Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict (Print ISSN: 1544-0508; Online ISSN: 1939-4691 )

Research Article: 2023 Vol: 27 Issue: 6

Analysis of Communication Functions on Relationship Escalation within the Organization Committee Scope of the Coordinated Management Meaning Theory

Trinia Rachmawati, Jakarta State University

Citation Information: Rachmawati, T. (2023). Analysis of communication functions on relationship escalation within the organization committee scope of the coordinated management meaning theory. Journal of Organizational Culture Communications and Conflict, 27(6), 1-8.


Initially, based on Wiryanto's opinion, the science of communication was specialized into interpersonal communication, mass communication, political communication, organizational communication, cross-cultural communication, learning communication, health communication, and information systems. Communication is not only seen as an event but also as a science to identify something that happens in the human social environment. Without being used as the basis of science, communication that is only used for interaction can create a war. The majority of people in general, consider that understanding communication is something trivial because even since ancient times humans have communicated using media that adjusts the situation. In reality, communication is not only about talking but also the process of achieving an understanding of the people involved in the communication itself. This article uses a qualitative method that is descriptive and uses analysis in its discussion. The research instruments used in this article are journals and electronic books from various sources that have discussions in accordance with the title of this article, namely the Communication Function in Relationship Escalation. The function of communication for each individual is basically to build self-character. The formation of a person's character begins since he was born in the world, in a family environment which is the first small organization of a child where he grows and develops according to the teachings adopted by his family. Communication functions as a relationship builder when messages are created based on a process that shows the addition of relationship ties.


Communication, International Labor Organization.


Communication is a process of sending and receiving information by communicators to communicants in order to achieve a planned goal of interest. The majority of people in general, consider that understanding communication is something trivial because since ancient times humans have communicated using media that adjusts the situation. In reality, communication is not only about talking but also the process of achieving an understanding of the people involved in the communication itself. There are many perspectives that see communication as an event about how humans convey messages to interlocutors.

In an event to a phenomenon there must be a communication in it, this happens in line with Paul Watzlawick's opinion that "We cannot not communicate." From the time humans open to close their eyes, there must be communication because silence is basically a form of communication, for example on a sunny morning where the eldest of the family at the dinner table is silent throughout breakfast together, his silence is understood by the mother because the eldest is thinking about how he will reach his goals, about his future. In another case, for example, a couple who are having a disagreement where one of them chooses to remain silent so as not to prolong the problem.

Communication is not only seen as an event but also as a science to identify something that happens in the human social environment. Without being used as the basis of science, communication that is only used for interaction can create a war. For example, in an event that includes many committees in its implementation, when there is an error that occurs but is only known by one person but he does not choose to tell the other committee but chooses to be indifferent because he thinks it will not affect the course of the event, but unfortunately his assumptions and choices to be silent are a mistake that makes the event fail to be implemented, if only he understands the science of communication where he can convey what is known to other committees, the failure of the event can be overcome properly and in a timely manner. Delivery in communication is also an important factor in the urgency of understanding communication science.

Communication is not only seen as an event but also as a science to identify something that happens in the human social environment. Without being used as the basis of science, communication that is only used for interaction can create a war. For example, in an event that includes many committees in its implementation, when there is an error that occurs but is only known by one person but he does not choose to tell the other committee but chooses to be indifferent because he thinks it will not affect the course of the event, but unfortunately his assumptions and choices to be silent are a mistake that makes the event fail to be implemented, if only he understands the science of communication where he can convey what is known to other committees, the failure of the event can be overcome properly and in a timely manner. Delivery in communication is also an important factor in the urgency of understanding communication science.

Every person uses their own way to communicate. Adjusting the interlocutor, atmosphere, time, place, and purpose of communication itself with different steps. On average, seventy-five percent of human time is used to communicate. Therefore, it is not surprising that people consider communication still important to learn (Tubbs, 2005). Communication is basically something complicated; people will feel more aware of this when they are found with stuck communication events where there is a complexity of meaning when people in communication are not in the same understanding.

The function of communication for each individual is basically to build self-character. The formation of a person's character begins since he was born in the world, in a family environment which is the first small organization of a child where he grows and develops according to the teachings adopted by his family. Communication functions as a relationship builder when messages are created based on a process that shows the addition of relationship ties. Understanding of an association is used by people to show relationally appropriate behavior, interpret the actions of partners, and select communication strategies Ramdhan, M. (2021) (Planalp, 1985).

The function of communication in relationship escalation is the expectation that the people involved in the communication event have based on the interaction patterns they have.

Communication function

The history of communication as a science in Indonesia is relatively new, studies related to communication were previously limited to the way a message is disseminated. Communication developed as a science in the 1950s, communication science in the United States originated from the merger of the Department of Speech Communication and also the Department of Mass Communications, then both became Communication Sciences (Wiryanto, 2004) Nurdin, A. (2020). Initially, according to Wiryanto's opinion, communication science was specialized into interpersonal communication, mass communication, political communication, organizational communication, cross-cultural communication, learning communication, health communication, and information systems.

The ability to communicate must be obtained through the educational process both formal and non-formal because communication is a demand for daily skills in all situations and conditions.

The communication process is every step when producing information from the communicator to the communicant until it is understood in the communication event.

The development of theories about communication and relationship escalation stemmed from a research tradition that focused on the qualities of the individuals involved in the communication event itself. Interpersonal relationships are defined as a series of interactions between individuals who know each other (Duck & Gilmour, 1981) Handayani, M. (2016). Generally, every individual must expect a well-established relationship. Therefore, an understanding of this is needed, namely how communication functions on relationship escalation. Proficient interpersonal understanding skills can help individuals in starting, building, and maintaining a relationship.

Relationship escalation

Our relationships differ in their intensity from impersonal to personal (LaFollette, 1996). The function of communication in relationship escalation is the expectation that the people involved in the communication event have based on the interaction patterns they have. In relationship escalation, communication has principles in avoiding communication paradoxes

1. Speak moderately

2. Speak honestly

3. Speak using rhythm

4. Speaking after thinking

5. Speaking without repeating the subject

6. Speak without forgetting to be a good listener

7. Be careful of impulsiveness

8. Careful in trusting with words

9. Does not avoid the inevitable communication

According to Deddy Mulyana who emphasized that the essence of communication is perception. The success of a communication that occurs can be identified from the accuracy of the message conveyed neatly. In this case, the problem is that there are many mistakes in the perception of the communicated object. The result of perception is a meaning that comes from a social or individual context.

Coordinated management of meaning

The Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) theory developed based on research by W. Barnett Pearce and Vernon Cronen helps people explain meaning in a conversation. Cronen, Pearce, and Harris's (1986) concluded that CMM theory describes the role of humans to strive for coordination in managing meaning making in messages.

The whole world is a stage

To describe the lived experience, Pearce and Cronen use the metaphor of "Undirected Theater" with the essence that the flow of the conversation itself is a theatrical production.

Assumptions of Coordinated Meaning Management Theory

Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) theory focuses on the self and its relationship to others, it also relates to how a person gives meaning to messages.

Humans are able to create and interpret meaning. There are also several other assumptions, namely

1. Humans live in communication

2. Humans simultaneously create social reality

3. Information exchange depends on personal and interpersonal meanings


Research methods are generally intended as a scientific process in processing data for a specific purpose and purpose. The research method is also a process used to determine the topic and also determine the title in a study.

This article uses a qualitative method that is descriptive and uses analysis in its discussion. Highlighting the meaning and process based on the theoretical basis as a guide to the focus of the discussion according to the facts and realities that occur in the field. The type of qualitative research method used in this article is a type of document study qualitative research that examines based on documentary materials such as books, journals, and articles.

The research instruments used in this article are journals and electronic books from various sources that have discussions in accordance with the title of this article, namely "Analysis of Communication Functions on Relationship Escalation within the Organization Committee Scope of the Coordinated Management Meaning Theory".

This study examines relationship escalation in the social environment with its relation to communication science which is related to interpersonal communication material. Relationship escalation occurs widely, it can be in relationships in the family, education, work environment, community, to the state. It discusses the scope of communication, relationship escalation, and the relationship between communication and relationship escalation itself.


From the time humans open to close their eyes, they must have passed through communication because basically silence is also a form of communication, for example on a sunny morning where the eldest of the family at the dinner table was silent throughout breakfast together, his silence was understood by the mother because the eldest was thinking about how he would reach his goals, about his future. Communication is not only seen as an event but also as a science to identify something that happens in the human social environment. Without being used as the basis of science, communication that is only used for interaction can create a war. The development of theories about communication and relationship escalation comes from a research tradition that focuses on the quality of the individuals in the communication event itself.

Interpersonal relationships are defined as a series of interactions between individuals who know each other (Duck & Gilmour, 1981) Berger, C. R., Roloff, M. E., Roskos-Ewoldsen, et al. (2021). Generally, every individual must expect a well-established relationship. Therefore, an understanding of this is needed, namely how communication functions on relationship escalation. Proficient interpersonal understanding skills can help individuals in starting, building, and maintaining a relationship. The ability to communicate must be obtained through both formal and non-formal educational processes because communication is a demand for daily skills in all situations and conditions.

The communication process is every step when producing information from the communicator to the communicant until it is understood in the communication event. The function of communication for each individual is basically to build self-character. The formation of a person's character begins since he was born in the world, in a family environment which is the first small organization of a child where he grows and develops according to the teachings adopted by his family. Communication functions as a relationship builder when messages are created based on a process that shows the addition of relationship ties. Understanding of an association is used by people to demonstrate relationally appropriate behavior.

In the previous section, it was mentioned that there are principles that can be used to avoid communication paradoxes:

1. Speaking in moderation, humans have a limit to stimulus management in their cognitive domain. The human brain's ability to absorb information is in the first 20 minutes. This can be implemented in the relationship between teachers and students; too long-winded talk from the teacher is actually less effective, for example in a class with duration of 50 minutes when the ability of students to hear on average is only the first 20 minutes.

2. Speaking the truth, no matter what the circumstances, honesty should be conveyed as much as possible. A reality that is told as it is can sometimes cause pleasure as well as anger. For example, the honesty of a child who broke his neighbor's favorite flowerpot, instead of leaving the broken flowerpot, he chose to speak honestly and responsibly, which he previously thought would be angered by his neighbor but was not. This happened because the neighbor appreciated the child's honesty.

3. Speaking using rhythm, other people's perception of us is determined by the way we speak. This includes the emotions conveyed when speaking, namely the high-low and intonation of speaking.

4. Speaking after thinking, a clear mind makes the words that come out of our speech more systematic. Thinking before speaking also reduces the chance of conflict that could occur due to misunderstanding. When in a meeting attended by many people with different backgrounds, it is normal to have differences of opinion. Clear thinking is needed so that these differences do not become disputes.

5. Speaking without repeating the topic, repetition of topics that occur when we forget can reduce the effectiveness of communication. For example, in the example of a seller of goods who offers his merchandise with a repetition of topics that are not clear because his understanding of the product is lacking, in this case it is clear that potential customers are not interested in buying.

6. Talking without forgetting to be a good listener, communication is not just about talking. Good communicators are those who are good at listening, even in speaking we need to have references to other points of view in order to know something from various sides. Someone who only wants to be heard without listening has the impression of being selfish and immature. There was a case of criticism received by the news anchor, Najwa Shihab, when she often cut off the conversation raised by Anies Baswedan Panuju, R. (2018) who was then the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

7. Be careful of impulsive, self-defensive reactions of people who are impatient to hear all the information and then react. For example, in the case of a woman who received a message from a friend saying that she saw her boyfriend walking with another woman, before her friend could continue the message, the woman was already angry with her boyfriend, it turned out that the other woman walking with her boyfriend was her grandmother who had just returned from the opposite city.

8. Be careful in believing in words, in communication there is one form of error, namely people who believe in a meaning only from words. Because it could be that the words that come out of other people's mouths are just nonsense. For example, when there is a legislative candidate who circulates his sweet promises during the election campaign but he himself denies it.

9. Not avoiding the inevitability of communication, communication is interpreted as purpose. A person would not produce and formulate a message to another person without a purpose. However, it is possible for communication to occur without the will. For example, when lazily interacting with others but suddenly someone approaches and asks something, then inevitably give a reaction that answers or not.

Relationship dynamics follow the emotional situation of each individual and the social situation of the environment. In developing relationships, compatibility, feedback, and empathy are needed. Relationship development or in this case as relationship escalation is described with related theories, namely social penetration theory, uncertainty reduction theory, anxiety and uncertainty management theory, social information processing theory.


The existence of communication does not always have a good and positive impact, not infrequently communication can actually make a murky atmosphere. The ability to communicate must be obtained through the educational process both formal and non-formal because communication is a demand for daily skills in all situations and conditions. The communication process is every step when producing information from the communicator to the communicant until it is understood in the communication event.

Generally, every individual would expect a well-established relationship. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how communication functions in relationship escalation. Proficient interpersonal understanding skills can help individuals in starting, building and maintaining a relationship.


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Received: 31-Oct-2023, Manuscript No. JOCCC-23-14198; Editor assigned: 02-Nov-2023, Pre QC No. JOCCC-23-14198(PQ); Reviewed: 16- Nov-2023, QC No. JOCCC-23-14198; Published: 25- Nov -2023

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