Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


The Influence of Perceived Usefulness on Purchase Intentions: Insights from Consumer Behaviour Research

Author(s): Amrita Sengupta and Abhijit Pandit

In the framework of study on consumer behaviour, this article makes an investigation into the connection between perceived usefulness (PU) and purchase intention (PI). To gain an understanding of the theoretical foundations and empirical evidence that support this link, it evaluates the existing body of research. Prior research has mostly focused on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and other related frameworks to investigate how the perception of utility (PU) influences the attitudes and intentions of consumers with regard to adopting or acquiring items. PU has a crucial influence in moulding consumer decisions, and the study highlights its implications for marketing strategies that aim to enhance product acceptance and sales. The paper is a synthesis of the research that highlights the significance of PU.

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