Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)

Research Article: 2024 Vol: 28 Issue: 6

An Exploratory Study of Contextual Meaning and Consequences of Team Dysfunction

Amrita Dutt, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Prayag Raj

Vijaishri Tewari, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Prayag Raj

Shashikant Rai, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Prayag Raj

Chandra Kant Upadhyay, Symbiosis international University

Citation Information: Dutt, A., Tewari, V., Rai, S., & Upadhyay, C.K. (2024). An exploratory study of contextual meaning and consequences of team dysfunction. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 28(6), 1-15.


In this competitive working environment, where overall productivity of an organisation is in question, the output is not only dependent on individuals only but it’s a collective effect. This paper is the assessment of team dysfunction and how this dysfunctionality effect the psychology of team members and how it effects the performance. Through this paper we integrate psychological factors of employee which are affected by team dysfunction and also examine the relation between team dysfunction and employee performance. The method used for analysis is systematic Literature review using PRISMA model, The findings show only 105 papers are relevant to the present study, providing qualitative evidence for further research in particular study with quantitative analysis for future.


Organisational Change, Team Dysfunction, Employee Psychology, Employee Performance.


For the last many years, observed that the tenet of teamwork has disseminated to the manufacturing industry to other types of organizations within both the private and public sectors. In this competitive time where the productivity and Performance of Employees are dependent on the working environment, an extra encumbrance of work on professionals to complete the task with fewer Number of employees at a faster speed and in the specific time limit, which creates the need of teamwork or Team building. The definition of Team and collaboration varies with different literature; there is no universal definition given in various researches. However, the descriptions about the Team in different writing states that. The group of individuals working together, having coordination among themselves, and are interdependent to achieve the common goal (Rasmussen & Jeppesen 2006). There are different types of teams: Production Teams, Service teams Project Teams, Management Teams, Action, and Performing Teams and Advisory Teams. According to Bruce Tuckman's model (1965) of team development which has four stages of Team Development., Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing, and these are crucial phases of team development in which Team learn to grow, faces the challenges, handle the problems, find the solution of the issues, do the Planning and deliver the outcome.

Teams can vary with their size, autonomy, composition, and design (Rasmussen & Jeppesen 2006.). With this variation in size, composition and design of team, member of team also different in their views, ideas and creativity which may create the situation of conflicts, distrust between them or lack of co-ordination and commitment through which a kind of disturbances or negative event may arise and in adverse working condition (Popov, & Popov 2013), an irrational beliefs with in individual arises whether it is emotional dysfunction, dysfunctional beliefs or attitude dysfunction (McDermut et al. 2016) which lead to psychological disturbance in team members. While working in Dysfunctional team, a situation of adverse working condition arises which may cause the stress or job insecurity with in employee (Popov, & Popov, 2013)?

Research Objective

In this competitive time, where all the organisations switch to teamwork because the pressure of work on only one is really difficult. To solve this problem of workload or work related stress (Palmer & Gyllensten, 2008; Popov & Popov 2013) or to minimise the work load and increase productivity, Tenet of teamwork come in to existence, but as everything has its negative side, while working in team, members of team face many problem like commitment, co-ordination, conflicts, trust issues which may lead to dysfunctionality of team (Popov & Popov, 2013) and can affect the psychology of employee as emotional dysfunction or dysfunctional beliefs (Stankovic, & Vukosavljevic-Gvozden, 2011; Nicastro et al., 1999; McDermut et al. 2019) or dysfunctional attitudes (Fisher, & Overholser, 2014) within the employee that will directly affect the performance of employee (Stankovic, & Vukosavljevic-Gvozden, 2011; David et al., 2016; Palmer, & Gyllensten, 2008.) because adverse working condition may create the problem of stress or negative atmosphere (Popov & Popov, 2013) This study of team Dysfunction and associated psychological factors.

Research Questions

The result allowed us to find out:

1) The reason how organisation switch to teamwork and what are the reasons through which Team becomes dysfunctional.

2) To identify the effect of Dysfunctional team on employee psychology,

3) To identify the effect of Dysfunctional Team on employee performance.


In order to create organisations more proactive, adaptive and more flexible towards the internal as well as external environment, the focus is on organisation change whether it is technological or change in working practices and in this the role of teams (Whitfield et al., 1995.) are important aspect because many organisations changing their working practices and opt the tenet of team work to minimise the work load and enhance the performance (Sexton, 1994; Whitfield et al, 1995; Pillai & Williams, 2004.) by having shared responsibilities and with this team members felt motivated (Gupta, & Pathak 2018). As team play an important part in organisational change as they initiate, successfully create and implement major change in working conditions and practices in organisation (By et al., 2018). There is the fact that if there's a person who orders his labourer to dig a pit of arbitrary individual Depth, and waiting for the labourer to finish the particular job, then the time taken for the task to get completed will be more than the time given in order. It is the earliest form of an example that can be given to state the fact that in any such case where targets and deadlines are involved, team-oriented functionality is always the higher ground, and the better/optimal choice when compared to hierarchy-oriented mannerisms. Organizations earlier working on the hierarchy working system in which power accumulates at the top but the value is expected to be created at the bottom of the pyramid and therefore speed and creativity are presented by many stages and procedures. Traditional structure was not customer oriented there is chain of command and decisions are dependent that is why this form is more tension creation instead of value creation. Where is agile organisation having flexible network which satisfies customer expectations. This is new structure means establishing a new organisation with a common purpose of creating customer satisfaction, leadership is servant style. To enhance this type of development and changes in structure of organization, Socio-technical System theory is used to improve organization performance (Appelbaum, 1997). For the Organisational development, many areas and system are involved and this is a delicate process because of the dynamic relationship among all the areas and system with in the environment is there. Changes that support organisational development goals must consider as how their relationship among them get affected as they all are interrelated to each other. For the development of organisation each element of system is viable. So as per Socio technical system theory, all the areas are interdependent to each other, so ignorance of any of any of the system or area will affect the development of organization and also the productivity of the organisation.

Socio technical system theory is probably the most extensive body of conceptual and empirical work underlying employee involvement as it works for workplace safety (Carayon et al., 2015). As social technical theory works on the concept of each element of the system is interrelated and interdependent on each other for the achievement of the goal so through this theory, it is quite under stable no element of the system is avoidable. Within this perspective, any organisation working on it or a part of it, is made up of set of interacting sub-systems, thus organisation employs people with their capabilities and skills who works towards the achievement of goals, follows processes of system use innovative technologies, operates with physical infrastructure and shares certain assumptions and norms of the system. Organisations working on these perspectives and want organisational change programme in their system often fail because they often fail because they are too focused on only one aspect of the system commonly technology and fail to analyse and understand the complex interdependencies that exists within the system.

With above discussion, the present study tries to draw the effect of Team dysfunction on employees’ psychological factors and on their performance.

The objective of the study is:

1. To examine how Teams are important through the Review process.

2. To examine how Team dysfunction is associated with employees’ psychological factor through the Review process.

3. To examine how Team dysfunction is associated with employees’ performance through the Review process.

Digital Transformation of an Organisation

With the advancement of technology day by day, the question arises how working system of an organisation is changing and that is affecting the organisational psychology and behaviour (Cascio & Montealegre, 2016). As we live in global world where technology is advancing rapidly to compete with other organisation and to enhance the productivity of organisation.

The effect of technology over a period of time is well defined in previous literatures. With the growth of and advancement of technological infrastructures where we move from agricultural era to industrial era and now to digital Era. They all require economic structures, social structure and cultural transformations in an organisation. With this advancement of technology require substantial resources, expertise, tools and costs (Liu et al. 2005). To achieve desired end result with in organisation, employees need to work collectively to complete particular project in desired time using new technology for this the concept of teamwork help because team members have different expertise and skills which is required to achieve their goal and enhance their performance and also increases the productivity of organisation.

The consequences of teamwork are reviewed for the assessment of performance, productivity, behaviour, attitudes, perception, etc. at individual, Team and organization level (Rasmussen & Jeppesen., 2006) in teamwork individual lost their identity and suffered from scapegoating and the problem of social loafing. Furthermost, in this paper, we reviewed the factors that lead to team dysfunction and their effect on team members and their Performance. As stated in the definition team is a group of employees or individuals who work together to pursue a common goal, so employees are the basis of teamwork in an organization, and also employees are the asset of an organization. So, any deviant behaviour or harmful behaviour or activity will directly affect employee psychology. According to dysfunctional behaviour at the workplace or in an organization refers to abnormal behaviour, which directly impacts the psychology and also on the Performance of individual and productivity of the organization (Omar et al., 2018). Any dysfunctional behaviour at the workplace deviates the norms, policies, and ethics of the overall organization. Dysfunctional individual leads to the dysfunctional organization (Pierre et al., 2006), which lowers the effectiveness, efficiency, performance (David et al., 2016; Warren & Hale, 2016.) and productivity. Through this paper, there is the assessment of team dysfunction and its effect on employee psychology and Performance and the Systematic literature review method used for the study.

Now, while working in a team, there are many factors which may lead to Dysfunction of Team because members of Team are from different culture, background, values, and beliefs. Before going to Depth, there is a need to understand what is Team Dysfunction.?

Team Dysfunction

There are numerous positive outcomes of teamwork, be in a field of business, politics or sports, it is a teamwork which creates closeness and Trust between the team members, teamwork improve organization's Performance and productivity also it enhances the employee motivation and their wellbeing, reduces variation in Employee's Performance, enhances their morale of work, minimizes their stress level so that employees come up with new creative ideas and improve their work quality and Performance and also reduces conflict with in the Team. Organizations are formed with the collaborative and coordinative efforts of team members within a team because most of the organizations are now working on sides; the organization spends a tremendous amount of money on training programs for their employees.

However, many situations arise when employees who value teamwork, become part of Team dysfunction (Sharma et al., 2009).

Despite organization efforts to provide a compliant environment for employees through team building, training, and development. Sometimes Employee fails to envisage the task in teams. According to Patrick Lencioni, Teams are likely to become dysfunctional because organizations are the sum of deceptive and of different kinds of culturally diverse individuals. "From the basketball court to the executive suite, politics and confusion are more the rule than the exception”-Patrick Lencioni, however it is difficult for top management of the organization to face team dysfunction and focusing on teamwork because executive Team sets the accent for how Employee work together. But the cause of Dysfunction of the Team can be identified, and top management or administrative can overcome the problem of Dysfunction. To make Team functional, a level of discipline is required. First Team has to identify the traits that are responsible for team dysfunction and after determining that team leader and team member has to work on these traits to overcome this problem of Dysfunction. According to Patrick Lencioni (Lencioni, 2002, p.209), in his book "The five dysfunctions of Team," the Team struggles for their responsibilities and conflicts, which leads to negative morale within the Team. He describes five dysfunctions of Team:

Absence of Trust: For the establishment of any function or activity, there is a need for Trust required between the members of the organization, and with leaders and members, Trust is the foundation for any work within the organization for the continual improvement and success of the organization. "Confidence among team members that their peers' intentions are good and that there is no reason to be protective or careful around the group" (Lencioni, 2002) is critical. Without the feeling of trust among the team members, coordination, interaction between them is constrained, the teams take the minimal risk. It is the responsibility of leaders and also the team members to identified the reasons for the absence of Trust within the Team. Lencioni also defines in his book, the effect of the lack of confidence on members of Team. Member hides their weakness with each other; they hide their mistakes; they delay in giving feedback to others; they avoid helping outside their area of responsibilities.

Fear of Conflict: According to Lencioni, the second Dysfunction of Team is Fear of conflict that stops teams from reaching their outcomes. With the firm establishment of Trust, teams can easily be engaged in debates and ideological conflicts. Trust improves the understanding of the organization and teams. Also, it gives creative ideas for where the organization is and where it needs to grow. Fear of conflict is a reluctance to involve in productive work, arguments in the debate, which leads to discomfort and growth. When Trust is established within team members, the fear of Stress and tension is minimized. Ideological conflict is to be encouraged to avoid unnecessary delays in important decisions and avoid group thinking, which creates a lack of confidence among the team members within the organization. Most of the members are not comfortable in conflicts, and they will try to avoid it at any cost. The absence of conflict within teams has an acute impact on the working environment and group dynamics, which affect the decision making of the Team and also the outcomes of the organization. Teams which are suffered from a fear of conflict, have boring meetings, internal Politics is going on, avoid controversial conflicts which are critical for team success, team members fail to understand the perspectives and opinion of team members waste time and energy with interpersonal risk management (Lencioni, 2002).

Lack of Commitment: The third Dysfunction of Team is a Lack of commitment. A commitment of team members towards the organization will lead to the success of the organization. Trust and conflicts create an environment in which transparency among the team members will lead to the success of the organization. It is only the commitment of team members, which will sustain and prosper the success of the organization. Team Leaders want team members to be committed and involved in decision making. However, consent of team members on all the decision will harmful for organisation in long term. All the members of Team must feel that they are the significant member of Team and are equally contributing in all the decision of Team. They need to realize that they are contributing to important decisions and are proactively involved in every activity of the Team, just to build Trust within them so that team members will have a complete commitment to the decisions even when if they do not agree with it. The teams who fail to commit are suffered from ambiguity among the members about the decision and priorities, unnecessary delay decisions, increasing lack of confidence, increase chances of fear of failure, reanalyse discussions and decisions again and again. (Lencioni, 2002).

Avoidance of Accountability: Through the establishment of Trust, ideological conflict commitment, Leaders within the organization lead a step head towards a clear understanding of their goals and decisions. Once a leader communicates goals and decisions among the team members, team members and leaders can hold accountable to each other for commitments to achieve outcomes and avoid flaws within it. Accountability establishes an environment in which certain behaviours towards the attainment of the goal of an organization, which creates Stress and tension among the relationship of team members, are not tolerable. The leaders and team members must set clear goals and expectations so that nothing can get in the way of maximizing the success of the organization. If team members and leaders are unable to hold each other accountable, leaders and team members may not be working together effectively and also do not make the best decision. Teams that avoid accountability will suffer from animosity among the team members who have different in their Performance, the omission of the deadlines, it creates strain in the relationship among the team members, places an unwanted burden on the leader as a source of discipline (Lencioni, 2002).

Inattention to Results: This is the last Dysfunction of Team given by Lencioni; it occurs when individuals concentrate only on their recognition at the expense of collective results of the Team. When there is a lack of accountability, lack of commitment, absence of Trust towards the common goal, here a feeling of status and ego arises within the team members, and then there is a shift of objectives from organizational achievement to individual achievement. Teams that are not focus on their results suffered from stagnation, which fails to grow easily; they fail to defeat competitors, encourages employees to focus on their career and growth (Lencioni, 2002).

According to Lencioni, Lack of above Factors within and between the team members leads to the Dysfunction of a functional Team, and that affects the productivity and performance of the organization as well as employees (David et al., 2016.) Now some psychological factors are associated with Employee while working in a dysfunctional Team.

Psychological Factors that is associated with Employee by Dysfunction of Team and its Effect on Employee Performance

Coherence is an important aspect, which needs to be kept at the forefront of one’s inspection when studying such cases. Just as a tumour would spread all across the body when malignant, issues amongst co-workers, if not resolved, spread like a forest fire, to the surrounding environment. Similarly, if a particularly negative comment is passed by an employee around about a particular employee, then it is bound to affect his/her working attitude towards the peers that surround them. A dysfunctional organization or dysfunctional Team affects the psychology of Employee (Balthazard et al., 2006; Popov& Popov., 2013; McDermut et al., 2019.) Therefore, the study of employee psychology is of utmost importance to ensure the maximum efficiency of any project/operation in the workplace. (Rasmussen & Jeppesen., 2006; Johnson., 2013) .Any such issues may not be foretold, but are bound to rise at a given point in time if there is a lack of cordial fraternity and affluent communication amongst the members of any given organization.

As soon as an employee enters a new organization, the first thing he/she looks for is an opening to befriend or socialize with people that share similar traits to feel comfortable in the newfound working environment.

Hence, we must understand that it is vital for any employee, in any situation at any given point of time, to feel comfortable around his/her peers. Otherwise, it may be so that they may not be able to work with the best of their ability and let themselves and their companions down as well (Popov & Popov., 2013).

The psyche of an employee is as easily compromised as it is pleased, so the superiors and peers of every single Employee, that is, us, as friends and compatriots to a cause must be wary of the mental stability of fellow workers, irrespective of the differences that keep us apart (van Mierlo et al., 2006).

There are many studies on the teamwork and psychological factors associated with that (Rasmussen & Jeppesen, 2006.). These studies have given result that there is positive or negative affect of any function in the organisation, Employee performance and their psychology truly dependent upon the working condition and thee system of the organisation (Pfaff & Huddleston, 2003; Anitha, 2014), As at one place where team work has positive impact on employee, on the other side dysfunctional team or any kind of dysfunctionality create irrational beliefs ,job insecurities, less motivated and other negative thoughts with in employee (McDermut et al., 2019; David, 2014; David et al., 2016, Nicastro et al., 1999, Palmer & Gyllensten, 2008.), which directly affect the performance of employee and also overall productivity Figures 1-3.

Figure 1 A Conceptual Model for Effect of Dysfunctional Team on Employee Psychology and its Performance

Figure 2 Prisma Model

Figure 3 Team Dysfunction and Employee Performance

To explain the effect of dysfunctional team on the psychology of employee and their performance, here is theoretical model based on different studies, through which it can be easily understandable what effect can dysfunctionality of a team does on the psychology and performance of an employee (Palmer & Gyllensten., 2008), How its work get affected by disturbances created with in team (David., 2014, David et al., 2016).

Psychological Factors of Employee

With regards to this paper, while working in a team, some psychological factors associated with employees (David, 2014), while working in a group as a team member every function of a team will affect the psychology of a team member in every way, and it also affects the performance of the Employee (Anitha, 2014; Hechanova et al. 2006.). Based on a study of different papers, there is some kind of psychological factors that are incurred which are associated with employee psychology while working in a team. These are Self-Esteem, Perception, Psychological Safety, Self –Efficacy (Stankovic & Vukosavljevic-Gvozden., 2011; Nicastro et al., 1999; Xiang et al., 2018), Commitment, Attitude (Fisher & Overholser, 2014; Warren &Hale, 2016) Behaviour, Motivation (Jiang, 2010; Ulloa & Adams, 2004; Rasmussen & Jeppesen, 2006; Kirkman & Rosen, 1999; Balthazard et al. 2006; Sharma et al. 2009; Niculescu et al., 2019; Ogiamien & Izuagbe, 2016; Mokhtarian & Mohammadi, 2011; Bektas & Sohrabifard, 2013; Prasetya, 2019; Bishop & Scott, 2000. Bishop et al, 2000; Crichton, 2005; Auzoult, 2013; Oyebamiji & Akintayo, 2011; van Mierlo et al, 2006) These psychological factors Employee affect their performances also (David et al, 2016.). These psychological factors are associated with Employee those working in an organization and teams (Rasmussen & Jeppesen, 2006; Kagwi, 2018).


The method used in this study is a systematic literature review (Debidin & Dryden., 2011) are the type of literature review that uses a systematic approach for the collection of secondary data, critically analyses research studies and synthesizes findings qualitatively or quantitatively. The systematic literature review is designed to provide a complete summary of current evidence, published and unpublished.

The research took place in 2020, with the help of different databases like Web of Science, SAGE, Springer, EBSCO, Emerald, including articles between 1935 till the date because Elton Mayo gives the concept of teamwork in 1935. These databases are selected because they are used in various reviews on team dysfunction and its effect on employee psychology and are considered as the largest abstract and citation database for peer-reviewed literature (Dias et al., 2019). In the first phase, were selected articles that used term ‘team’ in the titles, keywords, or abstract in conjunction with Dysfunction. There 5 databases are used: Emerald, Springer, Sage, Web of science, EBSCO. In the Emerald database, the term team dysfunction is more than 20,000 papers than limited to title and abstract, which results in a review of total searches of 95. Only articles with language "English" are considered since the proclamation of scientific knowledge is fundamentally done in this language, and this criterion is used in many review papers. (Dias et al., 2019; Guise et al., 2017; Whittaker et al., 2015; Sycara & Sukthankar., 2006; Liberati et al., 2009.). Therefore, Number of reviewed articles was reduced only to 105 that are considered after all the filtration is done on each database. Emerald database the search is limited to only abstract and title to first search the dysfunctional teams, which shows only 16 results, then search psychological factors associated with dysfunctional Team like self-efficacy, perception, psychological safety, self-efficacy, commitment, attitude, motivation, behavior which shows zero results. Then the search is done by using the bibliometric technique of co-word, which searches employee performance in a dysfunctional Team also shows zero results. Teamwork and associated psychological factors show the result of only Employee psychological factors and employee performance and teamwork and employee performance show results of 34 and 44 respectively; the time framework is selected from 1935 to 2020 for the searches. The unit of analysis is articles, while other variables related to topic included title and abstract of 105 articles. The next database is Springer which show result of 125 which limited to subdispline of HRM and conference paper and shows zero results for self-esteem of Employee in dysfunctional teams and in team dysfunction and employee psychological factors. Web of science database shows result of 34 which limited to Research domain of arts and humanities and shows zero results for self-efficacy of Employee in dysfunctional Team. Next database is EBSCO which show result of 207 which limited to limiters of scholarity of peer reviewed journal, source type is academic journal and subject is employee psychology and teams at work place in which team work and employee performance and employee psychological factors and employee performance results to 1,1 respectively.

Next Database is SAGE which show result of 101 and which limit to use of AND between the variables and terms, content type is used in this database while searching is all journal articles and discipline is business and management and psychology. The minimum result found in this database is zero for attitude of Employee in dysfunctional Team and for team dysfunction and employee psychological factors in organisation.

Descriptive Analysis

Despite of main stream research on Team and psychological factors in an organisation but from past years scenario is getting changed, there many researchers found only on the positive side of team work but everything has its negative side also (Balthazard et al., 2018.). This study is on team dysfunction and its effect on employee psychology and their Performance.

This analysis with help of different databases gives findings that there is no research found on the topic related to team dysfunction and associated psychological factors. There are only 562 articles are found from all the databases. In Emerald total 95 results are found after applying all the limiters, Springer give results to 125 ,Web of Science give searches 34,EBSCO give 207 and Sage give results of 101.In next step inclusion criteria is applied and all non-duplicate citations are included which results to 390 searches ,then in next step inclusion /exclusion criteria is applied which include language “English” , after applying all the inclusion and exclusion criteria there are only 375 articles are included for the study, then after applying keywords which are related precisely to the searches are team work, Team Dysfunction, Psychological Factors And Performance results to 350 searches then in next step articles excluded after screening of titles/abstract results to 228,then in next step articles are included after reading full test result to 122 and finally only 105 articles are included for the research.


Figure 3, presents the studies related to the analysis of dysfunctional Team in organisation and employee psychological factors and its effect on the Performance of Employee. Analysis shows the results that there is least or no articles or researches are not found on the variables related to dysfunctional Team and associated psychological factors, also there is least results are found on employee performance in dysfunctional Team, therefore there is scope of further research on the variables dysfunctional team and associated psychological factors of Employee and its effect on employee performance. through this analysis it is also found that there is least or no studies are found on the variables related to the attitude of employee inn dysfunctional team in an organisation, also there are minimum studies are found on the employee performance in dysfunctional Team.

Therefore, according to findings that are incurred from the analysis is that there is minimum studies are done on dysfunctional teams and on employee psychological factors those working in a team and become dysfunction al and these studies give the minimum results on effect on the Performance of Employee while working in a dysfunctional team.


Above analysis is done to know that there is effect of dysfunctional team on the psychology of employee and their performance. As any dysfunction whether emotional dysfunction, Attitude dysfunction (Fisher & Overholser, 2014.) or dysfunctional beliefs (McDermut et al., 2019) can cause disturbances which leads to stress and depression which is prevalent in psychological disturbances (David, 2014). Dysfunction leads to dysfunctional thinking and develop irrational beliefs (Popov & Popov., 2013.) in an individual influences the mood and behaviour which may affect the performance of employees (David et al, 2016.). So the problem of depression, stress (David et al., 2016; Palmer & Gyllensten, 2008; Popov &Popov, 2013) or negative thoughts dealt by psychological therapy ie; cognitive therapy or rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) (Debidin & Dryden, 2011; Stankovic & Vukosavljevic-Gvozden, 2011; David et al. 2008; Warren & Hale, 2016). As psychological therapy could have increased the employee self- awareness through which one can handle its irrational beliefs (Popov &Popov, 2013.) and work on its negative thinking. In the presence of negative activating events or dysfunctionality, those with the high levels of irrational beliefs will develop an unhealthy negative emotional response and which affect the performance of an employee (Fisher & Overholser, 2014). So, any dysfunctionality may cause negative thoughts in an employee which effect it’s the psychology and performance (Stankovic & Vukosavljevic-Gvozden, 2011). Above study helps to know the reason of team dysfunction and how employee psychology effects by team dysfunction and how their performances get affected.


Before coming to conclusion from this review study, it is important to mention some limitation, first is there is lack of empirical study in this study, that is the exclusion or inclusion criteria does not include the questionnaire or qualitative studies which investigates the relation between team dysfunction and associated psychological factors which effect the validity of study. Second, Number of articles which are selected are small, therefore difficult to draw a valid result. Third the study is not on any organisation, so it is important to study for an organisation. Fourth, it is not mentioned in the study that for which Team applicable; either it is production team or management team etc. Fourth, Team size and team type is also not mentioned in the study. Fifth, the time frame is taken is large for the selection article.

Conclusion and Recommendation for Future Research

This Review study found that the result of 105 articles that are included from five databases after applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, this study uses the methodology based on Systematic Literature Review which result to 105 articles, which are found after searches done on different databases. This study concluded that there is less or minimum study is done on the Team dysfunction and associated Employee's psychological factors and its effect on the Performance of the Employee in an organisation.

The analyses from this study reviewed that there are minimum studies done on dysfunctional Team and employee psychological factors while working in a team which become dysfunctional and also effect of dysfunctional Team on the Performance of employees.

For the future research, it is recommended that though there are minimum researches on team dysfunction and on employee psychological factors and on their Performance, so further research should be done by taken these variables. Second, the study should be done with quantitative investigation of the variable Third, more psychological factors related to employees need to find for the further study.


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Received: 04-May-2024, Manuscript No. AMSJ-24-14788; Editor assigned: 06-May-2024, PreQC No. AMSJ-24-14788(PQ); Reviewed: 26-Jul-2024, QC No. AMSJ-24-14788; Revised: 06-Aug-2024, Manuscript No. AMSJ-24-14788(R); Published: 08-Sep-2024

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