International Journal of Entrepreneurship (Print ISSN: 1099-9264; Online ISSN: 1939-4675)


Women Entrepreneurship on Digital Platform: -A Case Study of Twin City of Odisha

Author(s): Keyarani Mondal, Rupsa Mahapatra

The emergence of digital platforms, in the context of business has changed dramatically, specifically for women. This study looks into the several aspects of women entrepreneurship in digital ecosystem, emphasizing the obstacles and opportunities encountered by women entrepreneurs while utilizing technology to move their businesses forward. Studies indicate that digital platforms offer improved access to markets, networks, and resources; all of which are essential to reduce conventional entry barriers. However, obstacles including financial accessibility, computer literacy, and gender bias still exist and have an impact on the sustainability and growth of women-led business. The paper emphasizes the significance of targeted activities and policies that assist the development of an inclusive digital entrepreneurial environment, by highlighting the distinctive experiences of female entrepreneurs in digital ecosystem

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