Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)

Review Article: 2024 Vol: 28 Issue: 4

?Electronic Word of Mouth Communications: Motivations and Drivers for Consumer Engagement?

Ravi Kumar JS, Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari, Karnataka

Budagavi Anupama, Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari, Karnataka

Venkata Naga Manjula P, Osmania University

Sheenam Gogia, ESG, Jain Business School, Bangalore

Narayana Reddy T, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

Syed Mohammad Ghouse, CMR University, Bangalore, Karnataka

Citation Information: Ravi Kumar, J.S., Anupama, B., Naga Manjula, V., Gogia, S., Reddy, N.T., Mohammad Ghouse, S. (2024). “Electronic word of mouth communications: motivations and drivers for consumer engagement”. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 28(4), 1-7.


The main objective of this study was to understand the underlying motives for consumers engaging Electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) communication and to examine the relationships between motives and consumption experiences. Critical Incident Technique (CIT) was employed for data collection. Application of CIT methodology involves identifying the critical incidents that are the target of investigation, collecting data, and using content analysis to interpret the data. The findings reported here indicate that consumers engage in EWOM for altruistic, product involvement and self-enhancement reasons, anxiety reduction, vengeance, and advice seeking reasons. Motives to engage in EWOM are significantly related to consumption experiences.


Electronic word-of-mouth, Motives, Altruistic, Critical Incident Technique.


Electronic phrase-of-mouth (EWOM), a shape of interpersonal communique amongst clients regarding their private reports with a organization or a product (Richins 1984), has absolutely continually been a effective advertising force. EWOM has obtained importance due to its excessive occurrence charge with inside the market in addition to the persuasive position it performs in influencing clients’ attitudes and buy selections (Bone 1995). EWOM communications could have a sturdy have an effect on clients’ conduct and on resulting enterprise overall performance (Arndt 1967). Studies display that EWOM is in all likelihood to growth clients’ buy intentions for modern merchandise through lowering risks (Dichter 1966), assist create a beneficial photo in the direction of the logo and the organization (Arndt 1967), and finally lower a organization’s standard promotional expenditures. Conversely, EWOM is in all likelihood to dissuade capacity customers from thinking about a selected product or logo, as a result unfavourable the agency’s popularity and monetary position (Holmes and Lett 1977). Therefore, it's miles vital for entrepreneurs to create an surroundings this is conducive for EWOM to expand and propagate. Further, advertising managers have to apprehend how EWOM operates with inside the market and learn how to control it effectively. In an attempt to offer managerial enter to the entrepreneurs inquisitive about stimulating EWOM, this look at investigates the crucial intake reports that lend themselves to EWOM communications. Further, we discover clients’ motivations to interact with inside the dissemination of EWOM communications and observe the character of the connection among intake reports and clients’ motivations to interact in unsolicited EWOM communique.

Literature Review

The subject matter of EWOM communique is attracting growing interest in lots of studies disciplines, which include advertising, client conduct, pc-mediated communique, and economics. Several one of a kind definitions had been proposed for behaviors associated with EWOM communique. Sun et al. (2006) described EWOM communique as ‘‘on line opinion leadership” which confused the method through which human beings (opinion leaders) have an effect on the attitudes or behaviors of friends. It means that EWOM communique is an act through which people exert effective affects upon others. Hsiao (2011) described ‘‘public on line client complaining behaviors” as in search of redress from the agency or resorting to the 1/3 birthday celebration through the Internet. Negative EWOM communique becomes regarded as an motion to get better losses as a result of unsatisfactory merchandise or services. These definitions, however, mean positive motivations underlying a client’s EWOM communique behaviors. A extra holistic conceptualization, which become additionally followed through the present day look at, become furnished through Hennig-Thurau et al. (2004), who described ‘‘EWOM communique” as any nice or poor declaration made through capacity, actual, or former clients approximately a product or agency, that is made to be had to a mess of human beings and establishments through the Internet. To offer an outline of the EWOM communique studies field, a scientific literature assessment becomes conducted. Key phrases which include ‘‘on line phrase-of-mouth”, ‘‘EWOM” had been searched in some of educational databases (ABI/INFORM, Science Direct, Emerald, EBSCO host and Proquest). A few hundred magazine articles had been determined. In the literature, we determined that how EWOM affects clients’ selections is a long way extra significantly studied than why clients interact in EWOM communique. Studies unrelated to goal to interact in EWOM communique had been excluded from the list. This led to a complete of eleven applicable papers. Two observations may be made. First, maximum beyond studies has centered at the determinants of poor EWOM. These research validated that people are in all likelihood to reveal poor EWOM once they need to steer others and benefit revenge through exerting their power (Grégoire et al. 2010; Ward and Ostrom 2006), whilst they may be inspired through altruism (e.g., caution different clients) (Sparks and Browning 2010), whilst clients are a part of an individualistic culture (Koh et al. 2010), and whilst they may be pushed through poor emotions (Verhagen et al. 2013). It represents the efforts made through clients to purpose inconvenience to or maybe punish the accused organization for the damages it prompted them. The goal to interact in EWOM communique is inspired through a choice to ‘‘deliver down” a organization in a few style or through an goal to take viable approach to ‘‘get even Second, any other movement of studies specializes in motivations to make a contribution to or take part in on line communities. Desire for social interaction (Hennig-Thurau et al. 2004), difficulty for different clients (Cheung and Lee 2012), the capacity to beautify their very own self-worth (Hennig-Thurau et al. 2004; Yoo and Gretzel 2008), and a experience of belonging (Cheung and Lee 2012) are wonderful motives for posting EWOM on line. These researches are in large part exploratory in nature and have a tendency to view EWOM communique as a monolithic conduct. However, each nice and poor EWOM communications have one of kind implications for principle and practice (Sundaram et al. 1998). East et al (2007) investigated the relative occurrence of nice and poor Electronic phrase-of-mouth to pick out styles throughout classes. Their consequences shed a few mild on the problem that the inducement for people to interact in nice Electronic phrase-of-mouth communique is in all likelihood to be one of a kind from that of poor actions. In sum, in spite of the substantial extent of research on EWOM, it's miles crucial to renowned that goal to interact in EWOM communique nonetheless stays a completely under-researched area. In precise, what drives people to interact in one of kind types (nice vs. poor) of EWOM stays much less explored.


Critical Incident Technique (CIT) becomes hired for facts collection. Application of CIT method entails figuring out the crucial incidents which are the goal of research, gathering facts, and the usage of content material evaluation to interpret the facts (Flanagan 1954). Data for this look at had been accumulated through from 240 people intercepted in quite a few enterprise establishments. The respondents had been requested to offer info on a current EWOM communique. The respondents had been requested to recollect a private communication that they'd in the final months wherein they spoke definitely approximately a product with a person apart from a member of the family. Further the respondents had been required to consult incidents primarily based totally on their private intake reports. Then, the respondents had been probed approximately the product discussed, approximate term of communication with the opposite person, specifics of the EWOM communication, and motivations at the back of the EWOM.

Data Analysis

The authenticity of the facts becomes established through contacting a random set of respondents from every interviewer’s facts set. The re-contacted respondents had been requested to confirm their participation with inside the look at and to pick out the product of their narrative. Although all facts had been deemed authentic, a few responses had been eliminated due to the fact they had been respondents’ proceedings to keep representatives or narrations of EWOM messages heard from others. Further following Flanagan’s (1954) suggestions, the responses that lacked enough elements in phrases of precise discrete incidents had been deemed unacceptable and eliminated. Forty-9 responses had been eliminated, ensuing in a complete of 220 useable responses. The demographic profile of the pattern indicated that forty six percentage of the respondents had been male and fifty four percentage had been female. The age of the respondents ranged from 20 to seventy two years, with a median age of forty years. More than sixty nine percentage of the respondents had obtained a few university training and eighty percentage had been hired full- or part-time. Seventy- one of a kind merchandise had been referred to with inside the mentioned EWOM communications. The merchandise ranged from less expensive merchandise (e.g, shampoo and kitchen knives) to extra pricey merchandise (e.g., automobiles, VCRs and different digital goods). The responses to 2 probing questions, "Exactly what did you inform the opposite person," and (2) "What inspired you to proportion this precise enjoy?," had been analyzed through a content material evaluation system. This system entails the medical research of each the latent and the show up contents of a communique message thru the goal and systematic software of categorization regulations to seize the underlying dimensions of the messages (Kassarjian 1977). Two judges, A and B, educated with inside the coding method, independently study thru the responses and recognized the crucial/discrete intake incidents and motivations in the respondents’ mentioned tales. Following the finishing touch of coding method, the judges established whether or not all of the crucial incidents and motivations were recognized; variations had been resolved thru discussion. Next, extra judges, C and D, taken care of the crucial intake reports and motivations into collectively unique classes. Four enterprise graduate college students participated as judges. All 4 of them had been blind to the targets of the look at some point of the term they acted as judges. Categorization of crucial intake reports and motivations had been finished one by one due to the fact they deal with the 2 one of a kind dimensions of EWOM communications. Category Development The categorization method becomes executed in steps to test for adequacy of pattern length and content material validity of the categorization. Flanagan (1954) cautioned that pattern length may be taken into consideration good enough of one hundred responses do now no longer bring about the emergence of extra classes. Support for content material validity of categorization is to be had whilst the crucial incidents with inside the holdout pattern are completely represented through the kinds recognized in categorization of the class pattern (Flanagan 1954). Therefore, to carry out those checks, one hundred responses from every of the EWOM communique tales had been randomly decided on and retained as holdout samples and the last responses had been covered with inside the class pattern. Through an iterative method of sorting and resorting, Judges C and D grouped the intake reports with inside the class pattern into collectively unique classes till every class contained gadgets that had been much like every different. After finishing the primary spherical of sorting, those judges and one of the main researchers as compared the quantity of classes and named the kinds to reap as a lot conformity as viable with inside the very last categorization schema. Categorization of crucial intake incidents resulted with inside the emergence of 4 essential classes. Following a comparable system, judges C and D categorised the motivational gadgets into collectively unique classes. The categorization of reasons for carrying out EWOM communique led to 4 classes Judges A and B then categorised the incidents with inside the holdout pattern, ordinarily searching out the emergence of latest classes. Because the incidents with inside the holdout pattern did now no longer produce new classes, it becomes assumed that the unique pattern length become good enough. In addition, the final results of the categorization of the holdout pattern resembled the unique class schema, as a result presenting assist for content material validity. The inter choose reliabilities, an estimate of the diploma of consistency in categorization, had been 0.ninety one and 0.87 for the categorization of crucial intake incidents and 0.ninety and 0.87 for categorization of motivations mentioned in EWOM communications, respectively. These values exceed 0.eighty, the minimal advocated cost for inter choose reliability (Kassarjian 1977).


Categorization of Consumption Experiences Grouping the crucial intake reports resulted with inside the following 4 classes: (1) product overall performance, (2) reaction to product/buy troubles, (three) rate/cost perceptions, and (four) worker conduct. The following segment describes in short the kinds. Product overall performance: For EWOM, the intake incidents that constituted this class covered reports of advanced product overall performance ("the image and sound first-rate of the brand new tv are excellent") and particular benefits ("in my new car, I can set the warmth in another way on the passenger and driving force sides"). The unacceptable intake reports wherein the product failed too soon ("the deal with got here off the brand new knife the 1/3 time I used it"), prompted inconvenience ("the wheel on my bags broke and I had to pull my bag because it become too heavy to lift"), broken different merchandise ("the videotape become of bad first-rate and it ruined my VCR"), and introduced overall performance a long way underneath expectations ("X logo cleansing liquid did now no longer smooth at all") had been part of this class for EWOM. In the pattern, approximately 37.five and 22.eight percentage of the EWOM conversations concerned intake reports that associated with product overall performance. Response to troubles: Consumers tended to talk favourably to others whilst the agency supported the purchaser through changing the product ("the shop exchanged the ski without asking questions despite the fact that I had used it for a day"), refunded the cash, and made a success efforts to get the product repaired whilst a trouble occurred ("whilst the brand new mother-board I offered to improve my pc led to troubles, the shop despatched a technician to my domestic at no extra cost"). For EWOM, this class covered reports which include behind schedule reaction ("the agency took all the time to update the failed keyboard"), failure to honour the warranty, unacceptable refund or change policies, and failure to renowned product troubles or blaming clients for troubles ("the pedal on my new bicycle broke and the shop clerk blamed me for mishandling the bike"). Nearly 21 percentage and 34 percentage of the EWOM conversations had been because of intake reports that may be categorised as reaction to product troubles. Price/cost perceptions: The rate/cost troubles that induced EWOM consisted of purchases (1) wherein the product become appeared to be fairly low priced ("the gloves are without a doubt excellent and weren’t pricey"), (2) that had been taken into consideration excellent buys for the cash paid (presenting each tangible and intangible benefits), and (three) that had been at extensively decreased fees thru sales, discounts, or coupons. On the opposite hand, the purchases ensuing in EWOM messages had been those (1) wherein the product become appeared to be priced too excessive given the first-rate, and (2) taken into consideration to offer bad cost for the cash paid (I paid excellent rate for this set of non-stick utensils and inside a month the coating began out coming off"). In the pattern, 19 percentage and 24.four percentage of the EWOM conversations concerned intake reports that fall with inside the class of rate/cost perceptions.


Our look at determined that pleasing product overall performance and worker-client touch reports accounted for approximately 60% of EWOM. Further, insufficient responses to product troubles and clients’ bad cost perceptions at some point of post-buy critiques accounted for approximately 58%. These findings recommend that presenting advanced product overall performance reports through promoting most effective excessive first-rate, reliable, and sturdy merchandise and making sure pleasing worker-client touch reports are in all likelihood to spark EWOM with inside the market as those kinds of reports represent essential additives of EWOM communications. Otherwise, now no longer fixing product troubles to clients’ pleasure spark off them to interact in EWOM conversations. Consumers who fail to understand that their buy become now no longer a "cost buy" primarily based totally on post-buy cost-advantage critiques are in all likelihood to proportion the enjoy with others with inside the shape of EWOM. An information of the kinds of reports which are in all likelihood to cause EWOM communications is beneficial to managers inquisitive about orchestrating EWOM messages. For example, understanding that insufficient responses to product troubles are in all likelihood to growth EWOM and pleasing responses spark EWOM, the entrepreneurs must emphasize on applications that enhance their reaction to purchaser troubles. Consistent with beyond studies, our findings recommend additionally that pleasant, empathetic, responsive, and worrying worker behaviors are related to EWOM. These findings suggest that companies expand applications to make sure that personnel are worrying, empathetic, and pleasant closer to clients. The consequences of our research on reasons underlying communications shed mild at the EWOM method. Consistent with Dichter’s (1966) proposition, this look at determined that clients are in all likelihood to interact in EWOM communique due to altruism concerning the receiver, product involvement, and self-enhancement. Apart from confirming Dichter’s (1966) categorization schema, this look at exposed a few extra reasons for carrying out EWOM. For example, a few clients interact in EWOM due to the fact they choice to assist the agency. Consumers who're extraordinarily thrilled with their intake reports with a organization are in all likelihood to interact in assisting behaviors through giving messages to others approximately that agency. Consistent with different studies findings (e.g., Ford 1995), our look at additionally determined that almost 50% of EWOM messages geared in the direction of assisting a organization are induced through courteous worker behaviors. Another contribution of this look at is the improvement and assist of the categorization schema for reasons at the back of EWOM. Consumers seem to speak negatively to others approximately their market reports with reasons of altruism, vengeance, tension reduction, and solicitation of recommendation. Analysis of the relationships among intake reports and reasons indicated that intake reports associated with product performances, worker behaviors, rate-cost perceptions, and the organization’s responses to troubles supply upward push to one of a kind reasons for carrying out EWOM communique. However, versions in reasons had been found relying at the kinds of intake reports. For example, clients’ reasons of assisting the agency are induced especially through pleasing contacts with personnel and responses to their troubles. Moreover, altruistic reasons of assisting the receiver are induced especially through rate/cost perceptions and responses to client troubles. Further, excessive product involvement reasons for carrying out EWOM are ordinarily induced through pleasing product reports. Similarly, reasons for self-enhancement get up ordinarily from advanced product performances. Interestingly, even as the opposite-orientated altruistic reasons (assisting the receiver or the company) get up especially from organization’s responses to troubles and worker behaviors, the extra self-orientated reasons (self-enhancement and product involvement) are induced especially through advanced product performances. These findings have crucial managerial implications. By enhancing personnel’ conduct with clients and through presenting green and well timed responses; managers can elicit EWOM communications that could immediately assist the agency. Furthermore, handing over particular and advanced product performances may also inspire a few clients to talk approximately their reports. The ensuing EWOM may also draw the eye of capacity customers to the agency and in the end advantage the agency. With recognize to the connection among intake reports and the inducement to interact in EWOM communique, insufficient responses to clients’ troubles and unsatisfactory worker conduct had been determined to be associated with the purpose of vengeance. In addition, unsatisfactory product overall performance and the purpose of vengeance had been related. The findings mentioned right here recommend additionally that the clients who skilled bad cost perceptions make use of EWOM as a median of hysteria reduction. Further, clients who had been sad with product overall performance and who did now no longer acquire good enough assist from the agency are in all likelihood to interact in EWOM to are seeking for recommendation from others. These findings recommend that managers can reduce EWOM communique through making sure first-rate product overall performance, fixing purchaser troubles without delay, and making sure worker competence. Given that motivations are a feature of intake reports, managers can have an effect on EWOM through putting off poor intake reports. Future studies would possibly re-observe the categorization schema on this look at and make it extra generalizable through along with carrier intake reports and motivations. Further, destiny studies would possibly observe how the content material of EWOM (the sort of intake enjoys transmitted) impacts the choice making method of the receiver.


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Received: 04-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. AMSJ-23-14317; Editor assigned: 05-Jan-2024, PreQC No. AMSJ-23-14317(PQ); Reviewed: 29-Jan-2024, QC No. AMSJ-23-14317; Revised: 26-Apr-2024, Manuscript No. AMSJ-23-14317(R); Published: 11-May-2024

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