Author(s): Abhinay Nedunuru and Pravallika Nethi
The past decade has witnessed a surge in SEI research, resulting in important insights regarding the role of SEI in creating social ventures. However, the rapid growth of SEI research, emerging literature, and the undeniable fact that SEI builds on various disciplines and fields has resulted in fragmented literature without a dominant framework. The current research aims to explore the determinants of social entrepreneurial intentions leading to social venture creation behavior and develop a framework, thereby widening the knowledge of SEI. We adopted a systematic literature review process for this study by analyzing 80 relevant research papers with SEI as the core theme, identifying research gaps, and recommending a future agenda. The review resulted in the classification of antecedents into Situational and Dispositional factors, further leading to the development of the ADO framework. In addition, research gaps identified include the role of education, age, personality factors, and social media influence on SEI creation. The study offers a paradigmatic picture of the topic, underlines current research trends, summarizes literature from different disciplinary origins, establishes links between unrelated streams of research, and reveals research gaps.