Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


Unveiling the Dynamics: An Exploratory Study on the Factors Shaping the Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing

Author(s): Vijaya E, Balaji Vejju, Siriman Naveen and Gowri Kusuma Pinjarla

Social Media Marketing (SMM) holds a pivotal role in modern digital marketing strategies, serving as a vital avenue for businesses to connect with their target audience, bolster brand visibility, drive website traffic, and achieve marketing objectives. Within the dynamic digital landscape, social media platforms play a multifaceted role, impacting individuals, businesses, and society at large by extending market reach to previously untapped customer segments. Assessing the efficacy of advertisements on social networking sites is crucial for marketers, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing effective web-ad design to maximize returns. This study employs purposive sampling and structured questionnaires to explore these factors and their impact on web-ad effectiveness, utilizing Factor analysis for data analysis. The findings identify four key factors crucial for effective web advertising: Web-ad content, Web-ad placement, Web-ad presentation, and Celebrity presence in web-ads. Notably, Web-ad content emerges as the most influential factor in determining the effectiveness of social media advertising, highlighting the significance of content quality and relevance in driving audience engagement and conversion rates. The systematic application of factor analysis enables a deeper understanding of these influencing factors, offering insights into how marketers can optimize each aspect to enhance overall advertising effectiveness.

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