Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)


The Approach of Digital Transformation to Standardization of Public Sector Services: Russian Case of Remote Work

Author(s): Natalya Vladimirovna Yudina, Svetlana Vasilievna Zemlyak, Victor Mikhailovich Kondrashov

The article is devoted to the problems of standardization of labor activity of employees of domestic budgetary institutions in the conditions of massive spread of remote work in the sphere of education, health care and culture. The purpose of the study is development of areas for optimization of the existing practice of labor rate setting on the example of a case of labor relations in the Russian public sector. Research methods are based on the principles of remuneration of public sector employees in compliance with the model of performance-based contract of employment. As the result of the study, modern problems of labor rate setting in the public sector have been revealed, and key aspects of modern practice of labor rate setting for budgetary institutions employees have been systematized using a Russian case as the example. The authors suggest the approach of microelement rate setting of labor activity of budgetary institution employees working remotely. Further research areas can be models of optimization of the domestic practice of labor rate setting in the public sector.

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