International Journal of Entrepreneurship (Print ISSN: 1099-9264; Online ISSN: 1939-4675)


The role of Central Bank on Entrepreneurship Development: The case of Sudan

Author(s): Yagoub Ali Gangi

This paper delves into the multifaceted role that Central Bank of Sudan (CBOS) assumes in nurturing and advancing entrepreneurship within Sudan. The research employs a case Study method. The main finding of the research is that, CBOS operates as a pivotal financial institution with regulatory and monetary authority over the nation's financial landscape. Through its policies, regulations, and initiatives, CBOS shapes the economic environment in which entrepreneurs operate. It employs a combination of fiscal and monetary measures to ensure stability, provide access to finance, and facilitate a conducive atmosphere for business startups and expansions. One of CBOS's primary roles is to ensure a stable macroeconomic environment that promotes investor confidence and attracts both domestic and foreign investment. By maintaining price stability and managing inflation, CBOS enhances the predictability necessary for entrepreneurs to make informed decisions and plan for the future. Additionally, CBOS's regulatory framework governs banking and financial activities, including lending practices, which indirectly influence the availability of funding for entrepreneurial ventures. CBOS also actively supports financial inclusion, a critical aspect of entrepreneurship development. Through initiatives aimed at expanding access to financial services and promoting digital payment solutions, CBOS facilitates transactions, reduces the barriers to entry for startups, and encourages economic participation across various sectors. Furthermore, CBOS collaborates with relevant stakeholders to provide targeted financing programs for entrepreneurs. By working alongside commercial banks and development institutions, CBOS enhances entrepreneurs' access to credit, enabling them to invest in their ventures and drive economic expansion. These efforts often focus on sectors with high growth potential, such as technology, agriculture, and manufacturing.

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