Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict (Print ISSN: 1544-0508; Online ISSN: 1939-4691 )

Short communication: 2022 Vol: 26 Issue: 3

Difference of Transformation Resolution and Conflict Management

Nam Nguyen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Citation Information: Nguyen, N. (2022). Difference of transformation resolution and conflict management. Journal of Organizational Culture Communications and Conflict, 26(3), 1-2.


Determination, Transformation Resolution.


Inconsistent interface are not the as it were things at issue in more extreme clashes. Clashes final longer and are more profoundly established than debate. They tend to emerge over non-negotiable issues such as essential human needs, terrible ethical contrasts, or high-stakes distributional issues with respect to basic assets, such as cash, water, or arrive (Vayrynen, 2019). To really resolve strife, the arrangement must go past fair fulfilling the parties interface, as happens in debate settlement. To conclusion or resolve a long-term struggle, a moderately steady arrangement that recognizes and bargains with the basic sources of the strife must be found (Ropers, 2004). There are numerous reasons why fundamental causes of struggle may not be tended to. Frequently, the fundamental causes of struggle are inserted within the organization structure of society (Ding et al., 1999). Accomplishing total determination of a struggle can require making critical financial or political changes that rebuild society in a more fair or comprehensive way. Changing societal structures, such as the conveyance of wealth in society, could be a troublesome thing to do and can take decades to achieve (Pico & Barcelo, 2015).

There have been a number of approaches to strife, three of which are Struggle Administration, Strife Determination and Strife Change. Struggle Administration is for the most part examined with respect to unmanageable clashes, and needs to do with the way individuals handle, or oversee wrongs done to them. Struggle Administration alludes to a handle that will be attempted for an inconclusive period of time and is basically concerned with containing and constraining the struggle. Struggle Determination, on the other hand, alludes to settling a strife in such a way that both parties are fulfilled, empowering them to move from a zero-sum mindset to a win-win circumstance (Bodenhausen et al., 1977). It incorporates a number of strategies for making strides a circumstance of struggle, or evacuating struggle through and through. Beneath the umbrella of Struggle Determination, we discover arrangement, intercession and discretion as Strife Determination is frequently subordinate on outside parties coming in to help within the determination prepare.


The competing approach can be summed up within the explanation. Do it my way or not at all. A few methodologies received in this approach are to compete, control, outsmart, coerce and fight the other individual to attain your objectives. They are anxious with discourse and data gathering. The qualities of competitors are dictator, and undermined by difference they endeavor to preserve the status quo, and respond in times of crisis. The competitor contains a tall concern for his/her individual objectives and an awfully moo concern for the relationship with the other individual.


Bodenhausen, G., Freeman, R., Niedermeyer, R., & Turner, D.L. (1977). Double fourier transformation in high-resolution NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 26(1), 133-164.

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Ding, K., Wang, Y., Yun, H., Liu, J., Wu, Y., Terada, M., & Mikami, K. (1999). Highly efficient and practical optical resolution of 2?amino?2?hydroxy?1, 1?binaphthyl by molecular complexation with N?benzylcinchonidium chloride: a direct transformation to binaphthyl amino phosphine. Chemistry–A European Journal, 5(6), 1734-1737.

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Pico, Y., & Barcelo, D. (2015). Transformation products of emerging contaminants in the environment and high-resolution mass spectrometry: a new horizon. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407(21), 6257-6273.

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Ropers, N. (2004). From resolution to transformation: The role of dialogue projects. In Transforming ethnopolitical conflict.

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Vayrynen, R. (2019). From conflict resolution to conflict transformation: A critical review. The New Agenda for Peace Research, 135-160.

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Received: 07-May-2022, Manuscript No. JOCCC-22-12032; Editor assigned: 09-Feb-2022, PreQC No. JOCCC-22-12032 (PQ); Reviewed: 20-May-2022, QC No. JOCCC-22-12032; Revised: 23-May-2022, Manuscript No. JOCCC-22-12032 (R); Published: 30-May-2022

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