Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies (Print ISSN: 1078-4950; Online ISSN: 1532-5822)

Short commentary: 2023 Vol: 29 Issue: 1

E-Feedback: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies for Effective Implementation in Online and Blended Learning Environments

Saidur Ahmed, Sunway University

Citation Information: e-feedback: Benefits, challenges, and strategies for effective implementation in online and blended learning environments. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 29(1), 1-2.


e-Feedback is a term used to describe electronic feedback that is given to learners. It is an effective way to provide timely, personalized and actionable feedback to learners, which can improve their learning outcomes. This research article explores the concept of e-feedback, its benefits, challenges, and strategies to effectively deliver e-feedback to learners. We also examine the role of e-feedback in online and blended learning environments, and the impact of e-feedback on learner engagement and motivation.


e-Feedback, Personalized Feedback, Online Learning, Blended Learning, Learner Engagement, Learner Motivation, Learning Management Systems, Digital Technologies.


Feedback is an essential component of the learning process. It helps learners identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provides guidance on how to improve their performance. e-Feedback is a relatively new approach to feedback that is becoming increasingly popular in educational settings. It involves the use of digital technologies such as learning management systems, online platforms, and mobile applications to provide feedback to learners. e-Feedback is a valuable tool for educators, as it provides timely, personalized and actionable feedback to learners, which can improve their learning outcomes (López-Pellisa et al., 2021).

Benefits of e-Feedback

One of the main benefits of e-Feedback is that it is timely. Learners receive feedback almost instantly, which can help them to make corrections and improve their performance. e-Feedback is also personalized, as it is tailored to the individual learner's needs and abilities. This can help learners to feel more engaged and motivated in the learning process. Another benefit of e-Feedback is that it is actionable. It provides specific guidance on how to improve performance, which can be useful for learners (McAllister & Graham, 2016).

Challenges of e-Feedback

One of the main challenges of e-Feedback is ensuring that it is effective. The quality of feedback is essential to its effectiveness, and educators must ensure that the feedback they provide is clear, concise, and actionable. Another challenge is ensuring that learners are receptive to e-Feedback. Some learners may be resistant to receiving feedback online, as they may feel that it lacks the personal touch of face-to-face feedback (Miyazoe & Anderson, 2010).

Strategies for Effective e-Feedback

To ensure that e-Feedback is effective, educators must use strategies that are appropriate for the learners and the learning environment. Some strategies that can be used include providing feedback in a timely manner, using a range of media (such as audio and video), using clear and concise language, and providing specific guidance on how to improve performance (Sarré et al., 2021).

The Role of e-Feedback in Online and Blended Learning

e-Feedback plays a vital role in online and blended learning environments. In these environments, learners may not have access to face-to-face feedback, and e-Feedback can provide a valuable substitute. e-Feedback can also be used to promote learner engagement and motivation, as learners receive personalized and actionable feedback that is relevant to their learning goals.

Impact of e-Feedback on Learner Engagement and Motivation

Research has shown that e-Feedback can have a positive impact on learner engagement and motivation. When learners receive timely, personalized and actionable feedback, they are more likely to feel engaged and motivated in the learning process. e-Feedback can also help learners to set goals and track their progress, which can further enhance their motivation (Wong et al., 2020).


In conclusion, e-Feedback is a valuable tool for educators that can provide timely, personalized and actionable feedback to learners. While there are some challenges associated with e-Feedback, such as ensuring that it is effective and that learners are receptive to it, there are also strategies that can be used to overcome these challenges. e-Feedback plays a vital role in online and blended learning environments, and can have a positive impact on learner engagement and motivation.


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Received: 26-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. JIACS-23-13439; Editor assigned: 29-Dec-2022, PreQC No. JIACS-23-13439(PQ); Reviewed: 12-Jan-2023, QC No. JIACS-23-13439; Revised: 16-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. JIACS-23-13439(R); Published: 23-Jan-2023

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