Business Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1944-656X; Online ISSN: 1944-6578)

Short communication: 2021 Vol: 13 Issue: 2

Development of A Framework To Determine End to End Encryption In the Cryptocurrency Investment Using Blockchain Technology

K. Mohamed Jasim, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology

M. Babu, Bharathidasan University


Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency, Decentralization, Security, Trust and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Transactions.


A new concept of the blockchain technology for cryptocurrency has been discussed in this research paper. Existing technologies are examined by us and a new model of blockchain has been developed that is decentralized and much more secure and trustworthy (Kristoufek, 2013). Even though the internet is the key technology behind the development of the blockchain technology and ecommerce, it always had security and privacy concern. Security and privacy are most important when we are developing or discussing FinTech and E-Commerce (Mattila, et al. 2016). Blockchain technology that is the key behind the success of the cryptocurrency revolutionary in nature and provide the unique mechanism of transaction (i.e. Peer-to-Peer), that does not require any intermediary, that may be any government or banks to establish trust (Plasaras, 2013). In fact, Bitcoin just shows the power of blockchain. It works as an open ledger accessible to all worldwide. It has capacity to change the digital world with its implication in Government projects, health care, identity, Internet of thing, insurance, money, music, real state, supply-chain etc. The major aim of this research article is to develop a unique model to validate the pre or post implementation of blockchain technology for cryptocurrency industry. The following independent factors making higher significant towards in “Framework Model”. The factors are transaction unified as block, block as network, network approval for transaction, end-end encryptions, decentralization, trust and security and also researcher has done meta-analysis. The meta-analysis reveals the following findings. Such as Tapscott and Tapscott (2016) compare the blockchain technology in its value to the development of the net. The strong public interest develops from the one-of-a-kind features of blockchains. As an open and dispersed ledger that can record transactions successfully, completely and verifiably, blockchain innovation has the possible to open new company designs and make standard ones obsolete. In the complying with years, research study on blockchain applications generally concentrated on Bitcoin (Yli-Huumo et al. 2016). It has explored technological aspects, such as different blockchain types, agreement systems, crypto-currencies, and governance systems (De Kruijff & Weigand, 2017), has barely explored trust relevant issues. Nonetheless, rely on appears to be a vital aspect in the context of possible blockchain-driven improvements. This recommends further discovering the effect that blockchain technology can carry the role of rely on transactions. We lay out the academic version for blockchain technology which is extremely suitable for cryptocurrency sectors and intends to terms and theoretical trust-related concepts for exploring how the blockchain influences the function of count on exchanges along 4 attributes of rely on trustee, activity and trustor partnership, susceptibility, and the subjective issue (Wang & Emurian, 2005).

We discuss our findings that blockchains enhance and substitute confidence setting devices before we conclude with promoting larger interdisciplinary IS-led work programs investigating exactly how blockchains impact exchanges, the role of confidence, and the functions of middleman.


  1. De Kruijff, J. & Weigand H. (2017). "Understanding the Blockchain Using Enterprise Ontology." International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), Essen, Germany, 29-43.
  2. Kristoufek, L. (2013). Bitcoin meets Google trends and Wikipedia: Quantifying the relationship between phenomena of the Internet era. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038
  3. Mattila, J., Seppala, T., Naucler, C., Stahl, R., Tikkanen, M., & Badenlid, A. (2016). Industrial blockchain platforms: An exercise in use case development in the energy industry. Retrieved from
  4. Plasaras, N. (2013). Regulating digital currencies: Bringing Bitcoin within the reach of the IMF. Chicago Journal of International Law, 14, 377.
  5. Tapscott, D. & Tapscott A. (2016). Blockchain Revolution: How the technology behind Bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world. New York NY, USA: Penguin Random House.
  6. Wang, Y. & Emurian H. (2005). "An overview of online trust: Concepts, elements, and implications." Computers in Human Behavior 21 (1), 105-125.
  7. Yli-Huumo, J., Ko, D., Choi, S., Park, S., & Smolander K. (2016). "Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology? A Systematic Review." PloS ONE 11 (10), e0163477.
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