Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 1

Entrepreneurship Learning Based on Business Model Canvas Creates Competitive Advantage

Suranto, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Indonesia

Siti Nurlaela, University Islam Batik of Surakarta Indonesia


The ability of Indonesian higher education graduates to compete or create jobs is not optimal. The undergraduate unemployment rate is actually higher than the total national unemployment. This study examines and analyzes the impact of the application of Business Model Canvas entrepreneurship learning on improving student achievement and entrepreneurial intentions and how the interaction between the level of entrepreneurial learning achievement and the application of the Business Model Canvas creates a Competitive Advantage for entrepreneurial intentions. The method used is a quasi-experimental by assigning two classes of entrepreneurship courses as an experimental class (Business Model Canvas class) and one control class. Hypothesis testing with t test and ANOVA. The findings show that the average entrepreneurial learning achievement in the Business Model Canvas class is higher than the control class. The average score for entrepreneurial intentions in the Business Model Canvas class is only higher. Learning entrepreneurship using the Business Model Canvas has been proven to be positive and can significantly improve learning achievement.


Entrepreneurship, Business Model Canvas, Competitive Advantage.


Globally, entrepreneurship plays an important role in the process of economic development and it maintains the country's competitiveness in facing the challenges of globalization. The impact of globalization on developing economic entrepreneurship education is the fastest growing field of education (Sirelkhatim & Gangi, 2015). In Malaysia, entrepreneurship education can facilitate the development of student competencies and increase entrepreneurial potential. In the European Union introducing high quality entrepreneurship education to complement knowledge, and increase the attractiveness of entrepreneurial careers for young people. Meanwhile, entrepreneurial intention is the best for entrepreneurial actors. Entrepreneurship education is important to help increase entrepreneurial intentions and impart knowledge and influence student mindsets. Developing the curriculum, increasing the skills capacity of graduates di Negara Vitname (Quang et al., 2020). Furthermore, entrepreneurship research is supported through proper planning and policy making. University for entrepreneurial research as a scientific production base must explain entrepreneurial knowledge about economic and social problems in society (Naderibeni et al., 2020).

As in Malaysia, economic development is driven and shaped by globalization, from pre-colonial and post-independence. As a result, Malaysia cannot escape the increasing economic and cultural challenges of globalization. This can be seen from the fact that the undergraduate unemployment rate is still higher than the national unemployment rate (Hutasuhut, 2018). The entrepreneurial process begins when a person recognizes and exploits opportunities in an uncertain environment. By looking for business opportunities, entrepreneurs can identify new ways to produce products and services, or improve existing products. This is recognized by Kuckertz who state that an entrepreneur will take advantage of opportunities, and that will have the ability of successful entrepreneurs to do so. In short, apart from the practical elements it is very important that the following can be a theoretical contribution (Salamzadeh, 2020; Salamzadeh et al., 2019). Investigate new relationships between different concepts. Examining previously tested theories in new contexts, and considering new assumptions or axioms in the model studied. Global forum and union media entrepreneurs can influence large numbers of people, be involved in socio-political meetings, the unique business model the media use (Salamzadeh et al., 2019).

Literature Review

New Business Models

The finding of business models that respond to the main principles of stakeholder theory in its non-instrumental perspective can make a comparison possible between the theory and reality, and facilitate new empirical contrasts in the domain of stakeholder theory (Alcaniz et al., 2020). Research aims to identify and prioritize the components of a business model as well as structuring a knowledge-based company business model prioritizing the importance of components of a Knowledge-based firm's business model (Asadnezhad et al., 2017). Innovation occurs also because it is handled as a business strategy and incorporated into the organizational culture, with people motivated and adapting to constant renovation and change and with resource-targeted innovation (Nunes & Russo, 2019).


The shift in the myth of “entrepreneurs are born, not made” to: entrepreneurs have a disciplines, model, processes and can be learned ?shows that entrepreneurship can be learned and practiced without being entrepreneurial. The development of entrepreneurship theory into three stages: The theory that prioritizes business opportunities. A theory that prioritizes people's responses to opportunities, and a theory that prioritizes the relationship between entrepreneurial behavior and its results. Entrepreneurship can be learned and mastered, because entrepreneurship can be a job choice, a career choice. Motivation to develop a new business is needed not only by self-confidence in its ability to succeed, but also by its ability to access information about entrepreneurial opportunities. Entrepreneurship learning begins with the preparation and procurement of learning materials for theory, practice and implementation. Education that has an entrepreneurial atmosphere will lead to better life opportunities for its graduates. The business model contributes to clarifying opportunities through the identification of theoretical and practical research gaps that point to the discussion of concepts related to business models, new technologies and disruptive business models (Schiavi & Behr 2018).

Business Model Canvas

In this study, external analysis was carried out using the Business Model Canvas (BMC). The Business 9 model using the canvas method will make it easier for a businessman to build and develop a run business or company. The business model canvas is displayed on a canvas consisting of 9 elements. Meanwhile, business model describes the rationale for how organizations create, deliver, and capture value. Business Model Generation explains how companies are actually able to respond quickly to customer desires by providing the best values in the company. There are nine (9) building blocks in the Business Model Canvas. Strategic management is an art or knowledge to formulate, implement and evaluate decisions so that the organization can achieve the desired targets. As a major empirical contribution, we identified in this respect the dependent relationship between innovation and the business model adopted by DSM, and that the logic of creating, delivering and capturing value is essential for the conception and development of new products (Bonazzi & Zilber, 2014). One of the main theoretical contributions of this research is the genera utilization of the anthology of business models in Information and Communication Technology companies based on the findings of the Telecommunication Company of Iran Telecommunication Company's business model in the form of business model anthologies.

Research Methods

This research uses an experimental method which is carried out on the campus of the Faculty of Economics, Islamic University of Batik Surakarta. This research is based on constructivist learning theory which demands the independence of students to formulate business ideas, design business, and report. Students plan a learning process to complete a business plan assignment. The study population was students who took the Entrepreneurship course at the Faculty of Economics, which consisted of Management and Accounting study programs, Faculty of Agriculture consisting of Agro technology, Agrebis, Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Engineering, consisting of Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Faculty of LawFaculty of Law, Universityy Islam Batik Surakarta in the even semester of 2019/2020, which consists of 15 classes. Each class has a relatively homogeneous condition because it has been in the fifth semester and has not received entrepreneurship courses in the previous semester. The class sample was determined as two classes using purposive sampling with consideration of equal teaching staff. One class as the experimental class treatment and another class as the control class did not apply, it was determined by simple random sampling.

The data collection technique used was an instrument consisting of: (a) instrument (test) of entrepreneurial learning outcomes, and (b) entrepreneurial intention (adopted from Liñán & Chen, 2009; Liñán et al., 2011) on a scale of 1-7. A score of 1 describes “very weak”, and a score of 7 describes “very strong”. Before being distributed, the learning outcome test instrument file was tested to ensure its validity. Normality and homogeneity tests were carried out to ascertain whether the data were normally distributed and homogeneous as conditions using the hypothesis testing tool. To measure the impact of entrepreneurial learning, researchers used the “t-test” and “a nova test”. The tools for running statistical tests used SPSS version 25 (Table 1).

Table 1 Variable and Indicator
NO Variable Indicator Item
1 Entrepreneurial Intension Work orientation 1, 2
Readiness to starta business 3, 6
Entrepreneurial determinatiion 4, 5
2 Entrepreneurship learning out comes Business opportunities, 5, 14
Entrepreneurial character 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16
Entrepreneurial process 10, 17
Resources 1, 2, 11, 15
Business planning 6, 13, 18

Results and Discussion

The number of questions used to measure students' level of entrepreneurial knowledge was 17 multiple choice items. Moreover, to find out the students' ability to build a business, an assignment was given to build a business plan in groups. Students first test the questions. Of the 20 multiple choice questions tested, 17 items were valid with criterion >0.361. Then from the 6 first statement items measuring students' entrepreneurial intentions, all can be used, seen from their validity with the Item-Total Correction score. The lowest correlation was 0.681 and the highest 0.824 (with criteria>0.30) and Cronbach's Alpha 0.912 (with criteria>0.60). Student responses to tools and implementation of business model canvas learning. The reaction principle of the Business Model Canvas learning is seen from the responses given by students to the learning instruments and the application of the Business Model Canvas, and the results are presented in Table 2. Student responses to the application of the Business Model Canvas are seen from 5 aspects; Feelings of pleasure and displeasure, learning aspects of new categories or not, level of language clarity, level of understanding, and level of excitement or displeasure in the Business Model Canvas and learning outcomes tests, the result is that every aspect gets positive scores response 81% and above (category “very high”). The calculation results are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Student Responses to the Application of the Business Model Canvas
Aspects Average Response (%)
Feelings of “Happy or Unhappy” Respondents to the component; subject matter, Business Model Canvas. Student Worksheet (Business Plan), learning atmosphere, instructor/lecturer appearance, how to teach Happy
“Clear or Unclear” respondents’ opinions about the language used in the Clear Unclear
Student Worksheet and learning achievement test 96.55 3.50
Respondents’ opinions about “understanding or not understanding” of the Understand Not Understand
Student Worksheet (Business Plan) and learning achievement test 93 7.00
Respondents’ opinions about the “exciting or unexciting” towards Student Exciting Unexciting
Worksheets (Business Plan) and test results 89.50 10.50
“New or Not New” respondents’ opinions of the components; subject New Not new
Matter Business Model Canvas. Student Worksheet (Business Plan), learning atmosphere, instructor/lecturer appearance, how to teach 85 15
Criteria: 0 % - 20 % Very low
21% - 40% Low
41% - 60% Medium
61% - 80% High
81% - 100% Very high

The pretest was carried out to determine the initial conditions of the student's ability to take entrepreneurship courses, and the results are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Test Results for Normality and Homogeneity in Pretest
    Business Model Canvas
Control Classroom
Average learning achievements - 61.121 57.710
Normality test Kolmogorov-Smirnova 0.167 0.200
  Shapiro-Wick 0.357 0.238
Test of Homogeneity of Levee Statistic 0.106 -
Variances Sig. 0.746 -
Number - 33 31

The data proved to be normally distributed between the Business Model Canvas class and the control class because each sig value>0.05 was both the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wick tests. Then the homogeneity of the data is also fulfilled because the sig test for homogeneity of variance >0.05. These results indicate that there is no difference in the abilities of students in the Business Model Canvas class and the control class. The next step is to test the assumptions for normality and homogeneity refers to Table 4.

Table 4 Test Results of Normality Learning Achievements and Entrepreneurial Intention
Kolmogorov-Smirnova  Shapiro-Wilk
Model Statistic1   Df1 Sig.1   Statisti2   Df2   Sig2.
Entrepreneurial Intention Business Model Canvas 0.126   22 0.200*   0.933   22   0.14
Control 0.144   20 0.200*   0.96   20   0.549
Business Model Canvas 0.252   22 0.001   0.914   22   0.056
Control 0.242   20 0.003   0.924   20   0.118

Table 4 shows the learning achievement data of entrepreneurial students for the Business Model Canvas class and the control class which are both normally distributed because they meet the Shapiro-Wick requirements where the sig values are 0.056 and 0.118> 0.05, respectively. Then the data on entrepreneurial intentions, both for the Business Model Canvas class and the control class, are both normally distributed because the Shapiro Wilk sig value is 0.140 and 0.549> 0.05, respectively. Specifically for the normality of student achievement, only the Shapiro-Wick criterion meets this requirement because of the small sample size. Furthermore, the results of the homogeneity test of student learning achievement data and entrepreneurial intentions (learning models and learning achievement levels) both qualify because each value of sig> .05 is as presented in Table 5.

In Table 5 to find out whether there are differences in entrepreneurial learning outcomes between the Business Model Canvas class and the control class as a result of the use of learning models (the application of the Business Model Canvas and conventional learning) and the influence of the t-test on learning achievement levels. The results are presented in Table 5. Where the learning outcomes between the Business Model Canvas class and the control class meet the requirements of homogeneity because the sig values are 0.713 and 0.673, respectively, >0.05. Likewise, students' entrepreneurial intentions also meet the data homogeneity criteria because each value is sig>0.05. The results of the test of differences in student achievement based on the “Independent Samples Test” output in the “Equal variances assumed” section are shown in Table 6.

Table 5 Test of Homogeneity of Variances
  Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Entrepreneurial intention - - - -
Learning model 0.756 1 40 0.390
Level learning achievements 0.479 1 40 0.493
Learning achievements - - - -
Learning model 0.137 1 40 0.713
Level learning achievements 0.181 1 40 0.673
Tabel 6 Independent Samples Test, Learning Achievements
    Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
    Statistic Sig t F Sig
Mean Difference Std. Error Difference
Learning achievements Equal variances assumed 0.137 0.713 0.206 40 0.033 7.795 354
Equal variances not assumed - - 2.211 39.88 0.033 7.795 3.526

The data Table 6 shows the results of the test results of differences in student learning achievement based on the output of the “Independent Samples Test” in the “Equal variances assumed” section, it is known that the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.033<0.05, meaning that there is a significant difference in learning outcomes in the Class Business Model Canvas control. The test results of the difference in student achievement in entrepreneurship between the Business Model Canvas class and the control class are based on the class averages in Table 7.

Table 7 Learning Achievements by Class Group
Model N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Learning achievements Business Model Canvas 22 70.046 11.668 2.488
Control 20 62.250 11.177 2.499

In Table 8 the results of the Business Model Canvas Class Entrepreneurial Intention Test with the control class (conventional) seen from the total mean are not significantly different, where the total average of the Business Model Canvas class is 37,682 and the control class is 35.50 with a difference of 6.15% (see Table 8).

Table 8 Entrepreneurial Intention Based on Class and Level of Learning Achievements
Model Level of Learning Achievements Mean Std. Deviation N
Control Low 34.6 2.271 10
High 38.4 1.713 10
Total 36.5 2.763 20
Business Model Canvas Low 35.545 2.841 11
High 39.818 1.991 11
Total 37.682 3.242 22
Total Low 35.095 2.567 21
High 39.143 1.957 21
Total 37.119 3.046 42

Table 9 Test of Between-Subjects Effects The effect of student entrepreneurial learning outcomes on entrepreneurial intentions is presented. It is known that the Correction Model shows a sig value of .000<.05, meaning that the Business Model Canvas learning model and the level of entrepreneurial learning achievement together are proven to have a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions.

Ta ble 9 Test of Between-Subjects Effects
Source Type III Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected model 187.241a 3 62.414 12.278 0.000
Intercept 57649.870 1 57649.870 11341.136 0.000
Model 14.632 1 14.632 2.878 0.098
Level Learning achievements 170.681 1 170.681 33.577 0.000
Model*level LA 0.585 1 0.585 0.115 0.736
Error 193.164 38 5.083 - -
Total 58249.000 42 - - -
Corrected total 380.405 41 - - -

The contribution of learning models and the level of entrepreneurial knowledge in influencing entrepreneurial intentions is seen from the R Squared value of 49.2%. Partially, the Business Model Canvas is not proven to be able to increase entrepreneurial intention because the sig value is 0.98>0.05. However, the high and low level of entrepreneurial learning achievement proved to have a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions because the sig value was .000<.05. Then the results of the interaction test of the Business Model Canvas learning model and the control of the level of student entrepreneurial learning achievement against entrepreneurial intentions were not proven, because the sig value was 0.736>0.05.


The essence of learning student entrepreneurship by applying the Business Model Canvas is to create a business plan. The business plan is summarized in 9 blocks. Based on the canvas, a more detailed business plan has been prepared. Before preparing a business plan, students are equipped with various business-related knowledge and skills such as; the ability to recognize business opportunities, the ability to take advantage of these opportunities, the ability to manage the required resources, the ability to think critically and creatively, and the ability to compile financial reports. The method of filling each block and the sequence of filling in the blocks is shown in Figure 1 & Figure 2.

Figure 1 Business Model Canvas

Figure 2 Business Model Canvas Implementation

Based on the results of data analysis as presented in Table 8, it is known that the Business Model Canvas learning outcomes and entrepreneurship learning outcomes together are proven to have a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions. The results of this study support research (Kusmintarti et al., 2016) which states entrepreneurship courses or training, (Dehghanpour, 2013; Kusmintarti et al., 2016) entrepreneurship education contribute to entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurship education is increasingly becoming the concern of researchers. According to Sánchez (2011), in addition to business knowledge and skills, entrepreneurship education also develops beliefs, values, and attitudes, and aims to make students confident and consider entrepreneurship as an alternative to employment or unemployment. Furthermore, the entrepreneurship course (Do?an, 2015) added that entrepreneurship education has a positive effect on students who have entrepreneurial intentions (Barba-Sánchez & Atienza -Sahuquillo, 2017; Do?an, 2015; Nursito et al., 2013).

Mastery of entrepreneurial knowledge (learning achievement) is very important. Knowledge of entrepreneurship affects entrepreneurial intentions positively and significantly (Anggraeni & Harnanik, 2015; Hutasuhut, 2018; Do?an, 2015; Roxas, 2014). When he feels he has the ability, there will be an intention to do business. Previous researchers (Roxas, 2014; Küttim et al., 2014) stated that entrepreneurship education significantly increased entrepreneurial knowledge. Entrepreneurial knowledge is the basis of entrepreneurial resources available to individuals. Entrepreneurship education can help and increase awareness and acceptance of entrepreneurship as a valuable career choice add that entrepreneurship education can be a competency and attitude that can determine future career choices.


The application of the Business Model Canvas in entrepreneurship learning can be responded positively by students and can improve entrepreneurial learning outcomes, the learning outcomes of the experimental class Business Model Canvas are 12.52% higher than the learning outcomes of the control class. However, the entrepreneurial intention of students in the Business Model Canvas class was not higher than that of the control class. However, jointly applying the Business Model Canvas and the level of entrepreneurial learning achievement can increase students' entrepreneurial intentions. The learning process in the classroom that applies the Business Model Canvas can create a pleasant learning atmosphere for all students (100%) who feel understood by 93% and feel withdrawn by 89.5%. This research provides a theoretical basis that the development of entrepreneurial intentions can be done through entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship education can increase knowledge (entrepreneurial learning achievement), and the level of achievement can strengthen (moderate) the Business Model Canvas learning to increase entrepreneurial intentions. For this reason, universities are expected to be able to design practical and coherent entrepreneurship learning that combines conceptual learning and practical learning. This study has limited duration and class, so it is possible to review it by adding a wider duration and class.


Researchers would like to thank the Chancellor of the Islam Batik University of Surakarta Indonesia for funding assistance through the Lecturer Study Group Grant program, thanks also to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and the Chairperson of the LP3M Islam Batik University of Surakarta dan Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Indonesia for the research permit granted and thanks for participating in this research.


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