Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)


Simultanious elections in India:A socio-legal perspective

Author(s): Ms Lochan Gupta, Dr Madhu Bala

Simultaneous elections refer to the concept of holding various elections such as those for local, state and national offices at the same time. The idea involves streamlining the electoral process, reducing costs in addition to minimizing political disruptions.It can enhance governance by providing stable terms and focused policy making. However, challenges include logistical complexities, potential dilution of local issues in need of urgent constitutional amendments.The simultaneous elections involve balancing efficiency with democratic principles.The idea poses challenge due to differing electoral cycles. Logistically managing simultaneous elections demand robust infrastructure including sufficient polling stations,electoral personnel and resources.Ensuring fair representation and preventing the overshadowing of local issues during a national election is crucial.It requires political consensus having divergent interests.

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