International Journal of Entrepreneurship (Print ISSN: 1099-9264; Online ISSN: 1939-4675)

Research Article: 2024 Vol: 28 Issue: 4

Green Human Resource Management: Policies and practices

Bendilmi Ismail, University of Batna1-Algeria

Laib Abdelghani, University of Batna1-Algeria

Citation Information: Ismail, B., Abdelghani , l.,(2024). Green Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 28(S4),1-15


This study examines the various green HR practices followed by organizations around the world and explains the simplified meaning of GHRM. This paper focuses on key green policies and practices to improve environmental sustainability, creating awareness among human resource managers and employees about Green Human Resource Management (GHRM), the green movement, and the use of natural resources to help organizations promote sustainable growth and protect health and safety for both employees and customers. The information, findings, and discussion in this study are based on literature reviews obtained through online publications


Green Human Resource Management, Green Practicesand Policies, Sustai`nability.


Recently, there has been observed an increasing awareness within business communities on the significance of going green and adopting various environment management techniques. As the corporate world is going global, the business is experiencing a shift from a conventional financial structure to a modern capacity-based economy which is ready to explore green economic facets of business. Today, Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) has become a key business strategy for the significant organizations where Human Resource Departments play an active part in going green at the office;

Ahmad (2015) emphasized on the dire need for developing correlation between human resource practices and green principles for sustainable development. Sustainable development is not a synonymous term to environmental protection rather a newer concept of economic growth wherein trade and foreign policies, economic an d fiscal policies agricultural and industrial policies, all aspire to stimulate such development paths that are economically, ecologically and socially sustainable. Extant literature has frequently analyzed the extent to which HRM is green on a continuum of all conventional HR practices, viz., job analysis, recruitment and selection, induction, training, performance evaluations and rewards.

During the 2000s, researchers realized the importance of studies of Green Human Resource Management (HRM) as a topic at the intersection of corporate environmental sustainability and HRM.

Similarly, Shaikh(2010) also talked about green corporate social responsibility as an integral part of Green HRM. In their paper, Renwick, Redman & Maguire (2013)

Acknowledge that GRHM research, outlined as the HRM aspects of environmental management, is comparatively diverse and progressive. These researchers developed a theoretical model wherein the conventional HR practices are considered a powerful mechanism for harmonizing employees with company’s environmental strategy.

Consequently, several HRM practices to embrace green concept have been discussed hereunder:

.Organizations began to promote and implement environmental management (EM) systems and practices as a response to changes in regulations, public awareness and concerns about potential environmental damage (Wehrmeyer,1996). Wherever (1996) stated in his book that the key to the success or failure of an organizations’ environmentally aware approach are the employees. Additionally, Mandip (2012) stated in her study that HRM is seen as an important key in achieving sustainable development. As a result, GHRM emerged, which complimented the technical aspect of environmental management with the more human aspects of HRM

Human Resource Management (HRM) is an important faction of management that deals with the most valuable assets of an organization which is human resources. The whole context of HRM is currently being considered in the light of sustainability all over. Expanding the statement, we contend that Green Human Resource Management is the most significant element of sustainability. In this paper, we exclusively focus on the topic Green Human Resource Management (GHRM).

Literature Review

Many scientists studied issues related to GHRM. Some studies are devoted to examination of awareness of GHRM among different categories of personnel including HR from various organizations. They shows that despite high level of awareness, GHRM practices are still not wide spread. For this reason, organizations want to implement the GHRM policy in future.Some scientists studied the impact of GHRM practices on green innovation, green behavior, and environmental sustainability.

One of the first study that was related to human resource management and environmental management was introduced by Wehrmeyer (1996) in the book ‘‘Greening People” (Esen & Arzu Ozsozgun, 2019, p. 59).

Study (Tang, Ren & Jackson, 2017) entitled Green human resource management research in emergence: A review and future directions”: This study aimed to highlight the successive needs of companies and organizations of various activities and fields for green human resources. The qualitative theoretical method was used by reviewing many published literature, previous studies, research and scientific journals. The study reached several results represented in the most effective measure for detecting human resource management practices and their various effects on the actual performance of those companies.

- A study (Ahmad, 2015) entitled "Green Human Management: Policies and Practices": This study aimed to introduce the green functions of human resource management (green polarization, green training and development, green health and safety, green compensation) and the environmental performance of organizations and environmental considerations such as damage industrial and chemical. The study relied on the systematic review of literature and its multiple sources to obtain data on studies related to the topic, and the study concluded that the effectiveness of processes and practices is written and that the green movement needs to preserve natural resources and pay attention to recycling and reduce the gap between what is done and what is hoped for.

Zhang, Y. Luo, X. Zhang, J. Zhao studied how GHRM practices influence the employees’ green behavior. The research shows that employees’ life cycle, education and training, employees’ empowerment, and managers’ involvement affect the green behavior of employees positively, while rewards only significantly predict extra-role behavior. The results of study Y. Jehan, D. Hussain, M. Batool, M. Imran showed that GHRM practices impact directly on environmental sustainability while the indirect relationship between green training and sustainable environment through “pro-environmental behavior”. The authors identified challenges in applying GHRM practices in the enterprises such as a low level of knowledge, no rules for practicing, a lack of administrative interest and support, high expenses of practicing, and high employee turnover. Some research in the field of GHRM are aimed at highlighting the specifics of the various HRM functions in the context of the implementation of GHRM policies.

- A study (Masri, 2016) entitled “Assessing Green Human Resources Management Practices In West Bank: An Exploratory Study”: This study aimed to reveal and evaluate the extent to which green practices for human resource management (green polarization, training and green compensation) are applied in Palestinian industrial companies consisting of Three sectors (food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries) in the West Bank, where the exploratory approach was used, interviews and questionnaires were used, and the study concluded that green practices are not widely applied in Palestinian industrial companies.

A study (Ahmad, 2015) entitled "Green Human Management: Policies and Practices": This study aimed to introduce the green functions of human resource management (green polarization, green training and development, green health and safety, green compensation) and the environmental performance of organizations and environmental considerations such as damage industrial and chemical. The study relied on the systematic review of literature and its multiple sources to obtain data on studies related to the topic, and the study concluded that the effectiveness of processes and practices is written and that the green movement needs to preserve natural resources and pay attention to recycling and reduce the gap between what is done and what is hoped for.

Environmental Sustainability

environmental sustainability is the responsibility of conserving natural resources and protecting global ecosystems. This is for supporting the health and wellbeing of the employees currently and as a future best practice. It is now worldwide essentially recognizing that staff in any firm can improve environmental sustainability, Also, in affirming this, note that the mitigation of environmental pollution and climate change requires a substantial commitment and inclusion of all organizations in different sectors. This mitigation varies based on the organization's characteristics that influence environmental sustainability, including implementation of environmental practices, drivers, barriers, and associated performance implications. Proenvironmental initiatives in firms are growing daily due to the lousy case. The climate variates the scarcity of resources and the destruction of the environment irreversibly. Environment safeguard is now a stand-out trend all around the world. Many firms are forced to perform environmental protection procedures and policies as their concern of every community. Sustainable environments improve environmental accountability and quality to avert the destruction and depletion of the environment. It includes three stages; in the first stage, the firm replies to environmental policies and regulations to affect its framework. In the second stage, the firm put condensation to protect the environment by reducing pollution and taking other related measures. In the third stage, environmental sustainability is ensured by activities, proactive and voluntary (M, Yusnita, Bakheet, & Cempaka, 2021, p. 159).

The Concept of Green Human Resource Management:

What is Green HRM?

Green Human Resources:

Meaning of ‘Green’ The Oxford Paperback Dictionary (1979) defines ‘green’ as the color between blue and yellow; the color of growing grass; covered with grassor with growing leaves; unripe, not seasoned; immature, inexperienced, easily deceived; pale and sickly-looking. Thus, the term ‘green’ has different meanings. However, mostly it means something relevant to nature or natural environment. Green means environmental. “Green” or “greening” has at least four meanings in the context of managing people at work / human resource management (Ullah, 2017) see figure 1.

Figure 1 Four Meanings of Green or Greening in the Context of HRM
Source: (Ullah, 2017, p. 08)

Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) might play a big role in making organizations more sustainable. Sustainability can be defined as all activities aimed at improving the social and ecological performance of a company while also retaining the financial bottom line GHRM” is a new rising concept and can be defined as: using Human Resource Management (HRM) practices to reinforce environmental sustainable practices and increase employee’s commitment on the issues of environmental sustainability.

Different authors have given different definitions for this term such as “Green HRM is the use of HRM policies to promote the sustainable use of resources within organizations and, more generally promotes the causes of environment sustainability” GHRM is directly responsible in creating green workforce that understands, appreciates, and practices green initiative and maintains its green objectives all throughout the HRM process of recruiting, hiring, training, compensating, developing, and advancing the firms human capital (Ahmad, 2015, p. 3).

GHRM is a derived term evolved from green management philosophy, policies, and practices followed by firms for environmental management, It is defined as the portion of human resource management which is focused on efforts to transform organizational employees into green employees with a vision to attain organizational sustainability goals (for example, increasing business opportunities, employees’ motivation,the public image of the brand and/or business and compliance with environment-friendlypolicies and laws and reducing labor turnover and utility costs, and creating competitive advantage) and also make a significant contribution to the environment .

Practices and policies ofgreen human resources management Which practices can be used to make the organization ‘green’?

It needs to be acknowledged that the intersection of sustainability, the natural environment, and HR management are new areas in fast development and therefore, not characterized by a fully developed body of writings (Jackson et al., 2011). Ulrich, Brockbank, and Johnson (2009) point out that many HR systems need to be aligned with each other in order to increase the likelihood that the organization will achieve its strategy. Cherian and Jacob (2012) in their study identified that recruitment, training, employee motivation, and rewards are important human dimensions which contribute to the improvement in employee implementation of green management principle. In order to make sure that the organization gets right employee green inputs and right employee green performance of job, it is indispensable that HRM functions are adapted or modified to be green (Opatha & A. Anton , 2014, p. 107).

In this part of the paper, we briefly describe a few specific functional HRM activities which identify with the sustainability and the natural environment at the workplace and also provide opportunities for research in future.

the above list of GHRM practices are more tangible and may guarantee that green issues will be considered in employees’ daily routine. These practices will be discussed in details below to provide an account on how organizations can transform HRM practices into green initiatives that support organizational EP.

Green Job Design and Analysis:

Designing and executing novel jobs and positions so as to focus solely on environmental management facets of the organizations can be referred to as Green Job design, It involves incorporating several environmental protection related tasks, duties and responsibilities in each job. In other words, inclusion of environmental dimension as a duty in job description and simultaneously incorporating green competencies as an intriguing component in job specification comes under the preview of green job analysis.

- Nowadays, many companies have started to incorporate such green practice to protect the environment. These have begun to include at least one duty related to environmental protection in each job description and also specifically include environmental responsibilities(Majeed, Khan, & Rayeesa, 2019, p. 1836).

Green Human Resource Planning

Engaging in forecasting number of employees and types of employees, needed to implement the corporate environmental management initiatives/programs/activities (e.g. ISO 14001, cleaner production, responsible care etc.).

-Engaging in deciding strategies to meet the forecasted demand for environmental works (e.g. Appointing consultants/experts to perform energy or environmental audit etc.) (Arulrajah, H.H.D.N.P., & N.N.J, 2015, p. 04).

Green Recruitment and Selection

Green recruiting is a system where the focus is given on importance of the environment and making it a major element within the organization(Ahmad, 2015, p. 6)Organizations need to focus on selecting and hiring an employee who support, and interested in, the environment.

Therefore, to increase their selection attractiveness from an increasingly environmentally aware talent, organizations should build an environmental reputation and images inspired by the thought that these organizations are environment responsive. Organizations should reflect their environmental sustainability agenda on the organization's website and other public facing channels available so that candidates can clearly view the organization's greening focus, However, Wehrmeyer (1996) recommends a number of measures that organizations can implement to enhance GHRM through recruitment and selection processes. First, job descriptions should include elements that emphasize the role of environmental reporting. Second, an induction program for newly recruited employees should be focused on providing information about environmental sustainability policies, values, and green goals of the organization,(Masri & Ayham A.M, 2017, p. 476), Finally, interviews have to be designed in a way to assess the potential agreeableness and fitness of the candidates with the greening programs of organizations. The emphasis laid on the GRS process indicates that during the interview process candidates must be asked more environment-related questions. Additionally, the authors described that organizations can expand their determinations to safeguard the environment using combining environmental tasks and responsibilities of every employees’ job description. It can also be carried out by designing new jobs or positions to focus exclusively on corporate sustainability aspects of the organizations(Jamal, Zahid, José Moleiro, Nuno Mata , Haseeb , & Neves Mata, 2021, p. 6). Recruiting provides increasing the quantity of candidates, selection function reduces this quantity by selecting the best-fit candidates. Potential employees’ green awareness, green employer branding and green criterias are three sub dimensions of green recruitment and selection (Esen & Arzu Ozsozgun, 2019, p. 59).

There arealso those who select Green recruitment and selection process has two parts:

(1) employing eco-friendly ways for hiring such as online tools, limited paper usage at the time of recruitment and selection process; and (2) measuring green attitudes at the time of selection, considering people who value green practices and follow basic environment-friendly activities such as recycling,less printing and conservation of energy. (Mishra, 2017, p. 764).

These are some of the green recruitment practices an organization can have. A listing of the existing and certain new HRM practices under the green recruitment is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Definitions of Green HRM
Source Definitions
Renwick, Redman and Maguire (2013) The integration of Corporate Environmental Management into HRM (Opatha & Athula Hewapathirana, 2019, p. 08).
Jabbour, Santos and Nagano (2010) The greening of functional dimensions of HRM such as job description and analysis, recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal and rewards .
Muster and Schrader, 2011 Green HRM is the implementation of environmental management into HR (Saifulina, Carballo Penela, & Ruzo, 2020, p. 07).
Opatha (2013) All the activities involved in development, implementation and on-going maintenance of a system that aims at making employees of an organization green. It is the side of HRM that is concerned with transforming normal employees into green employees so as to achieve environmental goals of the organization and finally to make a significant contribution to environmental sustainability. It refers to the policies, practices and systems that make employees of the organization green for the benefit of the individual, society, natural environment, and the business (Opatha & Athula Hewapathirana, 2019, p. 08).
Pillai and Sivathanu 2014 Definition of the policies and practices of the organization aimed to contribute to the corporate environmental agenda (Esen & Arzu Ozsozgun, 2019, p. 07).
Arulrajah and Opatha (2016) The environmental (green) orientation of all human resource functions or practices of an organization at all levels; Rethinking the basic concepts of HRM, its objectives, functions, processes, activities, and strategies in an environmentally friendly manner in order to accommodate the needs of ecological sustainability (Opatha & Athula Hewapathirana, 2019, p. 08).
Shah, 2019 “Green human resource management (GHRM) is defined as the incorporation of green management elements into job design, staffing, training and development, motivation, and maintenance functions of human resource management (HRM) to improve employee pro‐environmental behavior, meet employee expectations, and achieve organizational objectives” (Saifulina, Carballo Penela, & Ruzo, 2020, p. 07).
Yusoff, Nejati, Kee and Amran, 2018 “Green HRM can be defined as the portion of the sustainable HRM that engages with the requirements associated with environmental sustainability” (Saifulina, Carballo Penela, & Ruzo, 2020, p. 07).
Opatha 2019 Concerned with planet-related matters such as green roles of employee, green HRM functions, green attitude and behaviour, and green performance of job (Opatha & Athula Hewapathirana, 2019, p. 08).
Suharti& Sugiarto 2020 Green HRM is the application of HRM that aims to motivate employees’ behavior to help organizations achieve their environmentally-friendly goals and contribute to environmental sustainability by showing environ mentally friendly behavior. Green HRM includes policies, practices, and systems that encourage employees to behave environmentally friendly for the benefits of individuals, the society, natural environment and business. (Suharti & Sugiarto, 2020, p. 201).

When interviewing candidates or evaluating them for selection, environmental-related questions are asked by those companies. Really, these are some of the good green selection practices any organization can adopt to select environmental friendly people in addition to the normal selection criteria relating to the specific duties of the job being concerned. Table 2 shows a list of the existing HRM practices under the green selection.

Table 2 Green Recruitment
Authors Practices
Clarke, 2006; Wehrmeyer, 1996; 1 Indicating or making transparent about organization’s environmental performance (past and current) when communicating recruitment messages.
Oates, 1996 2 Becoming a green employer or green employer of choice.
CIPD, 2007; Renwick et al, 2008; 3 Including environmental criteria in the recruitment messages.
Jackson et al, 2011; Phillips, 2007; Stringer, 2009 4 Communicating the employer’s concern about greening through recruitment efforts.
Renwick et al, 2013 5 Reflecting environmental policy and strategies of the organization in its recruitment policy.
Opatha, 2013 6 Expressing certain environmental values (e.g. be a part of the green team of ABC.. or we are a socially and environmentally responsible employer) in the job advertisements of the company.
Opatha, 2013 7 Expressing the preference of the organization to recruit candidates who have competency and attitudes to participate in corporate environmental management initiatives too in the recruitment message.

Green Training and Development

The training program which is planned and implemented to make employees aware of their responsibilities towards protection and conservation of environment is known as green HR training and development program.

The vision and mission of the organization is a starting point for green training and development, where it begins to identify training needs according to the analysis and job design and at an early period that coincides with the new appointments and begins by introducing them to the environmental and social activities practiced by the organization and seeks to develop them through the workers and specialists in environmental and social affairs and ending with the manager, So green training and development includes everyone whose job is determined by tasks that reach their goals to the organization's environmental and social goals. It is defined that green training and development are based on improving knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to preventing environmental degradation, teaching workers the meaning of environmental values, and training them to use tools that enable them to conserve energy, reduce waste and loss, and hone skills to provide the ability to deal and participate actively in solving Environmental problems and thus become an important part in achieving environmental outcomes(Hamid & Kameli Mohamed, 2021, p. 501) ,Organizations in general must attract green talents and trends, such as environmental specialists, who in themselves become a trademark of the organization. The managers" energies and green orientations must be invested in creativity towards the message of polarization and work to activate it to gain the best from candidates so that the organization's strategy, policies and environmental and social values are reflected in the recruitment letter. The organization should also work on automating green practices for human resources by activating the latest technological means, starting with online applications, conducting initial audio or video interviews, and using e-mail as a matter of effective environmental performance and preserving environmental resources by reducing paper waste and using ink and transportation for transportation. and access to the organization .

-This also educates the employees and customers regarding the advantages of becoming eco-friendly seller and ecofriendly buyer of green products (Jalaja, 2018, p. 15), Daily et al., (2007) conducted a study on EMS training framework and its relation to practices of HR in the organization, This study was empirical in nature as a survey was conducted among 437 employees. From the results of the survey it was identified that the formation of an effective green Management system was directly dependent on environmental training. The study concluded that in order to manage effective green HR practices it is vital to promote environmental training in an organization as it presents essential knowledge for promoting green teams in an organization and presents them with the ability to deal with the different issues which emerge as a result of problems related to environment and the associated opportunities (Cherian & Jolly, 2012) see table 3.

Table 3 Green Training and Development
Authors Practices
Cook and Seith, 1992 1 Providing environmental training to the organizational members (employees and managers) to develop required skills and knowledge
Renwick et al, 2008 Renwick et al, 2013 Jackson et al, 2011 2 Providing training to learn or adapt environmental friendly best practices (e.g. reducing long-distance business travel and recycling).
North, 1997 3 Providing environmental awareness training to create “environmental awareness” among the workforce.
North, 1997 4 Providing environmental education to the workforce.
Renwick et al, 2008, Renwick et al, 2013 5 Providing training to the staff to produce green analysis of workspace.
Renwick et al, 2008, Renwick et al, 2013 6 Applying of job rotation to train green managers of the future.
Opatha, 2013 7 Imparting right knowledge and skills about greening (to each employee through a training program exclusively designed for greening).
Opatha, 2013 8 Conducting training needs analyses to identify green training needs of employees.
9 Analysing and identifying environmental training needs of employees in order to make them more environmental concerned.
10 Conducting a serious and systematic training program which is given to each employee for the purpose of giving needed knowledge, skills and attitudes for good environmental management.
11 Providing opportunities to everybody to be trained on environmental management aspects

Green Reward Management

-Is another key function of green HRM. , The sustainability of organization’s environmental performance is highly dependent on the green reward management practices of the organization, To motivate managers and non-managerial employees on corporate environmental management initiatives, green reward management has significant contributions. Organizations can practice it in two ways such as financial and non-financial (Arulrajah, H.H.D.N.P., & N.N.J, 2015, p. 09).

Monetary-based rewards for contributions in environment management can be allocated in the forms of salary increase, cash incentives and bonuses while non-monetary rewards may include sabbaticals, special leave and gifts to employees and their family members. Recognition-based awards can highlight green contributions of employees through wide publicity and public praise and appreciation of green efforts by CEO or top management executives (Ullah, 2017) see table 4.

Table 4 Green Reward Management
Authors Practices
Crosbie and Knight, 1995; Renwick et al, 2008 and 2013. 1. Rewarding employee environmental performance (good/excellent and extraordinary).
Crosbie and Knight, 1995; Renwick et al, 2008 and 2013; Opatha, 2013. 2. Financially rewarding for employee good environmental performance.
Whitenight, 1992; Bhushan, and Mackenzie, 1994; Renwick et al, 2008 and 2013; Opatha, 2013. 3. Non-financially rewarding for employee good environmental performance.
Bhushan and Mackenzie,1994. 4. Team excellence awards for better environmental performance.
Bhushan and Mackenzie,1994. 5. Introducing rewards for innovative environmental initiative/performance.
Woods, 1993. 6. Communicatingemployee environnemental excellence.
Berry and Randinelli, 1999; Jackson et al, 2011. 7. Providing incentives to encourage environmentally friendly activities and behaviors (e.g. recycling and waste management).
Renwick et al, 2008 and 2013. 8. Rewarding for green skills acquisition

Green Performance Management:

-One of the most important functions in GHRM is measuring the employee green performance of the job, and without this practice, every organization cannot make sure the practical environmental performance within a long-term basis.

-Green performance of employee evaluation has to be done independently or as a minimum as an element of the organization performance evaluation system(Sami Alghamdi, 2021, p. 452). The employee green performance measurement criteria of the job have to be carefully associated with the performance of the organization's criteria of environmental (Arulrajah, H.H.D.N.P., & N.N.J, 2015, p. 07).

To sustain excellent environmental performance, the organizations have to establish EMIS (Environmental Management Information Systems) in addition to environmental audits. A lot of organizations have recognized environmental audits and environmental management information systems, the main goal of the environmental management information system is for monitor effectively the excess of energy, resource usage, pollution, in addition to regulatory necessities an organization encounters. As an Environmental Management Information Systems has been expanded, it is significant that it is not used only for reporting purposes, other than should in addition be incorporated with manager’s performance appraisals in addition to employee Including corporate environmental management targets and objectives with the organization performance evaluation system is a have to for every organization these days.

-Organizations must consist of environmental incidents in addition to environmental issues, take-up of environmental tasks as well as the achievement of the communicating environmental policy and concerns in the company performance evaluation system (Sami Alghamdi, 2021, p. 452).

-Establishing green performance indicators to performance management system as well as appraisals or installing corporate-wide environmental performance standards is not enough.Communication of the green schemes, standards and performance, indicators to every level of staff during performance evaluation system in addition to establishing firm-wide dialogue on the green matters are needed also for materializing aimed environmental performance (Arulrajah, H.H.D.N.P., & N.N.J, 2015, p. 07) .

Managers have to set green responsibilities, targets and goals for their divisions, departments or sections, they ought to assess a lot of green incidents, utilize of the environment responsibility, in addition to the environmental policy successful communication in their range of their procedure.

Mandip (2012) identified that effective way of successful implementation of Green performance management is the linkage between performance management and green job description (Ullah, 2017) Table 5.

Table 5 Green Performance Evaluation
Authors Practices
Wells et al, 1993; Carpenter, 1994; Schwalm,1994; Milliman and Clair,1996 1. Establishingenvironmental management information system (EMIS) and environmental audits.
Wehrmeyer, 1996. 2. Incorporating corporate environmental management objectives and targets with the performance evaluation system of the organization.
Milliman and Clair, 1996; Renwick et al, 2008; Renwick et al, 2013. 3. Installing corporate-wide environmental performance standards.
Renwick et al, 2008; Renwick et al, 2013; Opatha, 2013. 4. Integrating green criteria in appraisals or evaluating employee’s job performance according to green-related criteria.
Opatha, 2013. 5. Including a separate component for progress on greening in the performance feedback interview.
Renwick et al, 2008; Renwick et al, 2013. 6. Setting green targets, goals and responsibilities. 7. Providing regular feedback to the employees or teams to achieve environmental goals or improve their environmental performance. 8. Introducing or formally evaluating all employees’ green job performance (as far as possible)

Green Employee Relations

-For better productivity, one of the most important things to be maintained is employee-employer relations or relations among the co-workers. Employees should be making responsible to take decisions in Environment management system (Mukherjee, Soumendra, Nabanita, & Urvashi , 2020, p. 223).

The HR staff needs to pressurize the management to create a participative work environment where the employees are free to put up their ideas on green issues since they are the ones who in reality are responsible for implementing ethical corporate behavior in the day-to-day life of the organization. ,This means the achievement of green outcomes will largely depend on employees’ willingness to collaborate , as often, the best ideas come from the employees who work in that particular area (Ullah, 2017, p. 16).

Specialists (Cohen and Taylor, 2010; Ehner, 2009; Behrend, 2009; Philips, 2007). Recommend a couple of Green HRM rehearses, which are referenced beneath(Sharma & Sharma, 2020, p. 23):

• Empowering workers, through preparing and pay, is to discover approaches to lessen the utilization of naturally harming synthetic substances in their items.

• Helping workers in distinguishing approaches to reuse items that can be utilized for play areas for kids who don't approach sound spots to play.

• Planning an organization’s HRM framework is toreflect value, advancement, and well-being, hence adding to the drawn out wellbeing and manageability of both interior (representatives) and outside networks

• Accentuating long haul business security is to dodge interruption forworkers, their families, and their networks.

• Utilization of employment gateways of organizations for enrollmentand custom of phone, web, and video interviews, which can decrease the movement prerequisites of the up-and-comer and influencing the decrease in desk work.

• Green awardsto representatives can be given by organizations in the course of action of the nature-accommodating work environment and way of life benefits through giving carbon credit equalizers, free bikes,and contamination free vehicles for transportation to the working environment to connect with workers in green plan.

• Gifted, talented, and experienced representatives are naturally cognizant now, and they generally search for self-realization to be focused on their work. Green HR can make this dedication by following green qualities and practices.

• Green activities can happen with least utilization of paper and written words in enlistment, preparing and advancement, and execution evaluation

• An organization can make a green business condition by decreasing the utilization of written words, expanded 'reusing, utilizing eco-accommodating staple and lunch packs, and denying the utilization of filtered water, plastic in the work environment.

• Radiant lights and other vitality sparing green gadgets can be utilized in the work environment.

• Organizations can move their representatives to change their movement and transportation routes through diminishing authority vehicle trips, utilizing public vehicle for business travel, and carpooling, giving sans interest credits to buy crossover vehicles, and cycling or strolling to work.

• Direct conferences and gatherings through the web, phone, and video conferencing any place conceivable to diminish business travel.

• Give adaptable work chances to representatives in telecommuting or work from home by utilizing messages and friend’s entryways through intranet and web.

• Wellbeing programs for workers, their relatives, and general individuals can be organized to zero in on physical wellness, appropriate nourishment, and a sound way of life. As a significant green target, natural administration can be remembered for the statement of purpose of the organization as an aspect of their social obligation. Associations can mastermind tidiness and waste administration activity in the working environments and encompassing society to cause mindfulness about green issues.

• Urge the representative to kill lights, PCs, and printers after work hours and on ends of the week for additional vitality decreases.

• Rouse representatives to put PCs and printers in vitality sparing settings when they will be away for some time.

• Mood killer office lights while going to gatherings and around evening time and throughout the end of the week. Turn lights off in bathrooms, gathering rooms, libraries, etc.when the room isn't being used.

• Work with IT to change to PCs over personal computers since Laptops expend up to 90% less force.

The Benefits of Implementing Green HRM:

Several studies suggest that the application of Green HRM had a positive impact on employee, organizational, and environmental performance. Specifically, the application of Green HRM improved environmental management systems such as efficient use of resources and reduced waste and pollution from the workplace,(Suharti & Sugiarto, 2020, p. 202) at the organizational level the implementation of Green HRM enhanced resource efficiency and economic impact(Alhadid & As’ad, 2014, p. 52).

At the individual level (employees), the application of Green HRM increased individual empowerment that eventually enhanced productivity and performance and facilitated self-control and problem-solving skills (Suharti & Sugiarto, 2020, p. 203) ,Also Cherian and Jacob added that the application of Green HRM could improve employee involvement, made employees feel more comfortable in companies, and attract high-mkquality employees to join the company. Additionally, it increased employee moral(Cherian & Jolly, 2012, p. 31) , and produced psychological green climate and environmentally friendly workplace. Further, Green HRM practices could also improve employees ‘workplace-related welfare.

Pawar (2016) identified some of the benefits that an employee and organization can attain by implementing green HRM in the organization as follows(Ullah, 2017, p. 10):

• Improved rate of retention in employee

• Improved public image

• Improvement in attracting better employees

• Improvement in productivity

• Improvement in sustainable use of resources

• eduction of practices that cause the degradation of the environment

• Reduced Utility Costs

• Save Environmental Impact

• Rebates and Tax Benefits

• Increased Business Opportunities

Understanding about why Green is (mentioned above) indicates the importance of Green HRM. If reiterated in another form, Greening is essential for the following:

• To avoid or minimize global warming.

• To avoid or minimize natural disasters such as Acid rains, red rains, Tsunamis, flooding, hurricanes, droughts etc owing to informal, harmful and greedy usage of natural resources for production and consumption.

• To avoid or minimize health diseases owing to pollution.

• To avoid or minimize harms to animals and other natural creatures.

• To ensure appropriate balance of relationships among plants, animals, people, and their environment.

• To ensure survival of humans and business organizations for a prolonged period of time. an increased profit from a generally improved society.

Green HRM becomes necessitated in order to provide environmentally friendly products and operations, to manage corporate environmental programs successfully, and to overcome implementation challenges of corporate environmental programs ,Distinguished policies in recruitment, performance appraisal, training and development, employee relations and reward systems are considered powerful tools for aligning employees with a company’s environment strategy (Renwick, 2008) and therefore Green HRM can decisively contribute to successful environmental management (Jackson et al, 2011). It is not an exaggeration to mention here that the employees are the key to success or failure of eco-activities of an organization. In fact Green HRM is important not only at the organizational level but also at the employee or individual level.

An employee has a private life in addition to work life and therefore he or she is an employee at the work life domain and a consumer at the private life domain. Environmentally friendly behavior in both life domains is facilitated. Greening will be beneficial for the employee to give a significant individual contribution to successful corporate management and to become a good citizen giving a significant contribution to environmental sustainability (Opatha, 2013, pp. 15-16).


Green HRM is an emerging field. Some of the concerns for environment and for the need of going green can be addressed through adoption of green HRM by different public and private sector organizations. The GHRM framework is not complex and may not require a fundamental shift in the structure of HRM functions but at the same time have a positive impact in the long run. GHRM can be more fruitful if it is adopted by the organizations as part of the broader sustainable development or green management philosophy rather than just a time bound small isolated step. Reiterates that Green HR efforts have resulted in “increased efficiencies, cost reduction, employee retention, and improved productivity, besides other tangible benefits”. Organizations need to become proactive and go for practices that can help them grow and at the same time enable organizations for paying back to the society. Organizations can opt for ISO 14001 certification track also; this can also help organizations to significantly move towards environmentally sustainable processes. It is imperative to mention that literature pertaining to GHRM and its implementation is mostly available in the context of developed economies and not in the developing countries. It is high time that developing countries should acknowledge the importance of greener sustainable environment and counter the growing global warming issues. GHRM can be one small but effective strategy as a part of the broader mission. Despite several advancements on the subject, emphasize that there are still gaps in the GHRM concept with reference to its theoretical as well as practical developments.

However Green HRM is an emerging philosophy. Indeed, there are many gaps to be filled in respect of green HRM.

Such gaps include an informative guide on the emergent literature, its scope and coverage, and a process model and research agenda in this field. Theoretical and empirical studies are needed to enhance the body of knowledge of Green HRM. The interested contributors/researchers can do extensive quantitative and/or qualitative research on Green HRM.


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Received: 25-Mar-2024, Manuscript No. IJE-24-14698; Editor assigned: 28-Mar-2024, Pre QC No. IJE-24-14698 (PQ); Reviewed: 11-Apr-2024, QC No. IJE-24-14698; Revised: 16-Apr-2024, Manuscript No. IJE-24-14698 (R); Published: 23-Apr-2024

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