Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)


The Role of Financial Inclusion Contribution on the Financial Performance At commercial Jordanian Banks

Author(s): Abd Al-Salam Al-Hamad, Res. Mohammad Jebreel, & Mohammad ALDweiri,

The study aims to demonstrate the role of Financial Inclusion FI on the financial performance at commercial Jordanian banks. The study used the descriptive approach in dealing with the theoretical side and the analytical method in the applied side using a questionnaire. The study recommended that the Central Bank of Jordan should follow up the implementation of the national strategy and develop legislation and regulatory systems to develop methods for obtaining financial services for the commercial Jordanian banks commercial Jordanian banks. The study emphasized the need to facilitate legal and regulatory procedures to stimulate the use of modern and innovative technologies such as mobile phones and financial wallets in financial services, as well as targeting projects that are not currently serviced by the banking sector to allow access to funds at the right place and time at a reasonable cost.

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