Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Research Article: 2024 Vol: 23 Issue: 4


Fatima Ait Yassine, Al-Balqa' Applied University

Citation Information: Ait Yassine, F. (2024). Impact of human resource information systems in the performance of public jordanian universities. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 23S(4), 1-12.


The main purposes of this study are to explore the degree of public Jordanian universities have adopted Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and to test the recent HRIS practices, profits and obstacles in the public universities and to estimate the range to which the HRIS develops organizational efficiency in an reliable and common technique and how the technology support the task for example definite via its effect on areas of HR, time management, cost management and managerial satisfaction). A sample of 100 managers was drawn from the Universities in Jordan using cluster sampling. Data was gathered by a self-developed, closed-ended questionnaire comprising of 28 items, the psychometric properties (validity, reliability) of which was statistically assessed using Factor Analysis and Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha respectively. Data was analyzed using inferential indicators. The outputs show that HRIS positively improves general universities productivity and its sub-dimensions (HR functions, time management, cost management and managerial satisfaction with the system) in an inter-related and general method, though in changing points. Hence, the execution of a suitable HRIS has the possible to carry about effective success and improve the understanding of the HR and communal strategy, in that way make sure administrative effectiveness.


Hr Functions, Time Management, Cost Management, Managerial Satisfaction, Organizational Efficiency.

JEL Classification

D23, M12, N35


The instability of markets and economies because of the global financial crisis and the regional developments impacts that began in 2002 is still prevalent although continuous technological compliance has been practiced which has led to changes in the processes of organizations. In the New Digital Economy, global businesses are affected by four major technological developments, namely Big Data, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IOT) and Social Media. Such developments are covered under Human Resources Management in organizations. Owing to the technological developments in this era, industrial businesses can opt for high-tech machine capacity as opposed to manpower capacity and production resources, through the use of robots. More specifically, businesses that characterized by intensive information are increasingly opting for capital (machinery and equipment) businesses and labor-intensive ones. This is because organizational skill and information management effectiveness are a must in defining and valuing information compared to labor, machinery and raw material, which are more prominent for their conventional capital roles. This increased the value of the information management concept, involving the entire actions of information, including creation, organization and efficient use rather than intellectual capital management (Akpamah& Matko, 2021).

The management premise has obtained a novel dimension in the cyber-econosphere of the current 4th digital revolution era, where information age involving e-commerce, e-Government, Internet of Things (IOT), Big Data and Cloud Computing are manifesting. In this regard, among the main criteria for organization success is in the materialization of competitive strategies stemming from well-equipped and qualified human resources of the internet and information age with usage efficiency and effectiveness. There is a need for organizations to adopt effective Management Information Systems (MIS) that are compliant with business processes, particularly human resources, for decision-making, planning, organizing and supervision operations in a timely and efficient manner by management.

HR-MIS interface refers to the sub-system called Human Resources Information System (HRIS) – a system created for acquiring, storing, and processing information on employees and business processes, and relaying outcomes with managers and employees. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are employed intensively in such systems and the system effectiveness hinges on the level by which it relays the information interpreted to the decision-makers in an accurate, well-articulated, complete, accurate and uninterrupted manner, aside from management and employees effective use of software and hardware. Awareness of employees are overseen by information-based decision-support systems in the work-related processes being that it is significant in light of their improvement and success but this also has some drawbacks linked to it; for instance, the perception of employees of being assessed by an independent system could backfire but their trust in such a system can eventually improve their commitment and diligence to work.

In today’s information age (Cyberia), information and qualified intellectual capital information make up for a strategic and significant business resource, particularly those that shorten product life cycles through technology development, which has led to the importance of human element in seeking and searching for information and committing such information to effective production. In relation to this, in the information age, the worker is referred to as information worker, with some management scientists adopting the term netizen rather than citizen to describe them. Moreover, in the internet and information age cyber-econosphere, businesses work on enhancing their efficiency and productivity, while at the same time struggling to reach strategic goals (e.g., keeping and controlling employee performance in their efficient workings). Majority of SMEs and large businesses are compliant to Human Resource Management System (HRIS) with Management Information System (MIS), enabling its use on varying structures/levels based on the structure and strategic management business understanding.

IT usage in businesses has contributed to the importance of human resources functioning in strategic decision-making processes, and this has resulted in the requirement of right planning and designing to match ITs with the functions of business management and the technology usage competency among employees. In this study’s scope, theoretical information is provided on the information type needed for HRIS database, with the study identifying the level of relationship between HR operations using IS and performance appraisal and organizational efficiency, along with the impacts of HRIS on employee performance and organizational efficiency. In other words, this research primarily aims to examine the effect of HRIS usage on organization effectiveness/efficiency and employee performance, which in turn impact the performance of the organizations.

Literature Review

In the past few years, HRM has undergone significant transformations, with focus placed on administrative management tasks and strategic partnership with the organizational strategy, supported by IT evolution. IS extended use has deeply affected the management of HRM and precipitated the transformation of its processes and practices, especially the collection, storage, usage and sharing of information and knowledge. In fact, majority of HRM processes has become enhanced and the effect of this enhancement enabled higher involvement level of HR in business strategy, adding considerable HR function changes for professionals. Dynamic markets, industries and services call for organizational environments that can constantly adapt through novel ideas and mitigated time-to-market processes and under the competitiveness of the market, HRM has a major role more than ever owing to the new business forms requiring new ways of people’s involvement (Al-Dmour, 2022).

It is crucial for professionals to conduct an analysis of social, economic, political-legal and technological environment opportunities for the redesigning of HRM processes and practices as such processes and practices are major success factors to the mission and objectives of the organization. Challenges can be met through the adoption of new logics in HRM, which is why managers should adopt habits and current creative thinking and assist organizations to define strategies and develop initiatives for human capital development (Akpamah& Matko, 2021). .

In relation to the above, information systems have enabled enhanced HRM efficiency through effective methods of recruitment, communication, employee involvement and increased HR management skills (Al-maaitah, 2021). HRM areas are connected to human capital strategies for suitable technological solutions, which indicates that Electronic HR organization creation should be focused on linking people with business strategies for adaptation strategies to ongoing people’s and business needs. Such needs require the use of Electronic HR.

Nevertheless, majority of HR professionals are still pressured by daily concerns, making it challenging to handle administrative pressures and burden for time optimization and contribution to the organization. The role of HRIS in HRM and the role of HR professionals in the process are all explained in the next sub-sections.

Information Systems (IS) In Human Resource Management (HRM)

IT has affected every societal aspect in recent years and this holds true for organizational processes in businesses, with the inclusion of HRM processes and practices (Al-maaitah, 2021). In the context of administrative management, it has become one of the strategic partners of organizations owing to the technologies usage as ongoing technology innovations have been predicted to transform HR work (Akpamah& Matko, 2021). Suffice it to say, IS has a significant impact on HRM, transforming its processes and practices in light of the collection, storage, usage and dissemination of information.

Moreover, HRM quality plays a key role in organizations, which is why HR professionals should know how to analyze and to examine the environment, social, economic, political-legal and technological environment to be able to respond to challenges. In relation to this, HRM have had to adopt a new strategy, requiring HR managers to get rid of outdated thinking and acting, and instead assist in defining strategies and building initiatives for human capital development.

Management of Information Systems (MIS)

In organizations, HR mainly aims to attract, select, motivate and retain talented workforce and in this regard, technology has created changes in HR processes management, particularly as to the collection, storage, usage and dissemination of information concerning HR According to Al-(Dmour, 2022), HRIS is a systematic procedure for collection, storage, maintenance, retrieval and validation of data required by HR in organizations , In the same way, Tannenbaum referred to it as a technology-based system for the acquisition, storage, manipulation, analysis, retrieval, and distribution of information concerning the organization HR -(Dmour, 2022).

Added to the above, HRIS integrates HRM with information technology (Al-maaitah, 2021) in a management system that provides information to managers for decision-making. It is a system that keeps abreast of the employees and their information, using a database or a series of inter-related databases. IS has in fact enhanced HRM efficiency through effective methods of recruitment, communication, employee involvement and increased HR management. HRM units need to link human capital strategies to suitable technological solutions, indicating that creating Electronic HR should be dedicated towards linking people with business strategies to adapt to the changing needs of people and businesses.

Objectives of HRIS

As mentioned, HRIS integrates HRM with information technology, HRIS provides accurate and timely information concerning human resources and the corresponding processes and environmental factors. Organizations always need information concerning their HR and their function as well as the external environment, and thus, HRIS enables the collection, storage, manipulation, analysis, retrieval and distribution of such Information from internal and external environments. The organization needs to develop HRIS that is capable of providing a system that enables information gathering; processing and flow.

Information concerning employee name, age and qualification, information on type of employee recruited during the current year, offered training and development programs, performance appraisal results, employees’ promotion, demotion, transfer or separation, compensation packages (financial and non-financial), absenteeism and turnover report of employees. maintenance, safety and health services, HR availability from various sources, training and development facilities outside of the organization, HR expectations in the organization, government policies influencing the conditions and labor laws of employees, trade union movement and its attitudes towards employer organizations and HRM practices benchmarking.

In addition to the above, HRIS applications enable the storage and tracking of all data types by the users, particularly those that are HR-related . Dorel et al.’s study mentioned the focus of HRM on collection and storage of personal data of employees, their salaries, benefits, vacations and perks, among others. This is the reason behind the development of HR function to management.

input function allows the user to include employee information into the HRIS, while the maintenance function allows the update and addition of new data into the same. Generation of outputs require the HRIS to calculate and format data so that it becomes understandable and as such, it is crucial to keep into consideration that the top element of HRIS is information and not process automation or the employed hardware/software. There are three dimensions to HRIS and they are operational, tactical and strategic (Al-Mutawa, & Manuel, 2022).

More specifically, operational HRIS contributes data to reinforce routine and repetitive decisions of HR pertaining to workforce, government regulations and the like, whereas tactical HRIS provides data to support decisions concerning resources allocation pertaining to recruitment, job analysis, decision development, compensation, and the like. Lastly, strategic HRIS provides data concerning HR plan strategic decisions. With regards to the users of HRIS they are of many types but mainly HR professionals, functional managers and employees.

Furthermore, the costs and benefits of information systems concerning the investment of the organization on the systems and this is a major aspect when implementing HRIS

HRIS common benefits that are mentioned in literature include improved accuracy (Al-Mutawa, & Manuel, 2022).

provision of timely access to information(Al-maaitah, 2021), costs saving (Aldhmour, 2022) operating, controlling and planning HR activities , increasing competitiveness through enhanced HR practices (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021) increased efficiency , generating several various HR operations , focusing on HR rather than strategic HRM , employee involvement in HRIS, and re-engineering HR function (Arefin & Hosain, 2019)

With regards to the costs related with the implementation of HRIS, they include access to computers and global internet connections by employees , slowdowns, mistakes or errors , costly technology and time consumed , issues related to the job like tasks changes, training needs, posts changes, dismissal and the like (Arora et al ., 2020).

Several software solutions have been offered to organizations depending on the user’s decisions, with technology-rich organizations using computer-based training, internet access to the recruitment world, and programs usage for employees’ assessment. HRIS enables effective and efficient processes and competitiveness. In this regard, cost-efficiency can be addressed through transactions using fewer fixed resources, particularly in payroll areas. As for accuracy, HRIS assists in conducting accurate transactions and simplifying processes (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021).

Role of Information Systems in HRM

Continuous technological innovations has changed the HR work processes and created real-time information-based and interactive workplace. More importantly, personnel information systems have transformed from automated employee record keeping to a complex reporting and decision system (Ho & Kuvaas, 2020) In relation to this, traditional HRIS could only address issues of administrative work such as, overseeing absenteeism, salary structures, information on training, recruitment, media response, current information access, medical information and global administration.

In the present however, there is increased system effectiveness, with HRIS allowing quicker and timely response to changes and needs of decision-makers, and budgeting. This allows controlling, tracking and screening, matching of skills, appraisals, providing feedback, planning of manpower, succession planning, monitoring of skills, analysis of training needs and global analysis , The major issue lies in defining the real implications and the role of information system in HRM – which in effect, HRIS can be implemented in many areas through the integrated system.

Kavanagh et al. indicated that HR professionals consume time in processes directed towards enhancing business, talent management workforce metrics, HR strategy, workforce management and planning and competency management (Okon & Dada, 2021) Some of the functional areas of HRM that IS can be applied to was enumerated by Goundar et al., 2021.

Benefits of HRIS to Organizations

HRIS benefits organizations in several ways – and an effective HRIS specifically provides any type of information that the organization requires for tracking and analyzing employees, ex-employees and potential employees. Selection of an HRIS and its customization to meet the needs of the company is essential because a comprehensive and integrated HRIS can be extensively utilized in administration, operations and strategies by HR and management. Operationally, data provided by HRIS is useful for identifying possible internal applicants for the job vacancies, calculating costs of recruitment and ensuring career opportunities for current employees. It allows HR department to actively carry out organizational planning, and with the assistance of computerization, forecasting can be made timelier, cost effective and efficient.

Moreover, technological developments assist in the advanced developments of HRIS, with one of the top core functions being the intranet HR self-service. Such service is used by major companies for online appraisals, career management sentiment surveys, training registrations and publishing related information of employees. Also, monitored HRIS/HRMS by qualified staff who are knowledgeable in technology and HR functions and tactical processes can ensure compliance with federal and state laws, streamline recruitment and selection processes, and generate internal and external use data and reports.

Other HRIS benefits include easy use of qualification computer technology specialists, accuracy of information and performance of HR audits using integrated parameters. Such features also enable ways to free up HR staff time for other project work and duties. Both employees and management can obtain answers and information in a timely manner without consulting HR representative whenever an issue crops up.

Suitable HRIS enables HR staff to update benefits and address changes, freeing time for more important functions. Added to this, required data concerning employee management, knowledge development, career growth and development and equal treatment is provided. Managers can legally, ethically, and effectively access information to support their employee reports through the system. Some other system benefits are; faster processing of information, higher accuracy of information provided, enhanced planning and program development, enhanced communications of employees, mitigated cost of HR data storage, transparent system, meaningful career planning and counseling at all employee levels and ability to respond to changes in the environment.

Security of HRIS

In the past several years, security of employee information has become a major problem in the face of identity theft, making employees more sensitive about who is privy to their personal information and its storage security. Information security is ensured in HRIS with limited access (password protection) to it ensuring employees of their safety. Employee files, electronic or paper, have to be kept under lock and key and establishing a functioning security and end-user privileges needs a balance of HR policy, system knowledge and daily operations. In small businesses, HRIS may face an issue considering employees must occupy several positions and as such, one of the many drawbacks of HRIS is human error during information entry, costly technology for system updates and malfunctions or lack of applications to support the needs of human resource. This can be resolved through the employment of computer and technology specialist, holding information technology knowledge and functional area knowledge – however, the cost of hiring HRIS specialist may be more costly than that compared to the average salary of a computer technology specialist (Khashman, 2022).

On the whole, HRIS can play a key role in the HR function of the companies considering that we all live, work and play in the information age. HRIS implementation can guarantee the delivery of a streamlined service which is effective and efficient at the same time. HRIS usage is effective compared to its manual counterpart as it assists in data accuracy and timely access. HRIS function also enhances HRM in light of administrative and analytical purposes. HRIS is the key to the organization, providing it with required information concerning HR needs and capabilities for management’s establishment of the organizational mission, goals and objectives. The system is not confined to computer hardware and software applications (technical system parts) but also involves people, procedures, policies and data needed for HR functioning management (Al-maaitah,2018).

Research Methods

Objectives of the Study

• To assess the level to which HRIS enhances organizational efficiency in a connected and holistic manner through its effect on HR functions, time management, cost management and managerial satisfaction of the system.

• To determine the level of variance in overall organizational efficiency results from HRIS because of its effect on HR functions, time management, cost management, and managerial satisfaction with the system.

Research Approach

The research method adopted is designed for the assessment of the level to which HRIS contributes to enhancing organizational efficiency in an interconnected and holistic way, as reflected by its effect on HR functions, time management, cost management and managerial satisfaction with the system.


The study population consists of managers employed in the Universities department . The selection of managers was based on their increased roles and responsibilities, control span and their ability to conduct extensive business related decisions. Universities managers are assessed and graded based on the grading system established by the Municipalities, with the scale of 1 representing lowest job level and this increases to a scale of 25, representing the top senior position in the Universities. Managers selected in this study occupied Level 14 and above, totaling 130 selected from the departments.

In sample selection, Sekaran and Bougie (2010) indicated that the least sample size for a population of 130 is 97 and as such, the study sample is sufficient. The study used cluster sampling owing to the managers’ concentration in 8 different departments. This type of sampling reflects the different departments’ perception of HRIS.

With regards to the sample composition, majority were managers (42.6%) of 41-50 years of age, followed by 31-40 years of age (25.8%), 21-20 years (18.8%), and lastly over 50 years of age (15.8%). Majority of the managers were females (58.4%) and the remaining (41.6%) were males. With regards to their ethnicities, Moreover, majority of the managers worked in the organization for 0-5 years (47.5%), followed by those who worked for 16 years and above (22.8%), for 6-10 years (16.8%), and lastly for 11-15 years (12.5%). Most of the sample respondents were from Corporate and Human Resources (65.4%), while the rest represented all other departments equally. The sample sufficiency was confirmed through the use of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (0.838, approx. χ 2=1460.562), along with Bartlett’s Test of Spherecity (378, p=0.000), whose values confirmed significance and suitability.

Moreover normality and homoscedasticity preconditions results were found to be satisfactory. The instrument used for data collection was self-administered questionnaire comprising of several sections. To begin with, Section A covers the respondent’s age, gender, race, tenure and cluster/department and Section B covers items measuring perceived effect of HRIS on organizational efficiency in the Universities. Section A data was gathered through a nominal scale with pre-coded option categories, while Section B data was gathered using items gauged through a 5-point Likert scale that ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree, with the middle scales being, 2 (disagree), 3 (neither agree/nor disagree) and 4 (agree). Moving on to Section B, the items were developed based on the recurring themes in literature by studies and it consists of 28 items measuring the constructs in the following division; 7 items measured impact of HRIS on the HR functions, 5 items measured the impact of HRIS on time management, 5 items measured the impact of HRIS on cost management, 6 items measured the managerial satisfaction with HRIS, and lastly, 5 items measured the impact of HRIS on organizational efficiency. The adoption of the items from prior studies ensured face and content validity.

Additionally, pre-testing was also conducted to analyze the appropriateness of the instrument, and pilot testing was conducted on 6 managers, chosen through the same procedures for the main sample. The results of the pilot testing confirmed the suitability of the questionnaire in light of relevance and construction. The questionnaire validity was confirmed through factor analysis and the initial factors were extracted using principal component analysis with iterated principal factor analysis using SPSS and Orthogonal Varimax Rotation. Items, with loadings higher than 0.50, were considered to be significant, while items that significantly loaded on more than one factor were dealt with by selecting the highest value. With regards to the assessment of HRIS sub-dimensions in Section B, there were 5 factors with latent roots exceeding 1 that were extracted from the factor loading matrix; factor 1 measured managerial satisfaction with HRIS and explained 17.4% of the total variance, factor 2 measured the impact of HRIS on cost management and explained 13.8% of the total variance, and factor 3 measured the impact of HRIS on time management and it explained 11.7% of the total variance. The last two factors (factor 4 and 5) measured the impact of HRIS on the HR functions constituting 8.9 of the total variance and the impact of HRIS on organizational efficiency, constituting 7.1% of the total variance in the impact of HRIS in the Universities respectively.

Moreover, the reliability of Section B items were confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient value, which was found to be 0.918, indicating a very high internal consistency, and thus, a high degree of reliability. For the individual dimensions reliability, they were obtained and found to be 0.697 (impact of HRIS on HR functions), 0.705 (impact of HRIS on organizational efficiency), 0.804 (impact of HRIS on cost management), 0.828 (impact of HRIS on time management) and 0.845 (managerial satisfaction with HRIS).

The instrument was administered to the managers through e-mail, within which a link was provided to complete the survey. The study used Survey Monkey tool and statistical analysis and inferential statistics, specifically correlation and multiple regression were used for data analysis, after which the results were tabulated using Excel Version 5, SPSS-processed.


The outcomes of the combined and holistic effect of HRIS on organizational efficiency, reflecting the level of the improvement of HRIS on HR functions, time management, cost management and management satisfaction with the system designated the following;

The first hypothesis states that HRIS enhances organizational efficiency in an interrelated and holistic manner, and this is reflected on its effect on HR functions, time management, cost management and managerial satisfaction with the system.

A significant relationship between HRIS and organizational efficiency through its impact on all the above mentioned HR functions at the level of significance of 1% and thus, hypothesis one is accepted.

Evidently, the results showed that HRIS enhances the overall efficiency of the organization and its sub-dimensions in an inter-related way, indicating that it has the potential to enhance several organizational efficiency aspects as reflected by its effect on HR functions examined, namely time management, cost management and management satisfaction with the system. In other words, any enhancement in HRIS would have a domino effect towards the enhancement of overall efficiency of the organization.

Moving on to the second hypothesis, HRIS influence on the sub-dimensions of organizational efficiency (time management, cost management and managerial satisfaction with the system) significantly accounts for 96.7% of the variance of overall organizational efficiency (adjusted R2=0.967).

HRIS enhanced individual sub-dimensions in different levels, based on descending level; beta on cost management (0.275), time management (0.279), managerial satisfaction with the system (0.260) and impact of HRIS on HR functions (0.210).

Thus, HRIS positively impacts HR functions namely time management, cost management and managerial satisfaction with the system individually, and in turn, they affect the overall organizational efficiency in a holistic manner.

Discussion of Results

In this study, the primary aim is to examine the effect of HRIS on overall organizational efficiency – which is referred to as the attempts by the company to remain efficient and competition through lower inventory level and speedy collection of outstanding receivables (Munir et al., 2020).

In particularly, the focus of the study is placed on the integrated and holistic impact of HRIS on organizational efficiency and its sub-dimensions (HR functions of time management, cost management and managerial satisfaction with the system) in varying levels. The impact on the dimensions was determined using the Universities context and such impact was evidenced to be significant on the HR dimensions, indicating a snowballing effect towards overall organizational efficiency. Perceived positive impact of HRIS on HR functions of cost and time management may also lead to management’s satisfaction with the system. Nevertheless, according to Beadles et al. (2005), HR managers satisfied with the system did not perceive its impact on HR functions like recruitment, training or forecasting the needs of staff. On the other hand, Success factors (2013) and Shibly (2011), indicated that HRIS can bring about information gathering process in a timely manner and ensure that HR department is free to focus on more strategic activities that affect the workforce in its entirety. HR is enabled by HRIS to retain and develop high performing employees by relating compensation with performance, identifying and educating talented workforce and creating HR strategies to communication and support the goals and objectives of the organization. Moreover, computerized HR functions in HRIS enable timely decision making connected to the development, planning and administration of HR as data storage, update, classification and analysis become easier (Al-maaitah et al., 2018; Aldhmour, 2022, Ramayah & Kurnia ,2013).

This positive effect sheds light and support to the significant and moderate relationship between HRIS and time and cost management. Along with such significant relationship is the significant relationship between HRIS on time management, cost management and managerial satisfaction with HRIS, and eventually organizational efficiency. HRIS can result in incremental enhancements in efficiency and time of response compared to traditional labor intensive HR activities. This is made possible by eradicating work duplication and streamlining of work processes which could all lead to overall efficiency. In effect HR staff can spend less time on handling daily issues of administration on more on strategic decision-making and planning that directly impacts the organization’s productivity and profitability (Reina & Scarozza, 2021).; Al-maaitah et al., 2021).

In the same way, automation of processes and simplified HR transactional activities can benefit administration through reduced HR time on achieving productive outcomes. In contrast, (Jawahar, & Harindran, 2019) revealed that perception of HRIS effects on time savings are inconsistent and that HR functions (recruitment, training, and selection) had no positive influence, with little time savings in the areas. The authors proceeded to state that specific institutions realized time-saving in other administrative tasks like processing paperwork, correcting errors and data input, which is a clear indication between time saving and other HR functions and administrative works. Other studies like SAPUTRA (2021) showed that web-technology HR delivery allows more time for the specialist to conduct strategic activities and (Menant et al., 2021) explained that HRIS is useful for administrative works to enhance operational efficiency through reduced time and costs. Shahreki (2019) exemplified the reference to IBM’s paperless online HR environment which had led to savings of $1.2 million yearly on printing and mailing costs, which means HRIS can save an organization a considerable among of money.

In the same line of study, Al-maaitah et al. (2021) found that 79% of 33 firms acknowledged soft-savings as the driving force behind HRIS and revealed that HRIS e-recruiting model mitigates hiring time by 2/3rd and lower costs by a significant percentage (90%). HRIS also provides analytical decision support which is connected directly to the effectiveness of the operations. On the whole, the authors are of the consensus as to the primary purpose behind HRIS which is to provide managers and HR staff with quality and valued information for decision-making and to allow HR executives to focus on strategic HR activities and decisions in order to enhance business strategies (Shahreki (2019); Al-maaitah et al., 2021, Shukur et al., 2021; Shamout et al., 2022).In conclusion, successful HRIS is able to drive HR to be more actively involved in establishing and executing corporate strategy for organizational efficiency enhancement (Shamout et al., 2022).

According to (Shukur et al., 2021) HRIS facilitates the generation of strategic value through the internal design and implementation of policies and practices that are consistent to ensure human assets contribute to the business objectives achievement. HRIS outcomes thus justify the significant relationship between HRIs and managerial satisfaction with the system. Organizations using HRIS for HR transactions delegations and data maintenance to employees outperform their counterparts who use the systems merely to adhere to HR or to use it as reporting tools (Yusoff et al., 2020). Finally, information systems are expected to have a key role in affecting behavior of businesses in their goals and objectives achievement (SAPUTRA , 2021)).


This research offers some visions into the execution of HRIS by Jordanian public universities which help HR practitioners gain a better accepting of the existing HRIS execution position, usages, rewards, and barriers. Additional research must report the rank HRIS in the public Jordanian universities and or in other Jordanian parts where there is a physical need for plentiful work to be showed in several problems associated to HRM and HRIS.

HRIS has time and again, been evidenced to have several impacts on organizational efficiency, which highlights the need to guarantee its successful implementation for positive influence over HR functions. This calls for the alignment of the system with major HR functions including performance management and compensation processes. HRIS effect on cost management may be improved through training staff on system use and determining super-users in every department for employee mentoring when it comes to effective system usage. When it comes to HRIS, it has to be kept in mind that past documents should be made accessible on a central drive and storage and HR functions should be implemented for a full return on system investment.

Furthermore, a positive and significant impact of HRIS on time management needs a user friendly and easy navigation system, catering to the entire processes of business. Enhanced managerial satisfaction can be ensured through the inclusion of contact details of HR in the system, within which they can be managed in an effective way. The system’s dashboard functionality presents a high level summary information and information sharing with top management to guarantee effective decision-making and organizational goals achievement. In conclusion, effectively implemented HRIS can enable the provision of strategic direction, business strategy support and effective execution of corporate strategy.


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Received: 02-Apr-2024, Manuscript No. ASMJ-23-14506; Editor assigned: 04-Apr-2024, PreQC No. ASMJ-23-14506(PQ); Reviewed: 17- Apr-2024, QC No. ASMJ-23-14506; Revised: 22-Apr-2024, Manuscript No. ASMJ-23-14506(R); Published: 28-Apr-2024

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