Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


Psychological, Social, and Cultural Drivers of Slow Travel Intent: The Case of Kedarnath Pilgrimage with Environmental Concern as a Moderator

Author(s): Jitender Bhandari, Vinay Rana and Shalini Singh

This study explores the psychological, social, and cultural drivers of slow travel intent in the context of the Kedarnath pilgrimage, incorporating environmental concern (EC) as a moderating factor. Given the global shift towards sustainable and immersive travel, the research highlights the interplay between personal values, peer influence, and cultural curiosity in shaping slow travel behaviour. The study employs a quantitative methodology, utilizing survey data from 320 tourists visiting Kedarnath, analysed through multiple regression and moderation analysis (PROCESS Macro) to examine relationships among the identified variables. Findings reveal that personal values (PV) have the strongest influence on slow travel intent (STI), followed by peer influence (PI) and cultural curiosity (CC). Additionally, STI significantly enhances destination branding (DB), with EC amplifying this relationship. The study contributes to theoretical advancements by integrating psychological, social, and cultural dimensions into slow travel research. Practically, it offers insights for destination managers to promote sustainable tourism and enhance Kedarnath’s brand identity. Future research may explore slow travel across different tourism contexts to generalize findings.

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