Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Print ISSN: 1098-8394; Online ISSN: 1528-2651)


The Effect of Organizational Relationship and Competitive Strategy on the Performance of Wholesale Network Service Business in Indonesia

Author(s): Moh. Riza Sutjipto, Ernie Tisnawati Sule, Sucherly, Umi Kaltum

This study aims to examine the influence of organizational relationship and competitive strategy on the performance of wholesale network services business in Indonesia partially and simultaneously. The research used is quantitative method. Observation using time horizon (time horizon) is cross section / one shot, meaning information or data obtained is the results of research conducted at one particular time in 2017. Unit analysis in this study is Wholesale Network service company in Indonesia, so the observations unitis the management of the Wholesale Network service company. Based on the result of documentation study, it is known that Wholesale Network service company in Indonesia amounts to ± 29 companies, so that this research will be conducted by census to examine all members of the population. Causality analysis is used to analyze the causality relationship between research variables in accordance with the hypothesis that is compiled. This analysis uses Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that Organizational Relationship and Competitive Strategy significantly influenced Business Performance, where Organizational Relationship has greater influence than competitive strategy. The results of this study are expected to give implications to the management of wholesale network services company in Indonesia in an effort to improve business performance through organizational relationship development and competitive strategy.

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