approach extracts the most common variance from all variables and places them right into a common rating. As an index of all variables, we will use this rating for a similar evaluation. Factor evaluation is a technique of record reduction. It does this through searching for underlying unobservable (latent) variables that might be meditated withinside the discovered variables (manifest variables).

The factor analysis model is: X = μ + L F + e

Results and Discussion


Hypothesis 1: Education Qualification and Anxiety.

H0: There is no significant relationship between education qualification and anxiety.

H1: There is a significant relationship between education qualification and anxiety.


From table 1, it is inferred that P-value is greater than 0. i.e., P<0.05 (0.042<0.05) is lesser than the critical value 0.05, hence H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, there is a positive relationship exists between education qualification and anxiety.

Table 1 Education Qualification *Anxiety
Education Qualification Anxiety
Education Qualification Pearson Correlation 1 0.221**
Sig. (2-tailed) - 0.003
N 182 182
Anxiety Pearson Correlation 0.221** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.003 -
N 182 182


Hypothesis 1: Martial Status * Depression

H0: There is no relationship exist among Marital Status and Depression.

H1: There is a relationship exist among Marital Status and Depression.


From Tables 2 & 3 it is inferred that P-value is greater than 0. i.e., P<0.05 (0.042<0.05) is lesser than the critical value 0.05, hence H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, there is a positive relationship exist among Martial Status and Depression.

Table 2 Anova for Marital Status * Depression
Model   Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 4.699 1 4.699 4.208 .042b
  Residual 200.993 180 1.117    
  Total 205.692 181      
Table 3 Coefficients for Marital Status * Depression
Model   Unstandardized Coefficients   Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
    B Std. Error Beta    
1 (Constant) 3.371 0.245   13.776 0
  Marital Status 0.392 0.191 0.151 2.051 0.042

Factor Analysis

Factor analysis of all the variables from the questionnaire.


From Table 4 it is inferred that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test value is 0.610 which is more than 0.5 and can be considered acceptable and valid to conduct data reduction techniques. Bartlett’s test of sphericity significant to a level of significance is <0.001 which shows that there is a high level of correlation between variables, which makes it adequate to apply factor analysis.

Table 4 KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. 0.61
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1186.672
  Df 66
  Sig. 0

From Table 5 it is inferred that the extraction value is ranging from 0.688 to 0.754 which shows that the minimum variance share of items after extraction is 68.8% and the maximum variance share of the item is 75.4%.

Table 5 Communalities
  Initial Extraction
I am confident about my work activities. 1 0.754
I feel energized and interested in my job. 1 0.77
I am having a stress-free and happy life with my family. 1 0.79
I can do extra work activities as a daily routine without being fatigued or tired. 1 0.747
I often develop my skills from not being listed on layoff or discharging by the employer. 1 0.748
I was doing enough to satisfy the family's needs. 1 0.783
I have enough energy for everyday life. 1 0.795
I haven’t slept well due to the work pressure. 1 0.766
In my company, I have enough training and development facilities. 1 0.61
I have less mental pressure due to great teammates. 1 0.851
I often feel isolated from others during work from home. 1 0.798
My peers do not treat me differently because of my religion. 1 0.688

From Table 6 it is inferred that the total variance contributed by the first component is 33.850%, by the second component is 18.903%, the third component is 12.753%, and the fourth component is 10.342%. The Eigenvalue for the first factor is 4.062, the second factor is 2.268, the third factor is 1.530, and the fourth factor is 1.241.

Table 6 Total Variance Explained
Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 4.062 33.850 33.850 4.062 33.850 33.850 2.873 23.943 23.943
2 2.268 18.903 52.753 2.268 18.903 52.753 2.515 20.959 44.902
3 1.530 12.753 65.506 1.530 12.753 65.506 1.931 16.095 60.997
4 1.241 10.342 75.848 1.241 10.342 75.848 1.782 14.851 75.848
5 0.738 6.153 82.001 - - - - - -
6 0.573 4.778 86.780 - - - - - -
7 0.466 3.882 90.662 - - - - - -
8 0.356 2.964 93.625 - - - - - -
9 0.317 2.640 96.266 - - - - - -
10 0.188 1.567 97.833 - - - - - -
11 0.156 1.300 99.133 - - - - - -
12 0.104 0.867 100.000 - - - - - -

From Table 7 it is inferred that Factor 1 has a very high significant loading on the variable depression (0.816), Factor 2 has a very high significant loading on the variable anxiety (0.790), Factor 3 has a very high significant loading on the variable lack of guidance (0.775), Factor 4 has very high significant loading on the variable Team pressure (0.873) and Factor 5 has very high significant loading on the variable Isolation (0.859).

Table 7 Rotated Component Matrix
1 2 3 4
I feel energized and interested in my job. 0.816 - - -
I am confident about my work activities. 0.790 - - -
In my company, I have enough training and development facilities. 0.775 - - -
My peers do not treat me differently because of my religion. 0.596 - - -
I have less mental pressure due to great teammates. - 0.873 - -
I often feel isolated from others during work from home. - 0.859 - -
I am having a stress-free and happy life with my family. - - 0.799 -
I have enough energy for everyday life. - - 0.774 -
I can do extra work activities as a daily routine without being fatigued or tired. - 0.537 0.644 -
I was doing enough to satisfy the family's needs. - - - 0.794
I often develop my skills from not being listed on layoff or discharging by the employer. - - - 0.644
I haven’t slept well due to the work pressure. - - - 0.531

Findings from the Study


There is a positive relationship exist among education qualification and anxiety.


There is a positive relationship exist among Martial Status and Depression.

Factor Analysis

The variables which have high loading factors are Depression (0.816), Anxiety (0.790), and Lack of guidance (0.775).

The variables which have average loading factors are Team pressure (0.873), and Isolation (0.859).

Implications and Recommendations

Educating your employees on the way to exercise desirable stress management is a powerful manner to prioritize well-being with inside the workplace.

Working for long stretches without breaks ends in stress and exhaustion, while breaks will assist to refresh the mind, refill your employees` mental assets, and can also inspire their creativity.

Adopting an employee assistance program evolved via way of means of educational experts should assist equip supervisors with assets to apprehend and manage troubles associated with mental wellbeing?

Unexpected situations and family circumstances lead to the financial crisis; thus, employees have a backup plan for their financial stability and utilize the financial institutions' schemes and other saving plans wisely.


This research study is to investigate the IT employee’s mental well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic and that the organizational productivity, performance, and working capability of the individual are influenced by the psychological, physical, and social factors in the personal and workplace environment. This study also elevated that the employees who work from home during the covid-19 pandemic faced mental illness by the factors like anxiety, depression, stress, burnout, lay-off, burden, exhaustion, sleep disturbance, lack of guidance, and team pressure, isolation, and discrimination. The study suggests that to maintain positive mental health wellness employees should get professional help if needed, connect with others, stay positive, get physically active, help others, get enough sleep, and develop skills.


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Received: 01-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. BSJ-22-12485; Editor assigned: 05-Aug-2022, PreQC No. BSJ-22-12485(PQ); Reviewed: 19- Aug-2022, QC No. BSJ-22-12485; Revised: 22-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. BSJ-22-12485(R); Published: 28-Aug-2022

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