Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)

Review Article: 2024 Vol: 28 Issue: 6

A Study on Impact of Cinema Industry on Changes in Behavioural and Consumption Patterns of Gen Z in Indian Context

Rohan Das, DY Patil University, Pune

Pranav Ranjan, DY Patil University, Pune

Sarvesh Kumar, Central University of Himachal Pradesh

Meghasham Chaudhary, MIT World Peace University (MIT-WPU), Pune

Shital P. Bhusare, Suryadatta Institute of Business Management & Technology

Vivek I Swami, Suryadatta Institute of Management & Mass Communication (SIMMC), Pune

Samrat Ray, International Institute of Management Studies, Pune

Kumar D., Saibalaji International Institute of Management Sciences, Pune

Citation Information: Das R., Ranjan, P., Kumar, S., Chaudhary, M., Bhusare, S.P., Swami, V.I., Ray, S., & Kumar D. (2024). A study on impact of cinema industry on changes in behavioural and consumption patterns of gen z in indian context. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 28(6), 1-11.


The Indian Cinema Industry since a long time has been instrumental in influencing different stakeholders of the society. The image of the actors and characters in Cinema has larger bearing on the lives of the common people. Considering this, the authors have tried to study the impact of cinema industry on the changes in behavioural and consumption pattern of set of respondents belonging to Gen Z. The authors have collected both primary and secondary data in order to derive the results. The authors have taken a survey of 144 respondents so as to find out the impact on the behavioural and consumption pattern. The various statistical tests used to derive the results are Friedman Test and Chi square test. The authors have found that cinema influences the behavioural and consumption pattern of respondents.

Key words

Cinema, Gen Z, Behaviour, Consumption.


Indian Cinema has come a long way. The scope of Indian cinema has not only changed but at the same time it has also changed the different environmental factors including consumption and behavioural pattern of different individuals. Over the years people have enjoyed Indian cinema and are fans of various actors. This has encouraged the producers of the movies to make films which can entertain the Indian audiences. The box office collections of the few movies have even exceeded 1000 crores of rupees. This shows the Indian consumers increasing demand for entertainment services. In this context, the researchers have tried to study the impact of Indian cinema on the consumption pattern and behaviour of movie goers particularly belonging from Gen Z

Literature Review

The authors have referred various research journals, texts, articles in order to derive various issues and context related to the subject of study. Mckinsey & Company defines Gen Z as those born between 1996 and 2010. This generation is known for shopping, dating and making friends online. Besides, they are more pragmatic, politically and socially active. Kethan & Basha (2023) have studied the impact of Indian cinema on youth’s lifestyle and behaviour. The authors have tried to understand the overall impact of cinema on though process as well as on food and dress habits, career options, belief system. The authors have also studied the changes in behavioural patterns of the youth due to influence of cinema. The respondents were of the age from 13 to 26 years. The sample size was 150-200 based on judgemental sampling. The findings of the study show that there is significant impact of cinema on lifestyle and behaviour of youths. Kubrak (2020) has studied the impact of films on young people’s attitudes. The author used psycho semantic technique and the measurement was done based on 25 scales. The sample size consisted of 70 students consisting of two groups of 40 and 30. The various statistical tools used to study the subject were Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann Whitney U test. The findings of the study show that post movie, the post graduate students attitudes towards elderly people changed positively while attitudes of undergraduate students worsened. The most important finding was that differences in attitudes before watching a movie are the reasons behind differences in the effectiveness of the film’s impact. Karakartal (2021) has studied the social impact of film and television. The study was based on literature reviews by various authors on the subject. The various findings based on the study suggest that television helps in socialization, personality development, social status, joining social groups etc. The other finding is that children and young people have fun as well as imbibe certain negative thoughts such as violence and aggression, criminal activities Phalle & Patil (2022) studied the consumer behaviour towards placement of product in movies/TV. The sample size for the study was 540. The authors have used descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage and chi-square test. The findings of the study show that product placement in a movie or television benefits both the producer and the consumer if product placement is done in appropriate manner. The second important finding is that product or brands should be placed in the right context. Bona et al. (2020) in their study have focused on targeting Gen Z and millennial by marketers post Covid 19 Gen Z and millennial spent most of their time on social media, video streaming, gaming and are more towards online buying. The overall consumption pattern is geared towards essentials, health and wellness and less on discretionary products. Thus the marketers should redefine their strategies so as to effectively convey their brands value and value proposition to consumers have studied about the consumption habits of Gen Z. The study is more focused on Gen Z and their characteristics as they are interested in more technology. They prefer to go for internet shopping and so any advertisement through social media and shopping are the preference of Gen Z. The study was done based on responses collected from a sample of 200 respondents belonging to Gen Z. The statistical tests used were reliability and factor analysis. The findings of the study show that preferences of life for the Gen Z are different from previous generations. The five factors which determine the buying preferences of Gen Z are internal effect, product description, external factors, deals and product identity. have studied the consumer behaviour of Gen Z related to daily consumption products in the EU market. The study was based on survey done on a sample of 227 respondents. The findings of the study show that dual quality information poses a serious problem. Most of the Gen Z consumers changed their consumption due to dual quality of goods especially educated women with higher education. Nunn (2023) has studied industrial issues and motivations of the next generation of film makers for Gen Z. The findings of the study show that there is a keen awareness of the challenges in creative industries and consensus over why students choose a subject and how and what to be taught in film and television production. Udofia & Anyim (2017) have studied the impact of modern movies on students’ behaviour. The study was based on sample size of 150 using simple random sampling technique. The chi square test was used to derive the results of the study. The researchers have considered different set of variables to assess the impact on behaviour such parental guidance and control on movie watching, pornographic movies, violence in the movies, romantic scenes in the movies, comedy movies. The findings of the study show that pornographic movies significantly impact the sexual behaviour of the students. The violence shown in the movies made students aggressive at times. There is a significant relationship between romantic scenes in the movies and love and sexual relationships. Septak (2008) in his thesis has focused upon the impact of movie trailers as an effective and useful tool in marketing films. The researcher relied on secondary sources of information as well primary data collected through survey. The researcher tried to find out the relationship between consumers feeling towards viewing specific trailers and their decision for movie viewership. The findings of the study suggest that trailers influence consumers to watch movies in theatres and other formats. Sunita Kumar (2017) has studied the impact of product placements in films and television on consumers brand awareness. The researcher has tried to study the reasons behind consumer’s connection to brands and their attitude towards product placement and how it impacts buying behaviour. The sample size for the study was 170 respondents mostly from the age group of 18-50 years of age. The findings of the study show that product placements by celebrities have significant impact on the brand awareness and buying behaviour of the viewers. Balabantaray (2020) has studied the impact of cinema on culture and creation of world view among youth in context of Bollywood movies. A sample size of 20 young respondents was collected from different universities. The major findings suggest that there has been changes with regard to institutions of marriage and live in relationships. There have been changes with regard to food habits, clothing, career options and even belief system. Rachna Gupta (2020) has studied the social and cultural impact of movie. There is a larger impact of movies on weddings. The people are more addicted to alcohol, smoking and becomes violent. However there are positive impacts also such as reducing gender discrimination, helping attitude. However the paper has many limitations and is short of deriving results scientifically. James and Rekha (2018) have studied the impact of crime films on youngsters. The authors have considered such movies where the central focus is crimes scenes in the movie. The two movies selected for the study are Robinhood and Drishyam. The researchers did both quantitative and qualitative analysis and found that such movies have negative impact on the youngsters.

Research Methodology

Objectives of the Study

a) To study the impact of Cinema on changes in behavioural and consumption pattern of Gen Z.

b) To find out the most important behavioural trait influenced by Cinema.

c) To find out the different changes in consumption and whether it varies across Gender.

d) To find out the pros. and cons. of cinema on consumptions and behavioural traits of Gen Z.

Type of Research study, Data collection and Sampling

The Researchers have collected both primary and secondary data. The primary data is collected through a survey with questionnaire. The sample size for the study is 144 and the sampling unit is all the respondents from Gen Z. The sampling design was non probability purposive sampling. The study will involve both descriptive and exploratory. The various statistical tools such as Excel, SPSS 21 were used in order to derive the results. The researchers have applied non parametric Friedman test to determine whether mean ranks of different variables differ or not Figure 1.

Figure 1 Gender

Hypothesis Testing

H1: There is significant difference in impact of cinema on proxy variables for consumption patterns.

H2: There is significant impact of Cinema on the behavioural pattern of Gen Z.

H3: There is association between gender of the respondents and influence of cinema on online shopping.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Classification of Respondents on the Basis of Gender

Observations: Out of the total Gen Z respondents, 63% are males and 37% are females. Thus considering this, it can be said that respondents from both the gender are in a right mix to give rational responses.

Consumer’s perception about Indian Cinema: Non Parametric Test Tables 1-14.

Table 1 Descriptive Statistics Regarding Consumer’s Opinion About Indian Cinema
  N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum
Diversity of the films has increased 143 3.4895 1.26640 1.00 5.00
There is lack of strong content 143 3.5105 1.37824 1.00 5.00
Does not represent the subjects of 21st century 143 3.3007 1.32173 1.00 5.00
There is an increase in the average price of the tickets 143 3.5874 1.21220 1.00 5.00
There is more orientation towards OTT platforms and others as compared to theatres 143 4.0140 1.18075 1.00 5.00
Movie selection depends upon the cast, storyline and the director along with reviews 143 3.8741 1.34199 1.00 5.00
Table 2 Mean Ranks and Friedman Test of Variables Depicting Consumer Opinion
  Mean Rank
Diversity of the films has increased 3.30
There is lack of strong content 3.37
Does not represent the subjects of 21st century 3.03
There is an increase in the average price of the tickets 3.39
There is more orientation towards OTT platforms and others as compared to theatres 4.08
Movie selection depends upon the cast, storyline and the director along with reviews 3.83
Table 3 Test Statisticsa
N 143
Chi-Square 39.782
df 5
Asymp. Sig. 0
a. Friedman Test
Table 4 Descriptive and Friedman Test Statistics Showing Impact of Cinema on Behavioural Aspects
Min Max. Mean Std. Devi. Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error
Instills values like empathy, determination and compassion 1.00 5.00 3.2378 1.16255 -0.149 0.203 -.564 0.403
Induces diverse cultural exchange 1.00 5.00 3.3497 1.15221 -0.634 0.203 -.249 0.403
Diverse systems and perspectives, promote tolerance, acceptance and appreciation. 1.00 5.00 3.3497 1.20011 -0.383 0.203 -.616 0.403
Raise social issues, awareness and dialogues 1.00 5.00 3.5175 1.27187 -0.612 0.203 -.566 0.403
Different scenes such as murder, rape, vengeance has deep psychological impact 1.00 5.00 3.6783 1.24811 -0.668 0.203 -.536 0.403
Test Statisticsa  
N 143  
Chi-Square 21.667  
df 4  
Asymp. Sig. 0.000  
a. Friedman Test  
Table 5 Descriptive and Friedman Test Statistics Showing Responses Related to Sexual Content in the Movie
There is an increase in sexual contents Thrilled to watch romantic scenes Get Excited to establish romantic relations with opposite sex Addicted towards more pornographic movies Increases the aggressiveness The sexual content does not justify the subject
N Valid 143 143 143 143 143 143
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.8741 3.0769 2.9161 2.5315 3.0769 3.4336
Median 4.0000 3.0000 3.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
Mode 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 5.00
Std. Deviation 1.33674 1.32727 1.41170 1.55556 1.47790 1.39193
Skewness -.933 -.106 .044 .396 -.068 -.401
Std. Error of Skewness .203 .203 .203 .203 .203 .203
Kurtosis -.325 -1.102 -1.241 -1.400 -1.350 -1.073
Std. Error of Kurtosis .403 .403 .403 .403 .403 .403
Mean Rank
There is an increase in sexual contents 4.31
Thrilled to watch romantic scenes 3.53
Get Excited to establish romantic relations with opposite sex 3.10
Addicted towards more pornographic movies 2.78
Increases the aggressiveness 3.45
The sexual content does not justify the subject 3.82
Test Statisticsa
N 143
Chi-Square 79.614
df 5
Asymp. Sig. 0.000
a. Friedman Test
Table 6 Descriptive Statistics and Mean Ranks Showing Preference for Following Set of Products
Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Dev. Min Max.
Apparel 143 3.5385 .98416 1.00 5.00
Food & Beverages 143 3.5105 1.18004 1.00 5.00
Furniture 143 3.3706 1.03242 1.00 5.00
Cosmetics 143 3.3427 1.06879 1.00 5.00
Jewellery 143 3.4685 1.03328 1.00 5.00
Health and wellness 143 3.8252 0.95176 1.00 5.00
Bikes/cars 143 4.0699 0.90110 1.00 5.00
Mean Rank
Apparel 3.73
Food & Beverages 3.94
Furniture 3.60
Cosmetics 3.60
Jewellery 3.72
Health and wellness 4.46
Bikes/cars 4.94
Table 7 Mean Rank of Variables Depicting Changes in Consumption Pattern
  Mean Rank
Imitate the dress style and pattern 4.27
Use of dialogues from the movie 4.27
Influences the interactions with friends, relatives and family members 4.07
Impact the interpersonal relations 4.00
More attracted towards the product/brand placement in the movie 3.99
More excitement towards alcoholic drinks and tobacco 3.30
Induces Online shopping 4.10
Table 8 Chi Square Test Statistics, Gender and Imitating Dress Style
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 7.994a 4 .092
Likelihood Ratio 7.814 4 .099
Linear-by-Linear Association .091 1 .763
N of Valid Cases 143    
Table 9 Chi Square Test Statistics, Gender and Use of Dialogues from the Movie
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 6.970a 4 .137
Likelihood Ratio 6.963 4 .138
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.285 1 .257
N of Valid Cases 143    
Table 10 Chi Square Test Statistics, Gender and Influences the Interactions with Friends, Relatives and Family Members
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.126a 4 .058
Likelihood Ratio 9.465 4 .050
Linear-by-Linear Association .033 1 .857
N of Valid Cases 143    
Table 11 Chi Square Test Statistics, Gender and Interpersonal Relations
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 6.711a 4 0.152
Likelihood Ratio 6.614 4 0.158
Linear-by-Linear Association 0.178 1 0.673
N of Valid Cases 143    
Table 12 Chi Square Test Statistics, Gender and More Attraction Towards the Product/Brand Placement in the Movie
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.691a 4 .046
Likelihood Ratio 9.805 4 .044
Linear-by-Linear Association .225 1 .635
N of Valid Cases 143    
Table 13 Chi Square Test Statistics, Gender and Excitement Towards Alcoholic Drinks and Tobacco
Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 10.523a 4 .032
Likelihood Ratio 11.457 4 .022
Linear-by-Linear Association 2.100 1 .147
N of Valid Cases 143    
Table 14 Chi Square Test Statistics, Gender and Online Shopping
Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 16.835a 4 .002
Likelihood Ratio 16.869 4 .002
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.901 1 .168
N of Valid Cases 143    

Observation/Interpretation: Out of the different variables considered in order to know the opinion of consumers, most of the respondents have given highest mean rank to there is more orientation towards OTT platforms and others as compared to theatres followed by movie selection depends upon the cast, storyline and the director along with the reviews. However out of all the factors, the respondents have least favour that Indian cinema does not represent the subjects of 21st century. The test statistics show the value of P (.000) is less than the level of significance and hence can stated that there lies difference in opinion of respondents about Indian cinema.

Impact of Cinema on Behavioural aspects

Observation/Interpretation: From the above table, the researchers can found that the respondents have given highest mean rank to different scenes such as murder, rape; vengeance has deep psychological impact followed by raising social issues, awareness and dialogues. Out of all the behavioural traits, the respondents have given the least mean rank to positive behavioural trait as instilling values such as empathy, compassion and determination. Thus the subject and content of Indian cinema should be based on developing such values as well. The result of Friedman Test statistics shows the value of P to be (.000) which is less than the level of significance. This clearly states the fact that there lies difference in the mean ranks of different variables representing behavioural aspects of the respondents.

Respondents Opinion on Sexual Content in the Movie

Observation/Interpretation: Considering the responses, 65.8% of the respondents agree that there is an increase in the sexual contents in the movie. 40.6% of the respondents agree that they are thrilled to watch romantic scenes, 35.7% of the respondents agree that they get excited to establish romantic relations with opposite sex while 40% of the respondents disagreed to this fact, 31.5% of the respondents agree that they got addicted towards more pornographic movies while 52.5% of the respondents disagreed to it. 51% of the respondents agreed that the sexual content in the movie does not justify the subject. Comparing the mean ranks, it can be seen that the highest mean rank is for that there is an increase in the sexual contents in the movie followed by sexual content in the movie does not justify the subject while the least mean rank is of addicted towards more pornographic movies. The results of the Friedman Test statistics show that the value of P (0.000) is less than the level of significance and hence can be concluded that there lies difference in the opinion of respondents regarding various factors depicting sexual content in the movie.

Cinema Influences Preferences for Following Set of Products

Observation/Interpretation: Based on the above table, it can be seen that most of the respondents agreed that cinema has larger influence for bikes/cars followed by health and wellness products, food and beverages while it influences the least in buying furniture and cosmetics. The mean rank is also the highest in case of bikes/cars and the lowest in case of furniture and cosmetics. Hence it can be said that the largest influence of cinema is on the consumption of bikes/cars followed by health and wellness products.

Changes in Consumption Pattern with Respect to Respondents

Observation: From the above table, it can be seen that most of the respondents do agree that they imitate the dress style and pattern and they use the dialogues from the movie. They also agree that cinema influences online shopping. However the respondents have given least rank on case of cinema influences them towards alcoholic drinks and tobacco. Thus it can be seen that cinema has indeed influenced consumption pattern of respondents from Gen Z.

Changes in Consumption Pattern with Respect to Gender of the Respondents

Imitate the dress style and pattern

Observation/Interpretation: The results of the chi square show that the value of P (.092) is greater than the level of significance (0.05), hence there is no association between gender of the respondents and their imitation of dress style and pattern.

Use of Dialogues from the Movie

Observation/Interpretation: The results of the chi square show that the value of P (.137) is greater than the level of significance (0.05), hence there is no association between gender of the respondents and the use of dialogues from the movie.

Influences the Interactions with Friends, Relatives and Family Members

Observation/Interpretation: The results of the chi square show that the value of P (.058) is greater than the level of significance (0.05), hence there is no association between gender of the respondents and influencing the interactions with friends, relatives and family members.

Impact the Interpersonal Relations

Observation/Interpretation: The results of the chi square show that the value of P (.152) is greater than the level of significance (0.05), hence there is no association between gender of the respondents and cinema impacting the interpersonal relations.

More Attracted towards the Product/Brand Placement in the Movie

Observation/Interpretation: The results of the chi square show that the value of P (.046) is less than the level of significance (0.05), hence there is strong evidence of association between gender of the respondents and more attraction towards the product/brand placement in the movie. Hence it can be said that gender of the respondents influences the attraction towards product/brand placement in the movie.

More Excitement towards Alcoholic Drinks and Tobacco

Observation/Interpretation: The results of the chi square show that the value of P (.032) is less than the level of significance (0.05), hence there is strong evidence of association between gender of the respondents and more excitement towards the alcoholic drinks and tobacco.

Induces On line shopping

Observation/Interpretation: The results of the chi square show that the value of P (.002) is less than the level of significance (0.05), hence there is strong evidence of association between gender of the respondents and inducement towards on line shopping. Hence it can be concluded that impact of cinema on online shopping differs across gender.

Findings and Conclusions

Based on the observations, the authors have found that the Indian cinema has larger impact on consumption pattern and behavioural traits of Gen Z. There are few changes in consumption pattern which varies across gender such as inducement towards online shopping, excitement towards alcoholic drinks and tobacco, attraction towards product/brand placement in the movie. Out of all the behavioural traits, the respondents have given the least mean rank to positive behavioural trait as instilling values such as empathy; compassion and determination while highest mean rank to negative behavioural traits. The respondents have given highest mean rank to different scenes such as murder, rape; vengeance has deep psychological impact followed by raising social issues, awareness and dialogues.

Policy Recommendation

The findings of the study will help the companies in making suitable policies and strategies regarding changes in consumption demand of Gen Z. At the same time, these companies can also get to know the larger influence of cinema on buying behavior of consumers on different types of products. The study will also help the different stakeholders such as parents, government, cinema producing companies regarding the pros and cons of cinema on Gen Z so that timely interventions can be done. The producers of the movies need to select subjects which can still values such as empathy, compassion and determination. The producers/directors of the movies shall also discourage to have sexual content only when it justifies the subject. The marketers of products and brands particularly bikes/cars, health and wellness products can go aggressively with cinema advertisement finding the impact of cinema on consumption pattern of Gen Z.

Limitations and Future Scope of Research

The researchers have studied the subject of impact of cinema on the behavioural and consumption patterns based only on selected dimensions.The study is only limited to selected respondents from Gen Z from Pune city, India. The researchers’ and respondents’ perception regarding impact of cinema on changes in behavioural and consumption paterrn may differ. The study can be taken forward in case of larger sample size covering larger geographical area. The findings of the research will help the future researchers to carry out research study on the subject of study covering larger geography and population. The findings related to changes in behavioural and consumption pattern of Gen Z can help in understanding the overall changes in consumption of Gen Z.


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Received: 24-Apr-2024, Manuscript No. AMSJ-24-14715; Editor assigned: 25-Apr-2024, PreQC No. AMSJ-24-14715(PQ); Reviewed: 26-Jul-2024, QC No. AMSJ-24-14715; Revised: 03-Aug-2024, Manuscript No. AMSJ-24-14715(R); Published: 03-Sep-2024

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