Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)


The legitimacy of Adhesion Contract in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Author(s): Dr. Abdulaziz Alkhalifa

The use of adhesion contract has been growing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Providers and sellers prefer such a method of legal agreement since it protect their interest and facilitate the process of legal commitment as it saves the time of negotiation. However, injustice and exploitation may result from such contract since most of the essential goods and services are offered through the adhesion contract. On the hand, there has been an ambiguity in regard of the legality of such a contract in the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia lacks laws that govern adhesion contract which may result in in consistency of judicial ruling. The paper defines such a contract and clarifies and abolish the ambiguity. It offers a detailed explanation of adhesion contract and its conformity with Islamic Principles. It, also, sheds a light on legal issues related to adhesion contract and provides several solutions.

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