Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686)


The Relevance of Commitment Human Resources Practices on the Performance of Smes: the Mediating Role of Positive Employee Attitudes

Author(s): Ibrahim Tanko Gampine

The purpose of this study is to propose a new bundle of human resources management practices. Furthermore, this study examines the impact of these practices on organizational performance through a mediating role of Positive Employee Attitudes (PEA). The study is examined through the lens of Attribution Theory. This study adopted a quantitative approach using survey data of 327 service sector employees across five service centers. Both the SPSS and Smart PLS are used to analyze the data. The findings reveal that commitment human resource management practices positively impact organizational performance (B= .568; p<.000). The results also support the mediating hypothesis that positive employee attitudes mediate the relationships between commitment human resource practices and organizational performance (B=.143; t=4.480; p<.000). The perceived commitment HRM practices cause positive behavioral outcomes. This is translated into positive employee attitudes (PEA). In conclusion, this study argues that core commitment human resource practices positively impact organizational performance. So, to gain competitive advantages, human resource specialists and top management must mobilize both high commitment and high-performance practices. These practices are mutually supportive and emitting cumulative effects greater than that the sum of the individual practices. Employee positive attitudes can create superior organizational performance. Thus, management of SMEs must equally focus on commitment HRM strategies.

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