Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)

Research Article: 2023 Vol: 26 Issue: 6

Exploratory factor model of university identity

Cruz Garcia Lirios, Autonomous University of Mexico City

Jaime Lemus Tlapale, Autonomous University of Tlaxcala

Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Sonora Technological Institute

Victor Hugo Merino Cordoba, Luis Amigo Catholic University

Citation Information: Lirios, C.G., Tlapale, J.L., Campas, C.Y.Q. & Cordoba, V.H.M. (2023). Exploratory factor model of university identity. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 26(6), 1-08.


The university identity is a central axis in the university agenda. The objective of this work was to contrast a model of the determinants of sports practice based on sociodemographic variables and university identity factors. A psychometric, correlational and cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of university students from northwestern Mexico. The results show that the predictive factor of sports practice is that which is carried out between men and women and that it differentiates them according to their level of identity. university. In relation to the state of the art where it is proposed that sports practice is anticipated based on university identity factors, this paper discusses the implications for institutional policies that encourage the factors in question and reorient the university identity based on institutional resources. and personal contributions.


Quality of Life, Educational Performance, University Identity, Sports Practice, Institutional Resources, School Contribution.


Quality of university life refers to the general level of well-being and satisfaction experienced by students during their time at university (McGuine et al., 2021). This concept encompasses various aspects of a college student's life, including their physical and mental health, their social relationships, their academic environment, and their lifestyle in general. Quality of college life is important because it can have a significant impact on academic achievement, student retention, and personal development.

There are several factors associated with the quality of university life. Some of the most relevant include:

Academic environment: The quality of academic programs, the availability of educational resources, the quality of professors, and access to research and learning opportunities influence the quality of university life (Gilbertson & Loomis, 2022). A stimulating and supportive academic environment can enhance the student experience.

Social life and relationships: The quality of university life is closely linked to social relationships and integration into the student community (Conde et al., 2021). The availability of extracurricular activities, clubs, student organizations, and opportunities for social involvement can positively affect the quality of life for students.

Physical health and well-being: Physical health is a key factor in the quality of university life (Watson et al., 2023). Access to health care services, sports facilities, healthy eating options, and promotion of healthy lifestyle habits have an impact on the general wellbeing of students.

Mental health and emotional support: Mental health is essential for a good quality of college life (McGuine et al., 2022). The availability of counseling and psychological support services, as well as mental health awareness and care, are crucial factors in promoting the emotional well-being of students.

Physical environment: The physical environment of the university campus, including the infrastructure, security, accessibility and quality of the facilities, also influences the quality of life of the students (De Matos et al., 2020).

Finances and economic resources: The financial situation of students can affect their quality of university life (Haan et al., 2021). Access to scholarships, financial aid programs, and employment opportunities can ease the financial burden and improve quality of life.

These factors vary from one institution to another and from one student to another, but in general, a good quality of university life is based on the combination of a quality education, a supportive environment, good social relationships, good physical and mental health, and access to adequate financial resources (Rantanen et al., 2021).

Educational performance is influenced by a variety of economic, demographic, cultural, social, pedagogical, and psychological factors (Suzuki et al., 2020). Listed below are some of the factors associated with each of these areas:

Economic factors: The economic status of the family can influence access to educational resources, such as study materials, tutoring, and extracurricular opportunities (Wu et al. 2021).

Financial resources: The availability of funds to pay for education, acquire books and materials, as well as to cover basic expenses, can affect the dedication and focus of students in their studies (Rodriguez Larrad et al., 2021).

Demographic factors: Access to education: Geographic location and availability of educational institutions can influence educational opportunities for students (Abou Hashish et al., 2022).

Language and culture: Language barriers and cultural differences can affect students' communication and academic adjustment, especially in multicultural environments (Al Dhaheri et al., 2021).

Values and beliefs: Cultural values and beliefs can influence students' motivation and expectations regarding education and academic success (Zhang et al., 2020).

Social Norms and Expectations: Social expectations and cultural norms regarding education can influence the dedication and effort of students.

Family support: Emotional support and encouragement from family can have a positive impact on students' educational performance (Eime et al., 2023).

Peer Influence: Friendships and social interactions among peers can both positively and negatively affect students' academic performance (Lardone et al., 2020).

Teaching quality: The competence and ability of teachers to deliver knowledge effectively can influence student learning and achievement (Kakose et al., 2022).

Teaching methods: The pedagogical approaches used, such as active learning, the use of educational technology and the personalization of learning, can affect the participation and interest of students (Graupensperger et al., 2020).

Motivation and self-efficacy: Intrinsic motivation and belief in one's own ability to succeed academically can influence student engagement and effort (Sadri et al., 2022).

Mental health and emotional well-being: Mental health problems, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, can affect students' concentration, memory, and ability to learn (Costa et al. 2020).

It is important to note that these factors interact with each other and can have different effects on each individual. In addition, there are other factors that can also influence educational performance, and their importance may vary in different educational and cultural contexts (Almhdawi et al., 2021).

However, the literature identifies university identity as an axis associated with quality of life and school performance (Kenfield, 2021). The relationship between university identity and sports practice can be significant and have multiple facets. Here are some ways in which these two areas can be related:

Feeling of belonging: Participation in sports activities can foster a sense of belonging to the university community (Hu et al., 2021). Students who get involved in sports teams or attend sporting events often feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves, which contributes to their college identity.

Spirit and tradition: Many universities have a long history and traditions around sports (Weitzer et al., 2021). Sports teams and athletic events are often an integral part of college culture. The spirit and support of the teams can be a way of showing pride and identification with the institution.

Institutional representation: University sports teams often represent their institution in competitions and tournaments against other universities (Savarese, 2021). The sporting success of a team can generate a sense of prestige and pride in the university community, which in turn can strengthen the university identity of students.

Opportunities for leadership and participation: Sports practice at the university level can offer opportunities for leadership and participation (Watson et al., 2023). Students can get involved as team captains, assistant coaches, athletic committee members, or event organizers. These experiences help students develop leadership skills and feel more connected to their institution.

Well-being and personal development: Participation in sports activities can contribute to the physical and emotional well-being of students (Dai et al., 2021). Regular sports practice can improve health, reduce stress and increase self-confidence. These benefits can influence the perception of university identity since students feel more engaged and satisfied with their university experience.

It is important to take into account that the relationship between university identity and sports practice may vary depending on the culture and traditions of each institution, as well as the individual preferences and interests of students (Wang et al., 2020). Not all students feel identified with practicing sports, and university identity can be built through other aspects of university life, such as academic, cultural or community participation.

Therefore, the objective of this paper is to empirically contrast a model of the determinants of sports practice based on sociodemographic and cultural factors such as gender and university identity (Ravens-Sieberer et al., 2021)


A cross-sectional, correlational and psychometric study was carried out with a sample of students from northwestern Mexico, considering their area of study related to economicadministrative sciences.

The University Quality of Life Scale was used, which includes 20 items related to the dimensions of quality of life, university identity and educational performance. The reliability of the general scale reached an alpha and omega value of .955, which indicates that the instrument can be applied in different samples and contexts, obtaining consistent results. Each of the questions includes response options ranging from 1 = Totally disagree to 5 = Totally agree (see instrument in the annex).

The data was captured in SPSS and processed in JASP version 14 since the software offers two reliability options. Precisely, the alpha and omega reliability coefficients were estimated, as well as KMO sphericity and adequacy with the Bartlett test. The validity was estimated with factorial weights, the adjustment with TLI and the residual with RMSEA in order to be able to contrast the null hypothesis of significant differences between the theoretical structure with respect to the empirical observations.

The programming that allowed the estimation of the parameters and analysis of the properties of the instrument was the following Figure 1.

Figure 1 Programming

The values that approached the unit were assumed as evidence of reliability, adequacy, sphericity, validity and adjustment of the theoretical model with respect to the empirical observations. Values close to zero were considered as residual evidence or nonrejection of the null hypothesis.


The eigenvalues of the model suggest the suppression of the educational performance factor because it is associated with quality-of-life indicators, as well as a reduction in the indicators that measure the quality of life and university identity. In other words, the eigenvalues that indicate the permissible variables in a factorial model of 20 indicators recommend the exclusion of the educational performance factor and the reduction of the indicators linked to the factors of quality of life and university identity (see Table 1).

Table 1 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Test
Overall MSA 0.752
r1 0.702
r2 0.507
r3 0.543
r4 0.807
r5 0.830
r6 0.793
r7 0.860
r8 0.647
r9 0.873
r10 0.833
r11 0.622
r12 0.745
r13 0.788
r14 0.767
r15 0.634
r16 0.872
r17 0.756
r18 0.685
r19 0.686
r20 0.750

Once the school performance factor was eliminated, we proceeded to estimate the factorial structure of quality of life and university identity to be able to discriminate the indicators with less factorial weight.

Factor one related to quality of life and factor three alluding to educational performance were correlated with indicators that theoretically are not associated with them. Consequently, the trajectory model included only the indicators of university identity (11 and 12) that are theoretically associated with them (see Table 2).

Table 2 Factor Loadings
  Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Uniqueness
r1     -0.450 0.771
r2     -0.454 0.722
r3       0.843
r4 0.769     0.307
r5   -0.891   0.062
r6   0.949   0.018
r7   -0.722   0.361
r8 -0.662     0.524
r9     0.692 0.433
r10   0.742   0.304
r11 0.643   0.414 0.433
r12 -0.630   0.412 0.414
r13 0.891     0.217
r14 0.425 0.612   0.356
r15     0.625 0.453
r16 0.799     0.216
r17 0.867     0.175
-0.592 0.431 0.651 0.226
  -0.888   0.263
r20     0.453 0.444

In this way, the trajectory model was made up of the university identity factor, which in turn was made up of the resource and contribution indicators (indicators 11 and 12) were included in the final model to predict the practice of sport (see Table 3). In this way, the determining factor of sports practice was sex. That is, as men and women participate in sports activities, they increase their sports practice as part of their quality of life and school performance. In this process, the university identity reduces sports practice.

Table 3 Factor Characteristics
  SumSq. Loadings Proportion var. Cumulative
Factor 1 5.013 0.251 0.251
Factor 2 4.582 0.229 0.480
Factor 3 2.861 0.143 0.623


The objective of this work was to contrast a model of the determinants of sports practice in order to be able to recommend educational policies that encourage school performance. The results show that the practice of sport is asymmetric between men and women with respect to university identity, but not with respect to quality of life. In relation to the literature consulted, a close relationship between university identity and sports practice can be seen. In the present work, it was found that university identity discreetly predicts sports practice, but it is sports competition that is influenced by competition between genders. Thus, the inclusion of the variables of university identity, quality of life, school performance, sports practice and gender factors in the discussion of educational policies that guide comprehensive academic training.


The objective of this study was to contrast a model of the determinants of sports practice based on variables related to sociodemographic characteristics, quality of life, university identity and educational performance. The results show that sports practice in men and women is determined by their sex difference. In addition, this sport practice is inhibited by their university identity. Therefore, the inclusion of factors that encourage university identity and guide it towards sports health is recommended.


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Received: 02-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. JLERI-23-14078; Editor assigned: 03-Sep-2023, Pre QC No. JLERI-23-14078(PQ); Reviewed: 18-Sep-2023, QC No. JLERI-23-14078; Revised: 22-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. JLERI-23-14078(R); Published: 30-Sep-2023

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