Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


Preparedness of Innovation & Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Faculty Engagement in Indian Higher Educational Institutions - A Faculty Perspective Study

Author(s): Dipan Sahu, Aradhana Goutam, Prerna Gaur, Sudhir K Jain and Uday Salunkhe

In the past few years, there has been increasing importance of academic entrepreneurship aligning with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs') overarching mission of fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. This research paper focuses on understanding the relationship between entrepreneurial engagement of faculty members and entrepreneurial ecosystem preparedness in Indian higher education institutions. This study has explored the pivotal role of Ecosystem Preparedness and Faculty Engagement in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship within HEIs. To assess this relationship, 1506 valid responses obtained through selective and simple random sampling, the study applied a descriptive research method and Structural Equation Modeling (AMOS 24). The study uncovers significant correlations to understand the complex dynamics within the academic ecosystem and their direct implications for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship readiness in HEIs. The outcomes of the study show a positive and significant association between Ecosystem Preparedness and Faculty Engagement in Indian HEIs. The study highlights the mutual interrelation of factors; a robust system, effective strategies, leadership, and a nurturing culture are key pillars ecosystem preparedness. It highlights the significance of fostering a conducive ecosystem while simultaneously nurturing comprehensive faculty engagement in different kinds of entrepreneurial activities. These insights offer practical implications for HEIs navigating the environment for innovation and entrepreneurship.

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