Allied Academies

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Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies (JIACS)
Classroom teaching cases, with Instructor's Notes, on subjects which are taught in Business Schools. These cases can be Library or Field based, or Illustrative, but all must be accompanied by Instructor's Notes
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (AEJ)
Theoretical and empirical works in Entrepreneurship
International Journal of Entrepreneurship (IJE)
Theoretical or empirical works in International Entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship in international settings
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (JEE)
Theoretical, empirical or applied research or educational or case studies in Entrepreneurship Education
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal (AAFSJ)
Theoretical or empirical works in Accounting or Finance
Academy of Educational Leadership Journal (AELJ)
Any study involving education, except economic or entrepreneurship education.
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research (JEEER)
Theoretical, empirical, applied, or qualitative research and educational or case studies into economics or economic education
Journal of International Business Research (JIBR)
Theoretical or empirical works in International Business or studies of businesses or business issues located in international venues
Academy of Strategic Management Journal (ASMJ)
Theoretical or empirical works in Management, Strategic Management or Leadership
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (AMSJ)
Theoretical and empirical works in Marketing
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (JMIDS)
Theoretical or empirical works in information systems or decision sciences
Business Studies Journal (BSJ)
Qualitative research in business and business issues
Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (JLERI)
Theoretical or empirical works in Business Law, Ethics or Governmental or Regulatory Issues
Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict (JOCCC)
Theoretical or empirical works in Organizational Culture, Communications, Conflict Resolution, Organizational Behavior, or Human Resources

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We are an association of scholars, whose purpose is to support and encourage research and the sharing and exchange of ideas, knowledge and insights throughout the world.

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The members of our affiliates are primarily teaching professors in business schools from around the world who lack research support staff and relief time. It is our special mission to serve this faculty. Come join us and let us show you the powerful and compelling research that such professors produce.

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| Volume 7, Issue 2 | 2001

2001: Volume 7, Issue 2

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